Oct. 24, 2010
Dear Elder Alex,
How are you doing today? You've had a new companion this week, so how did things go? You're with Elder Jolley, right? Dad has some cousins named Jolley, remember the guy(he was a twin) who visited us in Hilton Head and made us go out to dinner on Sunday. I remember we were all traumatized when he did that. I hope you've been having success this week. I hope Elder Mix is doing well in his new area.
I was so sad to hear you didn't get to go to Gladys Knight's concert, but you sure did have some amazing things happen that weekend. How was your culinary school chef lunch? Is he interested in learning more?
So today was the Primary Program and it was entertaining as usual. Carter Myler stole the show with the little kids. He was so funny. His mom bribed him to be good during the program and after it was over he came running down to her and said, "I was good, wasn't I mom?" How could she resist that. Leah and Nikki both had parts and did great. Leah even sang in a small group with the 11 yr old girls.
This past week I had my Stake RS training mtg where all the ward RS presidencies come to be trained. We fed them dinner, I spoke and Pres. Stafford spoke, then we broke into smaller groups where I just met with the presidents and secretaries. My counselors took their counterparts into other rooms. I feel like it went really well. It's a great group of women and I thoroughly enjoyed talking with them all. My presidency and I decided that we really need to get someone called as food chairman full time though. Just trying to plan the menu, shop, cook and serve was a little overwhelming. I had Kristina, Claire Cameron and Tracey Braithwaite help out in the kitchen on the serving end or we wouldn't have even been able to enjoy being with the sisters. I guess we learn lessons with each event we put on. That's pretty true in life, isn't it?
Saw Julie Rasmussen at the mtg and she said Dana got a letter from you that was sooo funny. She said that Dana and Dani were reading it and laughing so hard. Sis. Rasmussen always asks about you.
Here's what Kirk found at DI this week. He's got a ward Halloween party this weekend. This is so Kirk, isn't it.

Sean went to Nate's wedding

We celebrated Kristina's birthday Monday night by going to the Great Wall. The girls thought it was the fanciest restaurant ever because of this big chandelier in the middle of the room. They were so funny. It was just a big chinese buffet very similar to many that we've been in before, but the food was better than most places. So it was fun. She got a new camera(her old one broke), some candy, some lime green clothing items.

Other than that, I only had one other story that stands out in the week. Friday night I was doing some quilting and had a little quilting accident which involved my cutting table and and a rotary blade and my finger. Dad was at work, Kristina was at a football game and the little girls were too grossed out to help me. It was not a pretty site for quite a while. Dad tried to get a picture in his mind of what had happened, what had been cut off, etc. and was trying to help me over the phone. No doctor was home in our neighborhood. I just needed someone to help me wrap it up. So when Kristina finally got home, after Leah had to take her in the quilt room to show her the piece of my finger on the board(so happy I could be the source of such entertainment), I turned off all the lights in the kitchen and managed to take off the pressure I was holding on it, put clean gauze back on and Kristina wrapped it. I just had such a hard time even looking at it. It gave me the eebies. I had to leave the room and go say a prayer for strength because it was hurting so bad and I knew I had to be able to wrap it and get it under control. I have a big hole on the pad of my finger now. Don't ask me how it's going to heal, but it sure hurts every so often. Dad said it will take quite a while to heal. I'm not always good with being patient, but I guess I'll have to be. Here's the turkey wallhanging I was working on when it happened. Now I get to have a lovely memory with this quilt. :( I'm going to call this quilt "Turkey Carving"
So I'm typing with 9 fingers now, but I can't complain since dad does it with just 2.
I'm glad you got our package. We have so much fun putting things together for you. The Gines boy, sorry don't know his name, got home this week from the Ukraine and spoke in the Beacon Light ward. I can't believe that it's almost a year since Devin went out. Kiley is busy getting ready for the Miss America pageant and does appearances all over Idaho with her title now.
Football: BSU plays this Tuesday, EHS won Caldwell and BYU won.
Here's a quote for the week on courage:
"It takes a lot of courage to be a missionary--to not fight(debate) when you want to fight; to live rules; to stand up sometimes to a companion who wants to do wrong; to knock on doors; to speak in Church; to bear your testimony; to find a way to keep busy; to continue with members who don't seem interested in sharing the gospel; to say no to temptations; to eat your companion's cooking; to make one or two more calls after a frustrating day that should have ended an hour ago; to continue working with a bishop or ward mission leader who is so busy that you feel like you're intruding on his time; to be persistent and consistent in the face of challenges that seem almost too heavy to bear; to keep going after being turned down time after time.
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, if they reject my words, and this part of my gospel and ministry, blessed are ye, for they can do nor more unto you than unto me. Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap, therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward." (D&C 6:29-33)
"Your calling is to teach, to testify and to warn. It is easy to do it among friends. Courage requires that you do it in the face of adversity, discouragement and rejection."
Raymond E. Beckham
I hope you are feeling the strength of the Lord in the work you are doing. There is nothing we can do on our own. My prayers are always that you will have strength and courage to do the right thing, the hard thing, and to be in the right place at the right time, where the Lord wants you. Remember to use your smile in all you do. You can light up a room with the way you smile and it speaks volumes to people. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about.
Send us some pictures of anything when you get a chance. It would be great to even see where you live and who your companions are.
We are all well here and always look forward to your letters.
Love you,
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