Feb. 20, 2010
Dear Elder Alex,
Last week we were outside playing, wearing shorts and loving 63 degree weather, then this week we've had snow storms, hail storms, rain, thunder, sleet, you name it. I guess winter's not over yet.
It was so good hearing about your new area and especially that you love it. We got your mission newsletter this week too sent from your mission office. That was fun reading messages from your president, etc. It was also fun seeing Elder Goodwin's picture as an incoming missionary. Is the newsletter something new or are we just now getting to see it and you've been getting one all along? Whichever it is, we enjoyed receiving it.
Also we've been watching American Idol and one of the girls that's made the final 50 is from Goodlettsville! We have to root for her of course. She's actually very good.
Sounds like you're doing a lot of teaching. That's something I always pray for in my personal prayers. How is Thomas coming along? Tell him to have faith.
Let's see...today I had ward conference with the Star 1st ward. I think I'm actually going to miss going to these ward conferences, but eventually I need to get back to our ward and get to know some of the new people. A family is actually looking at Brian and Val's old house down the street. It's been sitting empty for quite some time now. Dad said they came to our ward today to check it out.
We had a couple's Valentine ward party last night. For the entertainment part, they played some minute-to-win-it games. Dad went up on the stage when they were playing the orange in the pantyhose game. You attach the pantyhose to your backside and then try to swing it so you can knock over a full water bottle. Dad failed, some kind of hip malfunction excuse. He's going to have to work on swinging his hips better!
Thursday night I went to a mother/daughter night with Nikki and Leah for activity day girls. We made banners that say "Return with Honor".
Yesterday when I was helping Kirk clean his room for Saturday chores, I found a sticky that said "Nashville contact-south of Nashville. Coolie's friend, Brett Raymond(musician)." Just thought I'd pass that along to you. I kind of remember writing that down, but not all the details. So hopefully it means something to you.
Kirk is working just about every day now at the mall. He even got a bonus check this time for the sales he made last month. So he's doing well. He's planning a trip to Rexburg to talk with a school counselor in a couple weeks. He really needs to fine tune his major and what route he wants to take in life.
Sean just called and is hanging out with grandma and grandpa Thompson this weekend, President's weekend. He had lunch with his mission president and has a date in Salt Lake tomorrow. It's a girl he met in his Arabic class. He also went to Aaron Barney's wedding over the weekend. The luncheon was at Tucano's.
Kristina is signing up for her classes next year. Her electives are concert choir, seminary, Spanish II, Drawing/painting, digital photography, food and nutrition and welding. Of course, she won't take all those, they are just the alternates, but I think she's secretly hoping she gets into the welding class. She keeps talking about it.
Leah will be signing up for her classes in middle school in the next few weeks too. It's hard to believe, but she actually is starting to mature a bit and I can actually see her ready for middle school. She'll still need help academically(she'll be getting tested by the school to see how much and what help she'll need for the next 3 years), but she's definitely turning into a young woman. She also has a huge crush on Justin Bieber so we never hear the end of it here.
Nikki is jealous that dad is on a high protein diet because she wants to eat meat all day too. But somehow she can't understand that you only eat meat and no sweets. She's thinking of giving up sugar for one year and wants to start tomorrow, but I don't know how serious she is about it. We'll see. She and Leah will be starting lacrosse in a few weeks.
Dad is busy with work and is doing a lot of homeowners president duties right now too. I think he wants to get fired from that job.
I just finished going through the conference talks 2 times for my scripture study, so now I'm ready to start something new, but I don't have a plan yet. I always turn to the Book of Mormon because I like it so much, but I really need to branch out and expand my horizons.
Myles McKell was asking about you today and said to say hi. Church was starting so I didn't have time to get the scoop on Ryan. Next time.
Have a great week. I love you soooo much!
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