Dear Elder Alex,
How was your conference weekend? I thought about you throughout the meetings knowing that you were probably watching at the same time. Did you get to watch all the sessions? Where did you end up watching from? Who were some of your favorite talks?
I really enjoyed the very first talk of conference by Elder Holland. I also enjoyed the talk on parenting this afternoon and the talk by Elder Bednar about receiving the Holy Ghost in your life. Dad had to work, so the girls and I watched every session together.
I also managed to get some handwork done while watching tv and then finished my book I'm making with all my letters to Sean while he was on his mission. I'm being better with yours as I'm keeping them in order and saving them. I had to search high and low for all of Sean's and then to put 2 years' worth in order was quite the task. But it's finished and I'm going to order a hard copy book.
Nikki had her big birthday party Friday afternoon. Here are some pix. We played a bunch of minute-to-win-it games. Nikki said it was the best party ever!
Looks like they might be finished with the movie making in the neighborhood, I'll have to look down there tomorrow morning and see if all the cars are still there. Turns out it's going to be an "R" rated movie about drug cartels, murders, etc. They were filming some high speed car scenes from our house down to the drug lord's house. They used a red corvette. They were also doing some kind of explosions. The neighbors, the MacDonald's, were irritated with it all, but if it was next door to us, I have the feeling we would have thought it was cool.
It's been very hot here lately, like in the 90's and here it is October. It's actually supposed to get a bit cooler this week though.
I had a presidency meeting this week where we took all the donated coats from our women's conference and sorted through them. We ended up with about 200 coats and they were all in pretty good shape. We picked 4 charities to deliver them to. I took some coats yesterday to a place right here in Eagle off of Linder called Christian Children's Ranch, a place where they take in homeless children and school them and have 3 homes where they live. Each home has a set of parents who have volunteered to live there and take care of the children as if they were their own. I never even knew that place was there and they had quite a few ongoing needs. I think we'll try to gather some items for them as a family.
How has your work been going? Have you been back to see Quinton? What a rough life. I also hope Elder Mix isn't leading you astray. I know you knew already that not all the missionaries follow the rules, but exact obedience is richly rewarded by Heavenly Father. Elder Bednar spoke of receiving the Holy Ghost and that's one of the most important ways we can receive the Holy Ghost, through our obedience. I need the help of the spirit every day and need to constantly be aware of how I can keep the spirit with me. That's why I really appreciated his talk.
In between sessions we watched a special on the new Kiev Ukraine temple. It has made a huge impact on the people there and they interviewed several people who went through the tours. They literally were coming out of the temple crying saying how strong the feeling was inside there and how they wanted to know how they could feel that feeling more often. One lady said she came on the last day and wished she had come sooner so that she could have gone through more often. That's something I've learned in life that non-members who feel the spirit for the first time often feel it so powerfully, something we sometimes take for granted because we feel it so often. Needless to say, the missionaries have been inundated with requests for visits and books, etc. Maybe we should have more open houses in the temples around the world and then rededicate them. So remember that when you're teaching. If you take the spirit into each home, the people you teach who are looking for something in their life, will be able to feel the spirit so strongly that you may even be amazed sometimes. I hope you find opportunities to bear your testimony as often as you can.
Speaking of temples, looks like ours is going to be closed for almost a year for renovations. Not sure if that means they have to rededicate it or not. But for a while we'll be going to the Twin Falls temple. I really like the Twin Falls temple and remember our trip to the open house there, so I look forward to going there.
Sean just called and told me about his mission reunion on Friday night. He said about 60 missionaries showed up and he knew all of them, so it was a lot of fun for him. He then went to Grandma and Grandpa Thompson's and also went to priesthood session with grandpa. I remember going to the priesthood session with grandpa last April...Kirk said the MTC choir sang and he thought he saw Cameron. But we'll have to see if he was there or not when we read his letter tomorrow. As of last week, he and 4 others were still in the MTC. The rest of the Mexico missionaries had been reassigned to state missions somewhere until their visas came in. We ran into Tim at WalMart and he told us Austin only has to be in the MTC in Peru for 2 weeks because he and a few others were learning the language so well. So even Austin may be out in the field before Cameron.
Over the weekend, BYU lost again and BSU won 56-0 and EHS won at their homecoming game. Homecoming dance was the night of conference so I don't know what most of the young men ended up doing.
I'm glad you mentioned you were doing service there. Remember the best way to start to really care about and love the people you are living amongst is to serve them. You were sent to Illinois for a reason and it's up to you to find that reason and make the most of it.
We're putting together a package that we're mailing out to you tomorrow. Be sure to let us know when you finally get it. I know letters aren't taking too long, but wondering about packages. Is there anything you need or want? There's a little room left in the box in case you think of something.
Alex, I'm proud of you being a full-time missionary and how you are willing to serve the Lord and know that He loves all His children. Be an instrument in His hands and work hard to truly receive the Holy Ghost in your life so that you can know the truth of all things and be guided each day. Make notes of things you learn. I have a feeling you will be teaching others how to be good missionaries sooner than you think and the experiences you are having now are all for your good.
You're always in my prayers. I know you already know that, but I truly believe in the power of prayer. Be true.
Love you always,
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