Jan. 30, 2010
Dear Elder Alex,
I'm sitting here typing you, a little on the tired side, but it's a good tired. Yesterday was our Stake Women's Conference and everything went well, better than well. It's amazing how calm I was about the whole thing all week. So many people who saw me during the week asked if I was going crazy with little details or last minute things, but really I felt peaceful all week. I had great faith in all the women who I delegated things to. The only part of the equation I wasn't sure of was the numbers of women who would actually attend. At most stake things we were told to expect about 375 women. There were over 500 yesterday. We offered classes and different sessions and every class was jam-packed. We were constantly setting up more and more chairs in every room and there were even women sitting on the floor in some of the classes. It was an amazing sight. The best class I went to was one on internet safety. The teacher was fantastic and told us about so many things that I didn't know about. Besides all the practical information I gained, she had one quote that really struck home with me. It was from Pres. Packer about the evil side of the internet and how it's become like a plague spreading across the earth. I can really see how this is a modern day plague and had never really thought of it that way.
Anyway, I have heard such great feedback yesterday and today. People have called and left messages, have stopped me in the halls at church and are saying how great the conference was. There is definitely a need for this type of thing here in our stake and we will be doing another similar conference next year. I'm not sure if a conference like this has ever been done in our stake, at least not since I've lived here. One woman asked us if we were going to do this again next year and we told her most likely yes. She said, "Well you better be prepared for twice as many women because we are going to tell everyone about it and invite our neighbors." I'll send you a booklet of what we gave out to the sisters at the meeting. So many women and men(they set up for us and cleaned up afterwards, it was so helpful!) came together to help put this on. What an amazing stake.
Today was my 7th and 8th ward conferences this year. I can't believe how fast it's going by. We went to the Eagle 2nd and Eagle 1st wards.
Cameron's update-in his letter this week he talks about his surgery, not a great experience but hopefully he'll heal okay. He said he didn't even want to send a picture post-surgery because it would be too alarming for his mom. Still the funny guy through the trial.
How's your challenge of finding new investigators coming along? I am so hopeful and even prayerful about Jessica's husband Josh. I know it may take him a while, but especially after I read her talk, I want her to feel the strength that comes from having a marriage where both of them are working together and experiencing the strength of a temple marriage.
Sis. Yorgason was here for the weekend and went to the women's conference. We get Dallas's letters and they get yours, so we talked for a while to catch up on things. She didn't know that Tyler and Sean were both Middle Eastern Studies majors and that they were both in the same Arabic class. Tyler wants to go on to medical school. That's amazing that he wants to also add to his load all the pre-med classes that are necessary. I know he's very bright and motivated, so I'm sure he'll handle it all in stride.
This past week #9 BYU played #4SDSU in Provo and BYU won! Fredette scored a record breaking 42 points. ESPN went crazy with him, his story, etc. Then yesterday they played New Mexico at lost! What? I think they got too caught up in the hype. But because of their big win over San Diego, tickets are now at a premium and we were planning a trip to Utah this week and asked Steve to get us tickets for the UNLV game on Saturday. After the SDSU game, Steve called me and said it may be next to impossible now to get tickets. His friend Brian said tons of people from ESPN and other sports networks had called him asking for tickets, as well as alumni. So I went online and bought a bunch of $5 nosebleed tickets just in case. We'll see what happens. We're planning on leaving this Thursday and coming back Sunday evening. Since Grandma and Grandpa Thompson didn't make it up here during Christmas we promised them we'd come to them, so that's why we're going.
The Goodwins say Jaime is loving the MTC(not the food though) and he leaves for Nashville on the 7th of February. So watch for him if you can. I talked with Krystal Gilman today and she said Josh is waiting for his call and it should come this week. I was really happy to hear that. I'll let you know hopefully next week where he's going.
I got Kristina signed up for EFY last week. She'll be rooming with Mallory Moss going to BYU Provo the last week of June. They are very excited to say the least.
I think both Leah and Nikki are going to play lacrosse this year. We'll see how that goes. Nikki lost her hundreth tooth last night. It seems like it never ends and the poor tooth fairy is getting very absent minded with all these lost tooth episodes.
I was wondering what your typical day is like? When you have study time, what do you study? Have you taken any pictures of the front of your apartment? Just curious to see where you live, etc.
I want you to remember that you are never alone in anything you are doing, (I might even be so bold to say that I am probably your biggest fan and I think of you so often each day. Many prayers for you each day) even though there may be times when you feel all alone. Your mission is like a microcosm of life and there will be ups and downs, highs and lows, times during the day that may seem like what you do is just mundane and times during the day that feel like Christ is literally giving you power and strength to say and do things you never thought you'd be able to do, and best of all times where you feel immense gratitude for everything around you. Never leave your apartment without the full armor of God around you. You will be led and taught by the spirit as you live the laws of exact obedience-that's a promise.
Can't wait to hear your stories of the week. Thank you for working hard and being a man of great faith. It shows in your words and actions.
love you much,
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
What a talk!
Jan. 23, 2011
Dear Elder Alex,
We got the email the other day with a copy of Jessica's talk in it. Thank you for sharing that. I read it right away and I couldn't believe how powerful it was. It made me cry and I hope I get the chance to meet her one day. Our ward conference theme is the mission of the Savior and I may use her example in some of my talks.
Glad to hear your interviews with the President went well and that you are 'on the boat'.
We had a nice week. Dad had a few days off so it was fun to hang around with him. Kristina made it through all her finals and did well. She's signing up for EFY this week and will be rooming with Mallory Moss and going to BYU-Provo. The little girls were out of school on Monday and Friday, so they didn't do much during the week at school needless to say.
Got an email from Cameron this week that he broke his nose and he sent a picture too. Here it is:
The office elders were in the van going to dinner and the elder in the front seat threw an apple back at Cameron in the back seat and it actually broke his nose. Must have been quite the throw! Anyway, he actually has to have surgery on it this week, but he'll be having it in Mexico so I'm pretty sure he'll have a new Mexican nose now.
I had 2 more ward conferences today. I sure enjoy going to them. We were at the Eagle 5th and Eagle 7th wards. Jenn Black, president in the 7th ward, talked about prayer and asked why is it that when we are young our testimonies about prayer always have to do with things that are lost. She said in Primary whenever she'd talk to the kids about praying, their hands would all go up and they all would have a story about how they lost something, prayed about and found it. She was very funny about it, but said even now her first tendency when she loses something valuable is to drop to her knees and pray about it. Then she talked about Luke 15 which is a whole chapter of scripture about things that are lost. She did a good job.
Also today my favorite talk was given by Bishop Hoopes of the 5th ward. I ended up taking notes because it was so good. He talked about how there were so many people who followed Christ when He was on the earth and they followed Him because basically He performed miracles. He healed them and He fed them. Bishop Hoopes said, "Who wouldn't want to follow someone like that?" But then he said, Where were the throngs who followed Him when He stood before Pilate, etc. Then he went on to talk about what kind of disciples are we. Are we just "feed me, heal me" disciples of Christ? It was excellent, one of the best talks I've heard in a long time and really made me think.
I'm learning a lot from all these ward conferences. What a privilege.
This coming week I'll be spending a lot of my time getting ready for our big Stake Women's Conference next Saturday. Here's a flyer for it(can't remember if I sent one to you already):
We will have 4 sessions of classes so the sisters can choose 4 of the 8 classes offered to go to and with Pres. Stafford being our keynote speaker, it should be a wonderful conference. This is the first time anything like this has been done in our stake, so I'm real excited to see if the sisters like something like this. So far we hear that lots of people have signed up to come. All our teachers are from our own stake except the Peaceful Journey class that will be taught by a social worker from LDS Social Services. There are so many little details putting something big on like this, so that's what me and my presidency will be working on this week so things will go smoothly.
So how was your week? Did Liz and Kris make it to church? How did Michael do with his reading assignment? I was also happy to hear Jaclyn got her scriptures. I hope Samantha does well in basic training and I hope she's able to be strong in the gospel even away from home.
How's your companion? Remember the words of your President and the commitments he asked you to keep. He sounds like a wise man and you know he's inspired to say the things he does to you, so trust him and continue to work hard. Stay patient. Nothing drives the spirit away faster than ill feelings towards another person and without the spirit, your teaching will be for naught. In my talk that I give at ward conference (which I'll send you a copy of this week), I talk about how in a marriage relationship it's so easy to see faults, but that fault finding can become addictive and will eventually destroy any relationship. So try hard each day to find something good or positive in your companionship. It may sound hokey, but it's a powerful tool. Hopefully by now, you've found some common ground to work with.
Kirk and Sean got new phones this week, smart phones because Verizon was having some pretty nice deals-buy one, get one free and $20 month versus the $30. Probably trying to drum up business right before the iPhone is released. They're both very happy with their new toys, I mean phones. Dad and I made deals with them about their social lives. Date each week or I take the phone away...oooooh, what a mean mom!
I was trying to think about how you could ship "the present" home. You should just stop by the post office and pick up one of those flat rate boxes. They're free to take home. You don't pay until you ship. That way you could pop "it" into the box at some point, seal it up and then just mail it. I was thinking about it the other day when I was in California.
Well, everyone is doing well. The dogs are both lying on the floor next to me, Nikki and Leah are cracking me up with some of their food creations now. They say they want to open a restaurant together, but what they want to do in the restaurant is carve potatoes into cool shapes. Not baked potatoes, raw potatoes. They went on and on about the different shapes they could make like a row boat, etc. Sometimes it takes all my energy to try and keep up with their trains of thought. Sean is still loving his Arabic class and is planning on doing an internship in Egypt in a few more semesters.
All the missionaries from our ward, area sound like they're doing well. Even the McCauley's are getting used to living and working in minus 37 degree weather. Except their eyelashes keep freezing. We have such wonderful examples of people all around us. Pres. Shaw was asking about you.
Keep up the hard work, Alex and stay true to all the covenants you've made. The Lord is depending on you and is using you for His work in the Marion area. Sounds like you have met some pretty amazing people there and those new members like Jessica will eventually be strong leaders, modern day pioneers in their own families and great disciples of Christ to many more people.
Love you much,
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Back Home

Jan. 16, 2010
Dear Elder Alex,
I realize that my subject says I'm back home, but unless you were around here you'd never even know that I wasn't home for a while. In fact, while I was gone, dad got the flu, fevers and all and by the time I got home, he was completely over it, so I didn't even see any signs of sickness. Kirk was basically in charge the whole time because of that.
I flew to Calif. on Tues. and returned Friday afternoon. I had a great time. The weather was beautiful-75 degrees. I stayed with aunt Jan and we even walked around downtown Brea where they have an outdoor market every Tues evening. I kept thinking, where am I in the middle of winter. It was great. The next day I met with grandpa and we went to check out an adult day care center that is right up the street from him. It was nice and I think it will be great for my mom to be there while grandpa is at work. When we were there the senior citizens were all sitting in a room watching a cooking demonstration. I guess they have people come in each day and do specialty classes and they also serve them lunch each day. So it will give my dad some peace of mind to have her some place safe like that. Here's a picture of Hudson. It was fun seeing him getting so big now and playing with him. He has one of those jumpy things that you place in the doorway, man, he really liked to jump when you held him in your lap. He's got strong legs.
With my dad I went to the bank and signed on all his accounts, checked out Fairhaven Cemetary there in Orange. He's decided he likes that cemetary better than having all of us drive all the way out to the military cemetary in Riverside, even though it would be free out there. I went over a ton of paper work with him concerning the family trust, the Winn and his personal assets. So many little details. We met with Toni since she's one of his renters, met with Maria because she's got the power of attorney concerning his health matters and then met with David concerning the future of the Winn. In all we had wonderful talks with everyone and it's nice to be able to speak frankly about all the little details. I love having conversations with my dad. He's a lot of fun to talk with.
I stayed with Jan, so Mary said to say hi to you. She got a job with her DC company but will be working from Brea and flying from there to various locations each week. She's also starting some culinary classes at a local community college. Jeffrey was living at the house too, so we had some fun talks. I was watching him do some chalk drawings and he's got an amazing talent. Wish he'd use it on something other than bodies.
Today I had 2 more ward conferences, our ward and Beacon Light. The theme is the mission of the Savior. Even though I've heard all the talks 4 times now, I feel like I still learn something each time. We'll see if I still feel that way after 12 times. But for now I feel it a privilege to work with Pres. Stafford, Shaw and Tanner. They're such great examples of strong priesthood holding men and are so sensitive to the promptings of the spirit. It's a real pleasure to be at all the meetings.
Today was also Jamie Goodwin's farewell. We weren't able to attend it since it was the same time as our ward conference, but tonight we went to his house for an open house. He goes into the MTC this Wednesday, so he'll be in Nashville in 3 weeks. Be sure to look out for him. Here's a picture for you.
How has life been in Marion? Dad sent off another set of scriptures to Jaclyn. Hopefully this one will get there. The post office says since their records say they delivered the package to your place, there's no recourse on our end to get compensated. We live and learn I guess.
How did your talk with the Mission President go? I hope things are going well for you and Elder Dimick and that he's settling into the mission life. I loved hearing that Jessica spoke in church. I am so amazed at some new members who have such strength and are taught by the spirit so easily. Have you been able to meet with Faelynn? How about Liz and Kris? I was so sorry to hear about Lisa getting on the internet and finding all that anti stuff. Members are really starting to flood the internet now with such great stuff, but it still pales in comparison to all the anti stories. I didn't even think about that, but that's exactly what I would have done if I was researching something. I guess that's why I was born into the gospel.
Just talked with Sean. After much pondering, prayer and research, he's decided to double major in journalism and middle eastern studies with Arabic emphasis. So far he loves all his classes. In fact, he's taking Arabic with Tyler Yorgason and they've been studying together. So med school is completely out of the picture and he feels really good about it. I'm happy for him.
Kristina is doing well in school, in fact her science teacher asked her to switch to honors science because she felt she was just wasting her time in regular science. Socially, she's always got something going and is already starting to count down until she turns 16.
Leah really seems to be making some strides in school, and we are supposed to talk with all her specialty teachers next week, so I'll be anxious to hear how she's doing and what they suggest for her for her middle school years. Also Leah says Mrs. Bunn's daughter wants your email so she can write you.
Nikki is plugging along. She helps Leah with school work, but can't seem to spell a thing yet. I'm not sure when that's going to click with her or if it ever will. Every day she dresses quite imaginatively. I never know what she's going to look like each morning when she comes down the stairs for school.
Kirk is either working hard or hardly working, but I enjoy having him home. The dogs are still my shadows and I have big plans for completely re-doing my quilt room this week. It needs a good swamping out, as they say.
I hope you are doing well, pressing forward with faith and continuing to use your great gift of a positive attitude to do the Lord's work. Remember to read at least a portion of the Book of Mormon every day on your mission. The spirit I feel from the words of the prophets in the Book of Mormon are so powerful and it will bring you closer to the Lord than anything I know. It always reminds me of those who came before us and how strong they were on our behalf.
Have a busy week. They're the best!!
Love you very much,
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Reverse Charades
Jan. 9, 2011
Dear Elder Alex,
We just got this new game called Reverse Charades and played it tonight. It's a workout with all the acting you get to do. Everyone on your team acts out the same word to one of your teammates and you have one minute to get as many words as you can. Nikki was laughing so hard when dad was trying to act out the word, bikini, that she started choking on a brownie that she was eating. Not a pretty sight! Anyway, the game is lots of fun and would really be fun with a large group.
Today was my first Sunday of ward conferences. We did the Star 3rd and Star 2nd wards. It's interesting to hear how the stake presidency changes things up according to how they receive inspiration. I was just happy that I had a voice today because I've been sick for the last few days with something dad brought home from work. Now Kristina has it. I'm feeling better, but it sounds like dad still has it. We're calling it The Crud. Anyway, I'll send you a copy of my talk.
I had a few RS things I had to do this week, but somehow I managed to get everything done as long as I took Tylenol. I had a presidency mtg, a stake RS luncheon, had my PPI with Pres. Stafford, oriented a new ward RS president. In fact you may have had her for your science teacher in 7th grade-Mrs. Embury. I couldn't remember if you had her. Did you? She'll be a wonderful RS president.
Pres. Stafford told me Brittney got engaged last week. He says her fiance is a brainiac which is perfect for Brittney. He's currently at MIT and is applying to some grad schools in some economic field.
This coming Sunday is Jamie Goodwin's farewell. Can't believe his time is finally here to go into the MTC. I was so hoping you'd be his trainer, but that would have been too easy...
Speaking of training, how's it going this week? We've really been praying for you here and hoping your companion catches the enthusiasm of doing the Lord's work. Your "son" looks a little like you in the pictures, but it doesn't sound like he got your positive outlook on life gene. Maybe it's just lying dormant. Remember to not only counsel with the Lord about things, but also counsel with your zone leaders and others who might have good insight into missionary/companion work, etc.
How is Lisa progressing? Did she get to church yet?
This week should be fun, well at least for me. I'm flying to California on Tues and coming back Friday afternoon. I'm staying with Jan, but I'm really going down to help grandpa with some of the estate stuff. He's signing over an IRA account to my name so it will be safe, I need to go over his little ledger book that he's kept since the beginning of time and see if I even understand it and I need to talk with some of my brothers and sisters who aren't paying their rent to him. I think they will be what people call "hard conversations". Hopefully no one will buckle under the pressure. Other than that, Maria wants to have lunch one day and it will be fun to see Hudson again. He's changed so much from the pictures she sends me. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures for you.
In the tech news-Kirk and Sean are both excited because Verizon is set to announce this week that they will be getting the iPhone. Of course, Kirk and Sean are both volunteering to take over my droid. Isn't that nice of them :) Also Apple now has an App Store which is a lot of fun. No more purchasing software the old way, it's all in the App Store right on our computers. It's really fun to look through. Yeah!
Kirk will be babysitting here when dad is at work this week. Kirk is still working at the mall, only gets about 20-30 hours a week though. My goal is to get him to date while he's home. It's a lot harder when you're at home versus at school.
Sean is still having a difficult time deciding what to major in at school. I realize it's a tough decision. I told him that sometimes it's way more difficult deciding between 3 right choices than to decide between right and wrong. But he's taking it to the temple this week, praying about it and talking with several heads of departments at BYU. Socially he's been dating a lot more now and he knows I'm all for that.
Kristina is very excited about her new Sunday School teacher, Bro. Chris Johnson. He used to be in the ward about a year ago(balding young guy with some tatoos and a wife from England). He went to culinary school and cooked under the Hell's Kitchen chef while in England, so he has some good stories not to mention he's going to do some cooking for her class.
Leah has been busy making a model of an atom with dad out of bubble gum and has been practicing a demo where she has to show her class a "how to" demonstration. She's going to demonstrate how to make your own bubble bath.
Nikki is, well, she's just Nikki. You never know what's going to come out of her mouth and I'm always so amazed at how well she can understand some concepts and others that are so simple completely baffle her. She reminded me today about how last time I left for a few days, she didn't talk because she was so sad about missing me and how she hid in the back of my closet. I'm not sure if she told me this as a forewarning or what to expect this week or not. We'll see.
Roxy and Eddy had a great day because we made Costa Vida salads and they got to have the pork roast bone. They were outside literally for 5 hours working on the bones. They will have good dreams tonight.
Everything is well here. Here's a couple photos for the week. I made these caroling girls while Jan and Jeff were here. Couldn't remember if I sent you a picture of the cookies me and the girls made this year to give out to friends and neighbors and then one collage of some old fun family photos-the good ole days.

Have a wonderful week. Sounds like you're having lots of cold weather there. Are you getting snow too? We are cold here, but no snow. Stay warm, make lots of appointments(inside).
I love you very much,
ps We filed a report with USPS about the missing package. I don't think there's anything else you can do on your end, so we'll see if we will get our money back. Was she expecting it? Let us know if you want us to send a new set to Jaclyn.
Dear Elder Alex,
We just got this new game called Reverse Charades and played it tonight. It's a workout with all the acting you get to do. Everyone on your team acts out the same word to one of your teammates and you have one minute to get as many words as you can. Nikki was laughing so hard when dad was trying to act out the word, bikini, that she started choking on a brownie that she was eating. Not a pretty sight! Anyway, the game is lots of fun and would really be fun with a large group.
Today was my first Sunday of ward conferences. We did the Star 3rd and Star 2nd wards. It's interesting to hear how the stake presidency changes things up according to how they receive inspiration. I was just happy that I had a voice today because I've been sick for the last few days with something dad brought home from work. Now Kristina has it. I'm feeling better, but it sounds like dad still has it. We're calling it The Crud. Anyway, I'll send you a copy of my talk.
I had a few RS things I had to do this week, but somehow I managed to get everything done as long as I took Tylenol. I had a presidency mtg, a stake RS luncheon, had my PPI with Pres. Stafford, oriented a new ward RS president. In fact you may have had her for your science teacher in 7th grade-Mrs. Embury. I couldn't remember if you had her. Did you? She'll be a wonderful RS president.
Pres. Stafford told me Brittney got engaged last week. He says her fiance is a brainiac which is perfect for Brittney. He's currently at MIT and is applying to some grad schools in some economic field.
This coming Sunday is Jamie Goodwin's farewell. Can't believe his time is finally here to go into the MTC. I was so hoping you'd be his trainer, but that would have been too easy...
Speaking of training, how's it going this week? We've really been praying for you here and hoping your companion catches the enthusiasm of doing the Lord's work. Your "son" looks a little like you in the pictures, but it doesn't sound like he got your positive outlook on life gene. Maybe it's just lying dormant. Remember to not only counsel with the Lord about things, but also counsel with your zone leaders and others who might have good insight into missionary/companion work, etc.
How is Lisa progressing? Did she get to church yet?
This week should be fun, well at least for me. I'm flying to California on Tues and coming back Friday afternoon. I'm staying with Jan, but I'm really going down to help grandpa with some of the estate stuff. He's signing over an IRA account to my name so it will be safe, I need to go over his little ledger book that he's kept since the beginning of time and see if I even understand it and I need to talk with some of my brothers and sisters who aren't paying their rent to him. I think they will be what people call "hard conversations". Hopefully no one will buckle under the pressure. Other than that, Maria wants to have lunch one day and it will be fun to see Hudson again. He's changed so much from the pictures she sends me. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures for you.
In the tech news-Kirk and Sean are both excited because Verizon is set to announce this week that they will be getting the iPhone. Of course, Kirk and Sean are both volunteering to take over my droid. Isn't that nice of them :) Also Apple now has an App Store which is a lot of fun. No more purchasing software the old way, it's all in the App Store right on our computers. It's really fun to look through. Yeah!
Kirk will be babysitting here when dad is at work this week. Kirk is still working at the mall, only gets about 20-30 hours a week though. My goal is to get him to date while he's home. It's a lot harder when you're at home versus at school.
Sean is still having a difficult time deciding what to major in at school. I realize it's a tough decision. I told him that sometimes it's way more difficult deciding between 3 right choices than to decide between right and wrong. But he's taking it to the temple this week, praying about it and talking with several heads of departments at BYU. Socially he's been dating a lot more now and he knows I'm all for that.
Kristina is very excited about her new Sunday School teacher, Bro. Chris Johnson. He used to be in the ward about a year ago(balding young guy with some tatoos and a wife from England). He went to culinary school and cooked under the Hell's Kitchen chef while in England, so he has some good stories not to mention he's going to do some cooking for her class.
Leah has been busy making a model of an atom with dad out of bubble gum and has been practicing a demo where she has to show her class a "how to" demonstration. She's going to demonstrate how to make your own bubble bath.
Nikki is, well, she's just Nikki. You never know what's going to come out of her mouth and I'm always so amazed at how well she can understand some concepts and others that are so simple completely baffle her. She reminded me today about how last time I left for a few days, she didn't talk because she was so sad about missing me and how she hid in the back of my closet. I'm not sure if she told me this as a forewarning or what to expect this week or not. We'll see.
Roxy and Eddy had a great day because we made Costa Vida salads and they got to have the pork roast bone. They were outside literally for 5 hours working on the bones. They will have good dreams tonight.
Everything is well here. Here's a couple photos for the week. I made these caroling girls while Jan and Jeff were here. Couldn't remember if I sent you a picture of the cookies me and the girls made this year to give out to friends and neighbors and then one collage of some old fun family photos-the good ole days.

Have a wonderful week. Sounds like you're having lots of cold weather there. Are you getting snow too? We are cold here, but no snow. Stay warm, make lots of appointments(inside).
I love you very much,
ps We filed a report with USPS about the missing package. I don't think there's anything else you can do on your end, so we'll see if we will get our money back. Was she expecting it? Let us know if you want us to send a new set to Jaclyn.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Whirlwind week

Jan. 2, 2011
Dear Elder Alex,
Wow, I can't believe you're a trainer, a papa. So how did you hear you were going to be a trainer? Do you get a call or do you get interviewed by the President? Just curious. We got a copy of the letter the mission president sent to you. I love hearing how he felt so inspired in his call and knew you were to be a trainer. You have been in our prayers all week and I know you will be such a wonderful example to your "kid". Your love for the gospel and your dedication to the Lord will bless you in your efforts. It's very similar to being an actual parent because you have to listen carefully for promptings that will guide you in what you say and do. Also every parent prays that their son or daughter will have a great trainer, so just remember that there are at least 4 parents praying for you. :)
Just can't believe we flew through the end of December and are now in January. Jan and Jeff and Mary left on Friday. We had a lot of fun having them here with us, but it went by fast and was like a whirlwind, always going somewhere or doing something. One day they all went tubing in Garden Valley. I stayed home with Jan, but they had a great time. It even snowed a little for them to set the perfect ambiance.
Dad worked New Year's Eve to bring in a little extra cash. The Jensen's had a party at the church for whoever wanted to come. Kirk and the girls went for a while, then Kristina, of course, took off for the stake dance. She hates to miss those. The little girls and I watched the Hong Kong new year celebration which was pretty amazing. They set off fireworks from all the buildings, the tops and sides. Sean went to the Pie Hole with some friends and on the way home witnessed a hit and run so he had to stay and give all the details to the police. Fun, fun.
Sean is going back to BYU tomorrow for his winter semester. Kirk is working at the mall all week. The girls go back to school and today we started church at our new time-9am!! It was a shocker to the system and especially for the girls having to fast sooooo long after church. But they were so willing to help with the meal. Sean took the girls over to Sis. Transtrum's tonight to play some piano pieces for her. She loves having them come over and Sean always makes a point of getting over to see her when he's home.
Any luck getting the scriptures we sent you? I guess there's nothing we can do on our end except send another set if that's what you want. Let us know.
So are you still teaching the sister that you and Elder Jolley taught the last couple weeks? I think you said you even set a baptismal date with her. What's her story, name, etc?
While fasting today I thought it would be a good idea to write my talk for the upcoming ward conferences. I was looking at the schedule and I'm going to be pretty busy for the next couple months. I'm looking forward to it, but sometimes we do 2 wards a day and that's for the complete 3 hours each. I'm also busy getting ready for a big women's conference for the stake at the end of the month. These things take a lot of work, but it should be really nice. We have lots of great teachers and the sisters can rotate through 4 classes out of a possibility of 8. Pres. Stafford will be our keynote speaker in the beginning too. I always look forward to hearing what he has to say. In fact he'll probably be asking me about that at my PPI with him this week.
With the girls back in school, I'm looking forward to getting back into a nice schedule. I'm way behind in typing patriarchal blessings, so I'll use that time getting through those. Bro. Sorensen is showing signs of aging lately. He gets sick quite often, sometimes has to go into the hospital and is now in a wheelchair at church because he gets winded just trying to walk from the chapel to the relief society room. He bore a powerful testimony today and so did Bro. Lamm. It was great to hear from both of them. I really look up to both of them and their wives too. I feel blessed to live in this area and to know such wonderful people.
We got lots of Christmas cards from people this year. It's fun seeing friends from all the places we've lived in life. That reminds me. We might try setting up Krista Mauer with Jeff Lutz's youngest brother, Tony. He's never married and just turned 40. He was here one night for a game night and he's lots of fun. He's just kind of on the shy side, but is coming out of his shell now. I showed Krista's picture to the Lutz's and they're all for it. Tony lives in Salt Lake and so does Krista, so we'll keep you posted.
Well, Sean is back now and we're ready for prayers. I can't wait to hear how your first training week has been. Remember, be patient and lean on the Lord, not to thine own understandings. Happy New Year!
Love you,
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