June 5, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
Well, I sent off a pkg for you this afternoon. In it I put your new bank card. The one you have now expires the end of this month, so this new one is good to go. I made it so it's also a Visa card/credit card as well as a debit card. The credit part of it is just for an emergency. I also had to pick your pin # so I hope I made it easy enough to remember. It's 7788. You'll have to think of something to help you remember that one. If you forget, you'll have to wait til pday and ask me. Be sure and let me know when you get it. I was kind of nervous sending something like that in the mail.
We actually enjoyed a full day of rain here which is pretty rare. It's nothing like what you guys are getting, when I say rain, it's really more like misting all day. But we've needed it.
Dad is at work tonight and I just put the girls down. Tomorrow is the last day of school. For the Elementary school, that just means parties. For Alex, that means a couple more finals. So far he's done quite well so I suspect he'll keep that up tomorrow. He went to the church and played basketball tonight with Jon Kjar and a couple other guys. I'll be going to Kristina's class tomorrow to help with some hula hoop game. Leah will only get one day of rest, then I'm taking her to Sylvan for testing and she'll take classes there all summer.
We're getting a shed built in the backyard. They poured the cement today. The VanWagenen's are building it for us, Mark and his son Russ. It will be nice to have a place to park the lawn equipment instead of taking up room in the garage.
This past Sunday dad got a new counselor in his bishopric. Bro. Houssian was released and Bro. Crosgrove was called. They also released Steve Campbell as exec. secty and made him scoutmaster. Bro. Adcock is the new exec. secty. Bro. Crosgrove will be an excellent counselor. We'll also miss Bro. Houssian though. He's such a great man. But this will be nice for him to be able to spend more time with his family-all those boys of his.
We also had all the seniors and their parents over on Sunday night for our annual senior's fireside. I love having them here and listening to their parents talk about them and hearing what the kids have to say about their plans and also how they feel about their parents. Remember when we did that at Bishop Stafford's?
Dad went to Alma Academy last week too. He only took the boys up there and went back up the next day for the afternoon and the testimony mtg. But it was a good thing he was there the first morning cuz just after he left, he got a call saying that Corey Campbell had fallen and broken his collar bone. Dad had to turn around and go back and bring Corey home. Corey ended up getting surgery the next day and having some plates put in there. This is Alex's first year to go to Helaman. I'm excited for him. We'll let you know how that goes.
Jill Erickson said they got a letter from Alex's mission president telling them the date that Alex would be coming home-Sept 19. We haven't heard anything from yours yet. I hope we hear pretty soon, so we can start making plans, etc. Jill also said that Rocky Mtn Fitness called and said to tell Alex he had a job as soon as he got back. Alex could probably get you back working there too if you wanted, but there's plenty of other possibilities out there for you too. We'll worry about that later.
Your pix of the service project were great. I can't imagine having that much mud around and walking around in it and living in it. I'm glad you were able to help. How wonderful to have willing, strong elders helping take care of things. Also I couldn't really tell much detail of your shoes that are wrecked in the picture you sent. If you get a chance to take another one and get more light on them, maybe put them in direct sunlight, then I'll send the picture to Petersen's and have a new pair waiting for you here.
How has the teaching been going? How is Andres and his wife? Have they made a decision about getting married, etc.? Show them the picture of all of us in white at the temple being sealed together as a family.
I'm glad to hear you got Grandpa Trumbo's letter. He said he was anxious to write you his feelings and had wanted to know if you had gotten the letter. I love that you're still working hard and having a desire to even continue to stay there. That tells me how much you love your mission and missionary work and the people of the DR. I know that there are still people there today praying to know what to do in life and where to find happiness and the Lord will place them in your path. Listen to the spirit and follow the promptings quickly.
Here are some tips for the week:
1. Always add to your finding pool, even if your teaching and baptizing pools are high. It's amazing how quickly you can find yourself with no investigators.
2. Establish a reputation for doing something outstanding, like having immaculately shined shoes, sharply pressed trousers or a missionary haircut.
3. Respect missionaries from other religions. Like you, they believe they have been called to do a work among God's children.
This past week I went out to dinner with Jodie Hugentobler and a couple friends of hers from Wyoming. One of the women had just returned from a trip to Africa where she and her family donated their time and talents in helping build a school there. They went with a group that is run by a couple in Utah and they need people all the time to help them out. It sounds like something I would love to do. They go twice a year and your kids can go with you, they just help out also in the orphanages and teaching the families how to cook, sew and garden. I told dad about it, but I think we have to at least wait until he's not bishop. You go for 3 weeks at a time and you live in a convent while you're there. Anyway, that really interests me and I hope to be able to do something like that one day.
Well, I better sign off. Sean said he loved your letter you sent and can't wait to actually talk in Spanish with you at Christmas. I don't know if he was able to write you back or not, but I know he really enjoyed hearing from you. He mentioned your letter again in a handwritten letter we got yesterday. You're a great brother and set such a wonderful example. Keep up the good work and remain true to the faith.
I love you a bunch.
une 12, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
How has your week been? I have to say I've been thinking about you a lot lately and I'll tell you why. Alex went to Helaman Academy last week, his first year. Well, of course he came back with his head shaved and I can't believe how much he looks like you now. Everybody is saying that. I went into his room to wake him up the other day and I saw you sleeping in the bed. He's really changing as he's getting taller and older and I never would have guessed that he'd look so much like you. I told him maybe his hair will even grow back curly. He's at a friends house tonight for a 16th b-day party. All his friends are turning 16 now, so they have these big bashes.
Dad and Alex said the academies were great, as usual. Alex really enjoyed his first year. Our ward did well in all the events, so Alex never had to eat any weird food. He said Bro. Shaw gave a really good talk about Joseph Smith too.
Last weekend was Eagle Fun Days. We all went to the parade. We sat with the Sorensen's. It was perfect weather this year, not too hot, not too cold. The girls got drenched from the fire trucks which they loved. The wet part of the parade was really long this year.
On sunday I went to one of Sean's roommate's farewells, Brandon McKell. He's going to Brazil. He flies straight from Boise to Brazil to the CTM there.
Sean only has a couple weeks left in the MTC. We got his hand written letter yesterday. He sounds really good and in good spirits. He has a small list of things for us to get to him before he leaves. We're going to try and get as many things to him now while it's easy to ship. We hear horror stories about trying to send packages to Argentina. We've been spoiled with how easy it is to get things to you. Speaking of that, have you gotten the bank card yet? Just let me know.
How are Andres and his wife doing? How about Altagracia? I think it's a great idea that you are including the ward members, the bishopric, etc and taking them with you to make your visits. That makes a huge difference in member retention. And it only makes sense that everyone likes to feel welcomed and at least know a few people when they go some place new.
I hope you've been able to keep cool. Has there been any more rain? We actually had one whole day of rain last Sunday. couldn't believe we got that much, but it sure is needed. The shed is coming along. The VanWagenens are working hard. It will probably be finished by the end of this week.
Can you believe we don't even have our garden in yet. We've been holding off until the shed is done. Dad is growing some plants in the basement in the laundry room with a special light. We usually try to get the garden going right after Mother's Day. I hope we don't miss our window of opportunity.
Leah is enjoying her "new school" Sylvan. She loves getting the tokens and then making her purchases for fun toys. They are so supportive there and it's really what Leah needs. She struggles with learning, but she sure has a big heart and always wants to please and do good. Sometimes she acts before she thinks though and it gets her into trouble. She's working hard on that so she can be ready to be baptized in the fall.
I've been busy with the kids home. Took Alex all around today getting his paperwork he needed to get his driver's permit. He starts drivers ed on July 2nd. He's more than ready to start driving. I've also been typing quite a few patriarchal blessings lately. I guess there's a little bit of a rush at the end of the school year. Anyway, it's really been keeping my fingers busy. I really love that calling and working with the patriarch.
I'm also starting my work on the 11 yr old scout day camp. I'm trying to get all the instructors lined up. Wish you were here to help teach the lashing class. I had Scott McCauley do it last year. He's getting married in 2 weeks and will be staying in our ward living at his parents for the summer.
It sounds like from your letter that you're getting to the point in your mission where you can see the end in sight but really love what you're doing and would like to keep it going. I love the dream you had. Three months is still a lot of time to get a lot of work done, so keep working hard, but you really have been a tremendous missionary and I'm sure will continue to be so throughout your life.
Dad and I would really like to travel to the DR right after your release date and spend a few days with you there, then come home. We won't show up until after you've had your last meetings with the President, etc. and we don't plan on staying there a long time, but we'd love to be able to see a little of what you're experiencing and maybe meet a few people. I hope that doesn't feel awkward to you or make you uncomfortable in any way. I would never want that. Just let us know. You're our first missionary, Kirk, so we're just trying to figure things out too. We might have to make it a little tradition or something.
I'll send you some pix of the academy in another email. Hope you enjoy them. It's fun seeing all the boys around town with their new haircuts. You can tell who's been at the academies. :)
If there's anyone you'd like me to pray for that you're working with, let me know. I love you and miss you. Have a great week.
Love you much,
June 19, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
Well, I guess we're practically officially in summer again. It sure feels like it. It's supposed to be in the 90's all week. But luckily for us, we're taking a little vacation to a place in Oregon called Wallowa Lake. It's only supposed to be in the 70's there. Yippee. We rented a cabin there for 3 nights and 4 days, kind of like how we did when we went to Redfish Lake. This place is supposed to be a lot bigger though. There's a city nearby that you can go to to shop and eat, play mini golf, bumper boats, etc. There's lots of hiking trails and also horseback riding too. So I think it sounds like a lot of fun. Jared Westerberg and his family just went there and they loved it. They actually go there often. that's how we heard about it. We'll let you know next week what it was like and send you pictures.
We have Brandon Robertson here for a few days. He's in town visiting his dad and brother. Alex loves having him here. They've been riding their bikes downtown for icees and playing video games and basketball.
As for the rest of the family, I'm trying to keep them all occupied. It's kind of hard especially when it gets too hot to play outside. Yes, I know...we need a pool. We say that every summer. But we got a slip-n-slide instead.
We had a nice Father's Day. In the morning, we made dad some egg, sausage, potato goulash. Then he opened presents. He, of course, got a new tie and also a tie pin. Me and Alex gave him this thing called Wolverine. It's kind of like an iPod but it has 100G and can hold movies, pictures, record shows from TV, records audio, music and it's real easy to create a slide show and just plug it into the TV to show your slides. Dad is always having a hard time when he wants to speak at a fireside or give a lesson and he can't seem to get his pictures from our computer to show up on the TV's. so hopefully this will help. Wish you were here to help him learn it, but Alex says he now knows more electronically than you do since you've been gone so long. We'll see. I remember how easy anything electronic is for you. For Father's Day dinner we had BBQ chicken pizza, corn on the cob and Frito salad. Kristina made some gooey chocolate cookies for dessert.
We got a new pair of Propets in the mail last week, so if you want me to send them to you I can. If not, I'll just keep them here.
The shed in the backyard is almost finished. It looks really good. We have to paint it the same color as our house. It will be so nice to have a spot to put all the equipment.
Sounds like your zone conference was really good. So what was your talk about that you didn't have to give? The lesson your president talked about is one I always have to learn over and over again. I catch myself thinking that when there's a problem I wish the other person would change and sometimes I even try to change them, but then I remember that if I just change how I think about things and change my reactions and myself then the problem always seems to either go away or get better. Thanks for sharing that with us cuz it's a great reminder to me.
Hopefully by now you've gotten at least one pkg. I can't believe that I sent the wrong card to you. I wasn't thinking. At least now you've got a full fledged credit card and when you get back home, you can use it and pay it off quickly so that you can start building up your credit. When you pay things on time you get a good credit score which means it's a lot easier to buy a home or start up a business and get a loan if you need it.
We got a letter from Sean yesterday. He sounds like he's really ready to go to Argentina. He'll be flying over your place Monday evening...
I talked with Aunt Susan yesterday. Brig is going to come to our place after EFY, so we're trying to coordinate our plans. She said Trevor graduated from HS last week. It's hard to believe he's already out of high school.
I talked with Grandpa Trumbo over the weekend too. He and grandma just got called to a mission in their area. They're in charge of the missionaries in their area and their apartments. It's a 2-year calling just like yours. He's excited about it. He loves working with the missionaries and with young adults. He'll be good at making sure that the missionaries all keep their apartments clean and in good working order too. So now we have another missionary in the family.
Here are some tips for the week:
1. Need a diversionary tactic to minimize the practice time at district and zone meetings? Ask a lot of questions!
2. When you're having difficulties with a companion, realize that God loves him as much as He loves and cares for you.
3. During discussions, bear testimony of what your companion has just taught.
4. Don't take yourself too seriously.
5. Be the type of missionary your parents think you are.
Well, I hope your week has been good. I'm hoping to hear news soon that Andres has set a date for baptism or at least for marriage. I can't wait to hear your stories. My prayers are with you and your companion always. Have a charitable week!!
Love you,
June 26, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
So, yes, it's very hot here now. The kids run through the sprinklers, use the slip and slide and beg to go to Uncle Bill's. Sounds good to me. I'm taking the cubs on a bike ride down the Greenbelt this week too. We'll probably melt.
So how was your week? I guess you can see by Sean's emails that he's left the MTC and is down in Argentina now. We haven't heard from him. I wish we would get some word from his mission home that he got there safely, but I guess no news is good news. I hope he's doing well. You probably remember well your first week out of the MTC. I think you had it better though since you were used to being in the country already.
Sean spoke a little Spanish for us on the phone when he called from the Atlanta airport and he used the Cordoba accent which is a really strong singing accent. He almost sounded a little Italian Spanish. You guys will have fun talking to each other. Sean said he felt at home in the Atlanta airport and could even feel the humidity seeping through the walls.
We got our letter from your mission president too. I was actually a little sad seeing that you had a release date even though I'm excited for you to be home again too. I guess we have to contact the travel office and let them know we'll be traveling home with you. So we'll get on that.
How fun that you got to do splits with another elder especially someone that you knew from the beginning of your mission. Was it a new area of Moca that you were working in? I love your story about the lady who had watched you guys talking with other people and wondered about what you were teaching. Did you get a chance to go back and talk with her? I was also so impressed that Andres paid tithing before even being a member. That's one of the more difficult commandments for even the members sometimes. Andres is already showing great faith.
Well, we had a great week. Got to have a mini vacation. We went to Wallowa Lake in northeastern Oregon and it was beautiful there. It was like McCall only without the crowds. Our cabin was great. 3 bedrooms and 3 baths and right on the lake. Every day a deer came down out of the mountains and walked in our yard and got water from the lake. We loved watching it. Also there were tons of little chipmunk like squirrels who loved Reeses Pieces cereal that the girls fed them. One even got into our house and ran across mine and dad's bed in the early morning. Quite a strange feeling having a little critter run across your feet in bed. There were lots of hiking trails and that's what we did each day. We hiked to waterfalls as usual. The little girls did a good job and were able to walk quite a ways without complaining. We also played mini golf and went bowling and swam and paddle boated and fished. On Sunday we went to the ward close to there and it reminded us a lot of Hilton Head. Same type building and they were obviously very used to visitors coming during the summer. Everyone agrees that we should go back there some day, so maybe you can make the trip with us next time. I'll send a few pix in another email.
I'm trying to get back to reality here now. Here's what your brother and sisters are up to for the summer.
Alex-drivers ed, EFY, high adventure, parties, stake dances, PSP, working in the yard with dad, choir camp, voice lessons, playing golf and keeping me company.
Kristina-piano lessons, babysitting (for me and for other families now), jump rope club, girls camp for one night with dad.
Leah-sylvan, swim lessons, karate, jump rope club, slip and sliding, eating tons of Otter Pops.
Nikki-swim lessons, dance class, slip and sliding, watching food network with mom (one of her favorite things to do now), Otter Pop eating, losing teeth (she just lost another one yesterday).
When Nikki pulled out her tooth yesterday at dinner, she got so concerned about the blood that she accidentally dropped the tooth on the floor and along came Barkley who picked it up and ate it. We couldn't believe it. Alex joked that he would wait for it to show up and get it back for Nikki in a couple days. Nikki wasn't very happy about this. Then all of a sudden Barkley walked over by Kristina and the tooth dropped out of his mouth. He was about to pick it up again when we all yelled for her to pick it up. Luckily Kristina was quick enough and got the tooth for Nikki. She was very happy to have something for the tooth fairy.
Dad has been busy at work these past couple days and then he goes straight from there to the church. So he's home later in the evenings.
Here are some tips for the week:
1. Spend a week studying 2 Nephi 9.
2. Remember names, not numbers.
3. Resist the urge to read or view anti-Mormon material. some missionaries may say it will hep you be a better missionary, but all it does is fill your mind with false doctrines and uncertainty.
4. Try to have your investigators talk about 50% of the time when you teach a discussion.
Well, we are all well here and anxious as usual to hear from you this week. I read a quote that I like from Elder Oaks about our treasures in heaven and it made me think of you. "The Savior taught that we should not lay up treasures on earth but should lay up treasures in heaven (see Matt. 6:19-21). In light of the ultimate purpose of the great plan of happiness, I believe that the ultimate treasures on earth and in heaven are our children and our posterity."
You are definitely my treasure on earth. Keep up the strong faith and remember to share your testimony often. Remember that sometimes your strongest testimony will be shared through your actions and remember who you are working for and representing.
I love you so much. Have a spirit-filled week.
July 3, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
I'm so anxious to hear how you're doing in your new area. We found it on the map and we even read about the city in our DR book we have. Sounds like those pulgas are a happening place. Is there a ward there or two? Give me some details.
So tell us a little about your new companion. It doesn't sound like you're a trainer any more since you knew him in one of your other zones. Has he been in Dajabon long? Our window washer (sorry I don't know his name) said your city is dry and hot. I doubt that means no humidity, but is it a lot different than other places you've served?
We got our windows cleaned the other day and one of the owners of the window washing place noticed our map of the DR and asked if we had a missionary there. He said about 10 years ago he went to the Santiago DR mission. So he was really excited to learn that you were there. He worked in the office the last few months of his mission so he got to see most cities in the mission and told us all about the places you've served. We showed him some of your pictures too. His parents came and picked him up and he told us some of the places he went with his parents. Then he went back to the DR about 3 years ago. So anyway, it was a lot of fun talking with him. Jared Westerberg works for him and he also was here cleaning our windows. You should see how great they look. Some of them haven't been cleaned since we moved in. I told Alex to get a job with them. They said they'll need someone to take Jared's place when he leaves on his mission, so we'll see...
Well, I have a few minutes of peace and quiet right now. Kristina is babysitting for the Kents, Alex is golfing, Leah and Nikki are at Billy and Fisher's and dad is at the church. We went out earlier and dad bought a bunch of fireworks for tomorrow. I can't remember if I told you this already, but we're going to go to Andrea Jones's house for a bbq and shoot off fireworks. Her dad loves to grill and has bought a huge amount of meat, so he wants us to come very hungry. The Westerberg's will be there too. Jared's mom has been calling and asking questions about getting ready for a mission. I guess I have some answers now that I have two of you out in the field. Jared is her first and she said she already started crying when she went to Petersen's Clothing to buy his suits. She's in trouble. :)
It's going to be in the 100's this week, so I'm going to have to call Aunt Nancy and check about using their pool a couple days or else we're all going to melt.
Sean sounds good in his emails. We got one today that I forwarded to you. He told us his p-day was Wed like yours, so when we got a letter today it kind of threw me off. Now he says his pday is Monday. I hadn't even sent him a letter yet this week, so I feel badly.
Last weekend I went to Matt Dykman's wedding reception, he said to say hi. Remember I told you he married Elizabeth Moore, Monte's older sister. So I went because I'm good friends with Elizabeth's mom through quilting. Elizabeth's sister Kathryn is also getting married in a couple months.
Alex is in the middle of drivers ed now. He says it's pretty fun and the teachers are pretty entertaining. He goes out driving for the first time this Friday. He's driving with Quinn Hugentobler. They have a new law now that you have to drive with your parents for 6 months after you get your permit. Remember you just had to do 4. And also if you're under 17, you can only have one other person in the car with you. So I'm pretty happy about the changes. When you get home, he'll be able to drive with you in the car which will be good. I hope you can remember how to drive. Has it been a while?
The ward is doing well. The singles branch is now a ward and they have a pretty good amount each week. Of course, it's summer time. Do you ever hear from Jason? I don't see him much. Hopefully he's keeping busy.
Our ward isn't growing any more since we don't have any new subdivisions, so it's kind of weird staying the same size. The real estate market has taken a huge dive lately and no one can sell their home. Last year everyone was selling in one or two days, now houses have been on the market for a year. The people that need to move are really frustrated. It's pretty much that way all across the US right now. There are a lot of people in the building business who are suffering right now. No one can predict how long it will last.
Well, that's about it for around here. What are you studying right now, what book or scripture? Just curious. Here are some tips for the week:
1. To get through companion study faster, play the Missionary Guide tapes on high speed. (do you guys use those?)
2. Don't create problems for the next set of missionaries who will move into your area.
3. When you have 138 days left, begin reading the D&C from the back--one section a day. (a little late for that, but you could start at about Section 80)
4.On your final Valentine's Day in the mission field, realize that next year's Valentine's Day will probably be just as lonely. :)
I hope the work is going well for you and your companion and that the members are there for you. Look for small acts of service wherever you go and keep using the gifts you've been given. If you need to, write down the gifts you feel you have now. And remember, your smile always warms hearts. I know that from experience. You are in our prayers.
Have a week full of gratitude.
I love you,
July 10, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
Well, I hope you were able to sort out the debit card situation. Let me know if there's any problems and I can send you another card of yours that I have personally tried here and know that it works at ATM's.
We are hot, hot hot here. It's been in the 100's for quite a while now and most everyone is tired of it and would like a little break. At least it cools off just a bit at night. The girls are outside right now playing in the sprinklers with Fisher. They're pretending it's a hurricane coming when the sprinklers come around and hit them. When Sean wrote this week, he said it was snowing there in Argentina. Can you believe it? Snow in July.
Leah and Nikki are in swim lessons at Rocky Mtn this week and next. Leah is really looking like a pretty good swimmer and that's good since she's the one that wants to be on a swim team some day. Nikki is still trying to get the hang of things but she's trying. Alex just got home from his interview with dad to be ordained a priest and dad's still at the church. I'm trying to finish Alex's 16th birthday photo album without him finding out about it. It's like the one I made for you when you turned 16. It's a lot of work especially when you're trying not to let him see you working on it. I've been doing it while he's been at drivers ed.
His drivers ed has been going well and he's even driving now too with the instructors. They say he's doing well and he really likes driving. With the new law though he won't be able to drive alone until January.
Dad has been busy outside working on his new shed. He's organizing it, painting it and now he's starting to organize the garden. We're putting it in a tad late this year but hopefully we'll have some produce. At least something to make salsa from.
Our 4th of July celebration was fun. We went to Andrea Jones's house and her dad bbq'd and then everyone set off their fireworks. The highlight firework for me was this one called Army Men. There was a firework up in the sky and then all of a sudden all these army men with parachutes dropped from the sky. It was so cool. We'll definitely have to get that one again. Sounds like your 4th was pretty fun too in Monte Cristi.
So now you're in the desert. That's go to feel weird after being in the jungle for so long. And it's right in the middle of the summer. You're probably acclimated by now to the heat, but Dajabon sounds like a hot place, not to mention all those pesky mosquitos. Have you been able to find some good investigators? I've been reading a lot of missionary letters from some of Sean's friends and sons of some of my friends and I hope you know how blessed you are to be in a place where the missionaries are loved. It's certainly not that way everywhere else. You're having a wonderful experience being able to talk with so many people and to be welcomed into their homes. Even here in Boise I'm sure it's really difficult for the elders to find people to let them in.
I'm glad to hear you and Elder Smith are working well together. I'm sure you've made some great friends who will be friends for life.
The family is well here. Barkley is continually shedding. I don't think he stops shedding now. But at least he lets me vacuum him. He kind of likes that. We also bought this brush that gets wads of fur off of him. We do it outside and I think the birds love it and use the fur for their nests. Must be nice comfy nests.
Grandma Thompson just called and she said to say hello. They all love reading your letters. I started this website where we all post pictures from our families, so it's been fun seeing each other's pix. If you send some, I'll put them on there too.
Well, not much else different going on. It's hard thinking of things to keep the girls busy in this heat since they can't really go outside during the afternoons. Yes, I know, we should get a pool. We think about it every summer. But then it cools off and we get over it. :)
Dad and Kristina are going to girls camp tomorrow for 2 days. Kristina isn't officially old enough yet, but she gets to go with dad and loves it. A lot of her friends are there this year, but she missed the cutoff. Their camp is at a really nice place this year, with cabins and everything. Not exactly roughing it, right? I always had cabins when I was in Young Women, so I can't complain. It was a lot of fun and I'm excited for our girls to have the experience.
I hope you are finding success in your labors. The people in the DR sound like an easy people to love and that they have a natural love for others in them also. A "happy people" as they say in Samoa. Enjoy the work and remember who's side you are on. With God everything is possible.
I love you much. Take care of yourself and those around you.
July 17, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
How has the high desert been treating you this week? Are you feeling at home in Dajabon yet? You always seem so at ease with every place you've moved to. It was great to hear that you found lots of new people to teach last week. How are they coming along? Did you end up having a baptism this past weekend?
So what do you have to do to set up a branch in Manzanilla? About how many active members live there? What stake would they be part of?
We're all doing well here other than the miserable heat wave that is still going on, no end in sight. Alex is at EFY this week with Brig Starr as his roommate. He called the first night and said things were going well. Jay Smack is actually in his group too. I hope they have a fun time. I'm going to Provo tomorrow, have to make the drive all by myself. Jodie was going to go with me but now she can't go. So I'm taking some books on tape to listen to. That usually makes the time go by fast since I won't have anyone to talk to. I'm going to stay with Steve and Carolina. I'll just spend Thurs and Fri visiting friends and shopping, etc then pick up the boys on Saturday morning. We'll probably go out to breakfast then head up to G & G Thompson's for a short visit, then we'll head home. I want to get home Saturday because Jared Westerberg's farewell is the next morning and I've promised him I'd go to listen to him.
Alex says he wants to go to a smaller EFY next year and see what it's like. I told him how much you and Sean liked Santa Barbara especially because of the size of the group. Around 350 people compared to 1000 at BYU. You had a small group in ATlanta too.
Before Alex left, we had a birthday party for him here at the house. We rented an inflatable slip and slide and a snow cone machine. How can you not have a great party with those two things! He had about 15 friends come and it was fun. We bbq'd hamburgers and hot dogs and we got him a Transformer cake since that is now Alex's favorite movie. Dad and I went to see the movie last weekend and I actually liked it. I was sure that I wasn't going to like it, so I was pleasantly surprised. I worked super hard and managed to get his scrapbook photo album done in time for his party too. So all went well that day. We had the slip n slide from 9 in the morning and they didn't pick it up until the next day. We had the snow cone machine all weekend, so we ate plenty of snow cones. They tasted good especially in the heat.
Sunday Alex got ordained a priest and right after Sacrament I took him to the airport so he could fly to SLC. Charmaine and Lanny picked him up and he had dinner at G & G Thompson's. Then Charmaine took him to Steve and Carolina's for the night. Sunday night we had the Hugentobler's over for snow cones and while we were sitting on the porch, the Teuscher's showed up with homemade ice cream. I love the summer time.
I'm glad you were able to find some new white shirts. Did you buy them at the flea market there? or at a store?
This week while I'm gone, Alyssa Taylor is going to help babysit the girls while dad is at work. The little girls are very excited about that. They rarely get to have a babysitter other than Kristina and Alex, so they think this is a real treat and are very excited. I just need her to help drive them to swim lessons and take them to the pioneer celebration this Saturday. Do they even celebrate Pioneer Day down there?
Well, that's about it for this week. Always something going on here, but that's how I love it. I love hearing from you each week. I'd love to see some pictures of your new area if you have some. I'll try to send some pix of Alex's b-day bash next week. I haven't even downloaded them to the computer yet. I hope things are going well for you and your companion.
I am so proud of you and love feeling a part of your mission as you share your stories with us. Thank you for sharing your testimony too. These are things that you may never know what an impact they make on members of your family. Remember as always, our prayers are with you.
hasta luego--
Love you,
July 24, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
So how are you this week? How has the work been going in your area? Are you teaching much? So you're going to have changes in your mission, huh? Have they taken effect already? What are you going to do without a maid? That's too bad, not just for you, but also for the women who were getting paid for their work. How is Elder Bertrand's foot fungus. How come he had to stay in the house, that seems a bit harsh.
We are doing well here. We had a little break from the weather today and it was only in the 90's. But over the weekend I thought about you because our hot water broke on Sunday morning just as we were getting ready for church. Dad braved the cold water but I borrowed the neighbor's house while they were out of town. I felt so funny using their shower, but I just couldn't go without. Now we know a little of how you feel with cold showers. I'm really spoiled.
I went to Provo last week and had a fun time staying at Steve and Carolina's. I just shopped, met friends for lunch, went to the movies with Steve and Carolina and shopped some more. Then on Sat I picked up Alex, Brig and Jake Jensen and brought them home. We stopped at G & G Thompson's on the way too. Alex had a really fun time at EFY. He said the dances and speakers were the best. He loves going to dances. He and Brig are going to the stake dance this weekend.
Tomorrow afternoon the priests and teachers are going on their high adventure to Deadwood to go mountain biking for a few days. Dad is going with them. That's why Brig came home with us, so he could go to high adventure. He'll go home next Tues and on Wed we'll head out for Calif for Maria's wedding.
I went to Jared Westerberg's farewell last sunday. It was good. He's anxious to get going to Chile. We also went to his house that evening to visit with his family. He's like a son and is such a good friend to Sean. His mom is very emotional about it and I know how she feels so I try to comfort her.
Alex finished his drivers ed class and now he has to take the test on Aug 14 to get his permit, then he starts driving with us. Kristina is busy making money by babysitting, watering people's plants while they are out of town, and watching dogs for neighbors too. Leah did really well with her swim lessons. She and Nikki just play basically all day, with each other, with Kristina, with Billy and Fisher. they stay up late and sleep in a bit, aaah, the summer life.
Dad is busy between the ER, the garden and bishoping. I'm still the chauffeur, the part-time cook(I don't cook as much during the summer), the referee, the counselor, the quilter, the typer, the pianist, the entertainer, etc.
We have been working with a travel agency getting times and dates for our travel to the DR. We're pretty excited and as soon as we know our plans for sure, we'll let you know. It looks like we'll probably be there for about a week flying into Santiago and flying out of Puerta Plata. If you have a good idea for a hotel to stay at while we're in Santiago and in Puerta Plata, let us know.
Uncle Dave just called me for my bday. He was talking about you and Sean's letters. He can't believe how much you both write cuz he said he hardly wrote anything home. He wanted to know if you guys were fast typers. I told him you have always been good on the computer and it was just natural for you. He said to say hi.
Everything else is going well here at home. It will be just us girls in the house for a few days, so it will be a bit lonely here.
How are the saints in Manzanilla doing? Do you think they're ready to become a branch there? It's always great when that happens because it gives a lot of people opportunities for leadership responsibilities and usually they become a much stronger people. I hope things go well there and in Dajabon.
I think about you all the time and try to imagine what you're doing, who you're talking to, how you're feeling, etc. I still know you are in the right place and doing the right thing. It's amazing how we feel blessed as a family because of the work you are doing. Continue writing in your journal not just your daily activities, but how things make you feel, the people you've become friends with and have shared your testimony with and the knowledge you've gained.
Stay true to your covenants, you will be blessed.
Take care, our prayers are with you.
Love you,
July 31, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
Well, I'm here packing everyone so we can be ready to take off for CA tomorrow morning. I took Brig to the airport today and it's weird to think we'll be seeing him tomorrow in his house. We're going to be staying with Jan and Jeff this time since Steve and his family will be staying with Susan in the big house. We'll probably be down there every day though since the main thing the kids want to do is swim and see more cousins. Dad's at work and he says he's so sorry that he's been slacking in writing to you. He said to send his love and told me to send you pix of high adventure, which I did. He's going to be very tired tomorrow on the plane. He's been working very hard lately. We'll be back next Tues so I'll have plenty of stories for you next week.
So how was your week? You sounded so great in your last letter. How are your investigators doing that you found last week? You've grown so much in the gospel and in missionary work and it's exciting to hear. Do you still go into Manzanilla every week?
Dad and Alex and Brig had a great time at high adventure. Dad's clutch broke on the way up to Deadwood, but somehow he managed to drive his truck home, I guess it was pretty much downhill all the way. We got the clutch fixed but it's still a little touchy, so we'll see. We might have to take it in again. Bro. Jensen had great games, hikes, bike rides, movies (Nocho Libre), food (Ashton was able to get a great deal on steaks, ribs and bacon from Albertson's where he works). Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time and it was nice and cool up in the mountains. Dad and the leaders got to sleep in Bro. Perry's RV, real tough camping, huh?
Sunday night we had a fireside at the stake center. Pres. McCauley talked to all the adults in the stake about the standards of the youth and their recommendations on how we should be raising our children and keeping them safe from all the onslaughts of evil that are in the world today. It's getting so bad out there and we need to make our homes a safe haven, free from the outside influences. Pres. Stafford talked about the problems with TV's, movies, ipods, video games, cell phones, computers, basically anything with a screen and how we can guard ourselves from the bad part of those. Pres. McCauley spoke on chastity and the problems he's seeing with the youth and adults in his office. It was an excellent talk, I'm going to ask him for a copy of it. He spoke very plainly and openly even though some of it was shocking to hear. He said if we put up fences in our families and we are the only ones with those fences, the kids will feel locked in, but if all of us in the stake put up the same fences that we could become a stronger people and stay strong together. We have a great stake presidency, very in tune with the spirit.
Kristina had to take care of the Thomas's house last week, so we got to use their pool. It felt soooo good. The girls are doing so much better now in the pool since their swim lessons. Leah actually did her first dive off the board and Nikki did her first jump off the board into the deep end and swam by herself to the edge of the pool. The girls said I was the best one doing handstands in the pool. I guess all that work when I was young swimming at our neighbors and friend's houses paid off. ha ha I'm hoping they go out of town again soon and ask Kristina to water the plants again.
I went for my first manicure and pedicure today with Jodie. It was fun. When the lady was doing my feet, I kept laughing. She was from Viet Nam and couldn't speak much English, and I would jerk a little when she'd massage my feet and she thought she was hurting me, but I kept telling her it tickled. I was trying to be mature about it, but it really tickled. It was a fun luxury to have that done today. Jodie's a good friend.
While we're in CA, we're going to take the kids to Disneyland. The little girls have never been there so I think every kid deserves a trip to Disney in their life. They are so excited about it especially when they see anything Disney in a commercial on TV. Leah wants to ride the rollercoasters. You know our family, she may end up being the only one on the ride. Nikki's a true Thompson and has to go to the bathroom just before a big ride or anything scary, but Leah's kind of game for things. Maybe we can pay Alex to go on the rides with her. I doubt he'll go... We'll also be going to Maria's wedding on Friday night. You'll like her fiance, James. He's a fun guy.
Well, I better sign off. Jill Erickson is on her way over so I can show her what to water while we're gone. Barkley's probably already shaking knowing that he has to go to the kennel. I think he senses something's up when he sees the suitcases all over the place.
Have a great week, Kirk. Your strong spirit lifts mine and I look forward to every letter every week. Continue to obey with exactness and the blessings will come.
Love you,
August 7, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
Our week went by really fast, how about yours? We had a great time in CA as usual with the cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. We swam, went to the beach for a bbq, went to Maria's wedding, went to church with grandma and grandpa, had a big dinner at Susan's, game night, a trip to Disney with the family, shopping, etc. Maria and James' wedding was wonderful. She had it at a beautiful country club in Camarillo, CA. James is so good for her. He's a fun, christian man who seems to bring out the best in Maria. Since she's older now, she's very anxious to start having children.
All the cousins said to say hi to you and they're anxious for your return. We stayed at Jan and Jeff's this time and that was fun. The little girls really enjoyed their first trip to Disney. It was pretty crowded on the Disney side, but we just tried to plow through and went on as many rides as we could that didn't have too long of a wait. The California Adventure side was wonderful, not crowded at all. We all loved Soaring over CA and went on it twice. We were at Disney from about 8:30 in the morning until 9:45pm. It was a long day, but luckily it always cools down in the evenings in CA. I don't think we'll ever try a Disney trip in the summer again though.
The cousins have all grown taller. Brig claims he's the only one who hasn't grown, not so sure that's true. Tyler and Trevor are thinking about coming up here to ID for a visit before they have to start college. I hope they make it here. Some sort of big road trip they're planning. Isaac and Bethany and Heidi and Cameron are all graduating from BYU at the end of this year, so they're going through the ceremony "walking" in the end of August. Heidi and Cameron are going back east to DC to do an internship this fall. That will be a fun place for them to do that.
Allen and his new wife Lisa look so happy together. She seems so good for him and for their precious family. Allen is just all smiles now and it's great to see. It was the first time we got to meet her. I hope they will come up for Thanksgiving with us this year.
Toni's girls are all beautiful. McKenna and Joe are planning on getting married in a year or two, Patrice is working in SLC now but living in Provo. She's open for any of us to set her up on dates. Sam is really getting tall now and he's only 13.
It was fun talking with Mary. She's working at Disney in one of the restaurants in Downtown Disney. She's so cute and bubbly all the time. She and Alex and David hung out a lot at their house. David has decided to quit high school and take the exit exam and start college. He's already taken a few courses. He just didn't like high school at all. He'd love to go to BYU-I sometime.
The photographer for Maria's wedding who also happens to be married to her best friend, is from the DR. So dad talked with him a little bit. He just returned from there a couple of weeks ago. He was going to ask his brother who lives in the DR for the name of a few good hotels in Puerta Plata for us to stay at. We'll let you know what he says. He was very friendly.
Sounds like you've really been working hard there lately and I know it will bring blessings. How was your week? Did you get to teach a lot. I hope so. We think of you so often even when we're on vacation. You're such a big part of our lives even though you're far away and you know you're always in our prayers. The DR has a big place in our hearts.
I hope and your companion are well and anxiously engaged in good causes. Stay true to your covenants. Until next week...
I love you,
August 14, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
Even though your bday isn't for another week, it's officially the beginning of your birthday week, so enjoy. I remember when you turned 19, there weren't very many things on your bday list since you were just about to leave on your mission and now it's the same way. Your needs and wants are small and you're focused on the work you are doing.
We are back into the swing of things now back home from our vacation to CA. It seems like we are busier than ever. Trevor and Tyler are keeping things jumping here. You know Trevor, he always wants to be somewhere social. Tonight they went to a bday party with Alex. They don't care that they don't know anyone, they just want to socialize. In the morning Tyler and Alex are going to go to the cannery and work a shift. Trevor said he wants to sleep in. Tyler even helped mow our lawn today. They're both fun young men looking forward to serving missions pretty soon. Today Alex, Trevor and Tyler went shopping at Saver's, then to the mall, then they went to Del Taco for Taco tuesday where you can buy 3 tacos for a dollar. They said the man in front of them in line bought 60 tacos!
Alex got his drivers permit tonight. I went to his class with him and he got to drive home. He's a good driver. They have to drive with a permit for 6 months now instead of 4 and when they get their license they can't have more than one other person in the car with them for at least 6 months.
Kristina and Leah have been taking a jump rope class in Meridian. They love it. I love watching them. They are both getting so good and can do double dutch great. I'm going to buy double dutch ropes so the 3 girls can practice and have fun together. On Friday, which is the last day of the class, they are going to have the parents there to watch their tricks, etc. It should be fun. I used to love to jump rope as a little girl. I can remember doing it every day with my friends. Nikki wasn't old enough to take the class, but she definitely wants to take it next year. She says she wants to take a cheerleading class too. I actually think she has some musical talent and will be good at the piano. Leah might be tone deaf, I'm not sure.
I'm busy getting things ready for my 11 yr old scout day camp which is this Saturday. It's at Eagle Island State Park and should be fun. The rotations will be canoeing, axe throwing, archery, lashing (building a monkey bridge), first aid and camping. We're going to have a yell competition, a game, a relay during first aid and a knot tying game. Dad is teaching the first aid class of course and I've asked him to conduct too and give a scoutmaster's minute at the end. Alex will be conducting the axe throwing station. They're both a big help to me. We have 45 boys from the stake coming.
It was fun seeing Justin Sypherd this past Sunday. He looks exactly the same, like time stood still. Sounds like he really enjoyed living in the South and it brought back a lot of memories just listening to him. Kathryn Moore got married over the weekend, but I wasn't able to go to her reception cuz dad and I had a date with the priest quorum. Alex's quorum had a date night and each one had to show up with a date to Bro. Rasmussen's. Alex wasn't so happy about it since it was going to be his first date and now he has to say that his parents were on his first date. It was fun though. After a bbq, we all played this game called Mafia which is really big right now. We played it with the cousins in CA also. Then we played a fun game of kickball. Dad and I took off early so we could leave Alex some alone time (well, alone with all the other priests and their dates!)
The kids start school in less than 2 weeks. Kristina is excited to have a locker, Alex is excited to be an upper classmen, Leah is anxious to go to a new school (Galileo Math and Science Magnet School) and Nikki is hoping to get accepted into first grade. I really hope they let her go. She's very ready academically (maybe not so much socially).
I am anxious to start making quilts for a woman in CA who works in the courts and sees many children who are taken away from their families. She wants some quilts to give to them so at least they have something happy or positive from going through a horrible experience. My quilt group, the Material Girls, are going to make quilts each month and I'll mail them to her in CA for her to give out. Most the kids she sees there are between 4 and 17 years old. It's fun making quilts for such a good cause.
Well, that's about all. There's always something going on but you know how it is. Real joy comes when you are anxiously engaged in good causes. I consider my family to be the best of all causes and I love you all very much. I hope you have felt successful this week and that you are enjoying the work. Take care and continue to "search, ponder and pray".
Love you much,
August 21, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
Well, we had fun thinking about you all day today. 21 years old. How wonderful that you can turn 21 in the mission field. Did your ward treat you kindly?
We are busy getting ready for school to begin next Monday. This summer flew by probably because we were busy all the time. Trevor and Tyler left our house Thurs night. We went swimming at Bill and Nancy's on Thurs. I haven't talked with Nancy for quite a while so it was nice catching up on news with her. They're going on a cruise through the Mediterranean in Sept. about the same time we'll be in the Caribbean. But they'll be back in time to come to our ward when you report on your mission. The day before Alex and Trevor and Tyler did a shift at the cannery doing peaches. They worked so hard and it was fun to hear their stories about working on the assembly line. It was hard work for them and they were so tired when they got home.
My 11 yr old Day Camp went smoothly and it was fun. I've heard back from a few people about how fun it was. This year in the lashing class they not only built a monkey bridge but also a catapult which was fun. Alex manned the axes as usual and one boy said Alex was the best part of Day Camp. He's really funny with the boys.
Tomorrow I'm taking our Bear den to Cabella's, a giant sports warehouse here in Boise. They're going to go on a tour there. They have lots of stuffed animals, an aquarium, an archery range, a small food store and much more there so it should be fun.
Alex is across the street at the Poulson's. Were they in the house when you lived here? I can't remember. Anyway, they have a son Alex's age, so he's over there right now making cookies from scratch. I guess they like baking. Either that or they're super hungry. Alex is trying to get his Eagle project written up. He's having a hard time. I think he could use your help but I've asked him to try and get it done before school starts so he's got a deadline.
He's got his drivers permit now and is doing well driving. It's funny to be in the car with the whole family. Nikki and Leah and even Kristina give him a hard time and really backseat drive. They tell him what he should be doing every second. I love it. If he can learn to drive with them in the car, he'll have it made. He has to drive with an adult now for 6 months.
Kristina had a big party here last Friday night. She and her friends had a High School Musical 2 party, a Disney TV special. They loved the first show and couldn't wait for the second one to come out. It's really a big thing here. Sean said it's even pretty big in Argentina. The girls took over the basement and Alex actually went to a friend's house down the street where they also were having a HSM party. I guess the lead guy in the movie is LDS according to the rumors and is going on a mission soon. All the girls are in love with him. So Kristina had a fun party here.
Leah is going to her last Sylvan class tomorrow. Since school is starting we'll just see how it goes in school and what her teacher says. I'm sure she'll have enough homework without having to worry about Sylvan. She loved her jump rope camp she went to with Kristina. They learned some really cool tricks and I was pretty impressed. She wants me to see if there's any camps during the year she can go to. So now she has 2 things she loves to do-jump rope (including double dutch) and swimming.
Nikki just lost another tooth and she looks so funny. It was one of her front top teeth. I'll have to take a picture and send it to you. Now she really has a lisp when she talks. Looks like she'll actually be going to first grade in a week. We got a letter from her teacher and we get to meet her this Thursday night. I know that Nikki is ready for first grade academically, but socially she has a ways to go. Should be interesting.
Dad and I keep busy every day between work, the garden, home improvements, callings, etc. We sent a pkg off to you yesterday, hope you enjoy it.
I'm happy to hear that the hurricane didn't have much impact in your area although I know how much fun you would have had with that. It was supposed to hit Jamaica and the Cayman Islands too, but went a little south of them, so Travis Hugentobler was also spared. Did you get much wind or rain from it? It was kind of fun watching the weather channel again like the good ole days in Hilton Head.
Kirk, I have to tell you that in your last letter when you were talking about about the cd that you and your comp listened to, the one about Christ's atonement and about how God speaks to all the elements of the earth, I just couldn't stop thinking about that. All week I've been looking at things differently and appreciating the earth and all its elements and realizing how they are all organized through the great power of our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ and also knowing that we have that same power through the priesthood. It's very humbling. Thank you for sharing that. I would love to know the name of the cd so I can listen to the whole thing.
I was also so happy to hear that an entire family showed up for church a couple weeks ago from Manzanillo. I hope you've been able to work some more with them. How has your week been? You sound strong, worthy and willing and I know that the spirit will be with you and continue to work through you. Keep up the great work and remember you are always in our prayers.
Love you,
August 28, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
I seem to have so much more time now. It must be a school night. The girls get to bed at 8pm (even though the sun is still out which Leah points out to me every night) so I have some time each night to get other things done now.
We are well here. The school year has officially begun. Nikki is loving her first grade class at Eagle Elementary. Leah says she has the best teacher, probably because he's a man and she loves being at the new school, Galileo. Kristina says having a locker is the best and she got an upper one. She also says her engineering class is going to be great. The school that Leah and Kristina go to is a math/science magnet school, so engineering is a big part of it too. Alex is already getting lots of homework this year. Right now Dallas Yorgason is over doing calculus homework with him. After that, Kiley Koefed is coming over to do history homework with him. Because he's so smart, I think he's a popular guy to do homework with. But we'll just let him think he's popular.
Bill and Nancy just came over and we had a fun talk with them. They're getting ready to go on a cruise in a couple days to through the Mediterranean. It sounds like a fun cruise. They fly into Barcelona to start with and spend a couple days there so we were telling them the fun places to see there.
We had kind of a normal week this past week. Just spent most the time helping the kids get ready for school and going to meet the teacher's night. I took the Bear den to Cabela's and it was a lot of fun. The boys said it was great, so we'll probably do it again with a new group of boys next summer. Tomorrow we're taking them swimming at the Houssians. It's still hot here although it's cooled down a lot at night, so we love opening the windows and doors at night.
We all went to the Idaho State Fair last week. It pretty much stays the same year after year. The new thing this year was a diving show, so we went to that. They had a big tank of water and 4 past diving champions who put on a show. It was very entertaining. In fact, Leah and Nikki thought the divers were so good that they asked them to sign their shirts after the show.
So how was your week? We've been busy making our travel arrangements to the DR. It's almost unreal that we're really going. We've made reservations at a hotel in Santiago for a few nights and a few nights in Puerto Plata and then one more night in Santiago, the night before we fly back home.
Hey Kirk, it Dad, Moms on the phone with Jan so I'm going to steal a few moments of her internet time, write you and then hit the sack. We are trying to get everything ready to come and visit. We need you to decide when you want to leave the mission home and come to join us, either late at night on the 19th (after 8:30 pm according to the letter President Thomas sent us) or in the am on the 20th. The next time you meet with President Thomas, talk to him about what you and your missionary companions are doing that night of the 19th and then decide when and where you want to meet us. We will have you forever, but the 19th will be your "last day" in the mission field so we want you to enjoy it where you will have to most memories and if that means we do not get to see you until the 20th, we can live with that easily. Write us back in a couple of weeks and tell us what you have decided. I'm getting tired and need to go to bed. I love you Kirk, work hard to the end of your mission, I'm going to be working hard to get all of my shifts out of the way so I can come play with you,so we can see who has more hours of work in by the time we meet. You'll never know how much fun it was to be a missionary until your home, miss it so bad, but can never go back; so soak it all up, enjoy each day and relish the companionship of the spirit you can only enjoy as a missionary. I love you, Dad
Hi Kirk, I'm back. My dad also called, so I've been on the phone for a while now. He calls me a lot more now that grandma is having such a hard time with her memory. It's sad for me to see her that way, but it's even sadder watching my dad try to cope with it. So I enjoy his phone calls a lot and totally understand how he just wants to talk sometimes. He was talking about your letters and says how much he loves reading them. He loves your attitude, your stories and your faith.
You mentioned that you could use some new white shirts when we come. Remind me what size neck you wear. Also we just sent another pkg so hopefully it will get to you soon. Let us know when you get it.
I better be off to bed too. It's getting late, but at least we don't have to get up to try and see the solar eclipse. there was a solar eclipse last night but it took place at 3 in the morning. Alex actually got up and saw it right after it took place. I saw it at 6 in the morning and it was just finishing. The earth and the heavens are amazing intricate handiwork of a loving Heavenly Father. Always take time to look around you and see His work.
I am so proud of you Kirk. Keep the fire of the covenants you've made with you always. Others will see what you have and want the same thing.
Love you,
Sept. 4, 2007
Dear Elder Kirk,
Can you believe that we leave here in just two weeks. I'm sure you're having such mixed feelings about all this. I can't imagine. You're having such an incredible mission and have been so instrumental in helping bring the truth and the light into so many lives. It's been so fun to hear what you've been doing, to learn about people and their lives, their decisions, the complexity of life and the simplicity of the gospel.
How has your week been? You have been finding so many new people to teach lately. That's great. I can't believe how many inactive members you said there were there in Dajabon. You know that at one point they all knew and felt that the gospel was true, but then they have to continue to prove their faithfulness which can be so difficult for so many. I can't imagine switching the way I live after so many years. I feel so blessed to have been raised in the gospel and to have parents who continue to be such an amazing example to me.
Yes, we made reservations at the hotel in the Plat that you told us about, the Oasis Gran Marien and we'll be there through Sunday so we can go to church there. When we fly in on Wed, we'll be staying at the Marriott Hotel which is on the way to the airport. That's about all we know about it's location, but we'll stay there the night before we fly home so it should be a quick drive to the airport in the morning. We're going to stay in Santiago Wed, Thurs and Fri night. Then we check into the Plat on Sat night, Sun night and Mon night. Tues night we'll be back at the Marriott Hotel and we fly home Wed and get home about
9:30pm that night. We'll pick you up on Thurs morning, I guess at the mission home. Let us know if that's where we're supposed to pick you up. We're very excited. BTW, do you think you can navigate us around to all the places you want if we get a car or should we just take the local taxis, buses, etc?
Over the weekend we went to McCall. There was a quilt show there and I had a couple quilts in the show so we decided to go up for the day. After the show, we had lunch, then hiked up at Camp Morrison and then the girls went swimming in the lake for a while. There have been tons of fires here in Idaho and it was very smoky up at McCall. The fires are still not under control yet. The whole western US has suffered from lots of fires this summer.
Looks like we're finally going to get some cooler weather here. We had a huge wind storm pass through a while ago. In fact, one of the tops of the trees blew right off and now it's raining which is great for us. We really could use the rain here. I went out right before the rain and picked a bunch of grapes off the grapevines. They're so sweet and good this year. We should still have some when you get here.
School is going great for all the kids. Alex is trying to think of someone to ask to Homecoming. He said he's heard that practically everyone has already been asked that he knows. So we were trying to brainstorm today. He's also trying to think of a fun way to ask. Kristina started her ballet classes today at the Purnell's. Leah is happy with her class and says she has new best friends. Nikki is actually having to do homework and she loves it. Leah kind of helps her with it since it's the same exact thing she did last year. I think it will be good for Leah to help her.
Dad is at the church. He's really busy this month with work since he's taking off so much time at the end of the month ( but it will be worth it!). Pres. Stafford called tonight to find out when you'd be home. Brittany will be coming home the end of the year too. Jill Erickson is busy making all kinds of plans for when Alex gets home. She even sent him a bunch of job applications.
It's so funny to hear you talking about not having a maid and cooking for yourself, washing, etc. I forgot about you having a maid in the beginning until you mentioned that. You'll have to cook for us when you come home. We all love rice, so the dominican style rice would be great. You'll probably love our old washing machines we still have in the basement. They're old, but they work.
So how have your appointments been going this week? Did you baptize Nelson? Also what is happening with that family you found that were actually married by law? I hope they're still working with you. Has Edison made up his mind yet? Sometimes people don't realize that they've already received an answer and are waiting for some big sign.
So not much else going on here. Just the usual day to day activities, me being the chief chauffeur/taxi driver. Although now that Alex drives, at least I get to sit in the passenger seat when we go somewhere. Today I went out and test drove a new car for fun. It was a GMC Acadia, which is a crossover SUV. I drove great and it had so many fun things in the car. I loved the heads up display which is a display that shows up on the windshield and shows you your speed, the temperature, the radio station and song that is being played and the direction the car is going. It was really cool. You never have to look down at anything because it's all displayed right in front of you.
Anyway, I better get going. Dad just got home. Dad says to tell you he loves you.
I want to send a couple pix also. I hope this week is just wonderful for you. Here are the last of the tips from my little book:
1. Give away some of your clothing to members and missionaries before leaving to come home.(You asked about giving away things, but I really can't remember the things you took, so go ahead and if you feel inspired, give it away).
2. Remember the principles of the commitment pattern when you return home and start dating.
3. Give out at least one Book of Mormon on the flight home.
4. You aren't released until you've visited with your stake president. So if you travel after your mission, remember to still follow missionary rules.
5. Wear your most worn-out suit for your homecoming instead of new clothes. This will make it look like you worked really hard.
6. Write a letter to your future children as soon as you get home, summarizing your mission and what you learned. Plan to give it to them just before they enter the mission field.
7. Avoid travelogues in your homecoming address (which will be on Sept 30th by the way)
8. To say your mission was the best two years of your life is a bit inaccurate., It's OK to say it was the toughest, most challenging, yet most rewarding two years of your life.
Have a great day and a fun week.
Love you,
Sept 11, 2007
My Dear Elder Kirk,
I shouldn't have started thinking about how this is my last email to you because now my eyes are wet and I can hardly see the screen. They're happy tears of course, yet a little sad. I may have to keep writing you even when you're home.
I just got home from the church. I had to take our neighbor, Ryan Kent, who is turning 8 so he could have his interview with the Bishop. Your plaque is on the wall and you look great! I'm so proud of you.
The little girls just said to tell you that they want to go on walks with you when you get home. That's obviously a good memory that they have of you. And it just happens to be beautiful weather in the evenings for walks, so I look forward to it also.
We had a nice week, nothing too eventful. Sunday night we had the young women and their mothers here for a standards fireside. It was really nice and dad did a great job. Kristina got to go to this one even though she doesn't officially turn 12 for another month. She's so anxious to go into young women's. Also on Sunday we had a general authority show up for our meeting. It was Elder Nachez of the 70. He came in just before the meeting started with Pres. McCauley. They went right up to the stand and I saw him introduce himself to dad. Then I saw all of dad's bishopric stand up and start moving over and Elder Nachez sat down next to dad. Pres. McCauley sat next to him. They both ended up speaking to us at the end of the meeting. It was fun having them in our meeting. Elder Nachez spoke about his recent visit with Pres. Faust just before he passed away and how he told him how important it was to share our testimonies with our families so that they can then share that same testimony with their children. That way our posterity hears our testimonies even when we are gone.
Fri night dad and I went to the first home game for EHS. They lost miserably so it was kind of sad to watch. Hopefully they can bounce back from that and do better this week. Alex is over at a friend's house tonight doing his calculus. He seems busier this year with homework. He's taking one AP class and one honors class, so that's probably why.
I talked with Charmaine tonight and she has put $100 into your bank account for you to use these last couple of weeks in case you want to buy something fun. I forward your emails to her, so you can send her a message through your letter if you like. She'll be coming up the weekend you will be giving your mission report and is very excited to see you and talk with you. She and Lanny broke up over the weekend and she's having a hard time. They were together for 11 years, can you believe it? She just got back from a trip to the Yucatan with grandma and grandpa Thompson. They went down for about a week and had a great time.
I hope you're feeling better this week and that your end-of-the-mission sore throat has gone away. All 3 girls are just now getting over the same thing. Must be something going around the world.
How are Edison, Marisol and Francisco? How was your zone conference testimony? I'm sure it was very emotional and spiritual and i hope you had a wonderful time being with your zone.
We are so excited to see you. I keep thinking about it and trying to picture it in my mind. It will be very surreal. I'm also very excited to see the DR and to see a little of what you've been seeing these past two years and to meet some of the people you know. Is there anything we can bring to some of the families? I'll try to think of some things.
Kirk, our family has been so blessed because of your service to the Lord. It has been a tremendous experience for me as your mom, something I have prayed for and looked forward to all my life, raising a son who would have such a strong testimony of the gospel that he would want to leave his home and share the good news with people he didn't know but would soon grow to love just as our Father loves them. Your zeal, your attitude, your humility, your patience have served you well. These are gifts you have been given and you have magnified them. I know that you have probably realized many other gifts that you have been given now as you have served. Remember that these gifts (and probably many more) will be with you always and you will continue to use them in your life to bring joy not only to yourself but to many others especially as you remember to magnify and use them. Never hide them under bushel.
There are so many people who love you and have prayed for you these past 2 years. Always remember that. I, of course, love you more than any of them ;) and can't wait to be able to put my arms around you once again (in just one week). Have a wonderful, spirit-filled week.
Until the 20th--
Love you,