Dear Elder Alex,
Kirk called today for his birthday and said he had a good day. They had a little celebration for him in Uganda, so I'm happy. We, of course, celebrated here without him by having roast beef, potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce and Sunday salad. It was the least we could do. He's getting excited to come home and get started with new goals. He gets home Thursday night.
Didn't know you'd be so offended at an XL shirt. ;) I'd keep it since you're gaining 13 pounds a year. Hopefully you'll be transferred to a bike zone sometime. Your bike must still be in the packaging at the mission home, right?
So you're enjoying the bacon flavored mints too...yes, those were quite a find in a gift store in Seattle. I am really missing the cool weather of Seattle now that we're back home. We're having a little heat wave here, but I really can't complain since we have so little humidity.
Tonight we went over to the Pinders for a little music fun and treats. Here are a couple pix:

I made banana pudding-from my southern heritage and also some "carrots" brownies. Do you remember those? Sean took a plate full over to Jared's this evening too.
Sean is in town just for the weekend. He leaves on Tuesday because of his work schedule. Then next Monday BYU begins classes. All the seniors from our ward are leaving now and the moms are very sad, especially Lisa Myler. She's having a really hard time with this.
My brother Mike actually called me yesterday. Hadn't heard from him in quite a while. He's looking for work. I guess he's really hit rock bottom, no money, no job, utilities all turned off at his house, etc. We had a nice talk, but I really hope he starts turning his life around because of this. He seemed pretty humble.
Uncle Allen also called me yesterday. Sounds like Tyler will be getting married over Labor Day. He gets leave from the Navy where he's still in training to become a dentist and he and Leticia have become even closer since he's been away. She has been taking the lessons and wants to be baptized, but wants Tyler to baptize her. I'm not sure if he'll do that right before the wedding or when. But Allen and Lisa have really grown to love her and think she'll be great with Tyler. Cole is doing well on his mission. I haven't received any letters from him or else I'd pass them along to you.
Uncle Steve called me tonight so we caught up on life too. Isaac came over for a couple weeks and Gio and Jen and baby came up so they could all be together. Steve said it was nice having everyone together even though he got into quite a number of arguments with Isaac and wasn't pleased with Isaac's general behavior. He still seems very selfish and it made Steve sad but he was glad he could have him home to let him know how much he's loved by his family. Axel and Laura are doing well, just waiting for the twins to be born in the next couple weeks. We're planning on a trip down there over Labor Day weekend.
I got Leah and Kristina all registered for school this week. We got Leah all trained on how to open a locker, where to go, etc. She is now excited to be there. She's actually trying out for the volleyball team tomorrow, but with the budget cuts around here, sports really took a hit and looks like there'll only be one team for the entire school, but I'm glad she wants to try. Kristina is thinking about the golf team but it's the same time as lacrosse so that's a big conflict. Nikki is just hoping to get Mrs. Bunn as her teacher, but we don't find out til this Friday.
The YM/YW in our ward had a zone conference this week where the mission President and his wife came and spoke as well as the AP's and the elders from our ward. Kristina came home saying how great it was. I love that our youth can have experiences like that.
Mary Thompson was doing great for a few days and was even released from the hospital to come back home, but she had to go back to SLC to the hospital where they now have to do another skin graft on one of her legs. It's really a set-back for her and she was very discouraged, but she's engaged now and making wedding plans which seems to take her mind off her current situation.
I spoke with Dana's mom yesterday at Albertson's. We're now good buddies because we are Nashville mission moms together. She said to say hi.
So I was sad to hear about Steven's dad. I included him in my prayers all week so I hope to hear good news about his heart softening. Are you still teaching him?
I've been thinking a lot about the "world" and all its enticements lately and have been hearing about so many friends and family who are being lured into a spiritual darkness by the bright lights of the world, and once you're blinded it's so difficult to see things of a spiritual nature. I can't even talk with them about changing their ways because having those bouts of momentary happiness or pleasure keep them from even having a desire for a long lasting peace. Yet I'm watching their lives and children crumble around them and they keep wondering why. I hope you can step back from your own life right now and see why it is that you can be so much in the world(in daily contact with people from all walks of life), yet be so filled with the spirit. It's because of the oil you put in your lamp each day and the exactness with which you are obedient. It seems so simple, yet it is so powerful. It is not by chance that you are strong and willing and able to preach the gospel and bear testimony every day. It's a gift that you can claim because of your preparedness and obedience to the laws that bring forth all the blessings of the gospel.
But the thing I never want you to forget, Alex, is that you can have these same feelings of strength and peace even off your mission. The laws and principles are the same. I know these things because I have experienced it. It's not some special thing just for missionaries. It's available to all of Christ's disciples, all who have a willing heart. I hope all your investigators truly understand that. That's why I take time to study the scriptures each day, to pray, to ponder and especially to listen. I'm working on the listening part. It's because of the amazing things I am still learning from the spirit today at my age.
So anyway, that's what I've been thinking about. When one soul loses their way, I ache and try to figure it all out. I always think there must be a way for me to fix things and make them better.
You talked of a new technique you were going to try in getting people to progress. I hope things are going well there. That's kind of like parenting. I'm always trying new techniques in hopes that I find the golden nugget that will work in every situation. But alas, no such thing. So I just keep coming up with new techniques. It's probably more fun that way anyway. Remember all the various chore charts, incentives to do good and rewards/punishments I came up with. You may not remember, but I do and it makes me laugh to think of all the various games, etc I came up with. I'm thinking of resurrecting that bag monster I had that came and ate up all your toys and clothes that you left out. I forget his name now, but I think he's really needed in the house.
Well, dad just called from work to say good-night, so I know it must be getting late. I hope you have a great week. My prayers and thoughts are always with you.
love you much,
mom xoxo
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