Well, today Leah officially turned 9. She's been getting more and more excited each day rising finally to a grand culmination of semi-wild behavior and being sent to bed early by dad. We made peace with her later, but I don't think she can complain about not getting attention this weekend.
Leah had her birthday party yesterday at the Young Chef's Academy where they learned how to make homemade pizzas. She had 9 friends there with her and loved every minute of it. She got fun presents including a skateboard from us which is one of the things she really wanted. Her birthday list resembled some of yours, very hopeful and numerous. We kept some of the presents out so she would have something to open today.
Today at church was the big Primary Program. Leah has had her part memorized for a few weeks now and was very confident. Nikki got asked 2 days ago if she would fill in and have a speaking part. She was very excited. Our first hint at potential disaster was yesterday at their early morning practice. Leah said Nikki refused to do her part at the mic. So we talked about it but she assured us she'd be ready for Sunday. She practiced and practiced her lines. She actually had kind of a difficult little paragraph. This morning they were very excited and went right up to sit in their assigned places on the stand. They were both all smiles from the stand, especially Nikki. then it was Nikki's turn to get up and speak. I could tell by her walking demeanor that there was no confidence. She went up to the mic and abruptly turned around. She didn't leave but just stood there kind of frozen looking for some kind of help. Dad leaned forward and had a few words, but you could see she was beginning to turn to mush in front of the congregation. After what probably seemed like an eternity to her, she left the pulpit and went back to her seat where she immediately started crying. She put her face in her hands and I could see her wiping tears from her face. I felt so bad for her, but there was nothing I could do at this point. I wanted to tell her that it was ok, but the show had to go on and it did. When it was time to sing, she slowly stood up still holding her face in her hands. I really wanted her to get over it so she could enjoy the rest of the program. I felt horrible. I kept trying to make eye contact with her and finally did. I gave her a big smile and waved. She waved back and things got better. By the next song she was standing tall and singing loudly every word. I was so happy for her. Leah's turn came and she stood up confidently, walked to the pulpit quite briskly and delivered a beautifully memorized scripture, Amos 3:7. The rest of the program was great and it finished with a rousing rendition of Called to Serve. Immediately afterwards I tried to make a bee-line towards Nikki. Somehow we passed each other. She came looking for me as fast as I was looking for her and we lost each other. So Alex went looking for her and sent her my way. She was in tears again which brought tears to my own eyes. I told her we could just sit on the couch and cry together for a minute. She liked that. Then we went to the bathroom to freshen up and we sat back on the couch again and talked about it. I don't want her to feel scarred from this. She's so outgoing. But I heard her go up to the Primary Pres. and tell her she was not going to be speaking in the next program. Heather told her smartly that they'd talk about it next year.
Nikki wanted me to go to Primary with her so I told her I'd come in and sit in the back. She sat with me. During singing time they needed volunteers to go up front and help lead and pick the song. Nikki was hoping to be picked which was a good sign. They draw names out of a container for volunteers though. The very last name they drew was Nikki Thompson and she excitedly walked to the front, picked a song to sing and led it also. She felt great and had such a fun time doing it. When she sat down I told her that Heavenly Father was watching over her and wanted her to be happy and that's why her name was picked. He knew that would make her happy. At home we talked about that and I told her that that's the way Heavenly Father shows His love for us, in small ways, and that He knew how badly she was feeling today and how He knew who she was and what she wanted. I told her she had gotten a little miracle today and asked if she understood that. She said she did. She hugged me and life was good again.
We had a fun visit from Mary this weekend. She called Friday night and asked if she and a couple friends could drop in and spend the night before they went on to McCall for the weekend. It was fun seeing her again. Then she was here at the house when we got home from church today too. They weren't here long, but it was fun.
I also started a Trumbo family blog this week and am hoping to get everyone on board sharing pictures and stories. So far, the cousins are the most prolific, but I'm patient and some of my brothers and sisters have asked for help in learning how to post and add to the blog, so I'm hopeful.
We sent a package to you this past week. It will be the Halloween leftover package. Spread the wealth however you like. There's a dentist in town who's buying back Halloween candy, so just so you know we could have made a small fortune this year. :)
What have you been up to this week? It looks like you're enjoying some nice weather, a little on the warm side, but nice. I didn't even realize you guys were working on a new building there. That's great and I know it's a real blessing. I'm glad a lot of investigators were able to attend the open house and the dedication. Have you made any contacts with any of them? What's up with Maxi now?
Did you use that letter I sent you last week for Hna Villa? Is she the ward mission president's wife?
Over the weekend, Alex went to Sadie's. The theme was Super heroes. The girls gave the guys their costumes. Don't be scared, but here's a couple pix:
He said it was a lot of fun. During the day, they went paint balling which they definitely want to do again. Then he showed me his costume. Only your brother Alex would be bold enough to not mind wearing hot pink short shorts and tights out in public. They had a fun group. He also just got back from the choir tour to the northwest.
Friday night was the HS quarterfinals. Eagle lost their quarterback last week and Dallas stepped in. They won quite easily with some unusual but effective plays. Dallas only passed a couple times, with no completions, but obviously they didn't need it since they won 37-16. They will play Lewiston this friday night at home. We're definitely going. Also BSU won and BYU won. It's been a fun football season around here.
I was able to read over all the letters in the Eagle Elder's newsletter. It's so great to hear the strong spirit each of you is carrying in your individual areas of the world. The kingdom is rolling forth and it's wonderful to be a part of the Lord's army. I hope you are well, healthy and staying true to your covenants. I know the potential you have and how caring you are as a leader. I love hearing your stories. What may seem mundane to you is thrilling to me, so keep it coming.
Here are some missionary tips for the week:
1. Leave notes with scriptural references on them at investigators' homes.
2. Buy toilet paper in bulk.
3. Leave for appointments five minutes before you think you should.
4. Take a copy of the Book of mormon with you everywhere, even on P-day.
5. Swap ties at zone meetings.
6. Offer to help with the dishes at dinner appointments.
7. Use different routes to get to the same location.
8.Send a romantic-looking envelope addressed to yourself through the office mail system. See what rumors start surfacing.
9. Buy postcards from each area you serve in.
10.Make each companion feel like he is your best one yet.
Take care of yourself, Sean and stay in tune with the spirit. Listen and ponder often.
I love you,
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