Dear Elder Alex,
It's late at night, everyone's asleep. It's been a long day, but a good day. I started out at an early morning stake meeting with the Stake Presidency, high council and auxiliary presidents (Stake Council). I always enjoy meeting with all of them. For a lot of the meeting we discussed the new handbook and the training meeting, things we learned and felt.
Back at home I made spring rolls for dinner, fried up a few of them to taste them. It's the first time I've made them so I wanted to make sure they tasted good since it was the main dish for dinner. I went to an Asian market this week to get some of the ingredients and the lady there recommended a sauce to dip them in, one she particularly liked. Well, they turned out awesome and the sauce was really good. The recipe makes tons of rolls, so we had plenty left over to freeze for later. Next time though I'll go to Panda and get some chow mein, fried rice and maybe even some orange chicken to supplement the meal. I had a package of frozen fried rice and orange chicken from WalMart, but it tasted terrible. I guess Panda has spoiled me-yes, I'll admit that. But my egg rolls/spring rolls were still the best.
Church was great today. The Gines boy, just back from Ukraine, spoke with the high councilor. They spoke about putting your trust in God and Bro. Gines said he quickly learned he needed to trust in the Lord on his mission because you are somewhere where you don't really know anyone, even your companion is not that familiar and when you are troubled or in need of comfort and help, he found that he had to put all his trust in the Lord and things always worked out when he did that.
Tonight we had the big Trek fireside. Yes, Trek was 4 months ago, but the DVD took quite some time. Bro. Stewart really out-did himself with this one. It was great. The music, the editing, the integration of the Joseph Smith story in the beginning, etc. There funny parts as well as very moving parts. I give it 2 thumbs up.
Well, we had Leah's big 11th birthday party this week. She invited about 10 girls and we took them to the movies, "Megamind" and then to Primos where we ate and then opened presents. Leah said she had a great time and I was really happy for her. Her big present this year was getting Kristina's old iPod nano and Kristina loaded a playlist for her. I hesitated to buy a brand new iPod because Leah tends to lose things, so I told her this would be a little test to see how she does with nice or expensive things. So far she is enamored with it, even gets up early in the morning so she can listen to it. But she's also obeying all the rules I've set up for its use too. So far, so good.

Here's a quilt I've finished. I really like how it turned out, so it's hanging on the wall going up the stairs now. I tried to do the center squares like mosaic tiles.
Now I'm mainly working on making Christmas presents, but it's a lot of fun. (Fun for me, you understand) Finger update-I managed to get the stuck-on gauze off my finger this week. It's been on there for 3 weeks and it was driving me crazy that it was so stuck. It took me 40 minutes, a huge magnifying glass, tiny embroidery scissors, courage and much patience, but I finally pulled it and cut it enough that I got it off. I'm free! It's still so tender but now I feel like it can heal the rest of the way. I can't wait to use my finger again, although my other fingers are getting very good at taking over for my index finger.
Dad and I have been fixing things, cleaning things around the house this week in anticipation of our Thanksgiving guests. I actually like getting the house all ready. It gives me a good excuse to get some deeper cleaning done. We've also been on the lookout for "greed" items.
BSU won again, of course. They are now ranked #3 in the nation. It's very fun. EHS is out of the running now, but Centennial beat Rocky Mountain over the weekend. I've lost track of BYU, so you'll just have to get that news from dad.
Carolina's back from Spain. She had a great time and said the food was great. Gio's baby had to stay in ICU for a week with some breathing problems, but is home now and doing well. He and Jen will be coming to Utah over Christmas.
Pres. Shaw asked about you today and wanted me to send your letters to him. He feels even stronger and more tender about missionary work and missionaries now with his son on his mission.
So how was your week? How is Jessica doing? Remind me again about her life. You said she's married. Does she have any children, does she work, how did you find her, etc? I'm so amazed that your investigators got up in testimony meeting and bore their testimonies. How wonderful. Whenever you bear your testimony, it is strengthened so that was awesome not only for the ward but especially for the investigators as well.
So this juggin' thing sounds so funny, but I'd love to see it some time. The things we do and the games we make up based on where we live...sounds like a new TV series to me.
We sent off a package last week so hopefully you get it soon. Let us know.
I talked with Aunt Jan earlier tonight. Katie was home for a little bit but flew back to Japan to be with Graig. I guess they got it officially okay'ed for her to be over there the whole time he is, so they might be there for 2 years. About the same time David is there. David has actually seen her a couple times.
That reminds me...Tyler Trumbo enlisted in the navy last week. He's been going to college and working since he's been home and decided to go in and take the entrance exam. He did so well that they said he could be trained for any vocation he wanted. He's chosen dentistry. He doesn't go in until next April though, so in the meantime he'll keep taking classes and working. This will be good for him to have some direction and he's very excited about it.
Well that's about it for around here. We've been praying as a family for you and Elder Jolley to find a new investigator, one who is ready to hear your message. Personally I've been praying for you to find a whole family. Keep up the great work. You don't know how great it is to hear from you and hear about your hard work, your fun work and especially about the people you are meeting and sharing your testimony with. It helps me feel a little bit a part of your mission and I love it.
Have a miraculous week,
love you,
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