Jan. 18, 2009
Dear Elder Sean,
Well, we've survived 5 days with a new puppy. Life is certainly a little crazier because of it, but it's also fun. Roxy is a cute dog, however, now she has diarrhea and things haven't seemed so cute any more. Hopefully, it's just because she's eating a different food. She's half Australian Shepherd and half miniature poodle-hence an aussiedoodle. Barkley is annoyed with her youthful exuberance, so sometimes we have to take her away from him. She really wants to play with him though. Hopefully by the time you get home, she'll know some of the family rules, especially rule number one-pee outside.
We've had a roller coaster these last couple weeks with dad's work. We hear one thing, then get told another, etc etc. But now we know for sure that St. Al's is really undercutting them and expecting the ER docs to take a 50%pay cut. It's really been a blow to the doctors here and they're all looking for other work at this point. Dad is going to talk with St. Luke's, a couple groups in Utah and a few others that we might look into. We've done this before so I know we can do it again. It's just so all consuming to think about. If we can, we may just rent this house out so we can keep it. But the market is so down right now, nothing is selling. We were just barely finishing the mess with the IRS audit and then this news hit us. Our story is not unique as there are so many around us going through similar circumstances. We're so grateful for dad's training. He's very employable just about anywhere in the country, so we can't complain even though it has been and is a difficult trial for us. We'll keep you posted on our new journey. When one door closes, another always opens!
Sports news-It's going to be Pittsburgh Steelers vs Arizona Cardinals for the Superbowl. Dad just filled me in.
We had another wonderful spirit filled Sunday School class this week. I actually look forward to class each week. Bro. Hugentobler was the teacher today and he talked about a couple things from his mission in Argentina. When I hear the brothers draw upon their mission stories, it makes me feel good knowing that my sons will be able to do the same thing one day. Scriptures and spiritual events are embedded into their minds. Another thing I've noticed is that things I learned really well as a youth have stuck with me in my life. There are certain scripture mastery verses that come back to me all the time. Songs I learned on the piano are still in me, as well as guitar songs, etc. So what you are learning so well right now will be with you a long time. I've also found that it's so much harder the older I get to memorize or keep things with me. The info must go into a new compartment now, one that's not easy to access. It doesn't stop me from trying though. So take advantage of your youth now, learn as many new things as you can and make them a part of you forever.
Dad's counselors, Bro. Myler and Bro. Crosgrove, spoke in church today. They introduced our ward's goals for the year, which is to build Zion as a family and as a ward. Bro. Crosgrove talked about one of the most important things we can do is to remain clean. If we are clean, we are able to give and receive anything the Lord would want us to and thus be instrumental in building Zion wherever we are. Remember too that that was one of Pres. Hinckley's Be's, Be clean.
I hope you've been able to teach the Cardozo family more this week. Were they able to come to church? They sound like a wonderful family. And of course, I'm hoping to hear some news about Juan's family. The little girls were very touched by Eleana's story and her mother not letting her read the Book of Mormon. Keep us posted on that.
Have you gotten all our packages yet? Did you get the one that had your Christmas Eve presents in it, or with Bro. Pinder's letter? I think that was the last one. Let us know which ones you get. I printed out your letter to Sis. Transtrum and gave it to her in church today. She always looks so pretty. I've already asked the kids to all prepare something to play for her, so I'll let you know how that goes.
Steve and Carolina said Axel did a good job with his talk last week. Katie (Lutz) and Graig (who live in Sandy) came, Patrice Caudill, Ben and Alyssa, Allen and Lisa and their kids and even Bethany came. Allen called me the other day and asked about how to get Cole signed up for college. I didn't even realize he was a senior this year. So Alex and I have been talking them through the BYU registration process. Cole will probably live with Alex in Heritage also. So now they have 5 total in their dorm. (That is, if everyone gets accepted). Alex is procrastinating with all his end of the year stuff and it's driving me a little crazy. All he has to do for his Eagle project is write it up, he has 2 online courses he has to take in order to graduate, he needs to apply for scholarships, etc. And of course, as I'm writing you, I can hear him downstairs laughing playing Wii with Kirk and Kristina.
So I haven't heard you talk much about where you live now. Is it just you and Elder Lish or are there others there? What kind of a place is it? Do you cook for yourselves all the time or do you get a lot of your meals in the mission home?
Here's a couple missionary tips for the week:
1. Lock your apt. door whenever you leave and before going to bed. Leave a light on when you're out at night.
2. Don't linger after diner appointments.
3.Carry a photo of your family in your wallet.
4. Stay awake while your companion drives.
5. Your journal should be a record of both your activities and your thoughts.
6. Attend Bible study classes and be a friendly participant.
7. How you act on P-day is a direct reflection of how you will act when you are a returned missionary.
8. Get plants for your apartment.
9. Have food on hand for Sundays in case your dinner appointment cancels. Don't be in a situation where you feel compelled to go to the store on the Sabbath.
10.On hot days, take a cold shower during your lunch break.
11. Read one chapter from Proverbs a day. In one month, you'll have read them all.
12. Leave a list of free P-day activities in your area book.
Better turn in for the night. I look forward to Sundays to get to write you and Mondays to get to hear from you. Tomorrow is President's Day so the kids are home from school. Kirk will work for a few hours, but we'll try to get out and do something fun with the family. The snow has melted, but it's still plenty cold. Send some of your warmth our way...
Have a busy week and remember-Be clean and everything else will fall into place.
I love you,
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