Dear Elder Alex,
So how's life this week? I went to the Eagle 3rd ward today. Myles McKell was asking about you again. He loves hearing how you're doing. I also talked with Josh Gilman. He's anxious to get out on his mission to Cordoba but he doesn't leave until June. He said he's kind of going crazy waiting around. Sean is going to go over to his house when he finishes this semester but that won't be until April.
In our ward, Derrick Hansen will be coming home in about 4 weeks. Kimi Anderson is talking marriage when he gets home, so we'll see what happens there.
Kirk said today in his singles ward that Kellon Moore showed up. He came with a girl he's been dating. He was looking very Mormon-like in a grey pin-striped suit and white shirt and tie. He stayed for all the meetings.
I just talked with Sean. He's going to be staying for the spring and summer semesters this year. He's doing that so he can be ready to do an internship in the fall of 2012.
Last week it was fun to read in Elder Goodwin's letters that he was doing splits with Elder McDermott. And they loved getting a picture of you and him. Your new mission president sounds interesting. Can't believe he'll be bring 5 daughters with him. That will be quite the adventure. Is the mission home a large home?
We heard you guys had some crazy weather last week. Were there any tornadoes that touched down in your area?
How is Thomas doing? Did he get baptized? Also, was he able to find a job? We've been praying for him here.
Everything's going well here. Nothing much different. We really loved watching the BYU game yesterday against SDSU. They won 80-67, so it will be fun to see how they're ranked now. They were #7 and SDSU was #6, so this should be interesting. Kristina is such a Jimmer fan! She knows when all the games are and has his picture as the wallpaper on her phone.
You never mention too much about dinner appointments. Do you get a lot there or are you guys cooking in your apartment? Just wondering if you could use any new recipes, etc.
Today when I walked into sacrament mtg, one of the Elders was handing out bulletins at the door. He's from Samoa and he had just ripped out the back seam of his suit jacket. So he was standing with his back to the wall. I told him I could take it home and fix it real quick for him, but he said it was a rule that he needed to wear a suit jacket. So I went to the library and got a bunch of pins and I took his jacket and pinned it together the best I could. He was doing Teacher duties at the back door during sacrament mtg, and every time he got up I watched to make sure his suit was still holding together. Then at the very end of the meeting he got up and it was torn open again in a smaller area. So I went up to him again and took out the broken pins (he had completely broken the pins in half). I told him he needed to get it tailored and that they could make it so it would have more room, but he said he was leaving for home shortly. I asked him when and he said, in 3 months. So I told him he definitely had to get his suit fixed and that they could do it at a dry cleaners. It was like I was talking with Nikki and how she'd be perfectly fine wearing something with a big hole in it. I'm going to try and check on him tomorrow and I may have to take it for repair for him. I get the feeling that this is probably his only suit and he's trying to make it last til the end.
Also there was a wonderful couple of articles in March's Ensign about missionaries and missionary work. Pres. Hinckley is quoted when he talks about 2 missionaries he met when he was a young man on his own mission. He said, "One was a superstar. He was educated. He was bright. He was quick. He was a little arrogant. We had another who was a sign painter...with very little education, but he knew his inadequacies and he relied on the Lord. When he prayed, you knew he was talking with the Lord...That young man accomplished wonders while the other young man went through the motions. The power that was in the one and the absence of power in the other was so apparent."
I thought about you because I know you so well and I know that you are like the one who knows his inadequacies(not the part where he had very little education). Remember to rely on the Lord like that young man did. The Lord knows every inadequacy we have, but when we show faith, put forth our best efforts and then rely on Him, He pours out His spirit on us in every part of our lives. Your thoughts will be His thoughts, your words will be His words and your actions will become His actions. He wants you to succeed and have joy. He wants you to help others succeed and have joy.
I hope you have a great week. We're always here for you, remember that you are always in our prayers.
love you much,
Here' a couple pix Kristina and Leah took. We've been having some great sunsets lately. Also we had some nice weather for a little bit, so the girls were happy to get outside and play. The last one is Kristina's lovely lime green room.
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