Oct. 31, 2010
Dear Elder Alex,
How's it going? Just got off the phone with Sean. He sounds good, but he's one I'd rather see in person because I can't really read him through the phone conversation. He's a man of few words but many thoughts. He's trying to get into the journalism school at BYU but there's a number of hoops he has to jump through first. He's thinking of majoring in journalism but also taking the full course of pre-med classes so he can get into the medical field somewhere.
We had a full week here with trunk or treat, concerts, Material Girls meetings, game nights, etc. It was fun having Jared and Kendra here for dinner(deadman meatloaf of course) and also having a game night. I've missed those. Jared asked if they could have their wedding reception at our house. We'll have to talk more and discuss it more, but we'll see.
Have you gotten any more packages or mail? Let me know when you get things. It's just nice to know.
Our ward trunk or treat was actually a 3 ward event and it went pretty smoothly. Lot's of chili, cornbread, games, Thriller dance lessons, and trunk or treating. Dad made some cool brain, heart and hand molds and then made a stump for his hand so it looked like he lost his hand while making some food. He called himself Chef Stumpy. I'll put a few pictures here and then send more in another email so it doesn't take up too much room.
Thursday night was Ehs's fall concert. It was soooo crowded. They've got to do something. Every group sounded great. Kristina's in the freshman girl's choir and they did a good job. She really enjoys Mr. McMullen. He says she has a little bit of each of her brothers in her. The man choir is getting large and they sound good. Spencer Myler and Coleman Madsen were part of a barbershop quartet and they did a great job. Also Tanner Myler played the bongos in a few numbers and it was so fun. Sonous sang the William Tell Overture, Sitivit Anima Mea, Jenny Kissed Me, Lady in the Water and Jai Ho and all choirs sang O My Luve's LIke a Red, Red Rose at the end.
Today at church we had a quartet with Spencer, Coleman, Derek Redmond and Shawn Pinder sing I need Thee Every Hour and it sounded awesome. It was Brian Redmond's homecoming today.
I loved your last letter. I was so happy to hear you've had several opportunities to teach and to see people actually feel the spirit and want to change their lives because of it. Sounds like you and Elder Jolley are really working well together. You haven't been out very long but I'm amazed at how you learn lessons and have gained such wisdom about situations. You have a great discerning spirit and it will be such a blessing in your life. It's so true about working hard and how great it feels especially when you are doing the Lord's work. You'll notice that you'll always seem to have such strength to accomplish everything you need to, then you'll just collapse at the end of the day and wonder how you were able to accomplish all that you did. That's when you realize where your gratitude should be and who gave you the very words to speak when you needed them.
Have you been able to meet up with the chef's girlfriend yet? How's Eddy Rodgers doing? I hope Jessica is still progressing too. The fellowship of church members becomes so key at this point.
Nikki gave a talk in Primary today. She actually volunteers for that all the time and loves giving talks. She spoke about missionary work today. You'd be proud of her. The sister missionaries were in Primary too and did a special music time for them.
Kirk called and has had a fun weekend. He went out a couple times with the same girl this weekend. I'm glad he's back into the dating world. He's always happy when he's dating.
My finger is still in a lot of pain. Dad says it's going to take a long time to heal and now I'm starting to miss playing the piano. It hurts so bad if it even just touches something. The tip of your fingers have so many nerves!!
Leah and Nikki and Kristina were all so excited that you directed some remarks to them in your last letter. It means a lot. I have parent teacher conferences this week for the little girls-wish me luck...
Maria just wrote me and sent this picture of Hudson--
We think of you all the time and of course we always pray for you. Tell Elder Jolley we pray for him too. If there's anyone you want us to pray for here, let us know. Thank you, Alex, for being such a wonderful son.
love you always,