Dear Elder Alex,
It's official...Kirk and Sarah are engaged! Kirk popped the question on Friday and gave Sarah her ring. He took her on a hike here in Boise and while hiking he played a couple tricks on her. She pretty much expected the proposal to be coming, so as they were walking Kirk stopped, kissed her and told her how much he loved her and wanted to be with her forever, then he bent down to the ground. Sarah said she started crying when she saw him go down, but then Kirk just picked up a stick from the ground and threw it off to the side. The next time, he stopped, unzipped the pocket of his coat slowly and Sarah thought he was reaching for the ring again. This time he pulled out her camera and said, oh, here's your camera, let's take some pictures. Then the third time, he actually proposed and Sarah still cried.
We all went out to dinner to a new little place in Meridian called Rumbi, it's over by the Verizon store. It's good Island food. Then we all went to the Eagle High football game together which probably caused them to lose their first game, but oh well. The next day the work began, and me and Kirk and Sarah started the ordeal of paperwork to get what's called a Fiance visa for Sarah to be able to come to the US and get married. Supposedly it takes about 3-7 months to even get the visa, so they're in for a bit of a wait. Otherwise, they would have chosen to get married this winter. We were all very sad about having to wait for the government, but we're trying to move on. Bro. Cameron is going to check with a partner at his law firm and see if he will handle the paperwork for us. I would be soooo happy if he does, because I have been doing so much studying online about all the immigration laws. I'm pretty sure I could hire out for consultations since I know so much now. It's very convoluted. I'll keep you posted on the situation. Worst case scenario is that they won't even be married by the time you get home... :(
Sarah's sister came up to Boise for the weekend too because she plays hockey on a team in Utah and they had a tournament here. I took the girls to the games. Her sister, Nicole, plays really well and has been playing since she was 7. She got knocked around quite a bit though and even got a concussion today. That's quite the rough sport.
Sarah went back to Canada this afternoon and Kirk headed back to Rexburg. It was a fun weekend.
Tonight dad and the girls carved pumpkins. Here's a couple pics of their handiwork. Each year they get better and better. For Halloween, Nikki's going to be a 50's girl and Leah wants to be a vampire. It's still changing though as we speak.
I had my big stake training meeting this past week and I thought it went really well. I enjoyed being there, talking with the presidents and even enjoyed giving a talk. You'd be amazed if you knew how much work RS presidencies do and how many serious issues there are in each ward. They are wonderful women and I learn a lot from each of them. We asked each president to introduce their presidencies by giving funny stories, etc. So our presidency started off and of course, we told funny embarrassing type stories. Then the first ward started telling a few funny things, but then they all just said super sweet things about their counselors and it turned into a very tender moment. I'm pretty sure it made our presidency look like a bunch of goofballs! Oh well. We were just trying to lighten it up a bit.
So this week I am flying to Calif to work on my dad's life history. I hope I can get quite a bit done. It's a big job, but I love talking with my dad and he always has great stories to tell. I'm going to be there from Thurs til Sunday evening. I'll be staying at Jan's while I'm there. Wish me luck in keeping my dad on the straight and narrow as far as his stories go. It's easy to get off on wild tangents with him.
So how are things in McMinnville?I'm anxious to hear about the Taylors and how they're progressing. We have been praying for them this week. So sorry that you had to do some deep cleaning a couple weeks ago with Elder Furin's apt. That sounds gross, but it is a good reminder of how great it feels when things are orderly and clean.
Kristina is still soaking in all the rights and privileges of being 16. She is asked out by someone a couple times each week, but so far she's always been busy which is good. It's going to be hard to get your okay with all these requests so we will do our best to weed out the young men. She missed a big party this weekend because her room has been a constant mess. Tanner Myler even asked to take her to the party, but she had to decline and explain the messy room punishment. :) She had her first jazz bass lesson this week too and it went really well. I really like the teacher. He's got this quirky coolness about him, like all good jazz musicians I'm sure. It made me actually want to start taking lessons.
Leah is 2 weeks away from going into Young Women. She is the last of her group and is busy trying to memorize her Article of Faith. She's very nervous about it. The Primary program is on the Sunday that she gets her graduation certificate and the Primary asked her if she still wanted to be in the program. Leah said no. I love it.
Nikki is still one crazy girl. Hard to put into words, but keeps us laughing. She knows so many songs on the radio and loves singing each one. Cooking, eating and singing-that's her life!
Better close up for the night. I just got off the phone with our missionaries. I asked them to switch dinner appointment days with each ward. Some wards were not happy about losing their days, but we all have to learn to share the missionaries, eh?... I think Sarah's speech is rubbing off on me.
I hope you are having happy productive days. I enjoy hearing how upbeat you are and I know things around you are not always upbeat, so that's a wonderful gift. Grandpa Trumbo comments about that almost every time I talk with him. He says you and he have a similar connection in life and he loves your letters. Remember to always be true to who you are and who the Lord wants you to be. You're a powerful instrument in His hands.
Love you much,
mom xxoo
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