Dear Elder Sean,
How are you this week? We are enjoying spring, which is officially here, but also it has brought pleasant weather, finally. It seemed like a really long winter this year.
To start, I need to tell you some sad news. Travis Hugentobler passed away yesterday in a motorcycle accident, dirt biking in southern Utah. Jodie called me late last night after they got the news and we've all been in shock since then. My heart aches for all of them. She called me from a gas station just outside of town because they had heard about his accident and were driving down to be with him when they got the news that he had died. They were all in such shock that they literally didn't know what to do-keep going to southern Utah or go back home. I was in such shock too that I couldn't think clearly to answer her question and told her I'd call her right back. I really felt they would be more comfortable back at home surrounded by their friends and loved ones. Dad and I met them when they got back home which was around 1:45am. All I could do was wrap my arms around Jodie, Joel, Quinn, Melanie. They Beagley's also came over. We had a family prayer with them which was heart wrenching and then blessings were given to each member of the family. It was especially hard to watch the pain Mel was feeling. It was hard not being able to fix it or take care of it, just be there for love and support. Jodie is like a sister to me, not only cuz we look like sisters, but we totally understand each other, so I just want to take this pain from her. It's going to be a difficult week.
Today was Derek Hansen's farewell. He's very ready to go, not only because he had to wait 4 months after he got his call, but I could tell from his talk that he'll be an excellent missionary. I'm sure you'd be proud to have him in your mission. He has a good head on his shoulders.
This past week Alex had his pre-festival concert where they're adjudicated. Every group this year was phenomenal. Mr. McMullen has proven himself to be an amazing choir/music teacher. Alex felt like they did very well at festival. They probably won't get their scores until after spring break.
Because we want to be here for the Hugentobler's this week, we won't be going down to Utah. Dad still hasn't heard what the pay will be from St. Luke's to go to Weiser and Mtn. Home, so we really can't make any big decisions until then. In Utah dad was going to be meeting with some of the ER docs down there, so I guess if St. Luke's doesn't come through, we may have to make a quick trip down there to talk with them. We were also looking forward to seeing Axel and meeting his fiance.
I'm going to send you some pictures of Alex and his friends jammin on our front porch. They were so funny. One day they all just decided to get instruments and start playing. They made up a couple tunes. Alex borrowed Kirk's ukulele and then they thought they were so good that they went downtown to the Grove and started playing. This past weekend they've been having some
We all (Trumbo family) had a family fast today for Cheyenne, Patrice's oldest. She keeps having these seizures and she's going into UCI this next week so they can monitor her. We're hoping and praying they will find out what's wrong and be able to treat her for it, because it's been very scary for her.
The sister missionary who taught Alex Erickson's girlfriend-now wife Sharon. She didn't know they had moved, so I found some phone numbers for her. She's going home in a week and wanted to check on them. She was not happy that they hadn't invited her to the sealing-but deep down she was very happy that they are doing well.
I typed 4 patriarchal blessings last week. I usually do about 2 a week, so I was busy with that. This has been such a wonderful calling for me. I love it. It always makes me think about my own blessing and reminds me to read it often.
I hope you've had some successful contacts this past week. I don't know why searching for the elect can be so difficult at times. Are they hiding? I only know that Heavenly Father is a God of order and because of our gift of agency, He can't just place families in your path until they are truly ready. So in the meantime, you fishers of men have to just always be out there at sea waiting and ready with your pole until the elect come to the right point in their life and then decide on their own to take a swim in your particular ocean, at the exact depth of your fishing line where you are anxiously waiting to bring them on board. Your waiting is not a punishment, although I'm sure it feels like that to many. The best fishermen have developed patience beyond measure, love of the very act of fishing and are willing to be tossed to and fro with the wind and the sea knowing with faith that the elect will come. Listening to your letters, I know that you have become a true fisher of men and will be an instrument for the Lord as He needs you.
I just got off the phone with my dad. He said to send his love. He just went through some of his old mission things and found his rule book. He said there weren't very many rules in it and it was a skinny book. He wants to sit with my mom and have someone make a DVD of them talking about their lives. I told him I'd love to do that, so I may have to make another trip to CA this summer. He said I'd need to come up with good questions that they can answer on the spur of the moment. He's still working hard every day, trying to take care of my mom and generally being the glue of our family. He says he needs to get a hernia repaired, but other than that he's feeling great.
Well, I hope you are doing well and having an enjoyable p-day. You mean the world to me and I hope you're happy and of course, anxiously engaged in good causes. My love and prayers are always with you.
Love you,