Jan. 16, 2010
Dear Elder Alex,
I realize that my subject says I'm back home, but unless you were around here you'd never even know that I wasn't home for a while. In fact, while I was gone, dad got the flu, fevers and all and by the time I got home, he was completely over it, so I didn't even see any signs of sickness. Kirk was basically in charge the whole time because of that.
I flew to Calif. on Tues. and returned Friday afternoon. I had a great time. The weather was beautiful-75 degrees. I stayed with aunt Jan and we even walked around downtown Brea where they have an outdoor market every Tues evening. I kept thinking, where am I in the middle of winter. It was great. The next day I met with grandpa and we went to check out an adult day care center that is right up the street from him. It was nice and I think it will be great for my mom to be there while grandpa is at work. When we were there the senior citizens were all sitting in a room watching a cooking demonstration. I guess they have people come in each day and do specialty classes and they also serve them lunch each day. So it will give my dad some peace of mind to have her some place safe like that. Here's a picture of Hudson. It was fun seeing him getting so big now and playing with him. He has one of those jumpy things that you place in the doorway, man, he really liked to jump when you held him in your lap. He's got strong legs.
With my dad I went to the bank and signed on all his accounts, checked out Fairhaven Cemetary there in Orange. He's decided he likes that cemetary better than having all of us drive all the way out to the military cemetary in Riverside, even though it would be free out there. I went over a ton of paper work with him concerning the family trust, the Winn and his personal assets. So many little details. We met with Toni since she's one of his renters, met with Maria because she's got the power of attorney concerning his health matters and then met with David concerning the future of the Winn. In all we had wonderful talks with everyone and it's nice to be able to speak frankly about all the little details. I love having conversations with my dad. He's a lot of fun to talk with.
I stayed with Jan, so Mary said to say hi to you. She got a job with her DC company but will be working from Brea and flying from there to various locations each week. She's also starting some culinary classes at a local community college. Jeffrey was living at the house too, so we had some fun talks. I was watching him do some chalk drawings and he's got an amazing talent. Wish he'd use it on something other than bodies.
Today I had 2 more ward conferences, our ward and Beacon Light. The theme is the mission of the Savior. Even though I've heard all the talks 4 times now, I feel like I still learn something each time. We'll see if I still feel that way after 12 times. But for now I feel it a privilege to work with Pres. Stafford, Shaw and Tanner. They're such great examples of strong priesthood holding men and are so sensitive to the promptings of the spirit. It's a real pleasure to be at all the meetings.
Today was also Jamie Goodwin's farewell. We weren't able to attend it since it was the same time as our ward conference, but tonight we went to his house for an open house. He goes into the MTC this Wednesday, so he'll be in Nashville in 3 weeks. Be sure to look out for him. Here's a picture for you.
How has life been in Marion? Dad sent off another set of scriptures to Jaclyn. Hopefully this one will get there. The post office says since their records say they delivered the package to your place, there's no recourse on our end to get compensated. We live and learn I guess.
How did your talk with the Mission President go? I hope things are going well for you and Elder Dimick and that he's settling into the mission life. I loved hearing that Jessica spoke in church. I am so amazed at some new members who have such strength and are taught by the spirit so easily. Have you been able to meet with Faelynn? How about Liz and Kris? I was so sorry to hear about Lisa getting on the internet and finding all that anti stuff. Members are really starting to flood the internet now with such great stuff, but it still pales in comparison to all the anti stories. I didn't even think about that, but that's exactly what I would have done if I was researching something. I guess that's why I was born into the gospel.
Just talked with Sean. After much pondering, prayer and research, he's decided to double major in journalism and middle eastern studies with Arabic emphasis. So far he loves all his classes. In fact, he's taking Arabic with Tyler Yorgason and they've been studying together. So med school is completely out of the picture and he feels really good about it. I'm happy for him.
Kristina is doing well in school, in fact her science teacher asked her to switch to honors science because she felt she was just wasting her time in regular science. Socially, she's always got something going and is already starting to count down until she turns 16.
Leah really seems to be making some strides in school, and we are supposed to talk with all her specialty teachers next week, so I'll be anxious to hear how she's doing and what they suggest for her for her middle school years. Also Leah says Mrs. Bunn's daughter wants your email so she can write you.
Nikki is plugging along. She helps Leah with school work, but can't seem to spell a thing yet. I'm not sure when that's going to click with her or if it ever will. Every day she dresses quite imaginatively. I never know what she's going to look like each morning when she comes down the stairs for school.
Kirk is either working hard or hardly working, but I enjoy having him home. The dogs are still my shadows and I have big plans for completely re-doing my quilt room this week. It needs a good swamping out, as they say.
I hope you are doing well, pressing forward with faith and continuing to use your great gift of a positive attitude to do the Lord's work. Remember to read at least a portion of the Book of Mormon every day on your mission. The spirit I feel from the words of the prophets in the Book of Mormon are so powerful and it will bring you closer to the Lord than anything I know. It always reminds me of those who came before us and how strong they were on our behalf.
Have a busy week. They're the best!!
Love you very much,
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