Dear Elder Alex,
I thought I'd write you your letter right before we take off today. Just got home from church. It was wonderful. Bro. Randy Thompson reported on Mary and her progress. She's started walking with a cane and a walker now, but is still in the hospital. She's learning how to change her own dressings on her legs so when she's released she'll be able to hopefully do it herself. It's a slow painful healing process, but she's progressing a little each day.
I have to tell you thank you very much for my birthday present. It couldn't have come at a better time. Just that day we started smelling this horrible smell in the house and could not figure out where it was coming from. Believe me, we searched high and low. You could smell it in every room of the main floor, so I took my new candles and put them in my quilt room. Aaaah, it was lovely. So thank you!
I ran into the Rasmussens at the movies yesterday. They are anxiously awaiting news from their son. We're hoping maybe you saw him on transfer day.
I loved hearing that you're doing Meals on Wheels. I love that program.
How's your new companion? Tell us a little about him. Bro. Rasmussen knows your mission president very well and said as you get to know him better and better, you will absolutely love him. He couldn't say enough good things about him.
I wish I could have heard your song last week in church. I love that song and I thought of you that day singing it, so in my heart I felt you singing it.
Leah has officially started her life in the braces world. She got spacers last week and then this week, she got that lovely apparatus put into the roof of her mouth, the one that makes you drool when you're eating and won't let you say words with the "th" sound. She's wanted braces so badly and has been begging me to make her appointments and now she's ready to have them out. I laugh (I know, mean mom).
Dad's deposition went longer than expected and it was pretty gruelling. He was asked everything under the sun. Then to top it all off, the doctor who was deposed after him through dad under the bus and claims dad never called him. Now our attorney has to hire a private detective to find out where all the calls went. Dad has never wavered in his story and has a clear memory of that day, so I have no doubts for dad. I just doubt the system. I wish it would hurry up though so dad wouldn't have to have this on his mind. Hopefully our little vacation will really help.
We talked with Kirk a couple days ago and he has malaria again. We're thinking he didn't take a full course of medicine last time. When the doctor says to take meds for 2 weeks, you need to keep taking it even if you start feeling better-little lesson for us all. So now he has to start again and he'll probably be taking some meds even after he gets home the end of August. Hopefully, you won't be doing battle with malaria in Tennessee, but you never know :)
Sean was asked to meet with his department head this week. He didn't know what it was for and was a bit nervous, but his professor said it was a good thing. So the dept. head just wanted to tell Sean that he nominated him to speak at Freshman orientation this year on the subject of How to Choose a Major. Sean will do a great job because that's something he thoroughly investigated, prayed about, went to the temple about, etc. He's perfect for the topic.
Kristina went to her first jam at the Pinders last night. She's been taking upright bass lessons from Heather and when she got home she said, That was awesome! She loved playing. Randy put out a call on craigslist for anyone to come and 3 actually showed up from that. Sean Pinder said he was really impressed at how well Kristina played each song with such little training. Randy's going to have a jam now every month, so I'll try to hit a few too. My finger is just starting to feel better now and I think I might be able to play a stringed instrument. We'll see.
We'll try to capture some cool air from the Northwest for you and send it your way. It's been very hot here too and we are looking forward to 71 degrees for the entire week. I don't even care if it rains a lot too. Tonight we're driving as far as Yakima, then we'll go on to Seattle tomorrow.
They're all waiting for me. Looks like I missed out on the car packing, so now I can be done writing. haha Have a wonderful week and remember you can rely on the spirit in any situation. You're never alone.
I love you, mom
ps. attached is an mp3 of the Steep Canyon Rangers quartet song dad talked about. It's a great song, but I'm not sure if you'll be able to open it. If not, it will be in our itunes when you get home.