Dec. 26th, 2010
Dear Elder Alex,
Well, didn't we just talk yesterday? That was so fun hearing your voice, your stories and being able to ask questions, get answers and know that you are doing well and sound very happy. It was almost like you were there with us sitting around the table chatting...almost.
Today the Lutz's went to church with us. They had a hard time waiting until 2:30pm, but now we are used to it and of course we change to 9am next week. It will be a shock to our system. A young couple who are fairly new in our ward, both of them attorneys spoke and they did a good job. I particularly liked his talk on how vital preparation is for any success in life. RS was a lesson on Pres. Eyring's talk from last conference about trusting in the Lord and going and doing once we have that faith and trust. There were several great comments made and that's what made the lesson so awesome. We learned that once we learn to trust in the Lord, then He will trust us and we will become trustworthy and He will trust us to do more and more things for Him. I want to be trustworthy in His eyes.
Tonight we played games with the Lutz's. They got a new game from their Middleton cousins called Things. It was a lot of fun, kind of like loaded questions with a twist. We introduced Bananagrams and the Pirate game to them. The little girls are going crazy playing Wii with the new games we got.
Our Christmas Eve was so nice with the Camerons and I really enjoy going over to their house. Here are a few pics from the night.
Kirk is holding Kelly's brothers baby. Doesn't he look like a natural with her?
Here are some pics from Christmas morning. I'll send some more in another email too so it doesn't load this one up too much.
Roxy found her new toy first thing in the morning and had it destroyed within minutes.
Here's Roxy looking very satisfied that she has destroyed the arch enemy.
to be continued in next letter...
A few more pix:
Sally and I playing Sleigh Ride at the Simpson's.
Very happy little girls. They appeared to get just what they wanted for Christmas.
We went shortest to tallest this time, so notice how Mary is working her way down to being #1. I think by next year, she'll be the first one in line.
This is us on the phone with you. We had a lot of fun!
Here's one more I thought you'd get a good laugh at. I found a bunch of older pictures today, I'll send you a few each week.
The best decision I ever made was marrying dad. He treats me like I'm somebody special, he'd do anything for me and looks at me like I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever seen and tells me that every day, even now. It couldn't get any better than that. He's strong in the church and we want the same things for our family.
At Jared and Kendra's sealing, the sealer talked about how they were forming a new kingdom being sealed together and how much Satan wants to destroy every little kingdom. He works harder at destroying families than he ever does on destroying governments or organizations. The higher covenants we make in the temple are empowering and I'm so grateful dad and I have made those covenants together. It gives me strength even in hard times. This picture just brought back a lot of fond memories and emotions.
Wish Elder Jolley good luck with his new mission back home. Tell him he's invited to stop by our home any time he's in Boise. Also I plan on checking with the post office this week to see where the scripture package is, so we'll let you know.
Keep up the great work in the Foxcroft area. I hope you get to stay there. Use the wonderful things you've learned from your companions and keep moving forward. You are gaining the trust of the Lord and He will use you in many ways.
Love you very much,