Dec. 28, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
It was GREAT talking with you on Christmas! I hope you had a wonderful day. I'm still very hopeful that you will get some of the packages we sent to you. Please let us know as soon as you get anything. You sounded great, happy and it made my day.
Church was wonderful today. Our Sunday School lesson was very spiritual. We finished up studying the BOM for the year and Bro. Mason, our teacher, focused on Moroni's words about faith, hope and charity. Then we talked about miracles and gifts of the spirit. Bro. Mason shared a miracle from his mission and we talked about how these are evidences as Moroni called them and asked if any others wanted to share any miracles. It was sweet to hear the stories and evidences from a few in the room. They were all very tender. It was evident that so many of the miracles happen when it comes to building up of the kingdom and people joining the church. Bro. Mason as a young missionary promised his 70-something year old investigator in Belgium that the ocean water would be warm enough for him to be baptized in(they were on an island with no fonts and it was too far for this gentleman to travel to the mainland and he had come down with pneumonia a few years earlier when he went out in the cold water and almost died). As they were teaching him over the weeks, the weather turned quite warm and the day before the baptism the water was in the 70's, but they woke up the next day to a huge rainstorm. The investigator called and said he couldn't go out in the rain for fear of getting sick. Bro. Mason told him the Lord didn't do all this work to warm up the ocean water just to see him back out of baptism and then promised him that the rain would subside for his baptism. They met in a building near the ocean for the meeting, talks and music, etc. It was still pouring rain. Then it was time to sing the first 2 verses of the hymn that they always sang right before each baptism. As they were singing, it stopped raining where they were. They walked to the cliff to go down to the beach and could see black skies all around with a hole in the clouds letting the sun through lighting the area where they were to do the baptism. They performed the baptism, went back inside and it started to rain again.
Many others in the room had similar stories, all very powerful and evidences of a loving Heavenly Father.
Last year I remember that Pres. Olsen and his wife were Santa and Mrs. Claus. Did they do that again this year? I remember also that President came walking through your office last year, so we got to talk briefly with him. Anyway, it's always fun getting to talk with you. And Hma. Lucas was so nice and thoughtful to take such good care of you missionaries.
Just as we were trying to call you (in the middle of our various attempts at phone numbers), Sister Aleki called us. I thought it was nice that she called us on Christmas day. Since her family in Samoa doesn't have any modern conveniences, I was glad I was able to talk with her and wish her a merry Christmas. She did get to call her brother who lives in California and she was going to try one of her relatives in Samoa who has a cell phone, but wasn't sure if she'd get through to her family. She's getting transferred this week to Meridian. I'm sure all this snow is quite a shock to her system.
Speaking of snow, it just keeps coming. We've never seen so much snow here. All Christmas eve and all Christmas day it snowed, which made it absolutely beautiful. On Friday it cleared up, then it snowed all day Saturday. I've been taking the kids hookey bobbing just about every day.
There's a little break in the system and we are going to try to get to Utah tomorrow. Getting back home will be another feat. We are leaving in the morning so if your letter isn't here by the time we leave, we'll check for it when we get to Utah. Sure wish grandma and grandpa would get the internet. We'll find a signal somewhere and log in. We're going to go to temple square to see the lights, take grandpa out for dinner for his birthday (this year he wants to either go to Red Lobster or a chinese restaurant-the kids are hoping for chinese), spend new years at Steve and CArolina's, visit the girls cousin, Tani, shop, tour, go to a BYU basketball game and head home after church next Sunday. That's the plan, but we'll be watching the weather each day. School starts next Monday and dad has to work next Monday, so we need to at least make a valiant effort to get back before then.
We spent most the afternoon playing games and wrapping gifts for grandma and grandpa and Charmaine. Kirk was able to get the week off too, so I'm glad he'll be able to come with us. Travis is a nice boss and very generous.
I spoke with my dad the other day and he was asking if you've gotten his letter yet. I really hope it gets to you. I don't know what he wrote, but he'd love to hear when it gets to you.
Today was Nikki's last day in junior Primary, can you believe it? Our little family is growing up quickly. She still keeps talking about getting the gift of the Holy Ghost. Also Sis. McCauley got called to be Leah's achievement day leader, so that's going to be great. There were quite a few calling changes made today especially in the Primary which is what happens at the end of the year. I'm still with the Bear Scouts though. That's good. We have a trip to Doug's Burger Den planned next week, so I can't miss that!
Cameron Dumas and Krystal Kjar got engaged last week. One of the Ray boys gave his farewell today in the 8th ward. Axel comes home next week. We just miss him coming home. Lacey Anderson and her husband spoke in our ward today. They have moved in with Lacey's parents, so it will be nice to have them in our ward. She talked about how great it will be to have the new temple in Cordoba because all the people in her mission will be able to attend that one and it will be so much closer for them. We saw the entire Shaw family at the movies on Christmas day. Tiffany is not engaged yet, but it could be any day now. Alex is still asking her out hoping that all 3 of the Thompson boys can say they dated her. So far she just laughs at him. We had a Christmas day buffet here with the Leifsons, the Kents, and the Hugentoblers. It was fun having them all here. Christmas Eve was so much fun at the Cameron's too. I would love to make that a tradition. Wish you could have seen Leah and Nikki's duet of Jolly Old St. Nickolaus. Leah did a good job playing the piano, but they laughed for so long just trying to get started that I thought they'd never do it. Stewart Jensen and his wife spoke in the single's ward today. He's a high councilor now and I guess he's over the single's ward. Kirk said they both were fun speakers.
Well, that's about all the news since we last talked. How did your meetings go over the weekend? I hope the Vallegas are still feeling the spirit. How about that neighbor family that helped you with the 12 days of Christmas? Are you teaching them? I love that story.
Here are some missionary tips for the week:
1. Always lock your car even if you'll be away for only a minute.
2. Drink orange juice.
3. When traveling to an area to tract, don't be in such a hurry that you overlook the hundreds of people you pass along the way.
4.Know the mission song by heart and sing it enthusiastically. If your mission doesn't have a song, write one.
5.Always have some money on hand.
6. Don't do a door approach with your hands in your pockets.
7. Be patient.
8. Carry a toy with you. Pull it out when young children start disrupting a discussion.
9.Create new words to Primary songs.
10. Write to perspective missionaries in your home ward.
Have a miraculous week, Sean. I love you very much.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Letter to Sean at the Lucas Family
Dear Kathi:
Well, as you already know your son is spending Christmas with us. So I prepared some stocking for all the 6 missionaries who are coming here. I spoke to all the Moms and they are all sending a card or a letter I can print and put it inside their socks.
Do you think you can do that too? I forgot to tell you the other day we talked.
I thought it would be nice for them to receive some words from their moms on christmas time, even though you'll talk to them later.
Anyway, thanks for your time, and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your wonderful family.
Dec. 25, 2008
My dear Sean,
How sweet of Marcela Lucas to think of us moms and of you missionaries. She's an angel in your life-one of many.
I hope you know how I feel about you. It's such a blessing as a mom to experience unconditional love. From the moment I felt you moving I felt love for you. Then when I finally got to see your cute face and could hold you, it became an overwhelming feeling, something every parent gets to experience. It gave me a small glimpse at what our Father in Heaven feels for us. How wise He is and how important is His plan. "The family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children."
As I sit here thinking of you, I want to share a few of the things I love about you:
Your spirituality-you seemed to know who you were and why we are all here from the time you were very small. The gospel just seemed to make sense to you.
Your faith-you never questioned the basics of the gospel or its principles. You always seem to move forward with faith.
Your sly smile-you have a cute imp-like and sly smile that I always love to see.
Your talents-you're always open to learning new things (a trait I hope you keep throughout life)
Your intelligence-you have an ability and gift in this area.
Your strength-not just physical, but in your ability to stand up for what you believe and have the courage and strength to be true to yourself.
Your wit-you have a quick mind and pick up on any nuances I tried to throw at you.
Your musicality-this is a gift from heaven to you and you use it well.
Your generosity-you have a generous heart and this I have learned about you as you have served your mission.
Your sense of humor-you have a dry humor that I understand well and it comes through in your letters sometimes too. I love it.
These are only a few and sometimes I get frustrated with the English language for its lack of verbiage that would enable me to write how I feel more eloquently. But I hope that I'm always able to let you know that I love you through my words, my actions and my prayers.
Have a beautiful Christmas day, enjoy the peace you feel being with the Lucas family and we will pray that you can find families who are ready for this same peace and joy in their lives.
I am always here for you. I love you very much.
mom xoxoxoxoxooxxoxo
Well, as you already know your son is spending Christmas with us. So I prepared some stocking for all the 6 missionaries who are coming here. I spoke to all the Moms and they are all sending a card or a letter I can print and put it inside their socks.
Do you think you can do that too? I forgot to tell you the other day we talked.
I thought it would be nice for them to receive some words from their moms on christmas time, even though you'll talk to them later.
Anyway, thanks for your time, and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your wonderful family.
Dec. 25, 2008
My dear Sean,
How sweet of Marcela Lucas to think of us moms and of you missionaries. She's an angel in your life-one of many.
I hope you know how I feel about you. It's such a blessing as a mom to experience unconditional love. From the moment I felt you moving I felt love for you. Then when I finally got to see your cute face and could hold you, it became an overwhelming feeling, something every parent gets to experience. It gave me a small glimpse at what our Father in Heaven feels for us. How wise He is and how important is His plan. "The family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children."
As I sit here thinking of you, I want to share a few of the things I love about you:
Your spirituality-you seemed to know who you were and why we are all here from the time you were very small. The gospel just seemed to make sense to you.
Your faith-you never questioned the basics of the gospel or its principles. You always seem to move forward with faith.
Your sly smile-you have a cute imp-like and sly smile that I always love to see.
Your talents-you're always open to learning new things (a trait I hope you keep throughout life)
Your intelligence-you have an ability and gift in this area.
Your strength-not just physical, but in your ability to stand up for what you believe and have the courage and strength to be true to yourself.
Your wit-you have a quick mind and pick up on any nuances I tried to throw at you.
Your musicality-this is a gift from heaven to you and you use it well.
Your generosity-you have a generous heart and this I have learned about you as you have served your mission.
Your sense of humor-you have a dry humor that I understand well and it comes through in your letters sometimes too. I love it.
These are only a few and sometimes I get frustrated with the English language for its lack of verbiage that would enable me to write how I feel more eloquently. But I hope that I'm always able to let you know that I love you through my words, my actions and my prayers.
Have a beautiful Christmas day, enjoy the peace you feel being with the Lucas family and we will pray that you can find families who are ready for this same peace and joy in their lives.
I am always here for you. I love you very much.
mom xoxoxoxoxooxxoxo
Sunday, December 21, 2008
4 More Sleeps
Dec. 21, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
Time is really flying by this December. I can't believe that it's only 4 more sleeps until we get to talk with you and oh yeah, it's Christmas too. So I won't make this letter very long since we'll be talking.
We had our Christmas sacrament mtg today and it was mainly choir with 2 solos-Casey Hancuff and Mary Thompson. I saw the 8th ward coming in after us and they were carrying what seemed to be a boat load of different instruments for their program. But I thought to myself, simple is often times much more spiritual. We had a wonderful meeting. Alex and I were both in the choir and it was enjoyable as usual.
I subbed for Nikki's class today. She was very excited about it, but her teacher had asked me to do a craft project with them and dropped off the stuff to me. There were so many little pieces of things to glue and staple, it quickly became overwhelming. I had asked Kristina to come in with me to help and it was a good thing I did. We could have used about 4 more adults in there to help out. I much prefer giving a lesson.
It snowed virtually all day today. It's been very pretty to look at, but tomorrow when everyone goes back to work, it will be a mess. It's supposed to snow again tomorrow. Looks like it might be time to go hookey-bobbing!
I spent most the afternoon making cookies and putting together our cookie platters. We'll give them out tomorrow. I tried a couple new things ( as usual), some with success and some not so great. I even tried a variation of the gooey butter bars where you put chocolate chips, walnuts, and coconut on top of the crust before you add the top batter. They are very rich and good.
Dad is working quite a bit these days since we are taking off after Christmas to go down to Utah for a visit. His next day off is Christmas. Kirk is also working a lot which is great. The big BSU bowl game is this Tues night so Blue and Orange sales are going great. BYU lost in their bowl game over the weekend.
We had a fun visit with Andrea the other night. She was leaving for the bowl game the next day-a long bus ride down to San Diego. Here's a picture with your loving brother-

Also here are the girls making gingerbread cookies (thanks to a little gift from Andrea to the girls).
How did transfers go?
Were there a lot of missionaries on their way home? You're probably very busy. I hope you're able to stop for a moment and take in the season although being on a mission probably feels like the spirit of Christmas every day.
I'm trying to organize a Christmas day buffet for some of the neighbors. We'll see how it goes. I don't want it to be a stress for anyone, just fun and relaxing.
I hope all our packages have made their way to you by now. Can't wait to hear what you thought and what you ended up doing with everything. Kirk is going to help me translate a couple letters I'm sending off tomorrow to my Argentine friends, Maria Carranza Castro, Susana Paez and of course, Marcela Lucas.
Your stocking is hung on the chimney, the map of Cordoba is on our wall, your pictures are in every room. You're always in my thoughts and prayers. I love sharing a little bit of your mission with you through our letters. I'm so grateful for your mission president and his wife and for the members who love you and watch over you. It brings me peace. I am also grateful that you understand what this life is really all about and how each soul is important. May you see each person you meet as Heavenly Father sees them. That is what I always pray for.
Have a wonderful day and enjoy being on the Lord's errand.
I love you and can't wait to talk with you.
Dear Elder Sean,
Time is really flying by this December. I can't believe that it's only 4 more sleeps until we get to talk with you and oh yeah, it's Christmas too. So I won't make this letter very long since we'll be talking.
We had our Christmas sacrament mtg today and it was mainly choir with 2 solos-Casey Hancuff and Mary Thompson. I saw the 8th ward coming in after us and they were carrying what seemed to be a boat load of different instruments for their program. But I thought to myself, simple is often times much more spiritual. We had a wonderful meeting. Alex and I were both in the choir and it was enjoyable as usual.
I subbed for Nikki's class today. She was very excited about it, but her teacher had asked me to do a craft project with them and dropped off the stuff to me. There were so many little pieces of things to glue and staple, it quickly became overwhelming. I had asked Kristina to come in with me to help and it was a good thing I did. We could have used about 4 more adults in there to help out. I much prefer giving a lesson.
It snowed virtually all day today. It's been very pretty to look at, but tomorrow when everyone goes back to work, it will be a mess. It's supposed to snow again tomorrow. Looks like it might be time to go hookey-bobbing!
I spent most the afternoon making cookies and putting together our cookie platters. We'll give them out tomorrow. I tried a couple new things ( as usual), some with success and some not so great. I even tried a variation of the gooey butter bars where you put chocolate chips, walnuts, and coconut on top of the crust before you add the top batter. They are very rich and good.
Dad is working quite a bit these days since we are taking off after Christmas to go down to Utah for a visit. His next day off is Christmas. Kirk is also working a lot which is great. The big BSU bowl game is this Tues night so Blue and Orange sales are going great. BYU lost in their bowl game over the weekend.
We had a fun visit with Andrea the other night. She was leaving for the bowl game the next day-a long bus ride down to San Diego. Here's a picture with your loving brother-
Also here are the girls making gingerbread cookies (thanks to a little gift from Andrea to the girls).
How did transfers go?
I'm trying to organize a Christmas day buffet for some of the neighbors. We'll see how it goes. I don't want it to be a stress for anyone, just fun and relaxing.
I hope all our packages have made their way to you by now. Can't wait to hear what you thought and what you ended up doing with everything. Kirk is going to help me translate a couple letters I'm sending off tomorrow to my Argentine friends, Maria Carranza Castro, Susana Paez and of course, Marcela Lucas.
Your stocking is hung on the chimney, the map of Cordoba is on our wall, your pictures are in every room. You're always in my thoughts and prayers. I love sharing a little bit of your mission with you through our letters. I'm so grateful for your mission president and his wife and for the members who love you and watch over you. It brings me peace. I am also grateful that you understand what this life is really all about and how each soul is important. May you see each person you meet as Heavenly Father sees them. That is what I always pray for.
Have a wonderful day and enjoy being on the Lord's errand.
I love you and can't wait to talk with you.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
First SnowStorm '08
Dec. 14, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
This storm kind of came out of nowhere, but the kids are loving it. It's supposed to snow on and off for about 3 days, which is kind of weird for this area. Luckily Kirk made it home just before the snow hit. He brought Jan and Jeff with him since they came up to Rexburg for Mary's graduation (yes, she finally graduated after 6 years of college). Actually, she's not sure if she'll pass one of her classes, but we'll see. Mary and David drove straight home from Rexburg and Jan and Jeff came here for the weekend so Jeff could visit with his dad. They'll be here until Tues and will fly home from here.
The kids spent the Sabbath snow shoveling for our home and for some of the neighbors. It turned into a bit of a neighborhood snowball fight however. Tonight we played games together (always remember that the family that plays together, stays together!) We read scriptures and discussed Amalakiah and Lahonti and read from a Christmas book where I read about one Christmas virtue each day before Christmas.
Today at church we had a return missionary speak (he was from another ward and his family had recently moved here from Missouri). One thing that stood out for me in his talk was what he said his mission president told them. Their president told them to not look at the people they were teaching dressed in white for baptism, but rather they should look at them dressed in white ready to go to the temple. He said that that really made a difference in the way he taught when he thought of it that way. It didn't become about the numbers then, it became about saving an entire family and helping them prepare to get to the temple.
Friday night dad and I went to a white elephant party at the Shaw's. It was very fun. They had about 8 couples there, most of them from the 2nd ward. We played some other games too, ate, talked and laughed. The Shaws are such a great couple and I've often thought how fun it would be to live next door.
Yesterday was the EHS Christmas concert. They had 2 performances because the crowds are so large. I worked the snack table during the first concert and our family went to the 2nd concert. Kirk and Jan and Jeff managed to get there halfway through and joined us. We have reserve seats this year, so we sit front and center 4 rows back. I love it!!! Well worth the money. Alex had a solo this year and he did an awesome job. He sang Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas with Premium Blend behind him. My heart was pounding so hard when he stepped out front and forward to sing, you would have thought I was performing. It was a difficult rendition and the range he had to sing was from low D to an A and he hit it with perfect pitch. We videoed the whole thing and have put it on Youtube for the world to see (ok, most likely just our friends and family). We also put it on our Trumbo blog. It's fun to be able to show the family even when they can't be there.
Dad's been a little busy with tithing settlements still and we have a few more events this week to attend. Tis the season. I need to start baking for our cookie giveaways too. We've got all the packages sent to you now. There should be 5 in total. Only one says Do not open til Christmas, but the other 4 are to open now and have many things to give away. Let us know as you get them and which one it is, etc. We send these out in faith hoping they get there in tact and into your hands. We had a lot of fun putting them together for you. Hope you enjoy them.
It was great hear about your mission conference. Can't wait to see your customized jerseys too. I'm sure the whole thing was very motivating for all involved. We passed your letter on to Bro. Shaw so he could read about your ideas of using the Book of Mormon in contacts and teaching. He said he really enjoyed the letter and was definitely going to use it in Missionary Prep classes.
How are the Villegas coming along? It's made me think about adults joining the church coming from a lifetime of habits, both bad and good, coming from families who taught them with love of other and often times very conflicting values and traditions, and then I remember how here in our ward how dad is always telling the young men to make those simple "deacon decisions" now that will carry them through their whole lives. As a beehive, my teacher asked us to do the same thing and I can even remember her giving us a few moments of silence to make a commitment to the Lord and His gospel. These adults didn't have the opportunity to make those beehive/deacon commitments, but they need to make that same type commitment now in their lives, a commitment that will carry them through to the end, one that doesn't have to be remade at every crossroad of life. The phrase that sticks in my mind is, now you don't have to make that decision ever again, you've made it now move forward in faith and hope. Even though they are adults, it's still a plain and simple decision. Somewhere in their soul they hear the whisperings of the spirit testifying of the truthfulness of the restoration and say to themselves, no matter what happens from now on I have made a decision to stay on the Lord's side because of what I have felt and I can't deny it. It also seems almost imperative that the new convert should bear testimony, no matter how simple, because that will become such an integral part of the conversion process. Saying and making a commitment out loud, bearing testimony, always builds testimonies. The bearing of testimony solidifies the physical act of baptism by immersion. I hope that new converts everywhere are given opportunities to put voice to what they are so powerfully experiencing and feeling. I know that you as a missionary must hear many beautiful, heartfelt testimonies of souls as they have experienced the spirit for the first time in their lives. There is nothing more tender to my heart than hearing the first prayer of a friend taking the lessons.
You sound great in your letters and I can't wait to talk with you on Christmas day. Nikki says she loves Christmas the best of all but why does it take so long to get here. Her pure joy of life and her natural love for all people has taught me much needed lessons. Continue to learn, Sean, no matter how old you get. There are lessons everywhere.
Have a spirit-filled week.
Love you,
Dear Elder Sean,
This storm kind of came out of nowhere, but the kids are loving it. It's supposed to snow on and off for about 3 days, which is kind of weird for this area. Luckily Kirk made it home just before the snow hit. He brought Jan and Jeff with him since they came up to Rexburg for Mary's graduation (yes, she finally graduated after 6 years of college). Actually, she's not sure if she'll pass one of her classes, but we'll see. Mary and David drove straight home from Rexburg and Jan and Jeff came here for the weekend so Jeff could visit with his dad. They'll be here until Tues and will fly home from here.
The kids spent the Sabbath snow shoveling for our home and for some of the neighbors. It turned into a bit of a neighborhood snowball fight however. Tonight we played games together (always remember that the family that plays together, stays together!) We read scriptures and discussed Amalakiah and Lahonti and read from a Christmas book where I read about one Christmas virtue each day before Christmas.
Today at church we had a return missionary speak (he was from another ward and his family had recently moved here from Missouri). One thing that stood out for me in his talk was what he said his mission president told them. Their president told them to not look at the people they were teaching dressed in white for baptism, but rather they should look at them dressed in white ready to go to the temple. He said that that really made a difference in the way he taught when he thought of it that way. It didn't become about the numbers then, it became about saving an entire family and helping them prepare to get to the temple.
Friday night dad and I went to a white elephant party at the Shaw's. It was very fun. They had about 8 couples there, most of them from the 2nd ward. We played some other games too, ate, talked and laughed. The Shaws are such a great couple and I've often thought how fun it would be to live next door.
Yesterday was the EHS Christmas concert. They had 2 performances because the crowds are so large. I worked the snack table during the first concert and our family went to the 2nd concert. Kirk and Jan and Jeff managed to get there halfway through and joined us. We have reserve seats this year, so we sit front and center 4 rows back. I love it!!! Well worth the money. Alex had a solo this year and he did an awesome job. He sang Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas with Premium Blend behind him. My heart was pounding so hard when he stepped out front and forward to sing, you would have thought I was performing. It was a difficult rendition and the range he had to sing was from low D to an A and he hit it with perfect pitch. We videoed the whole thing and have put it on Youtube for the world to see (ok, most likely just our friends and family). We also put it on our Trumbo blog. It's fun to be able to show the family even when they can't be there.
Dad's been a little busy with tithing settlements still and we have a few more events this week to attend. Tis the season. I need to start baking for our cookie giveaways too. We've got all the packages sent to you now. There should be 5 in total. Only one says Do not open til Christmas, but the other 4 are to open now and have many things to give away. Let us know as you get them and which one it is, etc. We send these out in faith hoping they get there in tact and into your hands. We had a lot of fun putting them together for you. Hope you enjoy them.
It was great hear about your mission conference. Can't wait to see your customized jerseys too. I'm sure the whole thing was very motivating for all involved. We passed your letter on to Bro. Shaw so he could read about your ideas of using the Book of Mormon in contacts and teaching. He said he really enjoyed the letter and was definitely going to use it in Missionary Prep classes.
How are the Villegas coming along? It's made me think about adults joining the church coming from a lifetime of habits, both bad and good, coming from families who taught them with love of other and often times very conflicting values and traditions, and then I remember how here in our ward how dad is always telling the young men to make those simple "deacon decisions" now that will carry them through their whole lives. As a beehive, my teacher asked us to do the same thing and I can even remember her giving us a few moments of silence to make a commitment to the Lord and His gospel. These adults didn't have the opportunity to make those beehive/deacon commitments, but they need to make that same type commitment now in their lives, a commitment that will carry them through to the end, one that doesn't have to be remade at every crossroad of life. The phrase that sticks in my mind is, now you don't have to make that decision ever again, you've made it now move forward in faith and hope. Even though they are adults, it's still a plain and simple decision. Somewhere in their soul they hear the whisperings of the spirit testifying of the truthfulness of the restoration and say to themselves, no matter what happens from now on I have made a decision to stay on the Lord's side because of what I have felt and I can't deny it. It also seems almost imperative that the new convert should bear testimony, no matter how simple, because that will become such an integral part of the conversion process. Saying and making a commitment out loud, bearing testimony, always builds testimonies. The bearing of testimony solidifies the physical act of baptism by immersion. I hope that new converts everywhere are given opportunities to put voice to what they are so powerfully experiencing and feeling. I know that you as a missionary must hear many beautiful, heartfelt testimonies of souls as they have experienced the spirit for the first time in their lives. There is nothing more tender to my heart than hearing the first prayer of a friend taking the lessons.
You sound great in your letters and I can't wait to talk with you on Christmas day. Nikki says she loves Christmas the best of all but why does it take so long to get here. Her pure joy of life and her natural love for all people has taught me much needed lessons. Continue to learn, Sean, no matter how old you get. There are lessons everywhere.
Have a spirit-filled week.
Love you,
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Post Thanksgiving 08-Elder Sean letter
Nov. 30, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
Thanks for another wonderful letter. You sound so good and very happy and very anxiously engaged in good causes. All those go hand in hand, of course. How great that you get to travel around and see so many people you've had previous contact with. We're still very sad about Fernando not getting his act together yet. When Nikki heard that she was sad. For some reason she has made it her personal mission to pray for Fernando every night since day one. You better believe that Heavenly Father knows who he is since he hears about him from Nikki every day. I'm expecting to see Wilky here on a mission in a few years though.
How is the family from Peru, the Villegas family? Thanks for getting the complete Holland talk to us. I've only listened to a few tracks so far, but that's because it was a hectic week. I've put them all on iTunes and will put them all on one CD so it will be easier to listen to. So, did you have your mission conference already? I can't wait to hear all about it. How often do you get to have an entire mission conference? That seems like a rare thing or maybe not in your mission.
I will email Hma Carranza with some new photos this week. In the package we sent last week, I sent some music for Marcela Lucas. Hope it's not a problem for you to get it to her. I thought it would be easier to send it in a package rather than try to email something. We are sending off another package tomorrow and then one more in about a week. Tis the season!!!
We had such a fun Thanksgiving this past week. Steve and Carolina came with Kassie, Dakota, Gio and Jen. They left their new little puppy, Tofu, at home. Carolina really didn't want them to bring their dog to our house because he's so hyper, so I told them how territorial Barkley is and how he tends to eat small vermon (they didn't know that he's just about 14 years old now, deaf and blind). So when they showed up here and saw Barkley, they kind of laughed at his sorry state. We bought a couple doggie outfits to put in the game of greed to help make up for their missing their "son".
So here's a pic of our dinner before we devoured it.

And here's Alex on his double date playing wii in the family room. Watching them dance was very entertaining. Dakota went with Dallas and Alex took a girl named Dana Rasmussen.

Here we all are just before Steve and his family take off back to Provo.

Kirk and Rachel got here last Saturday and stayed the whole week. This is her third trip to our house now and I still can't tell if things are progressing or not. She's very quiet, coupled with Kirk's quietness, it's downright hard to tell what's going on. But they seem to enjoy each other and we all like having Rachel here. Her dad played football for Utah State and she's very athletic herself. She's majoring in Biology with a teaching degree and hopes to teach high school biology and coach basketball. They only have 2 more weeks of school, then they are both off track until April. So we'll see what happens then. We'll keep you posted.
Gio and Jen are doing great. They are a lot of fun to be around. Jen really brings out the best in Gio. He seems so happy. Jen graduates in April and until then Gio is working for NuSkin in Provo. He'll try to find a "real job" when Jen graduates.
Steve is still busy with Noah's. They just opened a new one in South Jordan. He managed the building site there. Now they are looking at building one in Denver so Steve may have to be on the road. Axel comes home Jan. 8th from his mission. He sounds so good in his letters and is really enjoying being a Chinese speaking missionary in Paris now. He's had so many more contacts and investigators and baptisms. It's really lifted his spirits. Dakota is a senior in high school and is hoping to take her swim team to state this year. Kassie is also on the team, but doesn't quite enjoy it the same as Dakota. She is just swimming because Steve told her to. I got to talk with Isaac through the computer while he was at work. We just used gmail audio. I told him how much we missed him here at Thanksgiving. I think he was missing being here too. He's keeping busy working for a computer company during the week and teaching at the American school on Saturday. He hasn't been able to finish his classes to graduate from college yet, but he hopes to. He lives a very different lifestyle over there in Barcelona and it's very evident Satan has a hold of him, but I told him I loved him and missed him. It's important for him to know that his family is always here for him.
The little girls were in heaven having Jen here. She did their hair, painted their nails, etc. They pretty much followed her everywhere and she was very patient with them. Kristina loved having Kassie here. They even went running one night and totally enjoyed it. Alex and Dakota buddied up and Kirk and Rachel double dated with Gio and Jen one night. Dad and I took Steve and Carolina to Rembrandt's one night for hot chocolate and an eclair. I told Steve he'd love it because it was just like a big living room with nice comfy couches. We had a fun chat there. We also made a brave trip to the mall on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. I have never seen our little mall so crowded. The Trumbo's didn't think a thing of it, but it was really strange for the rest of us. It was fun seeing Uncle Bill and Travis there too. Their stores were doing good business which was good especially considering the current state of the economy.
We watched BSU cream Fresno State with the Trumbo's too. Since Steve seemed to be getting into the game, we picked him up some little blue and orange things from Travis's store. Steve said he'd like to see BSU play BYU. That would be a good game.
Also this week Derrick Hansen got his mission call to the Mexico Leon mission. He doesn't leave until March but is very excited about it.
It's hard to believe that it's already December. If time seems to be going too fast for you too, just take a moment and take a mental picture. I can't remember if I already told you that, but that's what works for me. I actually have some pretty vivid pictures in my mind because I made it a point to take a mental picture and hold onto it. One picture of you that I have is that day in high school when I made some treats for you to take to school and I had stayed up pretty late to finish them for you and found them still on the counter when I got up after you'd already gone to school in the morning. I remember feeling so stupid for taking so much time to help you out and feeling like you didn't care at all. Then to my surprise you showed up at lunch time to pick up the treats. You didn't need them till later in the day and hadn't wanted to take them so early in the morning. I remember I started to cry for being so foolish to think that you didn't care, my feelings were so tender at the moment, and then you reached over and hugged me. That hug meant so much to me. It's just what I needed at the time and I have that picture forever etched in my mind. Be sure to take some mental pictures of your own that with some things, events and people in your mission. You'll be glad you did.
Have a great week. Your zeal is contagious and it makes me want to be better. Thanks for all you do and who you are.
I love you.
Dear Elder Sean,
Thanks for another wonderful letter. You sound so good and very happy and very anxiously engaged in good causes. All those go hand in hand, of course. How great that you get to travel around and see so many people you've had previous contact with. We're still very sad about Fernando not getting his act together yet. When Nikki heard that she was sad. For some reason she has made it her personal mission to pray for Fernando every night since day one. You better believe that Heavenly Father knows who he is since he hears about him from Nikki every day. I'm expecting to see Wilky here on a mission in a few years though.
How is the family from Peru, the Villegas family? Thanks for getting the complete Holland talk to us. I've only listened to a few tracks so far, but that's because it was a hectic week. I've put them all on iTunes and will put them all on one CD so it will be easier to listen to. So, did you have your mission conference already? I can't wait to hear all about it. How often do you get to have an entire mission conference? That seems like a rare thing or maybe not in your mission.
I will email Hma Carranza with some new photos this week. In the package we sent last week, I sent some music for Marcela Lucas. Hope it's not a problem for you to get it to her. I thought it would be easier to send it in a package rather than try to email something. We are sending off another package tomorrow and then one more in about a week. Tis the season!!!
We had such a fun Thanksgiving this past week. Steve and Carolina came with Kassie, Dakota, Gio and Jen. They left their new little puppy, Tofu, at home. Carolina really didn't want them to bring their dog to our house because he's so hyper, so I told them how territorial Barkley is and how he tends to eat small vermon (they didn't know that he's just about 14 years old now, deaf and blind). So when they showed up here and saw Barkley, they kind of laughed at his sorry state. We bought a couple doggie outfits to put in the game of greed to help make up for their missing their "son".
So here's a pic of our dinner before we devoured it.
And here's Alex on his double date playing wii in the family room. Watching them dance was very entertaining. Dakota went with Dallas and Alex took a girl named Dana Rasmussen.
Here we all are just before Steve and his family take off back to Provo.
Kirk and Rachel got here last Saturday and stayed the whole week. This is her third trip to our house now and I still can't tell if things are progressing or not. She's very quiet, coupled with Kirk's quietness, it's downright hard to tell what's going on. But they seem to enjoy each other and we all like having Rachel here. Her dad played football for Utah State and she's very athletic herself. She's majoring in Biology with a teaching degree and hopes to teach high school biology and coach basketball. They only have 2 more weeks of school, then they are both off track until April. So we'll see what happens then. We'll keep you posted.
Gio and Jen are doing great. They are a lot of fun to be around. Jen really brings out the best in Gio. He seems so happy. Jen graduates in April and until then Gio is working for NuSkin in Provo. He'll try to find a "real job" when Jen graduates.
Steve is still busy with Noah's. They just opened a new one in South Jordan. He managed the building site there. Now they are looking at building one in Denver so Steve may have to be on the road. Axel comes home Jan. 8th from his mission. He sounds so good in his letters and is really enjoying being a Chinese speaking missionary in Paris now. He's had so many more contacts and investigators and baptisms. It's really lifted his spirits. Dakota is a senior in high school and is hoping to take her swim team to state this year. Kassie is also on the team, but doesn't quite enjoy it the same as Dakota. She is just swimming because Steve told her to. I got to talk with Isaac through the computer while he was at work. We just used gmail audio. I told him how much we missed him here at Thanksgiving. I think he was missing being here too. He's keeping busy working for a computer company during the week and teaching at the American school on Saturday. He hasn't been able to finish his classes to graduate from college yet, but he hopes to. He lives a very different lifestyle over there in Barcelona and it's very evident Satan has a hold of him, but I told him I loved him and missed him. It's important for him to know that his family is always here for him.
The little girls were in heaven having Jen here. She did their hair, painted their nails, etc. They pretty much followed her everywhere and she was very patient with them. Kristina loved having Kassie here. They even went running one night and totally enjoyed it. Alex and Dakota buddied up and Kirk and Rachel double dated with Gio and Jen one night. Dad and I took Steve and Carolina to Rembrandt's one night for hot chocolate and an eclair. I told Steve he'd love it because it was just like a big living room with nice comfy couches. We had a fun chat there. We also made a brave trip to the mall on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. I have never seen our little mall so crowded. The Trumbo's didn't think a thing of it, but it was really strange for the rest of us. It was fun seeing Uncle Bill and Travis there too. Their stores were doing good business which was good especially considering the current state of the economy.
We watched BSU cream Fresno State with the Trumbo's too. Since Steve seemed to be getting into the game, we picked him up some little blue and orange things from Travis's store. Steve said he'd like to see BSU play BYU. That would be a good game.
Also this week Derrick Hansen got his mission call to the Mexico Leon mission. He doesn't leave until March but is very excited about it.
It's hard to believe that it's already December. If time seems to be going too fast for you too, just take a moment and take a mental picture. I can't remember if I already told you that, but that's what works for me. I actually have some pretty vivid pictures in my mind because I made it a point to take a mental picture and hold onto it. One picture of you that I have is that day in high school when I made some treats for you to take to school and I had stayed up pretty late to finish them for you and found them still on the counter when I got up after you'd already gone to school in the morning. I remember feeling so stupid for taking so much time to help you out and feeling like you didn't care at all. Then to my surprise you showed up at lunch time to pick up the treats. You didn't need them till later in the day and hadn't wanted to take them so early in the morning. I remember I started to cry for being so foolish to think that you didn't care, my feelings were so tender at the moment, and then you reached over and hugged me. That hug meant so much to me. It's just what I needed at the time and I have that picture forever etched in my mind. Be sure to take some mental pictures of your own that with some things, events and people in your mission. You'll be glad you did.
Have a great week. Your zeal is contagious and it makes me want to be better. Thanks for all you do and who you are.
I love you.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thanksgiving week
Nov. 23, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
Just finished playing Apples to Apples Junior with the family and somehow it turned into monkey in the middle, so the girls are having a hard time calming down after that. They are in bed on the landing and I can hear them from here. Rachel and Kirk are here now so it must be the official start of Thanksgiving week.
Steve and Carolina get here on Wednesday. We'll be sure to take tons of pictures and video for you. Then we'll be sending off your Christmas pkg this weekend.
How are you? Your last letter was amazing and it was so fun reading about your daily activities. You are so busy, but it's all such great stuff. I hope your investigators are still progressing well. I'm so happy that you're recognizing the miracles that are taking place around you. They happen after the mission too, but sometimes they are hard to see unless you keep yourself in tune. I need to share with you something that Lindsay Gill said in her homecoming talk today. She went to Sweden where most of the people are atheist now, but she was still able to have lots of spiritual experiences. Now that she's home she was telling Pres. McCauley that she still had such a strong desire to pray in Swedish and to keep reading her Swedish scriptures. Pres. McCauley so wisely explained to her that because she had so many spiritual experiences on her mission that it was natural for her to go back to Swedish where these experiences took place. He said it's where she's spiritually comfortable and knows how to feel the spirit. He said it was her spiritual language. I know that Kirk has mentioned that same thing and could totally relate to what she was talking about. My spiritual language is completely English because of my own experiences.
It's wonderful to know you have such a great bishop to work with. I know that he truly sets the tone for his ward. Getting 15 investigators to church for the Primary program is amazing. We didn't get that here. You mentioned something about a blessing from the Bishop, I hope you are feeling well physically. I haven't checked with you on that lately.
Well, football was definitely the talk of the weekend. Eagle went to Pocatello for the State Championships. The hype was fun and they even got a police escort out of town. I happened to be on State Street when they went by! But, the game was sad. They lost 28-7. Dallas had a hard time, in fact they all did. But Dallas is taking it kind of hard and feels very responsible. I wish he could see how proud we are of him instead and how much fun the season was because of him.
Yesterday, BSU won 41-24 against Nevada and then immediately following was the big BYU/UTAH game. Utah won it fairly easily, but for a while it was close. It was 48-24 and mainly because BYU had 6 turnovers in the game. Utah really did outplay them though. With Utah winning, that doesn't help BSU at all too.
Yesterday Aunt Patrice got married to Dennis. They had Bishop Cowdell (Orange 3rd ward bishop) marry them in our church. I was happy to hear that's how and where they were getting married. Wish I could have gone. They went to Catalina Island for their honeymoon. Jeff and Jan called me from their car afterwards and I had to give Jeff a play by play commentary of the BYU game, definitely not as easy as it sounds. Then when he finally got home, he immediately called back because their power was out! He's a big fan so this was not easy for him. He eventually found an internet stream to listen to.
Dad is working tonight and also Tues night. He's had quite a few night shifts this past week. All this so he can have off the rest of November. I can't remember if I told you that we're not frying turkeys this year. We're going to try brining the turkey instead. We've heard such good things about how moist and tasty brined birds are. So we actually start the brining process a day or 2 beforehand. We'll give you a report on this years' test. Alex is not happy that we're breaking tradition, but hopefully the proof will be in the taste.
The federal prosecutor in the case dealing with the Samoan adoptions called the other day. The case is still not over. They really drag on. They are coming up with a better idea for punishment rather than sending all the parties to jail for years and years. I'm happy about that. I never wanted to see any of these people go to jail even though they broke some laws and were shady with some things. The prosecutor wanted to know how I felt about this and I told him that I agreed that going to jail did nothing for the real victims of this crime, the children. The birth parents were told by someone working for the adoption agency that the children would be coming back to them when they were 18, but all the birth parents now know that adoption is forever. Only one birth family asked for their child back, but then changed their mind. The prosecutor said that most of the birth parents actually admitted that they were told the children were coming back to them but that they were also told by the attorneys at the time of adoption that the children were not coming back. All of them still wanted to put their children up for adoption and I've since found out that the girls' grandfather strongly felt that putting them up for adoption was the best thing for them and had a strong say in what they did. Their grandfather was one of the only members of their family who was active in the church. He has since passed away.
Anyway, the prosecutor is going to Samoa next Saturday and said he'd take letters and pictures with him to each birth family, so I spent some time today getting a letter ready. I asked Sister Aleki if she'd translate it for me, so she's doing that Tues on her P-day. Their birth cousin Tani's mom, Paula, is also sending a letter here for Sister Aleki to translate. I'm very anxious to hear his report when he gets back. I don't think she's been able to read any of the other letters I've sent since they were all in English. Leah looks just like Tani's birthmom, in other words, she looks just like her aunt. Nikki looks like her birth mom. I feel a connection to each of them that's hard for me to explain and I hope to be able to meet them someday. But I also understand if they don't want any contact. It's a difficult situation.
Here are some missionary tips for the week:
1. Floss
2. Eat a piece of fruit each day.
3.Place church books in local libraries. If church books are already in the library, make sure a current local mission phone number is written on the inside front cover.
4.Always lock your car or bike, even if you'll be away for only a minute.
5. With your companion, select a key word for the day that must be worked into door approaches.
6. Always try "one more door."
7. Wash the dishes before going to bed.
8. If it's OK with the bishop, greet the members of the ward as they arrive at church.
9.Create an exercise program that results in a cleaner apartment (for example, waxing the floor.)
10.Never refer to a baptism as anything other than a baptism (such as a "dunking").
We had wonderful talks today on gratitude. How can I possibly thank my Heavenly Father for everything that came to my mind about what I'm grateful for. I am nothing without Him, but everything good with Him. I see His hand in my life, but I need to work on seeing it more. When I have a grateful heart, I see His handiwork everywhere and that's my goal. Thank you for being such a wonderful son and such a valiant member of the church.
Have a miraculous week, but more importantly recognize as many miracles as you can.
I love you,
Dear Elder Sean,
Just finished playing Apples to Apples Junior with the family and somehow it turned into monkey in the middle, so the girls are having a hard time calming down after that. They are in bed on the landing and I can hear them from here. Rachel and Kirk are here now so it must be the official start of Thanksgiving week.
Steve and Carolina get here on Wednesday. We'll be sure to take tons of pictures and video for you. Then we'll be sending off your Christmas pkg this weekend.
How are you? Your last letter was amazing and it was so fun reading about your daily activities. You are so busy, but it's all such great stuff. I hope your investigators are still progressing well. I'm so happy that you're recognizing the miracles that are taking place around you. They happen after the mission too, but sometimes they are hard to see unless you keep yourself in tune. I need to share with you something that Lindsay Gill said in her homecoming talk today. She went to Sweden where most of the people are atheist now, but she was still able to have lots of spiritual experiences. Now that she's home she was telling Pres. McCauley that she still had such a strong desire to pray in Swedish and to keep reading her Swedish scriptures. Pres. McCauley so wisely explained to her that because she had so many spiritual experiences on her mission that it was natural for her to go back to Swedish where these experiences took place. He said it's where she's spiritually comfortable and knows how to feel the spirit. He said it was her spiritual language. I know that Kirk has mentioned that same thing and could totally relate to what she was talking about. My spiritual language is completely English because of my own experiences.
It's wonderful to know you have such a great bishop to work with. I know that he truly sets the tone for his ward. Getting 15 investigators to church for the Primary program is amazing. We didn't get that here. You mentioned something about a blessing from the Bishop, I hope you are feeling well physically. I haven't checked with you on that lately.
Well, football was definitely the talk of the weekend. Eagle went to Pocatello for the State Championships. The hype was fun and they even got a police escort out of town. I happened to be on State Street when they went by! But, the game was sad. They lost 28-7. Dallas had a hard time, in fact they all did. But Dallas is taking it kind of hard and feels very responsible. I wish he could see how proud we are of him instead and how much fun the season was because of him.
Yesterday, BSU won 41-24 against Nevada and then immediately following was the big BYU/UTAH game. Utah won it fairly easily, but for a while it was close. It was 48-24 and mainly because BYU had 6 turnovers in the game. Utah really did outplay them though. With Utah winning, that doesn't help BSU at all too.
Yesterday Aunt Patrice got married to Dennis. They had Bishop Cowdell (Orange 3rd ward bishop) marry them in our church. I was happy to hear that's how and where they were getting married. Wish I could have gone. They went to Catalina Island for their honeymoon. Jeff and Jan called me from their car afterwards and I had to give Jeff a play by play commentary of the BYU game, definitely not as easy as it sounds. Then when he finally got home, he immediately called back because their power was out! He's a big fan so this was not easy for him. He eventually found an internet stream to listen to.
Dad is working tonight and also Tues night. He's had quite a few night shifts this past week. All this so he can have off the rest of November. I can't remember if I told you that we're not frying turkeys this year. We're going to try brining the turkey instead. We've heard such good things about how moist and tasty brined birds are. So we actually start the brining process a day or 2 beforehand. We'll give you a report on this years' test. Alex is not happy that we're breaking tradition, but hopefully the proof will be in the taste.
The federal prosecutor in the case dealing with the Samoan adoptions called the other day. The case is still not over. They really drag on. They are coming up with a better idea for punishment rather than sending all the parties to jail for years and years. I'm happy about that. I never wanted to see any of these people go to jail even though they broke some laws and were shady with some things. The prosecutor wanted to know how I felt about this and I told him that I agreed that going to jail did nothing for the real victims of this crime, the children. The birth parents were told by someone working for the adoption agency that the children would be coming back to them when they were 18, but all the birth parents now know that adoption is forever. Only one birth family asked for their child back, but then changed their mind. The prosecutor said that most of the birth parents actually admitted that they were told the children were coming back to them but that they were also told by the attorneys at the time of adoption that the children were not coming back. All of them still wanted to put their children up for adoption and I've since found out that the girls' grandfather strongly felt that putting them up for adoption was the best thing for them and had a strong say in what they did. Their grandfather was one of the only members of their family who was active in the church. He has since passed away.
Anyway, the prosecutor is going to Samoa next Saturday and said he'd take letters and pictures with him to each birth family, so I spent some time today getting a letter ready. I asked Sister Aleki if she'd translate it for me, so she's doing that Tues on her P-day. Their birth cousin Tani's mom, Paula, is also sending a letter here for Sister Aleki to translate. I'm very anxious to hear his report when he gets back. I don't think she's been able to read any of the other letters I've sent since they were all in English. Leah looks just like Tani's birthmom, in other words, she looks just like her aunt. Nikki looks like her birth mom. I feel a connection to each of them that's hard for me to explain and I hope to be able to meet them someday. But I also understand if they don't want any contact. It's a difficult situation.
Here are some missionary tips for the week:
1. Floss
2. Eat a piece of fruit each day.
3.Place church books in local libraries. If church books are already in the library, make sure a current local mission phone number is written on the inside front cover.
4.Always lock your car or bike, even if you'll be away for only a minute.
5. With your companion, select a key word for the day that must be worked into door approaches.
6. Always try "one more door."
7. Wash the dishes before going to bed.
8. If it's OK with the bishop, greet the members of the ward as they arrive at church.
9.Create an exercise program that results in a cleaner apartment (for example, waxing the floor.)
10.Never refer to a baptism as anything other than a baptism (such as a "dunking").
We had wonderful talks today on gratitude. How can I possibly thank my Heavenly Father for everything that came to my mind about what I'm grateful for. I am nothing without Him, but everything good with Him. I see His hand in my life, but I need to work on seeing it more. When I have a grateful heart, I see His handiwork everywhere and that's my goal. Thank you for being such a wonderful son and such a valiant member of the church.
Have a miraculous week, but more importantly recognize as many miracles as you can.
I love you,
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Mid November Ramblings
Nov. 16, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
So how was your first week as AP? I'm so anxious to hear what you do with that calling. I know you will be an excellent servant of the Lord and Pres. Olsen knows you and can trust you implicitly. It's been such an interesting mission for you. I knew this would be an important grooming for you, a refining. And you've stepped up to each challenge with courage and faith and I know that's how you'll handle this new assignment.
I just put the girls in bed, Kristina's doing some homework, Alex and Dallas went over to Rasmussen's for some dessert and dad's still at work. This is night #2 with Nikki wearing this anti-bed wetting devise. Last night it never went off and she stayed dry. I think it scared her dry. We'll see what happens tonight. Supposedly when the thing gets wet, it sets off an alarm and it vibrates against her body to wake her up. Then I'm supposed to hear it and get her up, help her get changed and get back into bed. The reviews for it were very high so I'm hopeful and she is too.
Well, EHS won their semi-final game Friday night. It was a lot of fun to watch. Dallas and his team did a great job. They will be playing in the finals this Friday against Highland from Pocatello in Pocatello. Tons of people are driving there for the game. Dad has to work or else we might be going too. I'll just have to get updates from Alex. Should be a great match up.
So Dallas is still trying to bulk up ( a near impossibility for him) so today Alex ate dinner at his house at 1pm and then they both ate dinner here at our house at 6pm and now they're off to Rasmussen's for a treat. Alex may be the only who bulks up, but they're having fun nonetheless. Let's see-BSU, BYU and Utah all won again this week too. Next week is the big match up with BYU and Utah. Since Utah(#7) is ranked higher than BSU(#9), everyone around here is cheering on BYU to beat Utah. It will be a big game.
Dad just called and says he still has some charts to do so he'll be another hour. Today at church Bro and Sis Yorgason spoke along with Dallas as one of the youth speakers. I liked Bro Y's talk so much that I asked him for a copy of it, so he said he'd email it to me. He really has a gift for speaking. I'll mail you a copy when I get it.
Yesterday was kind of a wild day. It started out pretty humdrum, Saturday chores, etc. then I took the kids to Primos for lunch. While at lunch I all of a sudden thought I should call Jan. It was just some silly reason I had to call her, but I felt compelled. (later on, Leah said that it was the spirit that told me to call her. I was so happy to hear her say that and to have that understanding). She answered the phone crying and almost screaming, hysterical. I couldn't understand her for the longest time, then I realized she said the hills were on fire by their house, the skies were completely black and they'd been asked to evacuate. The bad part for Jan was that Jeff and David were both on their way to Allen's for Tyler's farewell, in fact most the family was there. Jan was not feeling well enough to go. I had called her earlier in the morning because I knew how much she hated being alone and she was fine, but just not feeling well physically. So here she was alone in her house with a fire raging. She was kind of in a state of shock and kept saying, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to pack. So I tried to be overly calm and told her things to pack and put by her front door. Then I called Susan, who was in Manhatten Beach, helping Maria with something and got Mike's cell number to have him try to make his way to Jan's to help her. I've never felt so helpless and far away. Mike made his way to the Brea Mall and all the streets were closed off by the police. So I told him to get as close as he can and walk in if he had to. He called me 10 minutes later and said he was there. I felt so much better knowing he was there. The fires got worse and worse, jumping freeways and neighborhoods and there were some strong Santa Ana winds fueling them. Half of Brea High School burnt down, Sweet Tomatoes and some other shops in that area. Jan eventually went to a friend's house for the night. She was exhausted last night when she called me from her friends, so I haven't called her at all today. She was getting so many calls yesterday and everyone was telling her what to do. She was about to go crazy. So far 800 homes have been burned and thousands of people evacuated. There were actually several fires through LA and Orange County (Anaheim, Yorba Linda and Brea). The air was so thick and unbreathable and the pictures have been amazing. Jeff should be coming back into town tonight. But it was very crazy for a while.
Then on Wed night here in Eagle I heard sirens and horns very close to home. When I walked out the garage door, I could see flames in the sky. Turns out a home in a subdivision just down Ballantyne (Madison Flake's old neighborhood) was on fire and the flames could be seen from quite a distance. I took the girls over to watch it. It was amazing. The Eagle fire dept had just gotten a new ladder for their truck and they had to use it here. They had it at full extension and you could see these 2 men way up on top with a hose. All of Ballantyne and Floating Feather were filled with cars stopped along the side of the road. Turns out the family was at dinner and their smoker which was running on their back porch caught some of the porch furniture on fire. The neighbors got the dogs out. The only thing that didn't burn was their garage. And then we find out that it's Sister Wright's (the couple that's in Africa on their mission from our ward) sister's house. Their family isn't active, but they will be living in the Wright's house in our ward till they figure out something else. Kind of a weird fire week.
The great thing about Wed night was that our youth went on a temple trip. Our ward had asked each of us to take one name for each person in our family. So I went to the Family History center and got my birth grandparents' names temple ready, the Hutchinson's. We also got Grandpa Thompson's parents and grandparents. So Alex and Kristina got to be baptized for them. I was so excited for this to happen. I know the Hutchinson's have been waiting a long time. Pretty soon we're going to be able to get the names temple ready from our homes and they will be sent to the temple of our choice. I can't wait. I have a lot more birth family names to do. Before the Hutchinson's died, I asked them to write down a genealogy for me. At that time I wasn't even sure if I was allowed to do birth family names since I was sealed to my parents, it's not a problem at all and that makes me happy.
Kirk finally took the Spanish tests at school, so he's got some extra credits now for passing off some Spanish classes. I think he ended up getting 13 credits from it. I think he got a couple A credits, 1 B and a passing grade. He said the test wasn't too bad, but I wish he hadn't waited so long. He's coming home this Saturday. They get off an entire week for Thanksgiving, Rachel is coming with him.
So how is your new ward? It sounds like a great ward. What is it that the Bishop does that makes it so amazing? The Eagle 2nd ward got a new Bishop today. They released Bishop Eldridge and called Bishop Dunn, (his wife is Val McCauley's sister and the one that has quadruplets). They are a relatively young couple, but a very dedicated family. He will be great.
If I get any news from Allen and his family about the farewell and the MTC experience, I'll pass it along. Allen is very emotional and I know being in the MTC with his son is going to be very bittersweet. I know the feeling well...
Can't wait to hear from you. Send some pictures if you get a chance. We haven't seen any for a while. I know you're anxiously engaged in good work, so I can't wait to hear what those good works are. Stay true to yourself and act quickly to the promptings you receive. You never know if you may need to help someone get through a fire in their life...
I love you and miss you,
Dear Elder Sean,
So how was your first week as AP? I'm so anxious to hear what you do with that calling. I know you will be an excellent servant of the Lord and Pres. Olsen knows you and can trust you implicitly. It's been such an interesting mission for you. I knew this would be an important grooming for you, a refining. And you've stepped up to each challenge with courage and faith and I know that's how you'll handle this new assignment.
I just put the girls in bed, Kristina's doing some homework, Alex and Dallas went over to Rasmussen's for some dessert and dad's still at work. This is night #2 with Nikki wearing this anti-bed wetting devise. Last night it never went off and she stayed dry. I think it scared her dry. We'll see what happens tonight. Supposedly when the thing gets wet, it sets off an alarm and it vibrates against her body to wake her up. Then I'm supposed to hear it and get her up, help her get changed and get back into bed. The reviews for it were very high so I'm hopeful and she is too.
Well, EHS won their semi-final game Friday night. It was a lot of fun to watch. Dallas and his team did a great job. They will be playing in the finals this Friday against Highland from Pocatello in Pocatello. Tons of people are driving there for the game. Dad has to work or else we might be going too. I'll just have to get updates from Alex. Should be a great match up.
So Dallas is still trying to bulk up ( a near impossibility for him) so today Alex ate dinner at his house at 1pm and then they both ate dinner here at our house at 6pm and now they're off to Rasmussen's for a treat. Alex may be the only who bulks up, but they're having fun nonetheless. Let's see-BSU, BYU and Utah all won again this week too. Next week is the big match up with BYU and Utah. Since Utah(#7) is ranked higher than BSU(#9), everyone around here is cheering on BYU to beat Utah. It will be a big game.
Dad just called and says he still has some charts to do so he'll be another hour. Today at church Bro and Sis Yorgason spoke along with Dallas as one of the youth speakers. I liked Bro Y's talk so much that I asked him for a copy of it, so he said he'd email it to me. He really has a gift for speaking. I'll mail you a copy when I get it.
Yesterday was kind of a wild day. It started out pretty humdrum, Saturday chores, etc. then I took the kids to Primos for lunch. While at lunch I all of a sudden thought I should call Jan. It was just some silly reason I had to call her, but I felt compelled. (later on, Leah said that it was the spirit that told me to call her. I was so happy to hear her say that and to have that understanding). She answered the phone crying and almost screaming, hysterical. I couldn't understand her for the longest time, then I realized she said the hills were on fire by their house, the skies were completely black and they'd been asked to evacuate. The bad part for Jan was that Jeff and David were both on their way to Allen's for Tyler's farewell, in fact most the family was there. Jan was not feeling well enough to go. I had called her earlier in the morning because I knew how much she hated being alone and she was fine, but just not feeling well physically. So here she was alone in her house with a fire raging. She was kind of in a state of shock and kept saying, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to pack. So I tried to be overly calm and told her things to pack and put by her front door. Then I called Susan, who was in Manhatten Beach, helping Maria with something and got Mike's cell number to have him try to make his way to Jan's to help her. I've never felt so helpless and far away. Mike made his way to the Brea Mall and all the streets were closed off by the police. So I told him to get as close as he can and walk in if he had to. He called me 10 minutes later and said he was there. I felt so much better knowing he was there. The fires got worse and worse, jumping freeways and neighborhoods and there were some strong Santa Ana winds fueling them. Half of Brea High School burnt down, Sweet Tomatoes and some other shops in that area. Jan eventually went to a friend's house for the night. She was exhausted last night when she called me from her friends, so I haven't called her at all today. She was getting so many calls yesterday and everyone was telling her what to do. She was about to go crazy. So far 800 homes have been burned and thousands of people evacuated. There were actually several fires through LA and Orange County (Anaheim, Yorba Linda and Brea). The air was so thick and unbreathable and the pictures have been amazing. Jeff should be coming back into town tonight. But it was very crazy for a while.
Then on Wed night here in Eagle I heard sirens and horns very close to home. When I walked out the garage door, I could see flames in the sky. Turns out a home in a subdivision just down Ballantyne (Madison Flake's old neighborhood) was on fire and the flames could be seen from quite a distance. I took the girls over to watch it. It was amazing. The Eagle fire dept had just gotten a new ladder for their truck and they had to use it here. They had it at full extension and you could see these 2 men way up on top with a hose. All of Ballantyne and Floating Feather were filled with cars stopped along the side of the road. Turns out the family was at dinner and their smoker which was running on their back porch caught some of the porch furniture on fire. The neighbors got the dogs out. The only thing that didn't burn was their garage. And then we find out that it's Sister Wright's (the couple that's in Africa on their mission from our ward) sister's house. Their family isn't active, but they will be living in the Wright's house in our ward till they figure out something else. Kind of a weird fire week.
The great thing about Wed night was that our youth went on a temple trip. Our ward had asked each of us to take one name for each person in our family. So I went to the Family History center and got my birth grandparents' names temple ready, the Hutchinson's. We also got Grandpa Thompson's parents and grandparents. So Alex and Kristina got to be baptized for them. I was so excited for this to happen. I know the Hutchinson's have been waiting a long time. Pretty soon we're going to be able to get the names temple ready from our homes and they will be sent to the temple of our choice. I can't wait. I have a lot more birth family names to do. Before the Hutchinson's died, I asked them to write down a genealogy for me. At that time I wasn't even sure if I was allowed to do birth family names since I was sealed to my parents, it's not a problem at all and that makes me happy.
Kirk finally took the Spanish tests at school, so he's got some extra credits now for passing off some Spanish classes. I think he ended up getting 13 credits from it. I think he got a couple A credits, 1 B and a passing grade. He said the test wasn't too bad, but I wish he hadn't waited so long. He's coming home this Saturday. They get off an entire week for Thanksgiving, Rachel is coming with him.
So how is your new ward? It sounds like a great ward. What is it that the Bishop does that makes it so amazing? The Eagle 2nd ward got a new Bishop today. They released Bishop Eldridge and called Bishop Dunn, (his wife is Val McCauley's sister and the one that has quadruplets). They are a relatively young couple, but a very dedicated family. He will be great.
If I get any news from Allen and his family about the farewell and the MTC experience, I'll pass it along. Allen is very emotional and I know being in the MTC with his son is going to be very bittersweet. I know the feeling well...
Can't wait to hear from you. Send some pictures if you get a chance. We haven't seen any for a while. I know you're anxiously engaged in good work, so I can't wait to hear what those good works are. Stay true to yourself and act quickly to the promptings you receive. You never know if you may need to help someone get through a fire in their life...
I love you and miss you,
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Letter to Elder Sean
Dear Elder Sean,
Well, today Leah officially turned 9. She's been getting more and more excited each day rising finally to a grand culmination of semi-wild behavior and being sent to bed early by dad. We made peace with her later, but I don't think she can complain about not getting attention this weekend.
Leah had her birthday party yesterday at the Young Chef's Academy where they learned how to make homemade pizzas. She had 9 friends there with her and loved every minute of it. She got fun presents including a skateboard from us which is one of the things she really wanted. Her birthday list resembled some of yours, very hopeful and numerous. We kept some of the presents out so she would have something to open today.

Today at church was the big Primary Program. Leah has had her part memorized for a few weeks now and was very confident. Nikki got asked 2 days ago if she would fill in and have a speaking part. She was very excited. Our first hint at potential disaster was yesterday at their early morning practice. Leah said Nikki refused to do her part at the mic. So we talked about it but she assured us she'd be ready for Sunday. She practiced and practiced her lines. She actually had kind of a difficult little paragraph. This morning they were very excited and went right up to sit in their assigned places on the stand. They were both all smiles from the stand, especially Nikki. then it was Nikki's turn to get up and speak. I could tell by her walking demeanor that there was no confidence. She went up to the mic and abruptly turned around. She didn't leave but just stood there kind of frozen looking for some kind of help. Dad leaned forward and had a few words, but you could see she was beginning to turn to mush in front of the congregation. After what probably seemed like an eternity to her, she left the pulpit and went back to her seat where she immediately started crying. She put her face in her hands and I could see her wiping tears from her face. I felt so bad for her, but there was nothing I could do at this point. I wanted to tell her that it was ok, but the show had to go on and it did. When it was time to sing, she slowly stood up still holding her face in her hands. I really wanted her to get over it so she could enjoy the rest of the program. I felt horrible. I kept trying to make eye contact with her and finally did. I gave her a big smile and waved. She waved back and things got better. By the next song she was standing tall and singing loudly every word. I was so happy for her. Leah's turn came and she stood up confidently, walked to the pulpit quite briskly and delivered a beautifully memorized scripture, Amos 3:7. The rest of the program was great and it finished with a rousing rendition of Called to Serve. Immediately afterwards I tried to make a bee-line towards Nikki. Somehow we passed each other. She came looking for me as fast as I was looking for her and we lost each other. So Alex went looking for her and sent her my way. She was in tears again which brought tears to my own eyes. I told her we could just sit on the couch and cry together for a minute. She liked that. Then we went to the bathroom to freshen up and we sat back on the couch again and talked about it. I don't want her to feel scarred from this. She's so outgoing. But I heard her go up to the Primary Pres. and tell her she was not going to be speaking in the next program. Heather told her smartly that they'd talk about it next year.
Nikki wanted me to go to Primary with her so I told her I'd come in and sit in the back. She sat with me. During singing time they needed volunteers to go up front and help lead and pick the song. Nikki was hoping to be picked which was a good sign. They draw names out of a container for volunteers though. The very last name they drew was Nikki Thompson and she excitedly walked to the front, picked a song to sing and led it also. She felt great and had such a fun time doing it. When she sat down I told her that Heavenly Father was watching over her and wanted her to be happy and that's why her name was picked. He knew that would make her happy. At home we talked about that and I told her that that's the way Heavenly Father shows His love for us, in small ways, and that He knew how badly she was feeling today and how He knew who she was and what she wanted. I told her she had gotten a little miracle today and asked if she understood that. She said she did. She hugged me and life was good again.
We had a fun visit from Mary this weekend. She called Friday night and asked if she and a couple friends could drop in and spend the night before they went on to McCall for the weekend. It was fun seeing her again. Then she was here at the house when we got home from church today too. They weren't here long, but it was fun.
I also started a Trumbo family blog this week and am hoping to get everyone on board sharing pictures and stories. So far, the cousins are the most prolific, but I'm patient and some of my brothers and sisters have asked for help in learning how to post and add to the blog, so I'm hopeful.
We sent a package to you this past week. It will be the Halloween leftover package. Spread the wealth however you like. There's a dentist in town who's buying back Halloween candy, so just so you know we could have made a small fortune this year. :)
What have you been up to this week? It looks like you're enjoying some nice weather, a little on the warm side, but nice. I didn't even realize you guys were working on a new building there. That's great and I know it's a real blessing. I'm glad a lot of investigators were able to attend the open house and the dedication. Have you made any contacts with any of them? What's up with Maxi now?
Did you use that letter I sent you last week for Hna Villa? Is she the ward mission president's wife?
Over the weekend, Alex went to Sadie's. The theme was Super heroes. The girls gave the guys their costumes. Don't be scared, but here's a couple pix:

He said it was a lot of fun. During the day, they went paint balling which they definitely want to do again. Then he showed me his costume. Only your brother Alex would be bold enough to not mind wearing hot pink short shorts and tights out in public. They had a fun group. He also just got back from the choir tour to the northwest.
Friday night was the HS quarterfinals. Eagle lost their quarterback last week and Dallas stepped in. They won quite easily with some unusual but effective plays. Dallas only passed a couple times, with no completions, but obviously they didn't need it since they won 37-16. They will play Lewiston this friday night at home. We're definitely going. Also BSU won and BYU won. It's been a fun football season around here.
I was able to read over all the letters in the Eagle Elder's newsletter. It's so great to hear the strong spirit each of you is carrying in your individual areas of the world. The kingdom is rolling forth and it's wonderful to be a part of the Lord's army. I hope you are well, healthy and staying true to your covenants. I know the potential you have and how caring you are as a leader. I love hearing your stories. What may seem mundane to you is thrilling to me, so keep it coming.
Here are some missionary tips for the week:
1. Leave notes with scriptural references on them at investigators' homes.
2. Buy toilet paper in bulk.
3. Leave for appointments five minutes before you think you should.
4. Take a copy of the Book of mormon with you everywhere, even on P-day.
5. Swap ties at zone meetings.
6. Offer to help with the dishes at dinner appointments.
7. Use different routes to get to the same location.
8.Send a romantic-looking envelope addressed to yourself through the office mail system. See what rumors start surfacing.
9. Buy postcards from each area you serve in.
10.Make each companion feel like he is your best one yet.
Take care of yourself, Sean and stay in tune with the spirit. Listen and ponder often.
I love you,
Well, today Leah officially turned 9. She's been getting more and more excited each day rising finally to a grand culmination of semi-wild behavior and being sent to bed early by dad. We made peace with her later, but I don't think she can complain about not getting attention this weekend.
Leah had her birthday party yesterday at the Young Chef's Academy where they learned how to make homemade pizzas. She had 9 friends there with her and loved every minute of it. She got fun presents including a skateboard from us which is one of the things she really wanted. Her birthday list resembled some of yours, very hopeful and numerous. We kept some of the presents out so she would have something to open today.
Today at church was the big Primary Program. Leah has had her part memorized for a few weeks now and was very confident. Nikki got asked 2 days ago if she would fill in and have a speaking part. She was very excited. Our first hint at potential disaster was yesterday at their early morning practice. Leah said Nikki refused to do her part at the mic. So we talked about it but she assured us she'd be ready for Sunday. She practiced and practiced her lines. She actually had kind of a difficult little paragraph. This morning they were very excited and went right up to sit in their assigned places on the stand. They were both all smiles from the stand, especially Nikki. then it was Nikki's turn to get up and speak. I could tell by her walking demeanor that there was no confidence. She went up to the mic and abruptly turned around. She didn't leave but just stood there kind of frozen looking for some kind of help. Dad leaned forward and had a few words, but you could see she was beginning to turn to mush in front of the congregation. After what probably seemed like an eternity to her, she left the pulpit and went back to her seat where she immediately started crying. She put her face in her hands and I could see her wiping tears from her face. I felt so bad for her, but there was nothing I could do at this point. I wanted to tell her that it was ok, but the show had to go on and it did. When it was time to sing, she slowly stood up still holding her face in her hands. I really wanted her to get over it so she could enjoy the rest of the program. I felt horrible. I kept trying to make eye contact with her and finally did. I gave her a big smile and waved. She waved back and things got better. By the next song she was standing tall and singing loudly every word. I was so happy for her. Leah's turn came and she stood up confidently, walked to the pulpit quite briskly and delivered a beautifully memorized scripture, Amos 3:7. The rest of the program was great and it finished with a rousing rendition of Called to Serve. Immediately afterwards I tried to make a bee-line towards Nikki. Somehow we passed each other. She came looking for me as fast as I was looking for her and we lost each other. So Alex went looking for her and sent her my way. She was in tears again which brought tears to my own eyes. I told her we could just sit on the couch and cry together for a minute. She liked that. Then we went to the bathroom to freshen up and we sat back on the couch again and talked about it. I don't want her to feel scarred from this. She's so outgoing. But I heard her go up to the Primary Pres. and tell her she was not going to be speaking in the next program. Heather told her smartly that they'd talk about it next year.
Nikki wanted me to go to Primary with her so I told her I'd come in and sit in the back. She sat with me. During singing time they needed volunteers to go up front and help lead and pick the song. Nikki was hoping to be picked which was a good sign. They draw names out of a container for volunteers though. The very last name they drew was Nikki Thompson and she excitedly walked to the front, picked a song to sing and led it also. She felt great and had such a fun time doing it. When she sat down I told her that Heavenly Father was watching over her and wanted her to be happy and that's why her name was picked. He knew that would make her happy. At home we talked about that and I told her that that's the way Heavenly Father shows His love for us, in small ways, and that He knew how badly she was feeling today and how He knew who she was and what she wanted. I told her she had gotten a little miracle today and asked if she understood that. She said she did. She hugged me and life was good again.
We had a fun visit from Mary this weekend. She called Friday night and asked if she and a couple friends could drop in and spend the night before they went on to McCall for the weekend. It was fun seeing her again. Then she was here at the house when we got home from church today too. They weren't here long, but it was fun.
I also started a Trumbo family blog this week and am hoping to get everyone on board sharing pictures and stories. So far, the cousins are the most prolific, but I'm patient and some of my brothers and sisters have asked for help in learning how to post and add to the blog, so I'm hopeful.
We sent a package to you this past week. It will be the Halloween leftover package. Spread the wealth however you like. There's a dentist in town who's buying back Halloween candy, so just so you know we could have made a small fortune this year. :)
What have you been up to this week? It looks like you're enjoying some nice weather, a little on the warm side, but nice. I didn't even realize you guys were working on a new building there. That's great and I know it's a real blessing. I'm glad a lot of investigators were able to attend the open house and the dedication. Have you made any contacts with any of them? What's up with Maxi now?
Did you use that letter I sent you last week for Hna Villa? Is she the ward mission president's wife?
Over the weekend, Alex went to Sadie's. The theme was Super heroes. The girls gave the guys their costumes. Don't be scared, but here's a couple pix:
He said it was a lot of fun. During the day, they went paint balling which they definitely want to do again. Then he showed me his costume. Only your brother Alex would be bold enough to not mind wearing hot pink short shorts and tights out in public. They had a fun group. He also just got back from the choir tour to the northwest.
Friday night was the HS quarterfinals. Eagle lost their quarterback last week and Dallas stepped in. They won quite easily with some unusual but effective plays. Dallas only passed a couple times, with no completions, but obviously they didn't need it since they won 37-16. They will play Lewiston this friday night at home. We're definitely going. Also BSU won and BYU won. It's been a fun football season around here.
I was able to read over all the letters in the Eagle Elder's newsletter. It's so great to hear the strong spirit each of you is carrying in your individual areas of the world. The kingdom is rolling forth and it's wonderful to be a part of the Lord's army. I hope you are well, healthy and staying true to your covenants. I know the potential you have and how caring you are as a leader. I love hearing your stories. What may seem mundane to you is thrilling to me, so keep it coming.
Here are some missionary tips for the week:
1. Leave notes with scriptural references on them at investigators' homes.
2. Buy toilet paper in bulk.
3. Leave for appointments five minutes before you think you should.
4. Take a copy of the Book of mormon with you everywhere, even on P-day.
5. Swap ties at zone meetings.
6. Offer to help with the dishes at dinner appointments.
7. Use different routes to get to the same location.
8.Send a romantic-looking envelope addressed to yourself through the office mail system. See what rumors start surfacing.
9. Buy postcards from each area you serve in.
10.Make each companion feel like he is your best one yet.
Take care of yourself, Sean and stay in tune with the spirit. Listen and ponder often.
I love you,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Young Women's Evening of Excellence
Tomorrow night the young women in our church (12 - 18 yrs old) will present their Evening of Excellence. Each girl showcases something they have achieved some excellence in this past year. Since DD Kristina has been sewing small projects all year and has a couple quilt tops in the works too, she and I came up with the idea of making a pillowcase. I found this cute fabric with all their Young Women values on it and we knew it would be perfect. It's from Kristina says she saw the green and had to have it. It's flannel too which will be nice and cozy for a pillow. She found some red fabric in my stash and picked it for the accent stripe. Here are the simple directions for making one:
3/4 yd main fabric
1/4 yd border (cut to 9" wide)
3/4 yd trim (cut to 1 1/2" wide)
Iron trim in half lengthwise. Place border right side up. Place main fabric on top of border also right side up. Then place trim on top of both layers with raw edges even at top. Sew through all layers 1/4" seam.
Open out border. Press the seam towards the border. Also turn under top edge of border 1/4" and press. Fold border in half, press. Make sure it covers the seam line. Top stitch close to folded edge.
Fold pillowcase in half with right sides together. Stitch 1/4" around the side and bottom. Zig zag around the the edges for a nicely finished seam. Turn right side out and enjoy a good night's sleep!
I'm so proud of Kristina. Not because she can sew or likes something that I like, but because she is such a beautiful person inside and out. She seems to have been born with a knowledge of who she really is, a daughter of God, and never questions it nor does anything not in harmony with that knowledge. The world has such a strong pull on women these days and my prayer is always that my girls will radiate every day that inner purity they have and that their armor of God will keep them protected from all the fiery darts that are thrown at them. Sometimes it's so hard to watch them grow up and experience the world. But other times I find myself gaining a sweeter and sweeter kinship, friendship and love with each daughter the older they get. What a beautiful tender mercy this is.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Elder Sean letter10-20-08
Oct. 19, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
I'm trying to concentrate on writing but Alex just walked in from a stake youth fireside on testimonies. He's here with Dallas and Tanner munching on anything and everything they can find in the house.
Dad is actually at work today and hasn't gotten home yet. Must have gotten really busy at work. I know he really hates to work on Sundays. I missed seeing him at church today. Brian Redmond gave his farewell talk today. He's going to San Antonio on his mission. In the 8th ward Cameron Dumas reported on his mission and Evan Gines gave his farewell, so Alex went to their ward too.
I taught RS today and enjoyed it. Seems like it's been quite a while since I was up in front of the sisters and it began to feel very familiar once I was up there speaking. My lesson was from the Joseph Smith manual on the 76th section of the D&C. I learned a lot from my studies this week. I really enjoyed reading the account of one of the 12 other men who were in the room at the same time the vision was received. He gave an account of what he saw and heard while Joseph and Sidney were caught up in the spirit of the vision. He said "I saw the glory and felt the power, but did not see the vision and that Joseph would, at intervals, say 'What do I see?' as one might say while looking out the window and beholding what all in the room could not see. Then he would relate what he had seen or what he was looking at. Then Sidney replied, 'I see the same.' Presently Sidney would say 'what do I see?' and would repeat what he had seen or was seeing, and Joseph would reply, 'I see the same." "This manner of conversation was reported at short intervals to the end of the vision, and during the whole time not a word was spoken by any other person. Not a sound nor motion made by anyone but Joseph and Sidney, and it seemed to me that they never moved a joint or limb during the time I was there, which I think was over an hour, and to the end of the vision." "Joseph sat firmly and calmly all the time in the midst of a magnificent glory, but Sidney sat limp and pale, apparently as limber as a rag, observing which, Joseph remarked, smilingly, 'Sydney is not used to it as I am."
I then went into the 76th section and dissected it by noting the points I felt most impressed to talk about. All in all, I felt like I was able to convey what I had learned and felt during the week which is what I prayed for.
I've been watching a couple talks from General Conference each Sunday afternoon, the ones that I tivo'ed and I am really enjoying it. I think I'll always Tivo conference and watch them again and again. In between sessions they showed a biography of Pres. Monson's life which was amazing. I'm going to have the family watch it for family night. He is a man truly in tune with the spirit and on the Lord's errand.
Yesterday was Kristina's birthday. Now we have 2 teenagers again. Last night was our ward chili party. I left after an hour with Kristina and her friends so they could start her party here at the house. Dad stayed and line danced with Nikki and Leah. The Pinder's played bluegrass music for the party. I was only wishing there was a better sound system.
Alex is splitting the cost of a stereo system for the Mustang and we drove it down to RC Willey to let them take a look and tell us how much it would cost to get one installed, etc. He's getting tired of singing to himself while driving. I'm thinking we should put in a new dash while we're at it. It's pretty cracked and old looking. I figure the car is over 40 years old, so what's the rush in getting it completely fixed up. Actually, most of the decisions are cost prohibitive. But it's been running great so I'm happy about that.
Also yesterday, Alex got asked to Sadie's. The doorbell rang and on the doorstep this is what we saw...
so it was pretty funny.
Last Tuesday EHS had their fall choir concert. Alex had a scat solo and he did an awesome job. His confidence is definitely up now and he's even hoping to get a solo for the Christmas concert. EHS won their football game this week as well as BSU, BUT BYU LOST! In fact, they got creamed. Here they were ranked #9 in the BCS polls and they lost to TCU. So now BSU and Utah are still undefeated and sooo happy that BYU has lost their ranking. You would have enjoyed the halftime show at BSU this weekend. They only showed part of it on ESPN, wish I could have been there, but the band played Rhapsody in Blue and they brought out a beautiful, blue grand piano onto the field where someone played Rhapsody in Blue on a blue piano on a blue field. Too cool.
I was anxious to hear your report from your meeting with Elder Nelson, but you didn't write much. What were the highlights? How are Maxi and also Maria Cristina coming along?
Just curious, as a zone leader, what are some of the things you do on a routine basis? Do you meet together as a zone often? Do you speak to them or have round table like discussions? Do the companionships report in to you regularly? I know it all seems normal enough to you, but I don't have any idea what does on, so let me in on things when you get a chance. How is your ward?
Dad just got home from a long day at work. He sends his love. He's reminding me that we'll be sending you another package right after Halloween. Most likely you'll get a plethora of candy in that package, since we'll be weeding out what the girls get. I've also included a couple pix from last week's activities.
We actually got apples this year. Don't they look great. The McCauleys got a bazillion (Sis. McCauley's word) apples this year and so we're going to go pick some to try and make a teeny dent in their bazillion.
I hope you are well and happy. I love reading your letters because I can tell how much you love what you are doing. It makes me so happy. We are well here and always hope you can feel our prayers and support, your name and mission are mentioned numerous times each day in all our prayers.
Have a miraculous week.
Love you,
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Nikki/Leah conversations
Today driving in the car running an errand with Nikki and Leah, the conversation went something like this:
Leah: Mom, I think my thighs are too big.
Mom: Yours aren't too big, Leah. In fact your thighs are supposed to be the biggest part of your leg. They're nice and strong and help you run faster.
Leah: Well, I just don't like looking down at them and don't want anyone else to see them.
Nikki: I have big thighs, Leah, and I like mine.
Mom: Yes, you both have beautiful legs.
Nikki: Yeah, Leah, it's like how I have a mustache and I don't like having a mustache, and you have a little bit of a mustache but you like it, but you don't like having big thighs and I like it.
On the way home, it went like this:
Nikki: Mom, I don't have anyone to be a twin with for spirit week. All my friends already picked someone.
Leah: I can be your twin, Nikki.
Mom: Yeah, that would be good because you two look alike.
Leah: No, a boy in my class didn't know Nikki was my sister and when he saw her, I told him, but he said "she doesn't look like you".
Nikki: Yeah, that's cuz I have brown hair and Leah, you have black hair. And my nose is flat and yours is pointy. You're kind of like an Idaho girl... you're almost white.
Sunday evening dinner. Harold had to work this Sunday, I was tired and just happy that I was finished giving my lesson in Relief Society and didn't really feel like cooking a big meal. So I decided to just make grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. I called the kids in and Leah anxiously asked, "What are we having for dinner?" I told her and her face beamed with excitement as she said, "Wow, this is like heaven." If only I'd realized earlier in life that heaven was this simple, it could have saved me many hours of cooking on Sunday afternoons.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Trip to Yellowstone
The kids had 2 days off school this week, so we decided to make a quick trip to Rexburg to see Kirk at BYU-I and spend one day at Yellowstone. We like road trips and going to Rexburg only takes about 4 hours by car, so it's very doable.
We left early Friday morning and stopped in Rigby at The Quilt Shoppe on the way in to Rexburg. Mary Lutz works at the store and we met her there. Of course, I managed to pick up a couple yards of fabric for a quilt border I'm working on. Amy Hamberlin owns the shop and it comprises the front part of her 100 year old home. She has great taste and is very creative, but running a business like this takes its toll on the family. She still has little ones at home and I could see that you can't do it all. I never had that desire to do something else while my kids were young, at least nothing that would take me away from them for an extended period of time. I truly loved being with my kids every day and still do. I'm crazy about them.
After Rigby, we checked into the Best Western in Rexburg and met up with Kirk and his girlfriend Rachel at a volleyball game. During the game, we actually managed to squeeze in some bowling on campus. The little girls love to go bowling. None of us did very well, but it was fun. Afterwards, we all went out to dinner at a pizza buffet called Craigos. The pizza, especially the crust, was very tasty. And of course, afterwards, a trip to visit one of our kids in college wouldn't be complete without taking them to the store to let them fill the cart with what they need. Mary enjoyed picking up some essentials too.
Back at the motel, the girls went swimming in the indoor pool. Sometimes I think that's the best part of the trip for them.
We got an early start in the morning heading over to Yellowstone which is about 80 miles away. Rachel and Kirk came with us and we managed to all fit in one car. It looked like it was going to be rainy all day, but as it turned out, the weather was mainly just overcast. We were very lucky. One of our goals in going to Yellowstone is to try and spot as many animals as we can. Never once have we seen a bear there and once again we only managed to see people who had just seen a bear, but we never got to see one. There was plenty of elk, deer, and bison though to keep us pretty entertained. We drove the northern loop this time and went to Mammoth Falls. It was beautiful. While there we actually ran into Jennifer Bergmann's daughter Erin and her husband. We haven't seen her since we lived in Hilton Head so it was an odd encounter, but fun nonetheless.
We made another pilgrimage to Old Faithful and it was still just that, "old" and "faithful".
It was a long day and we didn't get home until 8pm. We were really trying to make it back by 6pm so the boys could go to General Priesthood mtg. We were also disappointed that we couldn't get any radio reception in the car so we could listen to the Saturday sessions. Luckily I remembered to Tivo them back home.
Back at the motel, I asked Harold and Kirk to give me a blessing for my esophogeal problems I've been having lately. It was so nice to feel that priesthood power and especially to feel it coming from my husband and my son.
The girls packed up their bags and excitedly got ready for their sleepover with Mary in her apartment. They'd been looking forward to this for a few weeks now. Mary is the best cousin. They just love her. Alex spent the night with Kirk, so Harold and I had a nice evening all to ourselves.
Sunday morning Harold and I watched Sunday morning conference and then halfway through we checked out of the motel and went to Mary's to watch the second half. Mary had made cinnamon rolls for everyone and the girls were still hyper with sleepover excitement. Kirk and Alex also met us there.
I loved Pres. Monson's talk about change and hope. It's amazing to listen to him speak. The mantle of the prophet is so evident and it's so comforting.
We made the trip back home after conference and we were even able to listen to the afternoon session in the car. The trip home went by fast (in part because of the fact I was working on Leah's baptism quilt the whole time). Friends said it had rained all weekend back home, so we felt very fortunate that we had had such good weather.
I love little getaways. They always lift my spirits. Exploring new areas is one of my favorite things to do.
Monday, September 29, 2008
A Fine Beginning
Gave it some thought, then realized I should just dive in and begin. This blog will be a journal of the tender mercies I see and feel in my life. Tender mercies that could come from none other than Christ himself. Nephi used the phrase "tender mercies" and he was well aware of Christ's hand in his life. I hung a quote on my kitchen wall by Elder David A. Bednar that says "The tender mercies of the Lord are real. They do not occur randomly or by coincidence."
My family is my greatest gift, a true treasure from the Lord. Today Harold is at work. He works so hard, many long hours. Sometimes he works through the night, then sleeps only a few hours the next day. He doesn't complain or get grumpy as I know full well I would. He takes his job as husband and father very seriously and has little patience for men who shirk this responsibility and calling in life. He's been Bishop of our ward for almost 4 years now. I can see how much he loves the people in our ward and how frustrated he gets when he can't "fix" everyone's problems. I know it may sound trite, but he really is my best friend. He calls me often throughout the day and I can't wait for him to call. We share everything, good and bad, but we always make it a priority to take care of each other. I'm so in love with him.
Kirk is at BYU-I. He's now a junior. One year ago he returned from his mission to the Dominican Republic. While he was on his mission I thought it would be forever before he even returned. Time sometimes just creeped by so slowly. But now he's home, in college and has a girlfriend, Rachel Beck. Kirk has always been quietly obedient. He doesn't seek glory for himself, nor does he ever speak with any guile. He calls me often from school and each time I see his number on my cell phone ID, I get excited to talk with him.
Sean is on his mission in Cordoba Argentina. He's been gone over a year now. I really miss him and Mondays are my favorite because we get his emails. He sounds so good and you can tell he truly enjoys living and sharing the gospel. His love for the people of Argentina is evident. I love how much he wants Harold and I to come to Argentina, to meet his new family of friends and to walk where he is walking now. I have some new friends in Argentina because Sean has asked me to write some of the sisters there. I can't wait to meet them.
Alex is a senior in high school. That doesn't sit well with me. He is my buddy and has been since he was little. To watch him leave for college next fall will break my heart. I might embarrass him by how much I end up calling him, texting him or emailing him, but he's just going to have to get over it. Alex came to this earth loving life and he's still got a giant share of zeal. He loves living the gospel and is not ashamed of it. His wit and ability to talk to anyone of any age and make them smile is a gift and he is magnifying this gift well.
Kristina is an angel from heaven. She seems to have gotten all the good parts of me and none of the not-so-good parts. She's tender and happens to be the most patient sister in the world. Her love for Nikki and Leah is truly helping shape their lives. I could not raise Nikki and Leah the way I would really like to without Kristina's help. I hope all 3 girls remain very close through life. Kristina is changing into a sweet teenager right before my eyes and sometimes I love seeing her emerge into the beautiful butterfly she was meant to be, then other times I want to hold her back and keep her as a little girl whom I can hold in my arms forever. She still loves being held and hugged and asks for hugs often. They feel so good.
Leah is also changing right in front of me. Almost 9 years old going on 17. She wants to grow up quickly, but I want her to stay young. I miss terribly the fact that I never got to hold her as a baby, and I think Leah unfortunately misses that too even though she doesn't realize it at this point. To leave your family when almost 4 years old and go to a new family, a new culture, a new language is something I can't fathom. But I so wanted her to be in our family and I'm glad we were there for her at the right place at the right time. I can only rest assured because of the feeling that I have that she was held often by her birth mother and aunts and cousins. Leah has an innate love for Samoa and her birth family even though she can't remember them. I feel a closeness to her birth mother also even though I have never met her. I hope one day to return to Samoa with Leah so we can complete her story for her. Our stories are important.
Nikki is my baby girl. She is outgoing, funny and gives Alex a run for his money matching wit to wit. Nikki has a very spiritual side that sometimes amazes me. I think this is something she brought with her from birth and I hope I can help her nurture this gift. She also watches over Leah with unconditional love. I learn a lot from her. She is in 2nd grade, the youngest in her class but the tallest. She has beautiful black long curly hair and two cute dimples in her cheeks. She loves life and we love her.
It's only right that my greatest tender mercy, my family, begins my blog journal. It's a fine beginning.
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