Jan. 2, 2011
Dear Elder Alex,
Wow, I can't believe you're a trainer, a papa. So how did you hear you were going to be a trainer? Do you get a call or do you get interviewed by the President? Just curious. We got a copy of the letter the mission president sent to you. I love hearing how he felt so inspired in his call and knew you were to be a trainer. You have been in our prayers all week and I know you will be such a wonderful example to your "kid". Your love for the gospel and your dedication to the Lord will bless you in your efforts. It's very similar to being an actual parent because you have to listen carefully for promptings that will guide you in what you say and do. Also every parent prays that their son or daughter will have a great trainer, so just remember that there are at least 4 parents praying for you. :)
Just can't believe we flew through the end of December and are now in January. Jan and Jeff and Mary left on Friday. We had a lot of fun having them here with us, but it went by fast and was like a whirlwind, always going somewhere or doing something. One day they all went tubing in Garden Valley. I stayed home with Jan, but they had a great time. It even snowed a little for them to set the perfect ambiance.
Dad worked New Year's Eve to bring in a little extra cash. The Jensen's had a party at the church for whoever wanted to come. Kirk and the girls went for a while, then Kristina, of course, took off for the stake dance. She hates to miss those. The little girls and I watched the Hong Kong new year celebration which was pretty amazing. They set off fireworks from all the buildings, the tops and sides. Sean went to the Pie Hole with some friends and on the way home witnessed a hit and run so he had to stay and give all the details to the police. Fun, fun.
Sean is going back to BYU tomorrow for his winter semester. Kirk is working at the mall all week. The girls go back to school and today we started church at our new time-9am!! It was a shocker to the system and especially for the girls having to fast sooooo long after church. But they were so willing to help with the meal. Sean took the girls over to Sis. Transtrum's tonight to play some piano pieces for her. She loves having them come over and Sean always makes a point of getting over to see her when he's home.
Any luck getting the scriptures we sent you? I guess there's nothing we can do on our end except send another set if that's what you want. Let us know.
So are you still teaching the sister that you and Elder Jolley taught the last couple weeks? I think you said you even set a baptismal date with her. What's her story, name, etc?
While fasting today I thought it would be a good idea to write my talk for the upcoming ward conferences. I was looking at the schedule and I'm going to be pretty busy for the next couple months. I'm looking forward to it, but sometimes we do 2 wards a day and that's for the complete 3 hours each. I'm also busy getting ready for a big women's conference for the stake at the end of the month. These things take a lot of work, but it should be really nice. We have lots of great teachers and the sisters can rotate through 4 classes out of a possibility of 8. Pres. Stafford will be our keynote speaker in the beginning too. I always look forward to hearing what he has to say. In fact he'll probably be asking me about that at my PPI with him this week.
With the girls back in school, I'm looking forward to getting back into a nice schedule. I'm way behind in typing patriarchal blessings, so I'll use that time getting through those. Bro. Sorensen is showing signs of aging lately. He gets sick quite often, sometimes has to go into the hospital and is now in a wheelchair at church because he gets winded just trying to walk from the chapel to the relief society room. He bore a powerful testimony today and so did Bro. Lamm. It was great to hear from both of them. I really look up to both of them and their wives too. I feel blessed to live in this area and to know such wonderful people.
We got lots of Christmas cards from people this year. It's fun seeing friends from all the places we've lived in life. That reminds me. We might try setting up Krista Mauer with Jeff Lutz's youngest brother, Tony. He's never married and just turned 40. He was here one night for a game night and he's lots of fun. He's just kind of on the shy side, but is coming out of his shell now. I showed Krista's picture to the Lutz's and they're all for it. Tony lives in Salt Lake and so does Krista, so we'll keep you posted.
Well, Sean is back now and we're ready for prayers. I can't wait to hear how your first training week has been. Remember, be patient and lean on the Lord, not to thine own understandings. Happy New Year!
Love you,
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