Gave it some thought, then realized I should just dive in and begin. This blog will be a journal of the tender mercies I see and feel in my life. Tender mercies that could come from none other than Christ himself. Nephi used the phrase "tender mercies" and he was well aware of Christ's hand in his life. I hung a quote on my kitchen wall by Elder David A. Bednar that says "The tender mercies of the Lord are real. They do not occur randomly or by coincidence."
My family is my greatest gift, a true treasure from the Lord. Today Harold is at work. He works so hard, many long hours. Sometimes he works through the night, then sleeps only a few hours the next day. He doesn't complain or get grumpy as I know full well I would. He takes his job as husband and father very seriously and has little patience for men who shirk this responsibility and calling in life. He's been Bishop of our ward for almost 4 years now. I can see how much he loves the people in our ward and how frustrated he gets when he can't "fix" everyone's problems. I know it may sound trite, but he really is my best friend. He calls me often throughout the day and I can't wait for him to call. We share everything, good and bad, but we always make it a priority to take care of each other. I'm so in love with him.
Kirk is at BYU-I. He's now a junior. One year ago he returned from his mission to the Dominican Republic. While he was on his mission I thought it would be forever before he even returned. Time sometimes just creeped by so slowly. But now he's home, in college and has a girlfriend, Rachel Beck. Kirk has always been quietly obedient. He doesn't seek glory for himself, nor does he ever speak with any guile. He calls me often from school and each time I see his number on my cell phone ID, I get excited to talk with him.
Sean is on his mission in Cordoba Argentina. He's been gone over a year now. I really miss him and Mondays are my favorite because we get his emails. He sounds so good and you can tell he truly enjoys living and sharing the gospel. His love for the people of Argentina is evident. I love how much he wants Harold and I to come to Argentina, to meet his new family of friends and to walk where he is walking now. I have some new friends in Argentina because Sean has asked me to write some of the sisters there. I can't wait to meet them.
Alex is a senior in high school. That doesn't sit well with me. He is my buddy and has been since he was little. To watch him leave for college next fall will break my heart. I might embarrass him by how much I end up calling him, texting him or emailing him, but he's just going to have to get over it. Alex came to this earth loving life and he's still got a giant share of zeal. He loves living the gospel and is not ashamed of it. His wit and ability to talk to anyone of any age and make them smile is a gift and he is magnifying this gift well.
Kristina is an angel from heaven. She seems to have gotten all the good parts of me and none of the not-so-good parts. She's tender and happens to be the most patient sister in the world. Her love for Nikki and Leah is truly helping shape their lives. I could not raise Nikki and Leah the way I would really like to without Kristina's help. I hope all 3 girls remain very close through life. Kristina is changing into a sweet teenager right before my eyes and sometimes I love seeing her emerge into the beautiful butterfly she was meant to be, then other times I want to hold her back and keep her as a little girl whom I can hold in my arms forever. She still loves being held and hugged and asks for hugs often. They feel so good.
Leah is also changing right in front of me. Almost 9 years old going on 17. She wants to grow up quickly, but I want her to stay young. I miss terribly the fact that I never got to hold her as a baby, and I think Leah unfortunately misses that too even though she doesn't realize it at this point. To leave your family when almost 4 years old and go to a new family, a new culture, a new language is something I can't fathom. But I so wanted her to be in our family and I'm glad we were there for her at the right place at the right time. I can only rest assured because of the feeling that I have that she was held often by her birth mother and aunts and cousins. Leah has an innate love for Samoa and her birth family even though she can't remember them. I feel a closeness to her birth mother also even though I have never met her. I hope one day to return to Samoa with Leah so we can complete her story for her. Our stories are important.
Nikki is my baby girl. She is outgoing, funny and gives Alex a run for his money matching wit to wit. Nikki has a very spiritual side that sometimes amazes me. I think this is something she brought with her from birth and I hope I can help her nurture this gift. She also watches over Leah with unconditional love. I learn a lot from her. She is in 2nd grade, the youngest in her class but the tallest. She has beautiful black long curly hair and two cute dimples in her cheeks. She loves life and we love her.
It's only right that my greatest tender mercy, my family, begins my blog journal. It's a fine beginning.
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