Dear Elder Alex,
Okay, how fun was that hearing your distant voice in the background. My heart almost stopped when she said who she was and that she was from Paducah. That made my day! I can remember contacting moms of the elders in Hilton Head and it was so fun to let them know how much we loved being around their sons. So please thank that family (can't remember the name now because I went into momentary shock) for that fun surprise.
I hope you like the pictures I sent. It's just a smattering of the things we did on our vacation. After I wrote you last week, here's a brief synopsis of our trip. Monday we met up with Mary and drove to San Diego where we thought we were going to go kayaking, but it got too windy and frankly it was freezing. Mary said she was secretly happy that we didn't have to put on the lovely wet suits that are so flattering. Instead we walked around the coastline, visited the sea lions, then went downtown to the newly renovated Mormon Battalion museum. Remember how dinky it was last time? Well this time it was actually very nice and at the end there was a movie where we got to see Carolina as an extra. She played the part of a latino woman in California having a party with the Mormons. It was very brief, but we saw her. She's a star. Here's a pic from the museum:

On Wednesday, we took Mary to the airport, then headed down to Balboa Beach where we walked around and played for a bit, had lunch and a chocolate covered banana in honor of Arrested Development's banana stand, then we went back to Jan's where she cooked us dinner. Afterwards we went to Downtown Disney where we met up with Toni, Sam and Cammi and also Ben, Alyssa and their daughter Belle. Here's a pic (I know we look a bit scary):
Then on Thursday, we went to the Winn and visited then headed back up north to Vegas for the night. We walked around the strip, M&M world, etc. The next day we went to St. George and met up with Allen and Cole who had just returned from his mission last week. We met them at the temple. Then Allen told us about a good Mexican restaurant so we had lunch and Lisa, Maggie and Malcolm, along with Jessie and her friend Jessie met us for lunch. We had a fun visit.
We drove from there to Steve and Carolina's where we stayed for the night. Dad and I stayed up til almost 2 talking with Steve and Carolina. We also had to privilege of listening to Kassie report her date from that night, every detail of it. She just broke up with a guy and is still miserable about it, but she did the right thing breaking up with him, so I'm proud of her. Dakota sounds like she's doing well in Bosnia opening up the country. We also got to see Axel and Laura and their twins the next morning because they came over to listen to conference. Axel is really doing well in law school and got some kind of reward Friday night. He says he's really starting to like litigation law.
On Saturday we drove up to G&G Thompson's for lunch and listened to conference. After lunch we headed into downtown SLC where they have now officially opened City Creek, that large new shopping area across from temple square. It was very crowded but it was very beautiful. We'll definitely go back again when it's not conference weekend. We drove home Saturday night.
All in all, it was a great trip because we got to see so many family members and since we made so many stops along the way, it made the driving less painful.
So what did you think of conference? There were so many talks that I really liked this time and luckily I recorded the whole thing so I'll start watching a talk a day for the next few months like I always do. I love doing that and it really helps the talks sink in. There were so many talks this time about families and I particularly enjoyed Elder Nelson's talk about the human body and the human soul. Dad had to work today, but I told him about it. I was sad to hear Sister Beck getting released because I have enjoyed everything she has said these past few years. She was an amazing leader. How did the priesthood session go? We were on the road, so no one was able to attend and we haven't heard any report yet.
Did any of your investigators get to conference? I hope so, because there were so many talks that I was hoping Maria was there listening to. It would be nice to get CD's of conference for you to take around to appointments and listen to portions of them as part of your lessons.
Have you performed in any more stakes with your musical roadshow? When the choir sang "Come Thou Fount" today, I couldn't help think of you the whole time. Then right in the middle of it, I got a text from Myles McKell saying "thinking of Alex". Did you get to see David Archuleta in the MTC choir yesterday? He just went into the MTC last Wednesday. We think he's going to Chile. Apparently the video of him singing in the choir is all over facebook now. I got this from Carolina right after the session:
Can't believe it's already April. We're having an open house for Dallas this week on Thursday. They were going to do it at the Rasmussen's, but she just had a baby and said it would be too difficult, so Dawn asked me. That will be fun to have them all here and to get to see everyone. I'll take lots of pics. I guess he hasn't decided where he wants to live at BYU yet, so I'll just let Sean find a lovely place for you.
Hope you enjoyed your Hawaiian feast. The girls would be very jealous. Leah has her first LAX game tomorrow and she's very excited, so we'll keep you posted on how she does. Kristina is in the family room with Caleb 'studying' for a big math test tomorrow. She's worried about it, he's not. Kirk and Sarah are watching TV in the basement, dad, leah and Nikki are all asleep already.
We are all well here and think of you often. It always sounds like you enjoy the work and love the people. That's what it's all about, but also remember to record your tender mercies and miracles so that as you look back upon them and they will continue to lift you in life, and as one of the speakers said today continue to seek after spiritual missionary experiences (and I will add to that, any spiritual experiences) even after your mission so that you will continue to progress in the gospel. I'm so thankful for conference talks (our present day scriptures) and for our scriptures from prophets of old. I am continually re-converted to the gospel when I listen and read them. I love it.
Have a great week. You're the best!
Love you,
Mom xxoo
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