Today driving in the car running an errand with Nikki and Leah, the conversation went something like this:
Leah: Mom, I think my thighs are too big.
Mom: Yours aren't too big, Leah. In fact your thighs are supposed to be the biggest part of your leg. They're nice and strong and help you run faster.
Leah: Well, I just don't like looking down at them and don't want anyone else to see them.
Nikki: I have big thighs, Leah, and I like mine.
Mom: Yes, you both have beautiful legs.
Nikki: Yeah, Leah, it's like how I have a mustache and I don't like having a mustache, and you have a little bit of a mustache but you like it, but you don't like having big thighs and I like it.
On the way home, it went like this:
Nikki: Mom, I don't have anyone to be a twin with for spirit week. All my friends already picked someone.
Leah: I can be your twin, Nikki.
Mom: Yeah, that would be good because you two look alike.
Leah: No, a boy in my class didn't know Nikki was my sister and when he saw her, I told him, but he said "she doesn't look like you".
Nikki: Yeah, that's cuz I have brown hair and Leah, you have black hair. And my nose is flat and yours is pointy. You're kind of like an Idaho girl... you're almost white.
Sunday evening dinner. Harold had to work this Sunday, I was tired and just happy that I was finished giving my lesson in Relief Society and didn't really feel like cooking a big meal. So I decided to just make grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. I called the kids in and Leah anxiously asked, "What are we having for dinner?" I told her and her face beamed with excitement as she said, "Wow, this is like heaven." If only I'd realized earlier in life that heaven was this simple, it could have saved me many hours of cooking on Sunday afternoons.
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