Dear Elder Alex,
We just got this new game called Reverse Charades and played it tonight. It's a workout with all the acting you get to do. Everyone on your team acts out the same word to one of your teammates and you have one minute to get as many words as you can. Nikki was laughing so hard when dad was trying to act out the word, bikini, that she started choking on a brownie that she was eating. Not a pretty sight! Anyway, the game is lots of fun and would really be fun with a large group.
Today was my first Sunday of ward conferences. We did the Star 3rd and Star 2nd wards. It's interesting to hear how the stake presidency changes things up according to how they receive inspiration. I was just happy that I had a voice today because I've been sick for the last few days with something dad brought home from work. Now Kristina has it. I'm feeling better, but it sounds like dad still has it. We're calling it The Crud. Anyway, I'll send you a copy of my talk.
I had a few RS things I had to do this week, but somehow I managed to get everything done as long as I took Tylenol. I had a presidency mtg, a stake RS luncheon, had my PPI with Pres. Stafford, oriented a new ward RS president. In fact you may have had her for your science teacher in 7th grade-Mrs. Embury. I couldn't remember if you had her. Did you? She'll be a wonderful RS president.
Pres. Stafford told me Brittney got engaged last week. He says her fiance is a brainiac which is perfect for Brittney. He's currently at MIT and is applying to some grad schools in some economic field.
This coming Sunday is Jamie Goodwin's farewell. Can't believe his time is finally here to go into the MTC. I was so hoping you'd be his trainer, but that would have been too easy...
Speaking of training, how's it going this week? We've really been praying for you here and hoping your companion catches the enthusiasm of doing the Lord's work. Your "son" looks a little like you in the pictures, but it doesn't sound like he got your positive outlook on life gene. Maybe it's just lying dormant. Remember to not only counsel with the Lord about things, but also counsel with your zone leaders and others who might have good insight into missionary/companion work, etc.
How is Lisa progressing? Did she get to church yet?
This week should be fun, well at least for me. I'm flying to California on Tues and coming back Friday afternoon. I'm staying with Jan, but I'm really going down to help grandpa with some of the estate stuff. He's signing over an IRA account to my name so it will be safe, I need to go over his little ledger book that he's kept since the beginning of time and see if I even understand it and I need to talk with some of my brothers and sisters who aren't paying their rent to him. I think they will be what people call "hard conversations". Hopefully no one will buckle under the pressure. Other than that, Maria wants to have lunch one day and it will be fun to see Hudson again. He's changed so much from the pictures she sends me. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures for you.
In the tech news-Kirk and Sean are both excited because Verizon is set to announce this week that they will be getting the iPhone. Of course, Kirk and Sean are both volunteering to take over my droid. Isn't that nice of them :) Also Apple now has an App Store which is a lot of fun. No more purchasing software the old way, it's all in the App Store right on our computers. It's really fun to look through. Yeah!
Kirk will be babysitting here when dad is at work this week. Kirk is still working at the mall, only gets about 20-30 hours a week though. My goal is to get him to date while he's home. It's a lot harder when you're at home versus at school.
Sean is still having a difficult time deciding what to major in at school. I realize it's a tough decision. I told him that sometimes it's way more difficult deciding between 3 right choices than to decide between right and wrong. But he's taking it to the temple this week, praying about it and talking with several heads of departments at BYU. Socially he's been dating a lot more now and he knows I'm all for that.
Kristina is very excited about her new Sunday School teacher, Bro. Chris Johnson. He used to be in the ward about a year ago(balding young guy with some tatoos and a wife from England). He went to culinary school and cooked under the Hell's Kitchen chef while in England, so he has some good stories not to mention he's going to do some cooking for her class.
Leah has been busy making a model of an atom with dad out of bubble gum and has been practicing a demo where she has to show her class a "how to" demonstration. She's going to demonstrate how to make your own bubble bath.
Nikki is, well, she's just Nikki. You never know what's going to come out of her mouth and I'm always so amazed at how well she can understand some concepts and others that are so simple completely baffle her. She reminded me today about how last time I left for a few days, she didn't talk because she was so sad about missing me and how she hid in the back of my closet. I'm not sure if she told me this as a forewarning or what to expect this week or not. We'll see.
Roxy and Eddy had a great day because we made Costa Vida salads and they got to have the pork roast bone. They were outside literally for 5 hours working on the bones. They will have good dreams tonight.
Everything is well here. Here's a couple photos for the week. I made these caroling girls while Jan and Jeff were here. Couldn't remember if I sent you a picture of the cookies me and the girls made this year to give out to friends and neighbors and then one collage of some old fun family photos-the good ole days.

Have a wonderful week. Sounds like you're having lots of cold weather there. Are you getting snow too? We are cold here, but no snow. Stay warm, make lots of appointments(inside).
I love you very much,
ps We filed a report with USPS about the missing package. I don't think there's anything else you can do on your end, so we'll see if we will get our money back. Was she expecting it? Let us know if you want us to send a new set to Jaclyn.
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