Tomorrow night the young women in our church (12 - 18 yrs old) will present their Evening of Excellence. Each girl showcases something they have achieved some excellence in this past year. Since DD Kristina has been sewing small projects all year and has a couple quilt tops in the works too, she and I came up with the idea of making a pillowcase. I found this cute fabric with all their Young Women values on it and we knew it would be perfect. It's from Kristina says she saw the green and had to have it. It's flannel too which will be nice and cozy for a pillow. She found some red fabric in my stash and picked it for the accent stripe. Here are the simple directions for making one:
3/4 yd main fabric
1/4 yd border (cut to 9" wide)
3/4 yd trim (cut to 1 1/2" wide)
Iron trim in half lengthwise. Place border right side up. Place main fabric on top of border also right side up. Then place trim on top of both layers with raw edges even at top. Sew through all layers 1/4" seam.
Open out border. Press the seam towards the border. Also turn under top edge of border 1/4" and press. Fold border in half, press. Make sure it covers the seam line. Top stitch close to folded edge.
Fold pillowcase in half with right sides together. Stitch 1/4" around the side and bottom. Zig zag around the the edges for a nicely finished seam. Turn right side out and enjoy a good night's sleep!
I'm so proud of Kristina. Not because she can sew or likes something that I like, but because she is such a beautiful person inside and out. She seems to have been born with a knowledge of who she really is, a daughter of God, and never questions it nor does anything not in harmony with that knowledge. The world has such a strong pull on women these days and my prayer is always that my girls will radiate every day that inner purity they have and that their armor of God will keep them protected from all the fiery darts that are thrown at them. Sometimes it's so hard to watch them grow up and experience the world. But other times I find myself gaining a sweeter and sweeter kinship, friendship and love with each daughter the older they get. What a beautiful tender mercy this is.
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