Dear Elder Alex,
How are you doing? So you've made it through one transfer now, huh? How exciting if you can find a family who's out there in Illinois just waiting for you and they can be the first baptism in the area in 10 months. It's probably a neighbor of one of the members there.
I was so happy to hear how you were touched by Elder Bednar's talk. Conference talks will always answer prayers and that's why it's important to prepare for conference beforehand. As a kid, I put up with conference. As an adult, I love preparing for it and then listening for answers I need. They always come. It was good to hear that you and Elder Mix had a talk about things. Acting on inspiration like that is showing Heavenly Father that you are willing and want to be an instrument in His hands, not just the instrument that sits in its case in the closet.
I'm writing you while the family is at church. I've been at church since this morning going to different wards. This is the best part of my calling, visiting the different wards. I love hearing the different teachers in RS and meeting new sisters. Today in the Star 2nd ward, Sis. Tanner taught the lesson on Repentance. Then she asked Lacey to sing a song for the closing called "Godly Sorrow." It was beautiful and of course, Lacey looked stunning. She's at home and will be starting cosmetology school in January. I also went to the Star 1st ward. The sisters were all so outgoing in that ward and so fun. That would be a fun ward to be a part of. I went to the Beacon Light Sacrament Mtg too.
The wards are really starting to grow here. The new building in Star is supposed to be finished by the end of the year and it looks like it might actually be done before that.
It's very funny that you like catfish. I actually watched them doing "hogging" on one of the Extreme shows on TV. It looked crazy.
Did you get our package yet? Also be sure to let dad know if you are getting his snail mail letters. He's loving writing to you and would love to know if you are actually getting them. FYI-his birthday is this Wednesday.
Here's some big news-Jamie Goodwin (Nigel's brother) just got his mission call and he's going to...Tennessee Nashville mission!!! His mom called me because they kept hearing about this Alex Thompson who was in Nashville and she didn't know who you were. Then it dawned on her that you were my son, so she called me. She didn't even know Sean had a younger brother and I told her I didn't know Nigel had a younger brother. So I shared with her some of the things you have said, etc. I guess Jamie is a really funny guy, so I told her that your mission president has a great sense of humor too. Do you know Jamie? He graduated a year after you and was really big into the video program at school. He likes making movies. Hmmmm. Sounds familiar. He's also musical, but doesn't like country music. Hmmmm. Sounds familiar. Anyway, the Goodwin's are very excited and especially knowing that you are there. Jamie goes into the MTC in January, so be sure to look for him. Also, if you have any hints or advice for him, let me know. They would really appreciate it.
Some other news this week-Uncle Scott called me and he was bored one night and went onto and while he was there he saw an ad for someone who helped adopted people find their birth families, so he clicked on it. Long story short-he and David went to breakfast yesterday with their birth sister who is only 1 year older than them. The birth mom and aunt have both passed away, so they are going to take a sibling DNA test just to verify everything, but she has a pretty strong resemblance to Scott. Scott posted pictures on facebook so I could see. So in about 14 days, they'll know for sure, but it looks like you may have a new aunt. I figure we're all just one big family anyway. I'll keep you posted.
Football news-everyone won this week. BYU, BSU (#3 in the polls) and EHS.
Sean and his buddies went to Tucanos yesterday. He said it was kind of a Bachelor Party for Nate who is getting married this Saturday. They ran into the Yorgason's there celebrating Dawn's birthday. They all said to say hi.
I had an RS dinner at our house this past Wednesday. Our presidency invited the Stake YW presidency and the Stake Primary presidency. Here are some pics (notice the lovely fall theme):
We all had a great time and are going to keep up this tradition each fall. It was fun getting to know these other ladies. I had them put down on a paper 3 statements about themselves-one true and two false. Then we read them and had to guess who they were and which one was true. Then of course there were stories to tell about the true statements. We learned a lot about each other and it was very funny. My statements were:1-I drove a school bus to school every day when I was 16 years old. 2-I was a barrel racer 3-I can play the accordion extremely well. They all thought that my true statement was that I was a barrel racer. I look like I ride horses! I don't know, maybe I do. Anyway, their next guess was the accordion, so I told them that was my dad. So I told them the story of our bus and now they all want me to send them a picture and we were all laughing so hard about it. It was a great evening-wonderful company and delicious food. Poor dad had the job of taking the girls and the dogs out to dinner for the evening. He's a good sport.
How do the members treat you there? Are the ward mission leaders helpful to you? Are the youth programs strong there? Sometimes the youth are some of the best and boldest missionaries out there. Remember the story of my birth mom. She only agreed to having a California couple adopt me (she didn't want me to be raised in California because it would be too close to her). When my birth mom found out the couple was Mormon, she remembered about going to YW(different name back then)with a friend who invited her to the weekly activities. She thought highly of this friend and decided it would be good for me to be in a family with those same beliefs and the rest is history. So remind the youth how powerful their examples can be.
You would be extremely proud of Kristina and Nikki who have been sticking with a daily scripture reading schedule. I'm going to try to help Leah and let her know that she only needs to read one verse a night if she wants. Maybe you can give her a little challenge and I'll provide the reward.
Kirk has been slowly putting himself out there meeting new girls. He and his roommate went around to different apartments just meeting girls. One of the groups he met called and wanted to come to their apartment Friday night, so I'll hear about that later on when he calls. He's enjoying school especially now that he's in the upper division classes. Much more interesting.
Thank you for being strong and willing to serve. I know it's not always easy, but you're never alone. Remember that the Lord wants people in His church just as much as you do, but patience and timing are key. I've had to re-learn that lesson several times in my life.
Have a great week. Send us some pictures.
Love you,
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