Sunday, August 5, 2012

Last Letter

Aug. 5, 2012
Dear Elder Alex,
Wow...that's about how I feel right now. First, wow, that Kyle got baptized. I don't even know him, but I was very excited to hear that news. Second, wow, is how incredible it feels to be writing you on your full time mission for the last time. It's almost a surreal feeling and definitely bittersweet. I should feel happy that I can actually just pick up a phone and call you or text you from now on, but there's been something very special about writing you and reading your letters. It's meant so much to me. Thank you. I'm also feeling so much excitement right now about getting ready to leave for our trip to Nashville too. I can't wait!

Yesterday I got two phone calls from people talking about you. First, your friend from the YSA ward, Lori, called and it was great talking with her. She's going to work tomorrow and will check to see if there's availability at the hotel and will call me tomorrow. It sounds like a great hotel so I'm really hoping we get to stay there. I guess we'll let you know when we see you where we'll be staying. Tuesday night, we are staying at the Best Western in Brentwood.

Then I got a call from Sister Hutchings who knew you'd be getting released this week. She had such wonderful things to say about you and how much you were able to lift the spirits of so many people especially many of the other missionaries. She said you made such a difference. I told her that I knew that was your gift and was so happy to hear how Heavenly Father was able to use you and your gift in building the kingdom. We had a nice conversation.

Yesterday David and Caryn and their kids and a new dog showed up at our house. They spent the night with us and left today for their family vacation to Cascade. So as you can imagine, our home was very active (a mild word) for quite a while. Poor Eddy was trying to hide from the constant torment of Lilly, their youngest. It was kind of funny to see his face, almost pleading with me, saying help me, as he tried to get away from her. Lindy looks the same even though she'll be a junior at BYU this year. The rest of the kids have really grown.

Today we had Jodie and Quinn Hugentobler over for dinner since Mel has already moved to Moab and is working for Zion's Bank. Jodie and Quinn move down there on the 18th. Jodie and I are just trying to pretend like it's not going to happen. Also this past weekend, the Purnell's moved. They are now renting a house in Countryside so they are back in the 6th ward. Our ward, the 8th ward, continues to grow just about every week. It's hard to keep up.

Kristina got her wisdom teeth out last week, so that was about it for our excitement around here. She says they still hurt a bit and can't really open her mouth very wide so she has trouble eating. Some guy called her tonight and asked her out for Tuesday, so she's pretty happy.

I'm sure there's lots of other changes around here, but you'll just have to explore and figure those out for yourself. Cameron says the main thing that let him know he had actually been gone for two years was when he saw Nikki for the first time (maybe I already mentioned that, I just thought it was so funny). So I'm sure there will be things around here that will remind you that you've been gone. 

Kirk and Sarah are coming home from their honeymoon tomorrow and will be staying here while we're gone. Dad has to work one more shift tomorrow in Ontario, so he's packing as I write. The rest of the kids are all watching the Olympics. It's been a lot of fun watching them each night.

Alex, before I close, here are a couple things I have felt impressed to write to you:
Take notes of the counsel your mission president has for you. He will receive revelation for you. It's Heavenly Father's opportunity to speak to you while you are so in tune with the spirit. 
I also know you've learned these past two years how important spiritual preparation is and how powerful it is too. When you take the time to prepare spiritually, your eyes are open, your heart is filled with charity and even the most mundane of activities takes on a deeper meaning. You work, play, listen and speak with the Lord by your side. What an awesome blessing! It's not something that only happens on full time missions. It can be a part of your every day life. I know that because I experience that and in fact, count on it each day. Prayer and scripture study, ancient or modern as a part of each day seems so simple, yet now you know for yourself and have tested it and know what it does for you. Don't ever take it for granted. Our spiritual wells run dry quickly especially out here in the world and we need constant replenishing. When we do our part, the Lord fills in the rest and together mighty miracles will always happen.

You're the best, Alex. I'm so proud of you and love you more than I can express. Our family has truly been blessed by your service to the Lord 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 2 years. I can't wait for the next chapter in your life. With you, every chapter is something fun and something to look forward to.  :)

Love you so much,
Mom xxoo