Dear Elder Alex,
It is so cold now and I feel like we got jipped of fall. I was just starting to enjoy the beautiful fall colors, the brisk cool air, when all of a sudden we had a few very windy days, which then wiped out all the fall foliage, and the weather took a turn for the worse. I guess while I was gone to California it even snowed a little bit here. Dad said it was very icy on his way to work in Mountain Home the other morning and cars were sliding on the ice. Here we go again. Winter just seems to show up every year much to my dismay.
I can't complain though because Kirk has had several small blizzards in his neck of the woods, so things could be worse.
Kristina and her dating group didn't complain last night when they had dinner outside either. She had a great time on her Sadie Hawkins date with Tanner Myler. In her group was Joy Purnell with Aaron Potter, Courtney Dittman with Kelson Adcock. They started in the afternoon by coming over to our house for some art in the basement. They made some lovely creations with brushes and straws and played a little wii bowling too. Here are the art pics:

We got your package yesterday. Boy did that make Leah's day-a poster of Justin. That was like the big thing she wanted on her list and we didn't get her that, so she is one happy girl. Nikki wore her night shirt last night very proudly-good call on that one too!
I went to my Stake Council mtg this morning and got to hear a sister missionary from Jake's mission report her mission-Mallory Lamb. The Jensen's are leaving next week to pick up Jake. I love hearing the missionary reports. Bro and Sis. Hansen who used to be in our ward also reported their mission to Kirtland. I don't ever mind going to those meetings also because I know Myles McKell will be there and he's always so funny. Also Kelly Cameron keeps us laughing.
Leah officially graduated from Primary today and went to the stand for her certificate. She recited the 2nd article of faith and did a great job. She got to go to her first mutual last Wednesday which she said was the best ever and then today she got to go to her first Sunday YW meeting where they learned about dating.Welcome to the big time Leah.
Today also was our Primary program. Nikki is officially the tallest in the Primary. She had her line down pat, but when she got to the microphone, she stumbled a bit on the words but pulled it together in the end. She's pretty proud of the fact that she's my last Primary child.
Thank you for sharing about the Vision of the South last week. I looked it up and read about it and today in RS I was able to actually share it as we were discussing the signs of the times. I can see that prophecy being fulfilled in many other places besides the South.
Are the Taylors getting ready for their baptism? How many in their family will actually be getting baptized? They are still in my prayers as I know this is a crucial time for them.
Last week we had a new family move into the house across the street. Yes, I know this will be about the 12th family that has lived there, but we are still excited to see them. It's an LDS family from Star. They have 5 kids under 8, so not exactly anyone for the girls to play with but there will be babysitting opportunities for sure.
In football, Eagle beat the undefeated Highland on Friday and will be playing in the state finals. However, BSU lost to TCU at home and we are all still in shock. I had to listen to the last part of the game on my run to Panda and it was a down to the last second loss 36-35, so Nikki claims I was driving radically. I probably was. BYU won easily over Idaho, but that was not even a good match-up.
We're starting to make plans for Thanksgiving here. I wish it was one of the holidays that you got to call home. That would be fun with everyone here. At least I'm hoping everyone makes it if the weather holds out this year. Last year we were so sad when the Trumbo's couldn't make it through Snowville and they had to turn around. This year we have to worry about Sarah trying to make it down from Canada too. I think we should change Thanksgiving to September when the true harvest is anyway. Canada has it right with that one.
Just finished a game of bananas with Nikki. It's a long game with just 2 people. Leah and Kristina went to something for YW and dad is at a meeting for scout leaders in the Primary.
I hope you are well. Please be safe. Say hi to Elder Wheatley for me and I hope you have a fantastic week! Be exact in your obedience so you can call upon all the blessings that are waiting for you.
Love you very much,
Mom xxoo
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