Dear Elder Alex,
Well, I just can't believe that school is actually over with. This getting out in May business is too soon for me and I wasn't ready for it. But the girls were definitely ready.
Kirk called today and said that Sarah got the package from the embassy in Vancouver yesterday, so she just needs to fill out some paper work, get a copy of her police record (or lack thereof) and some birth certificates, mail everything back in, at which time Vancouver should contact her again and let her know when her doctor's appointment is and when her embassy interview is. At the embassy interview she will then receive her official visa to enter the country and be married to an American. So we are pretty close now, but not close enough to actually make a date for things.
Kirk is talking about getting married the week before finals, but dad and i think that's a recipe for disaster-not a marriage disaster, but a finals disaster. So we'll have to figure some things out. Kirk graduates from college on July 21. Anyway, we'll keep you posted.
It was good to hear a little something from you last week about your new area, duties, etc. Sounds like you cover a fairly large area. How many traveling zone leaders are there in your mission? It will be fun to see pictures of your journeys.
That's fun that you got to go back to Paducah for a musical fireside. How many more of those are you going to do? Do you guys get referrals from those?
We just returned from an Eagle court of honor. One of the guys was Sean Pinder and he asked Kristina to come, so we all went. It was very nice. There was one of the largest eagle's nests I've seen at this court of honor.
So tomorrow is Memorial Day and we don't really have any big plans-a little working in the yard, then the neighbors are having a swim party/bbq. These past couple weeks it's been so cold around here, but looks like we're in for some warmer weather now, finally.
Our big news from last week was Kristina's lacrosse team won STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS!! It was an awesome game against Centennial at Rocky Mountain. There was a pretty big crowd there too which made it even more fun. The girls played great and we were never behind during the game, but it wasn't a blow-out either so that made for fun tension. Kristina scored a goal left-handed!! She was going in towards the goal and got blocked on her right side, so she quickly changed her stick to her left hand and shot it in. It was a beautiful shot. They won 13-9. Here are some pics from the game (Kristina is #32)-

Some of the guys came to the game with the girls' numbers painted on their backs and when the girls scored, they'd lift up their shirts, turn around and scream. It was very funny, so we had them all line up with their counterparts.
And here's a pic to take you on a little trip down memory lane:
Also the other thing from this past week was my trip to academies. I went up the first day with my presidency and I taught the girls the infamous numbers game and afterwards we sat outside by a fire pit where we read a poem that we changed the words to, Dr. Suess's Oh, The PlacesYou Go. Then I had each of my presidency talk for a couple minutes about an experience they've had with Relief Society. Then I spoke for about 20 minutes at the end. Afterwards we had them play the game one more time, this time for a large candy bar prize and we gave each girl a long licorice rope signifying the lifelines you establish with Relief Society sisters throughout your life. All in all, I think it went well and it was very fun. I enjoy going to Academies and talking with the graduating seniors. They're such amazing young women and being up in the mountains is always a treat.
Well, I'll sign off now with a thought from our RS lesson today. We talked about Elder Hallstrom's conference talk where he talked about being converted to His gospel(the glorious plan of God) through His "church"(classes, meetings, camps, scouts, mutual, etc) and how the purpose of the church is to help us live the gospel. I love how he said, "It is possible to be active in the Church and less active in the gospel...activity in the Church is a highly desirable goal; however, it is insufficient." "Activity in the Church is an outward indication of our spiritual contrast, the things of the gospel are usually less visible...but they are of greater eternal importance." Great talk and great lesson today.
Have a wonderful week. Hope you're keeping cool as the southern summer starts making its appearance. Can't wait to hear from you. We pray for you always and know you are doing the Lord's work.
Love you,
Mom xxoo
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