Dear Elder Alex,
We just finished watching some home movies--very funny. You were aloud and crazy kid! Then we watched some of my family movies, the Trumbo's. Also very entertaining. Then right in the middle of my family when I was young, Grandpa Trumbo's mission video comes up. He was quite the outgoing missionary. He was very animated and it was fun to see him in France.Here's a picture of all of us with my Grandma and Grandpa Hawkes.

Dad's working in Ontario this evening. I went to the Eagle 4th ward today and it was our last ward conference. I won't know what to do with myself going to our own ward each week. It's probably changed a lot since I've been gone. I had a nice visit with Brian McCauley today. He said he's never going back to building again so now he's training to do some kind of speculating financing, blah blah blah, something I don't understand. I sat with Bro. Kofoed too. Shalese is the chorister for the ward. All is well in their ward.
Tonight they dedicated the new building inour stake, the Floating Feather building in Star. The stake is getting very large.
Kristina's lacrosse season officially began yesterday. She played in 3 half games and won 2 out of the 3. BK beat them. We sat by the Viehweg's and every single one of their kids(I think) was there. They were all home for Jessica'shomecoming. She just returned from Malaysia last week.
We've all been glued to the TV this past week with the tsunami news from Japan. Katie quickly posted something on facebook to let everyone know they were safe but sure felt the impact of the earthquake. David sat at home watching the news and was wishing he was back on his mission. In fact, he talks about possibly going back. We'll see what happens.
Leah is loving her lacrosse team. I'm not sure when her season begins. It will be fun to watch her play. She's busy working on her Pace project for school which she presents this Friday. She's also loving playing the piano lately. She's slowly turning into a young woman right before our eyes. She definitely looks and even acts like she should be out of Primary now.
Nikki on the other hand is quite at home in Primary and loves going to Activity Days. She's mastered all her multiplication tables now and is working her way through division. Telling time or estimating time still makes absolutely no sense to her though.
Kirk is going to Rexburg this week to meet with one of his counselors, go on a couple dates and make some decisions about his internship. One of his roommates wants him to go to Uganda in a couple months to do an internship with a dentist and an optometrist. If he wants to go into optometry, it would look good on his transcript. We'll see if this happens.
Sean is doing well at school. He still loves Arabic and middle eastern studies. He made wild rice soup bowls today for a group of friends and they had a soup bowl picnic outside. It's getting warmer slowly but surely.
We had ups and downs with BYU this week. They played New Mexico Friday night and Jimmer broke Danny Ainge's all time scoring record by scoring 52 points in one game. It was awesome to watch, but the game was close and it was a nail biter. Then yesterday we went to Campbell's to watch and have a bbq and they got slaughtered by SDSU. It was painful to watch. So now they're in the #3 seed for the tournament next week.I keep busy each day even though think I just sit around and eat bon bons. Hmmm, those sound pretty good right now. I just got a call from a sister in the Eagle 5th ward and she was just called today to be the new RS president. So they released Julie Rasmussen. I'll miss working with her, but I look forward to meeting someone new. So I made an appointment with her for Tuesday to go and orient her. Today I went to the Hale's house in the Eagle 3rd ward where I oriented Sis. Hale as the new RS president. I'm not sure if you remember her, but she works in the front office at Eagle Middle school and has worked there for years. So withmy RS work, there's always something going on. This week we're working on an activity for the girls at Living the Legacy where they've asked my presidency to come up and speak for a few minutes to the girls, then have them do some kind of activity. I'm thinking of calling Pres Shaw and getting some ideas from him for some bonding acitivites.
I'm also spending a lot of time scanning my old photos onto the computer. Here's a couple choice ones:1. Steve and Carolina, the dating years
2. Me with my personal binky
3.Grandma and Grandpa Trumbo, me, Scott and David on the day we took out our endowments.

So how was your week? Has Rick Salazar progressed? How did your week of sacrifice go for you?
Also, what did you decide about your torn suit? It's kind of weird that just last week I was helping an elder here with his torn suit too.
After you mentioned Due West and the guy in your ward, I looked them up on iTunes. I hadn't heard of them before but from reading about them they sound pretty successful. I listened to a couple of their songs and I liked the messages they were getting across through their lyrics. I really liked the song, I Get that All the Time. I'm not big into country music, but I really liked that one.
I hope Stacy is doing well with her quitting smoking. I will pray for her.
My prayer for you is that you'll always have many opportunities to bear your testimony. It's the most powerful way for the spirit to testify. Also I hope you are using your music to testify and your sense of humor-all of them gifts you've been given.
I love you much. Have a miraculous week!
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