Dear Elder Alex,
Can you believe it's already October? This General Conference came up very quickly-a sign of old age I'm sure. We were able to watch all four sessions and dad was home to go to Priesthood (although he had to attend all by himself...) He told me all about it afterwards over a bowl of frozen yogurt from a new place in Eagle right next to Pizza Hut. There were quite a few other men in white shirts there when we got there too. Only Dustin Simpson and dad brought their wives though.
Kirk and Sean were able to attend the Saturday morning session thanks to Sarah getting them tickets. Sarah and her mom flew down to SLC for the weekend. Kirk drove down to meet them and to "meet the mom". Sounds like she approves of him, so it's full steam ahead for their relationship. Next weekend he's flying to Canada to meet the rest of the family and spend Canadian Thanksgiving with them. He and Sarah also spent time yesterday looking at rings. Sean went to Priesthood with Grandpa, and Kirk stayed in downtown SLC so he went to the Conference Center. Afterwards, Sarah, Kirk, "mom" and sister all went down to Provo and spent the evening playing Settlers of Catan-Sarah's family's favorite game. Kirk stayed with Steve and Carolina for the weekend and even had Sarah over this morning to watch conference with them. This afternoon, Kirk and Sarah went to Grandma and Grandpa's where they had lunch with them, Charmaine and Sean and also watched the last session. Sounds like they all had a great weekend.
Me and the girls managed to come up with lots of handwork to do during the sessions, like usual. I knitted half a blanket, Nikki crocheted a bracelet, Leah got half an embroidery done and Kristina started and stopped several projects. I think dad was jealous of all our multi-tasking. I enjoyed several of the talks about repentance and loved Sister Tanner's talk about fathers and daughters. I also really enjoyed Pres. Monson's talk this morning and Elder Cornish's talk (partly because he was Kirk's mission president).
Here are some pics of Kristina and the dogs watching conference together. Notice the green paws from a freshly mowed lawn:

We've been busy making raisins these last few days from our humungous grape supply. There's been lots of grape juice too. Wish we could get some out to you. Dad is enjoying his new laptop which probably seems like hyper-speed after the one he's had. Kristina is getting excited for her 16th birthday party which is going to be a big bash at the Moss's where she celebrates with Mallory and Courtney Dittman. They think they want to invite about 120 kids. Hmmmm. Us moms are putting it together for them.
I've been busy leather dying new/used seats for the Mustang. We got a pair that have a headrest on them from a '96 Mustang but they were white. So I've been dying them black and I think they look pretty awesome. Brent is going to put 3 pt. harness seatbelts in the car this week too. I'll send some pictures next week.
So how was your week and how did you like Conference? I hope some of your investigators were able to attend. Was Courtney able to watch? Also I hope Brandon and Katrina got to catch some of it. I'm glad to hear that McMinnville is starting to grow on you. There was so much talk about missionary work too in this conference and to hear the Elder from Japan speak this afternoon about his conversion was powerful.
Bro. and Sis. McCauley come home tomorrow evening from their mission in Russia. We are so sad we won't be here this weekend to hear them speak and report. We are going back down to Utah to watch a BYU football game. We planned it a long time ago, so we can't really change things. We're also going to Homecoming Spectacular. It will be a quick trip, but it will be fun to see Axel and Laura and their new little babies. One of their little girls was born with an adrenal disease that will affect her her whole life and she has to take medicine every day, and take extra medicine every single time she even comes down with a little cold.It's an extremely rare disease that affects her growth too. They will have to watch her carefully. Can't remember if I told you that Katie had her 2nd baby girl last week too. That makes 4 new great grandchildren for my mom and dad in just the last couple weeks.
If there's anything you want from Utah, let us know. We recently bought the movie, 17 Miracles and it is so well done. I don't know if you can watch things like that, but I would definitely recommend it to families you are working with. It tells the story of the Willey Handcart company and highlights 17 miracles that happened along the way. It's such a great movie.
Here are some more missionary tips for you:
1. Stand every time you greet the mission president's wife.
2. Get to church early on Sundays
3. Sing a hymn after companion study.
4. Invite companions, converts and others to write short notes in your journal
5. Cook bacon weekly, just for the smell of it
6. Always take a copy of an old talk to sacrament meetings; if the bishop calls on your without warning, you'll be prepared
7. Get to know the missionary couples well
8. Read the Book of Mormon every day of your mission.
Time to close down the house and put the dogs in the kennels. Roxy likes her beauty sleep. I hope you have a great week. As you heard from conference, there are many, many people always praying for you. Be safe, be happy and learn to recognize the spirit's whisperings every day. I'm so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost in my life.
I love you more than you know.
Mom xxoo
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