Sept. 26, 2010
Dear Elder Alex,
Well, another week, another Sunday. I hope you enjoyed your Sabbath. I remember a few weeks ago you said you really enjoyed Sundays so you could meet with the members. I hope they are all treating you well. Do you get many dinner appointments with them? How is it being on the other end of those appointments? Now you're the one the whole family looks forward to having in their home. I hope you're able to leave them all with a message each time.
I also hope this was a little better week for you. Have any of your new investigators wanted you to come back?
We had a very full weekend. The big BSU home game took place and they won. I can't believe how big it's getting here. ESPN had their college game day here, so you know what kind of hype that is. Then they won against Oregon State 37-24. BYU lost again.
Our big neighborhood news is that down the street from us (right next door to the MacDonald's who live next to the Thomas's) they are filming a feature length film. It's been fun seeing all the cars, the gear, the campers, the lights, the cameras, etc. It's going to be called Three of a Kind. I talked with someone there for a little bit when I was on a walk one morning. So we'll have to try and remember about it when it finally comes out in the theaters. Hopefully it won't be rated R. We'll keep you posted on that.
I, of course, was not really concentrating on games but instead the big Women's conference and broadcast. It all came together beautifully. We had the whole cultural hall full of tables and women. The food was beautiful, the skit was hilarious (headed up by Julie Jensen and written by Emily Allen). I spoke afterwards. I wasn't supposed to speak, but our speaker called us 2 days before and said there was a death in the family and wouldn't be able to be there. I thought at first that we should just call someone else, someone who wouldn't be nervous with 2 days warning. But the next morning I awoke early and felt strongly that I should speak and the words came so clearly to me what I should say. I was amazed at how clear it was, so I got up and wrote it down, fine tuned it during the day a bit and then spoke on Saturday. I was especially happy when I heard Pres. Monson speak later on at the broadcast and his thoughts and words were so similar to what I had talked about. Several women mentioned to me about the similarity. It was a very spiritual experience for me, the whole thing. So many sisters came together to make the whole evening wonderful. I was totally exhausted afterwards though. Maybe next time we'll get someone to do the decorating. That took us a long time even though it was simple. It was just the vast numbers of things we had to do because of it being on the stake level that we didn't expect. Pres. Monson's talk was so funny and so uplifting. He left us all feeling so good. I'm so grateful to have a prophet.
I loved your Wal-mart story from last week. We all had a good laugh about it. People sound like they speak very openly about religion there. I don't think we'd ever hear anything like that here at the Idaho Wal-Marts.
Today at church Tim Givens spoke in our ward. He did a great job. He said to say to you. He told some stories from his mission to Germany. Germany's not known for it's God-fearing people-in fact, probably quite the opposite. He told a story that his mission president told him, a parable. He said that if you fill a paper cup half full of water and place it next to a fire, the flames would burn the top half of the cup. He said the water represented the love of God and His love would protect us. Then he said that in order to fill the rest of the cup, we need to love God. Then the cup would not burn. But then having charity, or the pure love of Christ, would actually add so much water that it would overflow and put out the flames.
The reason he told this parable was because when he first got to Germany, especially in one town where there was much hatred and atheism and antagonism towards the elders, he couldn't see how he could possibly ever love these people(they became the flames in the parable). But even when they wouldn't listen to what they had to say, they began serving them through several different types of service and he couldn't believe how his love for them increased. Tim said he felt such a Christ-like love for the people of Germany and those feelings he had initially about them went away and even though he never saw much success in the way of baptisms, he continually had people make comments to them about how happy they were and how much good they were doing. He said he learned so much about the way Christ loves from his mission.
Sean has been here at home this past weekend. He got tickets to the BSU game from Jared and actually ended going to the game with Jared's girlfriend, Kendra and then they came over here afterwards and watched a movie. Sean headed back to Provo today, but got as far as Mountain Home and realized he had forgotten his computer, so he turned back and is now spending the night and going back tomorrow.
The Taylor girls got their mission calls this week. Alyssa is going to Louisville Kentucky Spanish speaking and Becca is going to Atlanta. They both are leaving 4 days after Christmas.
Spencer is in the MTC, his mom is doing "ok". Last I heard from Cameron he was waiting to get his visa and hoping it would come this week. I won't find out til I read his letter tomorrow. Also I should be able to read Austin's first letter from the Peru MTC this week. Next week, I'll get your first newsletter out to you.
So where are you going to watch conference? Do you go to a stake center or to a member's home? Tell me more about some of the people you're working with, members and non-members. What are the wards like there?
Family updates-
Kirk-still broken up with Laura. This may actually be the real thing. He went to Yellowstone yesterday with a group and said it was really fun. He's going hiking again next weekend and they're all getting dates. They have to do all these fun outdoor things now, because the weather will turn bad in Rexburg fairly quickly.
Sean-doing well at school. Will be going to Nate and Aaron's weddings in the next 2 months.
Alex-serving the Lord :)
Kristina-her Spanish teacher is very pregnant and will be taking maternity leave. Heather Pinder is going to be her new teacher so she's very excited. Kristina is still the Stake dance queen. She loves them. She's also really enjoying seminary and has done what you've asked and has been reading her scriptures every day. She's not so sure about your challenge to bear her testimony.
Leah-lacrosse is now her thing and Sean even brought her some new lacrosse stuff from a store in Utah.
Nikki-had a great birthday. She was so fun to watch as she opened each present. She loved them all. She's now looking forward to her friend party this next Friday. I'll give you that report next week. Both she and Leah and doing pretty well with scripture reading at night as they go to bed. I'm proud of both of them. Nikki is actually really improving with her singing since she's started this Cantus group. The software she uses at home is such a great help. It forces you to sing over and over again into the mic of the computer and then it grades you. So you can instantly see how close you were to the notes and then work on correcting them.
Dad-taught Nikki's primary class today and had a fun time. Got the kids all worked up with his explanation about leprosy. They loved it of course. He's getting quite a few boys in the 11 yr old scouts now. Hopefully, he'll get an assistant to help him, because right now it's either me or Kristina. He said he got the note from Elder Richins, but at the time it sounded a little cryptic. Since then, he's worked at Weiser and the people there told him about the Richins family and that they used to live by the golf course, but now they live up in the hills and the dad's name is Brad. Hopefully, that's the same family. We were confused when he first wrote because Sean had a companion named Elder Richins. If dad runs into them in Weiser, he'll be sure to say something.
Say hi to Elder Mix. You haven't really told us anything about him. Where is he from? How long has he been out, etc. What are some things you are learning from him?
I hope you have a miraculous week. Heavenly Father is very aware of you, where you are and who the people are around you. I know He loves you and I hope you always know and feel that too.
Love you very much,
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sept. 19, 2010
Sept. 19, 2010
Dear Elder Alex,
How are you doing this week? I hope you are well, that you enjoyed your zone p-day in Paducah(can't believe you didn't at least poke your head inside the museum just so you could say you've been there and I haven't!)
How has the work been going this week? The program that they started here was having the members throw bbq's for their neighborhoods and at least get people to know their neighbors. You're kind of in a big bbq area, so that might be something they'd enjoy doing. Are you doing service anywhere on a regular basis?
I just heard from Sean and Kirk, both checking in for the week. Kirk broke up with Laura (for real) this past week and he seems pretty happy about the decision. He sounds like he had a fun weekend with a lot of new people. Both he and Sean are having to work hard just to get the classes they want. Sean is taking lots of journalism classes this semester so that he can apply to be a journalism major in January. Kirk is taking upper division classes in his health science major, but since the classes are small in size they fill up quickly and it's been hard for him to get some of the classes he needs.
The little girls just went to bed. Nikki still has a hard time going to bed 1/2 hour earlier than Leah, but after much stalling, she finally heads upstairs. Nikki is loving her Cantus singing group and practices hard. She even sang with the ward choir today. Leah started fall-ball lacrosse this past week and loves it. She speaks so highly of it that now Nikki says she wants to join in.
Kristina is still practicing driving and is struggling to learn the stick shift still. We're going to have to go out one day all alone and put in some time.
Sports updates:EHS won in a close game 51/50 over the weekend with Highland. BSU tromped on Wyoming 56/6 and BYU lost again. I don't know BYU's score and Sean said it was too embarrassing to repeat.
Spencer leaves this week for the MTC and very excited. Austin leaves the MTC in Provo and moves to the Peru MTC which he's very excited about. I don't have any word on Cameron yet if he's got his Visa yet. If he doesn't, he's going to be a very sad puppy. I've been in contact with Terri W. and Julie W. and we will start sending out a newsletter like we talked about, as soon as Austin and Cameron are at their new addresses which should be in 1-2 weeks. So a newsletter should come about once a month from then on. I'll include parts of your letter and any pictures you send in the newsletter too. So if you have any pics, send them.
Today at the singles ward, dad saw Tyler Durham. Dad asked him if he was just bored or if he was joining the church. Tyler just smiled at him. Anyway, it's good that he was there. I hope he had a good experience.
Alex this is Dad, Mom is on the phone planning for the stake RS dinner this Saturday before the RS general Broadcast, they are taking over the world... "40, no 45 tables is that enough for 450 people?" Their plot is to lure all the women of the stake over for a fun time before the broadcast and they are using a dinner as bait, sounds like a priest's quorum function. Speaking of priest's quorum function, I sent a snail mail letter to all of you old priests this week, so I hope you got it; I'll start work on another snail mail report tomorrow. I addressed it to you and Elder Mix so he could feel the Eagle 6th Ward priests quorum love. The big conflict for mom's RS function this Saturday is the BSU vs Oregon State Football game. It is the first BSU home game of the Year, sports center and game day are broadcasting the game so if your are by a TV next Saturday night 8 pm eastern time you should see some blue turf on the TV. BSU demolished Wyoming 56-6 last Saturday, Eagle beat Highland 51-50 (double OT) in Pocatello and BYU lost to FSU, sorry your team sucks this year without you. The offense of BYU is very anemic this year without Max and Pitta. Mom is back Alex, she wants to finish her letter, love ya, miss ya but am so happy you are in the field. Smile, work hard and be obedient, Love Dad
Hi, Mom here. I've been on the phone most the night trying to get the details worked out for our little party this Saturday for the RS sisters. Lots of people have signed up, but what we hear is that not everyone comes that signs up. But how are we supposed to know about how many will decide not to show up. This should be interesting.
Well, let me leave you with some little missionary hints from an RM who decided he wanted missionaries to know what it was really like out in the mission field. So he wrote this book called A Little Book of Missionary Reminders. It's full of tips and hints, so I may send you a few here and there.
1. Your president's first impression of you could last your entire mission. So look sharp when you walk off the plane to greet him. (well, too late for that one...)
2. Sing "If You Could Hie to Kolob" in your district meetings. (I guess for you that means that the 2 of you will be singing that one)
3. Try every "local" food at least once.
4. Excavate the dirt out of the grooves of your name tag on a regular basis.
5. Take photos of the common, everyday scenes from each area (laundromat, supermarket, apartment) (This one sounds like a good idea to me. You'll be glad you have those years later)
It's getting late, so I better wrap this up. It's very funny that you got a farkle set. I wish the little girls were a bit older cuz I miss game nights. Kristina taught me a new game yesterday that was fun, but it still needs a few more people. I hope you are happy and continuing to obey with exactness. There are many blessings that come with that obedience and even angels will assist in the work because of how important it is. Read your patriarchal blessing often so you are reminded of the love Heavenly Father has for you, it will give you strength.
I love you too, more than you know.
Dear Elder Alex,
How are you doing this week? I hope you are well, that you enjoyed your zone p-day in Paducah(can't believe you didn't at least poke your head inside the museum just so you could say you've been there and I haven't!)
How has the work been going this week? The program that they started here was having the members throw bbq's for their neighborhoods and at least get people to know their neighbors. You're kind of in a big bbq area, so that might be something they'd enjoy doing. Are you doing service anywhere on a regular basis?
I just heard from Sean and Kirk, both checking in for the week. Kirk broke up with Laura (for real) this past week and he seems pretty happy about the decision. He sounds like he had a fun weekend with a lot of new people. Both he and Sean are having to work hard just to get the classes they want. Sean is taking lots of journalism classes this semester so that he can apply to be a journalism major in January. Kirk is taking upper division classes in his health science major, but since the classes are small in size they fill up quickly and it's been hard for him to get some of the classes he needs.
The little girls just went to bed. Nikki still has a hard time going to bed 1/2 hour earlier than Leah, but after much stalling, she finally heads upstairs. Nikki is loving her Cantus singing group and practices hard. She even sang with the ward choir today. Leah started fall-ball lacrosse this past week and loves it. She speaks so highly of it that now Nikki says she wants to join in.
Kristina is still practicing driving and is struggling to learn the stick shift still. We're going to have to go out one day all alone and put in some time.
Sports updates:EHS won in a close game 51/50 over the weekend with Highland. BSU tromped on Wyoming 56/6 and BYU lost again. I don't know BYU's score and Sean said it was too embarrassing to repeat.
Spencer leaves this week for the MTC and very excited. Austin leaves the MTC in Provo and moves to the Peru MTC which he's very excited about. I don't have any word on Cameron yet if he's got his Visa yet. If he doesn't, he's going to be a very sad puppy. I've been in contact with Terri W. and Julie W. and we will start sending out a newsletter like we talked about, as soon as Austin and Cameron are at their new addresses which should be in 1-2 weeks. So a newsletter should come about once a month from then on. I'll include parts of your letter and any pictures you send in the newsletter too. So if you have any pics, send them.
Today at the singles ward, dad saw Tyler Durham. Dad asked him if he was just bored or if he was joining the church. Tyler just smiled at him. Anyway, it's good that he was there. I hope he had a good experience.
Alex this is Dad, Mom is on the phone planning for the stake RS dinner this Saturday before the RS general Broadcast, they are taking over the world... "40, no 45 tables is that enough for 450 people?" Their plot is to lure all the women of the stake over for a fun time before the broadcast and they are using a dinner as bait, sounds like a priest's quorum function. Speaking of priest's quorum function, I sent a snail mail letter to all of you old priests this week, so I hope you got it; I'll start work on another snail mail report tomorrow. I addressed it to you and Elder Mix so he could feel the Eagle 6th Ward priests quorum love. The big conflict for mom's RS function this Saturday is the BSU vs Oregon State Football game. It is the first BSU home game of the Year, sports center and game day are broadcasting the game so if your are by a TV next Saturday night 8 pm eastern time you should see some blue turf on the TV. BSU demolished Wyoming 56-6 last Saturday, Eagle beat Highland 51-50 (double OT) in Pocatello and BYU lost to FSU, sorry your team sucks this year without you. The offense of BYU is very anemic this year without Max and Pitta. Mom is back Alex, she wants to finish her letter, love ya, miss ya but am so happy you are in the field. Smile, work hard and be obedient, Love Dad
Hi, Mom here. I've been on the phone most the night trying to get the details worked out for our little party this Saturday for the RS sisters. Lots of people have signed up, but what we hear is that not everyone comes that signs up. But how are we supposed to know about how many will decide not to show up. This should be interesting.
Well, let me leave you with some little missionary hints from an RM who decided he wanted missionaries to know what it was really like out in the mission field. So he wrote this book called A Little Book of Missionary Reminders. It's full of tips and hints, so I may send you a few here and there.
1. Your president's first impression of you could last your entire mission. So look sharp when you walk off the plane to greet him. (well, too late for that one...)
2. Sing "If You Could Hie to Kolob" in your district meetings. (I guess for you that means that the 2 of you will be singing that one)
3. Try every "local" food at least once.
4. Excavate the dirt out of the grooves of your name tag on a regular basis.
5. Take photos of the common, everyday scenes from each area (laundromat, supermarket, apartment) (This one sounds like a good idea to me. You'll be glad you have those years later)
It's getting late, so I better wrap this up. It's very funny that you got a farkle set. I wish the little girls were a bit older cuz I miss game nights. Kristina taught me a new game yesterday that was fun, but it still needs a few more people. I hope you are happy and continuing to obey with exactness. There are many blessings that come with that obedience and even angels will assist in the work because of how important it is. Read your patriarchal blessing often so you are reminded of the love Heavenly Father has for you, it will give you strength.
I love you too, more than you know.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
12 Sept 2010
12 Sept 2010
Dear Elder Alex,
I just got back from attending a standards fireside for the youth of the stake. I went with Kristina and the Stake Center was packed. It was nice to see. Of course, Pres. Stafford and Pres. Shaw did an excellent job. They know how to say things bluntly, but never seem to hurt feelings. I hope they do something like this every year at least until Nikki gets through Young Women. The new Stake Young Woman President also spoke-Dana Bibberston from the Eagle 7th ward. She's going to be wonderful with the girls.
The past few days here have been pretty busy. I hope you have had a productive week too. Today was Spencer Shumway's farewell. It was a wonderful mtg. Bro. Sorensen was the other speaker and he was great. He taught us that it's our own decision in life to be happy. His dry humor was a hit and he quoted everyone from Aristotle to Monson. Spencer became very emotional during his talk and spoke about making his decision to go on a mission when he was 6 years old and he never looked back from there. He's so anxious to get out on his mission.
I started the day off with an early morning Stake Welfare mtg. This time I took muffins from Costco to the High Council and Stake Presidency. I think my presidency will take turns each mtg and bring a little something to eat. I enjoy being a little part of the inner workings of the stake. It's interesting to me to see so many people working together, each doing their own particular area and how it all comes together when everyone does their part. We are all needed and when one person lets the ball down, it affects more than you know.
Last night the Poulson's had an open house, so we enjoyed very delicious food there for dinner. Kristina went to a stake dance later on-it was nerd night. She is totally enjoying the dances and has quite the reputation for her dancing. I don't know what crazy gene you two got!

Also yesterday we took the girls to the Humanitarian Center by the DI for a tour. They were having a little open house. It's always so motivating to go there and see how much they are doing and making for people in our area. There are over 300 homeless kids in the Meridian school district this year and the Center has made coats for all of them, not to mention the school kits, quilts, baby blankets, etc.
Friday night we all went to the Eagle High game against Rocky Mountain. Dad wrote you a letter with more details about the game, but basically we lost pretty badly especially after the QB broke his collarbone in the first quarter. By the way, dad is wondering if you've been getting any letters from him. He's been sending his snail mail, but he wants to know if they come to your place or if you're getting them forwarded from the mission home. He's been sending duplicate letters each time just in case.
Thursday night I went to a regional training meeting in Boise where 2 members of the General RS board from SLC came and talked to the Stake RS presidencies. It was a good meeting and especially great to be able to hear from the General Board and what they have to say. It was very motivating. Kind of like a zone conference or something.
Nikki has started her Cantus choir with Erika McCauley. So far, so good. She has all her music on some software called Smart Music and each week she practices singing into the computer until it's close to perfection, then she submits her work to Erika. It really forces her to practice and memorize her songs. This first song is in Russian so I struggle to even help her pronounce the words. Luckily we can hear it on the Cantus website. Very sophisticated little choir group!
Sean played in a lacrosse game over the weekend. He played on a club team and they played UVU's varsity team and Sean's team won. Sean's friend Brooke(who plays for BYU) asked him to play on the team. Sean was actually the youngest on the team, but he said he had a great time playing. He played defense.
Kirk called tonight and things are going well scholastically. He only has about 2 more semesters after this one. Laura is still up and down and Kirk's starting to tire of it. The saga continues.
Also Nikki's birthday is in 2 weeks and it's pretty much the topic of conversation with her every day. So I'll try to remind you next week to send birthday wishes to Nikki. We are now in the party planning stages.
Leah lost yet another tooth tonight. I think she must have more teeth than anyone or she's just pulling them out to make money. Here's a picture of their new room that she and Kristina share now.

So how has your work been going? I couldn't believe it when you said that you 2 are the only missionaries in your mission in Illinois. How is Sis. Drummond coming along? Did you ever get a letter out to Glenn Beck? I think he'd actually write you back.
You probably already know this, but stay close to the ward mission leaders and Bishops. If you ask Bishops and RS presidents for names of people in their wards that you can help with, you will get a huge list. Do you ever do splits with people there?
And yes, it was hard not getting a letter last Monday. I knew it was Labor Day, but I was hoping you'd find some other place to write your letters. There's just something so comforting to hear from you each week. Your mission is so new and it's all very foreign to us, so getting your insight about everything is so helpful.
I know there are people out there who have been prepared by the Lord. Learn to recognize the spirit easily and if you can do that, you'll be prepared throughout life. Each night as I pray for you, I pray that you might have the power of discernment about you. I hope you know how much you are loved. I also know that there are lots of hard days on missions, but when you do the hard things, and press forward with faith, the blessings will come.
Let me know if there's anything you need. You know I'm always here for you. I love you very much.
Dear Elder Alex,
I just got back from attending a standards fireside for the youth of the stake. I went with Kristina and the Stake Center was packed. It was nice to see. Of course, Pres. Stafford and Pres. Shaw did an excellent job. They know how to say things bluntly, but never seem to hurt feelings. I hope they do something like this every year at least until Nikki gets through Young Women. The new Stake Young Woman President also spoke-Dana Bibberston from the Eagle 7th ward. She's going to be wonderful with the girls.
The past few days here have been pretty busy. I hope you have had a productive week too. Today was Spencer Shumway's farewell. It was a wonderful mtg. Bro. Sorensen was the other speaker and he was great. He taught us that it's our own decision in life to be happy. His dry humor was a hit and he quoted everyone from Aristotle to Monson. Spencer became very emotional during his talk and spoke about making his decision to go on a mission when he was 6 years old and he never looked back from there. He's so anxious to get out on his mission.
I started the day off with an early morning Stake Welfare mtg. This time I took muffins from Costco to the High Council and Stake Presidency. I think my presidency will take turns each mtg and bring a little something to eat. I enjoy being a little part of the inner workings of the stake. It's interesting to me to see so many people working together, each doing their own particular area and how it all comes together when everyone does their part. We are all needed and when one person lets the ball down, it affects more than you know.
Last night the Poulson's had an open house, so we enjoyed very delicious food there for dinner. Kristina went to a stake dance later on-it was nerd night. She is totally enjoying the dances and has quite the reputation for her dancing. I don't know what crazy gene you two got!
Also yesterday we took the girls to the Humanitarian Center by the DI for a tour. They were having a little open house. It's always so motivating to go there and see how much they are doing and making for people in our area. There are over 300 homeless kids in the Meridian school district this year and the Center has made coats for all of them, not to mention the school kits, quilts, baby blankets, etc.
Friday night we all went to the Eagle High game against Rocky Mountain. Dad wrote you a letter with more details about the game, but basically we lost pretty badly especially after the QB broke his collarbone in the first quarter. By the way, dad is wondering if you've been getting any letters from him. He's been sending his snail mail, but he wants to know if they come to your place or if you're getting them forwarded from the mission home. He's been sending duplicate letters each time just in case.
Thursday night I went to a regional training meeting in Boise where 2 members of the General RS board from SLC came and talked to the Stake RS presidencies. It was a good meeting and especially great to be able to hear from the General Board and what they have to say. It was very motivating. Kind of like a zone conference or something.
Nikki has started her Cantus choir with Erika McCauley. So far, so good. She has all her music on some software called Smart Music and each week she practices singing into the computer until it's close to perfection, then she submits her work to Erika. It really forces her to practice and memorize her songs. This first song is in Russian so I struggle to even help her pronounce the words. Luckily we can hear it on the Cantus website. Very sophisticated little choir group!
Sean played in a lacrosse game over the weekend. He played on a club team and they played UVU's varsity team and Sean's team won. Sean's friend Brooke(who plays for BYU) asked him to play on the team. Sean was actually the youngest on the team, but he said he had a great time playing. He played defense.
Kirk called tonight and things are going well scholastically. He only has about 2 more semesters after this one. Laura is still up and down and Kirk's starting to tire of it. The saga continues.
Also Nikki's birthday is in 2 weeks and it's pretty much the topic of conversation with her every day. So I'll try to remind you next week to send birthday wishes to Nikki. We are now in the party planning stages.
Leah lost yet another tooth tonight. I think she must have more teeth than anyone or she's just pulling them out to make money. Here's a picture of their new room that she and Kristina share now.
So how has your work been going? I couldn't believe it when you said that you 2 are the only missionaries in your mission in Illinois. How is Sis. Drummond coming along? Did you ever get a letter out to Glenn Beck? I think he'd actually write you back.
You probably already know this, but stay close to the ward mission leaders and Bishops. If you ask Bishops and RS presidents for names of people in their wards that you can help with, you will get a huge list. Do you ever do splits with people there?
And yes, it was hard not getting a letter last Monday. I knew it was Labor Day, but I was hoping you'd find some other place to write your letters. There's just something so comforting to hear from you each week. Your mission is so new and it's all very foreign to us, so getting your insight about everything is so helpful.
I know there are people out there who have been prepared by the Lord. Learn to recognize the spirit easily and if you can do that, you'll be prepared throughout life. Each night as I pray for you, I pray that you might have the power of discernment about you. I hope you know how much you are loved. I also know that there are lots of hard days on missions, but when you do the hard things, and press forward with faith, the blessings will come.
Let me know if there's anything you need. You know I'm always here for you. I love you very much.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
5 Sept 2010
Sept. 5, 2010
Dear Elder Alex,
We had a wonderful Sabbath and hope you did too. I know you mentioned in your last letter how much you enjoyed Sunday. So you're in Marion, IL! All this time I'm thinking of you being in Tennessee and it's hard to switch gears and know that you're in Illinois. But we found you on the map and Kirk even google-earthed your area. Sounds like many of the people there are still close descendants from the mobs. I hope you've been able to have a good week and had some good appointments. With so many churches preaching about our church, maybe for some people that will actually draw them towards us instead of against.
Dad and I went over to Dave and Shirley Clegg's this week to visit with Shirley. She hurt her leg pretty and bad and has been laid up for a while and is getting bored. We told them about your letter last week and Shirley was telling me about their mission in Nauvoo. She said your letter sounded very familiar. Even though they were in Nauvoo there were areas around them that the mission president told them to not go near because the hatred was so bad. She said she can remember going into a store one day and a couple salespeople walked up to help them. But then they looked at their name tags and just turned around and walked away and never came back to help them. She said stuff like that happened all the time, but she just started feeling sorry for them. Most people they talked with on the tours had really warped ideas about things that went on in the church and they learned those things from their pastors. It's hard to believe other churches can use up so much energy on hatred or meanness towards something.
An interesting thing Shirley told me about too was they drove through one of the towns that missionaries were not supposed to go to. they didn't stop, but just drove through it. She said it was such a run down place. Just bars, tattoo parlors, etc. It was the town where many of the mobs originated from and she said it was now a run-down, nothing town. To contrast that, just up the road 10 miles is another town (I think she said Quincy) where the saints were welcomed and helped from the harassment of the mobs. Many families were taken in by people in this little town. Today the town is flourishing, lots of businesses and activity and a growing area. Shirley said the difference in the 2 towns was amazing but such a testament to her about how much the Lord blesses those who are on His side.
You sound good and I'm so glad you have such an amazing attitude-it's truly a gift and now I hope you can see how it will help not only you, but those around you.
We are well here. I got to teach in the Eagle 2nd ward today and I really enjoyed it. I thoroughly enjoy being with the sisters even when I don't know them. My 1st counselor and I team taught. I taught from an article in the Ensign called "Don't be in a Hurry." It's based on Brigham Young's dream he had shortly after Joseph Smith was killed where Joseph appeared to him and said, "Brigham, don't be in a hurry." He repeated the words pretty sharply 3 times. The people in Nauvoo at this time were hurrying to get the temple completed, going out and serving missions, getting ready for the exodus west and many other things and Brigham was leading the way. The article talked about that sometimes when we hurry all the time, it becomes just busyness and that's not how the Lord works. Our work should always be contemplative and prayerful. It also mentioned the prophecy how in the last days they would be filled with commotion. We had a good discussion about how to slow down, listen to the will of the Lord, and that this is how conversion happens throughout our lifetime. So my part was titled "Be still." Then Michelle talked about our relationship with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost and her part was titled "And know that I am God."
As usual, me the teacher, learned the most. My favorite quote from all this was "When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives." Pres. Ezra Taft Benson.
So the girls already have a day off school tomorrow. Dad is working, so I don't have anything big planned for the day off. We are going to watch the opening season BSU game tomorrow night though, so we had family night tonight. The town's going a little BSU crazy. Even Walmart had to bring in an extra cash register just for selling the BSU stuff. I'm happy for the Hawkes family. Kirk is leaving for Rexburg in the morning. It will be interesting to see how things play out with him and Laura. They have been in constant contact these past 7 weeks.
Sean finished his first week at BYU. His hard class is Chem 105, so if you have any hints for him, let him know. He loves his new apartment and his ward so far sounds good. He said it's 70% girls. He went to the first BYU game yesterday and they won 23/17. So far so good.
Kristina tried driving dad's white car to church today-stick shift for the first time/or stick fish as Nikki calls it. I wasn't in the car, but sounds like it was a rocky ride. She kept stalling cuz she was in 3rd gear instead of first. I'm sure you can remember your first few attempts in a stick shift. It's not a pretty sight, but she's a trooper just trying it.
We are having a constant influx of new families into our ward. You will not recognize it when you get back. We had 2 more families today. I can't keep up and since I'm gone a lot, I'm really out of touch. The Gills announced today that they are moving the end of the month to west Boise. Heather and Stacey Lee moved into our ward a couple weeks ago from the 2nd ward.
The Taylor twins are turning in their mission papers this week, so they should have their calls in a couple of weeks.
Austin and his family came by the house last Tuesday evening to say good-bye after he'd been set apart. Here's a couple pix (Terri was reading your letter) (The other pic is self-explanatory):

By the sound of Cameron's last letter, he's going stir-crazy in the MTC, so I hope he can hook up with Austin. Starting in October, I'll be sending you a newsletter with snippets of their letters.
EHS had their opening game last Thursday and they won it easily against Centennial. I heard EHS's quarterback played awesome.
Last night we went to Ann Morrison Park for a Balloon fest. It was pretty impressive seeing all those balloons lit up at night.

Well, that's about all the news from here. We still haven't heard if you ever got the package we sent to the mission home right in the beginning. Let us know. Also dad is sending letters snail mail, so let us know if you get them at your place in Marion.
You're always in our prayers and Nikki in particular is praying extra hard for the people of Illinois because that's what you asked for in your last letter. We read everything you say and want to help in any way. So please always let us know if there's anyone or anything you want us to pray about. We all love you very much and we know that Heavenly Father is with you every day. I learned from my lesson research this past week that when you pray, you should ask that you may do something that day that will be beneficial to the kingdom of God and always ask to have the spirit with you.
Have a spirit-filled week.
love you much,
Mom xoxoxooxxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxooxooxoxoXXoo
Dear Elder Alex,
We had a wonderful Sabbath and hope you did too. I know you mentioned in your last letter how much you enjoyed Sunday. So you're in Marion, IL! All this time I'm thinking of you being in Tennessee and it's hard to switch gears and know that you're in Illinois. But we found you on the map and Kirk even google-earthed your area. Sounds like many of the people there are still close descendants from the mobs. I hope you've been able to have a good week and had some good appointments. With so many churches preaching about our church, maybe for some people that will actually draw them towards us instead of against.
Dad and I went over to Dave and Shirley Clegg's this week to visit with Shirley. She hurt her leg pretty and bad and has been laid up for a while and is getting bored. We told them about your letter last week and Shirley was telling me about their mission in Nauvoo. She said your letter sounded very familiar. Even though they were in Nauvoo there were areas around them that the mission president told them to not go near because the hatred was so bad. She said she can remember going into a store one day and a couple salespeople walked up to help them. But then they looked at their name tags and just turned around and walked away and never came back to help them. She said stuff like that happened all the time, but she just started feeling sorry for them. Most people they talked with on the tours had really warped ideas about things that went on in the church and they learned those things from their pastors. It's hard to believe other churches can use up so much energy on hatred or meanness towards something.
An interesting thing Shirley told me about too was they drove through one of the towns that missionaries were not supposed to go to. they didn't stop, but just drove through it. She said it was such a run down place. Just bars, tattoo parlors, etc. It was the town where many of the mobs originated from and she said it was now a run-down, nothing town. To contrast that, just up the road 10 miles is another town (I think she said Quincy) where the saints were welcomed and helped from the harassment of the mobs. Many families were taken in by people in this little town. Today the town is flourishing, lots of businesses and activity and a growing area. Shirley said the difference in the 2 towns was amazing but such a testament to her about how much the Lord blesses those who are on His side.
You sound good and I'm so glad you have such an amazing attitude-it's truly a gift and now I hope you can see how it will help not only you, but those around you.
We are well here. I got to teach in the Eagle 2nd ward today and I really enjoyed it. I thoroughly enjoy being with the sisters even when I don't know them. My 1st counselor and I team taught. I taught from an article in the Ensign called "Don't be in a Hurry." It's based on Brigham Young's dream he had shortly after Joseph Smith was killed where Joseph appeared to him and said, "Brigham, don't be in a hurry." He repeated the words pretty sharply 3 times. The people in Nauvoo at this time were hurrying to get the temple completed, going out and serving missions, getting ready for the exodus west and many other things and Brigham was leading the way. The article talked about that sometimes when we hurry all the time, it becomes just busyness and that's not how the Lord works. Our work should always be contemplative and prayerful. It also mentioned the prophecy how in the last days they would be filled with commotion. We had a good discussion about how to slow down, listen to the will of the Lord, and that this is how conversion happens throughout our lifetime. So my part was titled "Be still." Then Michelle talked about our relationship with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost and her part was titled "And know that I am God."
As usual, me the teacher, learned the most. My favorite quote from all this was "When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives." Pres. Ezra Taft Benson.
So the girls already have a day off school tomorrow. Dad is working, so I don't have anything big planned for the day off. We are going to watch the opening season BSU game tomorrow night though, so we had family night tonight. The town's going a little BSU crazy. Even Walmart had to bring in an extra cash register just for selling the BSU stuff. I'm happy for the Hawkes family. Kirk is leaving for Rexburg in the morning. It will be interesting to see how things play out with him and Laura. They have been in constant contact these past 7 weeks.
Sean finished his first week at BYU. His hard class is Chem 105, so if you have any hints for him, let him know. He loves his new apartment and his ward so far sounds good. He said it's 70% girls. He went to the first BYU game yesterday and they won 23/17. So far so good.
Kristina tried driving dad's white car to church today-stick shift for the first time/or stick fish as Nikki calls it. I wasn't in the car, but sounds like it was a rocky ride. She kept stalling cuz she was in 3rd gear instead of first. I'm sure you can remember your first few attempts in a stick shift. It's not a pretty sight, but she's a trooper just trying it.
We are having a constant influx of new families into our ward. You will not recognize it when you get back. We had 2 more families today. I can't keep up and since I'm gone a lot, I'm really out of touch. The Gills announced today that they are moving the end of the month to west Boise. Heather and Stacey Lee moved into our ward a couple weeks ago from the 2nd ward.
The Taylor twins are turning in their mission papers this week, so they should have their calls in a couple of weeks.
Austin and his family came by the house last Tuesday evening to say good-bye after he'd been set apart. Here's a couple pix (Terri was reading your letter) (The other pic is self-explanatory):
By the sound of Cameron's last letter, he's going stir-crazy in the MTC, so I hope he can hook up with Austin. Starting in October, I'll be sending you a newsletter with snippets of their letters.
EHS had their opening game last Thursday and they won it easily against Centennial. I heard EHS's quarterback played awesome.
Last night we went to Ann Morrison Park for a Balloon fest. It was pretty impressive seeing all those balloons lit up at night.
Well, that's about all the news from here. We still haven't heard if you ever got the package we sent to the mission home right in the beginning. Let us know. Also dad is sending letters snail mail, so let us know if you get them at your place in Marion.
You're always in our prayers and Nikki in particular is praying extra hard for the people of Illinois because that's what you asked for in your last letter. We read everything you say and want to help in any way. So please always let us know if there's anyone or anything you want us to pray about. We all love you very much and we know that Heavenly Father is with you every day. I learned from my lesson research this past week that when you pray, you should ask that you may do something that day that will be beneficial to the kingdom of God and always ask to have the spirit with you.
Have a spirit-filled week.
love you much,
Mom xoxoxooxxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxooxooxoxoXXoo
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
13 Jun 2007
June 13, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,
We really enjoyed your letters and descriptions of your fun week. I'm so happy the devotional was a wonderful event for you and the other missionaries. Thank you so much for sending your notes with your insights and observations. I loved that. I felt like I was right there with you. You have a gift of expressing your observations so clearly and uniquely. I especially loved Elder Eyring's comments about Pres. Hinckley's calming and reassuring words, "Things will work out."
I'm glad you got the suit and that you like it. I picked out the ties for you as a surprise. Send us a picture of how you look in it when you get a chance. Have you been taking pictures while in the MTC? Are you going to send them home to us before you leave for safe keeping?
I couldn't find the lyrics in Spanish for This is the Christ. Looks like your district may have to work on that one. Have fun with that. Are you playing the piano or singing?
So Alex and I finally found those chips you were talking about. We found them at Winco. First we smelled them. Alex said they smelled like mustard and so did Dad. I thought it was more of a vinegar smell. The taste went along with the smells. Then Kristina and all her friends tried them. Maggie said they smelled and tasted like pickled burritos. That was a good way of putting it. Then I took them over to the Ericksons. Dirk and Oliver both immediately said hamburgers after smelling them. Eli and Joel both said they smelled and tasted like mustard and catsup. Dirk, eli and Joel all tried them, but Oliver refused saying "how disgusting, it's like a hamburger without the bun, how disgusting." Jill also refused to taste them. Anyway, we had a lot of fun with them. They certainly got mixed reviews.
I went to Brandon McKell's farewell on Sunday. It was in our old building at 1pm, so I missed going to our ward. Brandon and both his younger brothers spoke. Brandon did a great job. The group of friends on the third row is gradually diminishing, mainly girls now. I talked with Myles afterwards, his eyes still teary from the meeting. He asked me if it's gets any better with time. I tried to reassure him, but to no avail. I just love having the McKells in our stake. Myles has always been such a special person and I'm glad to call him my friend. Imagine if 20 years from now while you're attending a ward somewhere you run into one of your friends from high school and they're still as wonderful (if not better) than they were then. It's great to see.
Dad and the youth are going to the temple tomorrow to do baptisms. It's our anniversay (22 years) but I think we'll end up celebrating on Friday. We're going to go to the temple Friday morning, then probably out to lunch.
Eagle Fun Days was last weekend. The only fun part of it was the wet zone of the parade. The little girls loved it and loved loading up their squirt guns and shooting the fire trucks. We hung out with the Sorensen's which was great because they just brought their hoses over the fence to use.
Alex went to Helaman last week and really enjoyed it. He came back looking just like Kirk with a shaved head. It's kind of startling seeing him since he looks so much like Kirk. We'll send you some pix of the academies. Alex said he especially liked Bro. Shaw's talk and Bro. Cameron's talk and also Pres. McCauley's. He said "Hia Ta Ta" was intense and so was the number game.
Our shed is almost built now. I think it's really going to look nice and will hold quite a bit. We had to buy a new printer today, ours finally gave up.
Leah is enjoying Sylvan so far. She loves getting tokens and spending them most of all. I take my tennis shoes and walk while she's in class. It feels good (of course, we haven't had the sweltering heat yet!)
My dad called tonight to chat. He loves reading your letters and mentioned that he received one from you. He was going to meet with one of the Stake Presidency tonight. Said he wasn't too anxious to find out what was going to happen there. I always love talking with my dad. My mom sounded pretty good too. She's such a graceful woman even in the midst of trials.
Well, that's about it for this week. I'll bet you're getting anxious to get to Argentina. Do you know your travel plans yet? We just want to make sure we're around the day you fly out. Let us know.
Take care and remember you're always in our prayers.
Love you,
Dear Elder Sean,
We really enjoyed your letters and descriptions of your fun week. I'm so happy the devotional was a wonderful event for you and the other missionaries. Thank you so much for sending your notes with your insights and observations. I loved that. I felt like I was right there with you. You have a gift of expressing your observations so clearly and uniquely. I especially loved Elder Eyring's comments about Pres. Hinckley's calming and reassuring words, "Things will work out."
I'm glad you got the suit and that you like it. I picked out the ties for you as a surprise. Send us a picture of how you look in it when you get a chance. Have you been taking pictures while in the MTC? Are you going to send them home to us before you leave for safe keeping?
I couldn't find the lyrics in Spanish for This is the Christ. Looks like your district may have to work on that one. Have fun with that. Are you playing the piano or singing?
So Alex and I finally found those chips you were talking about. We found them at Winco. First we smelled them. Alex said they smelled like mustard and so did Dad. I thought it was more of a vinegar smell. The taste went along with the smells. Then Kristina and all her friends tried them. Maggie said they smelled and tasted like pickled burritos. That was a good way of putting it. Then I took them over to the Ericksons. Dirk and Oliver both immediately said hamburgers after smelling them. Eli and Joel both said they smelled and tasted like mustard and catsup. Dirk, eli and Joel all tried them, but Oliver refused saying "how disgusting, it's like a hamburger without the bun, how disgusting." Jill also refused to taste them. Anyway, we had a lot of fun with them. They certainly got mixed reviews.
I went to Brandon McKell's farewell on Sunday. It was in our old building at 1pm, so I missed going to our ward. Brandon and both his younger brothers spoke. Brandon did a great job. The group of friends on the third row is gradually diminishing, mainly girls now. I talked with Myles afterwards, his eyes still teary from the meeting. He asked me if it's gets any better with time. I tried to reassure him, but to no avail. I just love having the McKells in our stake. Myles has always been such a special person and I'm glad to call him my friend. Imagine if 20 years from now while you're attending a ward somewhere you run into one of your friends from high school and they're still as wonderful (if not better) than they were then. It's great to see.
Dad and the youth are going to the temple tomorrow to do baptisms. It's our anniversay (22 years) but I think we'll end up celebrating on Friday. We're going to go to the temple Friday morning, then probably out to lunch.
Eagle Fun Days was last weekend. The only fun part of it was the wet zone of the parade. The little girls loved it and loved loading up their squirt guns and shooting the fire trucks. We hung out with the Sorensen's which was great because they just brought their hoses over the fence to use.
Alex went to Helaman last week and really enjoyed it. He came back looking just like Kirk with a shaved head. It's kind of startling seeing him since he looks so much like Kirk. We'll send you some pix of the academies. Alex said he especially liked Bro. Shaw's talk and Bro. Cameron's talk and also Pres. McCauley's. He said "Hia Ta Ta" was intense and so was the number game.
Our shed is almost built now. I think it's really going to look nice and will hold quite a bit. We had to buy a new printer today, ours finally gave up.
Leah is enjoying Sylvan so far. She loves getting tokens and spending them most of all. I take my tennis shoes and walk while she's in class. It feels good (of course, we haven't had the sweltering heat yet!)
My dad called tonight to chat. He loves reading your letters and mentioned that he received one from you. He was going to meet with one of the Stake Presidency tonight. Said he wasn't too anxious to find out what was going to happen there. I always love talking with my dad. My mom sounded pretty good too. She's such a graceful woman even in the midst of trials.
Well, that's about it for this week. I'll bet you're getting anxious to get to Argentina. Do you know your travel plans yet? We just want to make sure we're around the day you fly out. Let us know.
Take care and remember you're always in our prayers.
Love you,
9 May 2007
May 9, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,
Thank you so much for your fun letters. I tried to put the gist of what you said in my letter to Kirk so he could know what you were up to. It makes me sad that his camera got stolen. I was thinking that it would be a good idea for you to send us all your pix from the MTC right before you leave for Arg., at least a copy of them all. We'll be able to keep them safe here at home.
Your Spanish looks wonderful (a compliment coming from an untrained eye). It's just unbelievable to me that you're able to communicate that well already. I could easily understand your testimony. Thank you for sharing it.
I'm also going to look into the TALL method and see if it's available to us. I'll let you know.
Well, I had a great weekend in Utah. It rained, as you know, most of the time, but since we were inside for the bulk of it, it didn't really matter. Aunt Jan did great at the market. Her patterns were a hit. But the most interesting thing was seeing the workings of the wholesale world. There was so much wheeling and dealing going on and I loved being part of it. Executives from different companies would send their people around to all the booths to check out the new products. Those people would then tell us that someone would be coming by to talk with us later. Then one of the execs would come by and make an offer of some sort. For instance, the fabric companies (3 of them) asked us if we would be willing to design a new fabric line for their company. How fun would that be!! Jan doesn't want to do something like that, but I think that would be fun and so does Heidi. Maybe I'll collaborate with her on that. There was a publishing company that wanted us to make a book of the new patterns (when I say us, I was part of Threaded Pear Studios, the store Jan is working through) The owner of the Threaded Pear, Gina, is a quilter and designed some new quilt patterns for market. So we had new quilt patterns and new apron patterns. There were also four major distributors who want to carry our patterns in their catalog. The distributors take and fill orders from quilt stores around the world. Also Better Homes and Gardens wants Jan to have an apron and pattern for their Aug issue. All in all, it was a big success. Now the orders start coming in. I'm so happy for Jan. She has worked so hard on this. She called me yesterday and said, get ready now for the fall market which is in Houston in Oct. They want me to have some new patterns of my own to put out there too. So here we go....
While in SLC I stayed across the street from the Salt Palace at the Plaza which is owned by the church. The concierge there was a young return missionary and he took me around town when I needed to get some errands done. It was fun talking with him. He showed me the land that the church has bought which includes the entire block that the Plaza sits on. He also showed me where the campus for BYU-Salt Lake is going to be-right across from the Salt Palace. He went to CA on his mission and is getting married next week. He said he decided to go to LDS Business College because he wanted to stay right in Salt Lake which he loves and he wanted the best chances of finding someone he could marry in the temple. I love it. I guess it worked.
Anyway, I had a fun time and it was also a lot of work, physical labor and met a lot of new people. I probably walked 40,000 steps a day and part of that was lifting and hauling things, setting up the booth, etc. And of course I was in 7th heaven being around all the quilt world, a world I know very well. I was able to tell Jan who was who and what was important, etc. It was weird seeing all the people that I watch on HGTV quilt shows right there. Even Marie Osmond was there with a new line of fabric. And of course, I was able to purchase anything I wanted for the wholesale price-yippee!
Enough of that. Sunday we met in our new building finally. It's beautiful, clean. It felt a little odd like we were just visiting someone else's ward, but i think it will be nice. It's always interesting to see how the church refines and cuts back on the unnecessary parts of a building. I still like the old buildings. If you ever get to see some of them in SLC, you'll know what I mean.
Dad is getting ready for his first tax audit next week. I think it's pretty stressful for him. We're not the best record keepers, but perhaps from now on we will be. I know we'll learn a lot from this, I just hope we don't have to pay too highly for the learning.
This morning while getting the girls ready for school, i started to brush Leah's hair and noticed the whole front where the bangs should be had been whacked off. I asked her when that happened and she said she did it in school yesterday. I guess she wanted bangs really bad. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it. I may just take her to the hair dresser and get her hair cut short, cuz it will take quite a while for her hair to grow back to normal. Then I went upstairs and Nikki had written her name on the tread of one of the stairs and her whole bed was a bloody mess from a lovely nose bleed last night. Never a dull moment with them.
I'm taking the cubs on a hike today down the greenbelt. Wish me luck. they're about as obedient as Leah and Nikki and I'm thinking we should put leashes on them as we hike or else I'll be jumping in the river for an unexpected freezing cold dip.
Haven't heard much news from any of your friends. I know Brandon hasn't done much by way of getting ready yet according to his parents. He has some time though. I need to call the Frames to find out their meeting times. Everyone changed times last week cuz of the new building. I haven't heard from Tyler or where he is. I thought I'd check in with Jared this week and see how he's doing. Oliver is back living at home and according to Jill he's nicer than ever. She doesn't know what's going on. She's still hoping a mission is in his future. But he talks about going back to Provo in the fall and living with Jeff and Kurt. The singles ward meets right before us in the new building, so we get to see a lot of your friends each week now.
I love the song words you've chosen for your plaque. That's the most powerful song. I may have to edit it a bit to be within the word limit. Will that be ok, or do you have another choice? I'm going to check and see how many words are allowed. I think it should be ok and i'll let you know.
You asked for Kirk's mailing address. Here it is:
the easiest way right now is to send it through the pouch through SLC and it's just for letters. If you want to send something other than a letter, let me know and I can get the pkg address for you.
Elder Kirk Thompson
Dominican Republic Santiago Mission
PO Box 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150
We all thought about you on your birthday and even put up the sign. You're always in our prayers and most of all you're always in my heart. Work hard, the Lord will bless you with extra strength to accomplish more than you ever thought you could, but remember to always acknowledge His hand in your work.
If there's anything you need, let me know. I hope you have a great week. I'm so glad you're part of a great district and that the work is fun. Enjoy.
love you,
Dear Elder Sean,
Thank you so much for your fun letters. I tried to put the gist of what you said in my letter to Kirk so he could know what you were up to. It makes me sad that his camera got stolen. I was thinking that it would be a good idea for you to send us all your pix from the MTC right before you leave for Arg., at least a copy of them all. We'll be able to keep them safe here at home.
Your Spanish looks wonderful (a compliment coming from an untrained eye). It's just unbelievable to me that you're able to communicate that well already. I could easily understand your testimony. Thank you for sharing it.
I'm also going to look into the TALL method and see if it's available to us. I'll let you know.
Well, I had a great weekend in Utah. It rained, as you know, most of the time, but since we were inside for the bulk of it, it didn't really matter. Aunt Jan did great at the market. Her patterns were a hit. But the most interesting thing was seeing the workings of the wholesale world. There was so much wheeling and dealing going on and I loved being part of it. Executives from different companies would send their people around to all the booths to check out the new products. Those people would then tell us that someone would be coming by to talk with us later. Then one of the execs would come by and make an offer of some sort. For instance, the fabric companies (3 of them) asked us if we would be willing to design a new fabric line for their company. How fun would that be!! Jan doesn't want to do something like that, but I think that would be fun and so does Heidi. Maybe I'll collaborate with her on that. There was a publishing company that wanted us to make a book of the new patterns (when I say us, I was part of Threaded Pear Studios, the store Jan is working through) The owner of the Threaded Pear, Gina, is a quilter and designed some new quilt patterns for market. So we had new quilt patterns and new apron patterns. There were also four major distributors who want to carry our patterns in their catalog. The distributors take and fill orders from quilt stores around the world. Also Better Homes and Gardens wants Jan to have an apron and pattern for their Aug issue. All in all, it was a big success. Now the orders start coming in. I'm so happy for Jan. She has worked so hard on this. She called me yesterday and said, get ready now for the fall market which is in Houston in Oct. They want me to have some new patterns of my own to put out there too. So here we go....
While in SLC I stayed across the street from the Salt Palace at the Plaza which is owned by the church. The concierge there was a young return missionary and he took me around town when I needed to get some errands done. It was fun talking with him. He showed me the land that the church has bought which includes the entire block that the Plaza sits on. He also showed me where the campus for BYU-Salt Lake is going to be-right across from the Salt Palace. He went to CA on his mission and is getting married next week. He said he decided to go to LDS Business College because he wanted to stay right in Salt Lake which he loves and he wanted the best chances of finding someone he could marry in the temple. I love it. I guess it worked.
Anyway, I had a fun time and it was also a lot of work, physical labor and met a lot of new people. I probably walked 40,000 steps a day and part of that was lifting and hauling things, setting up the booth, etc. And of course I was in 7th heaven being around all the quilt world, a world I know very well. I was able to tell Jan who was who and what was important, etc. It was weird seeing all the people that I watch on HGTV quilt shows right there. Even Marie Osmond was there with a new line of fabric. And of course, I was able to purchase anything I wanted for the wholesale price-yippee!
Enough of that. Sunday we met in our new building finally. It's beautiful, clean. It felt a little odd like we were just visiting someone else's ward, but i think it will be nice. It's always interesting to see how the church refines and cuts back on the unnecessary parts of a building. I still like the old buildings. If you ever get to see some of them in SLC, you'll know what I mean.
Dad is getting ready for his first tax audit next week. I think it's pretty stressful for him. We're not the best record keepers, but perhaps from now on we will be. I know we'll learn a lot from this, I just hope we don't have to pay too highly for the learning.
This morning while getting the girls ready for school, i started to brush Leah's hair and noticed the whole front where the bangs should be had been whacked off. I asked her when that happened and she said she did it in school yesterday. I guess she wanted bangs really bad. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it. I may just take her to the hair dresser and get her hair cut short, cuz it will take quite a while for her hair to grow back to normal. Then I went upstairs and Nikki had written her name on the tread of one of the stairs and her whole bed was a bloody mess from a lovely nose bleed last night. Never a dull moment with them.
I'm taking the cubs on a hike today down the greenbelt. Wish me luck. they're about as obedient as Leah and Nikki and I'm thinking we should put leashes on them as we hike or else I'll be jumping in the river for an unexpected freezing cold dip.
Haven't heard much news from any of your friends. I know Brandon hasn't done much by way of getting ready yet according to his parents. He has some time though. I need to call the Frames to find out their meeting times. Everyone changed times last week cuz of the new building. I haven't heard from Tyler or where he is. I thought I'd check in with Jared this week and see how he's doing. Oliver is back living at home and according to Jill he's nicer than ever. She doesn't know what's going on. She's still hoping a mission is in his future. But he talks about going back to Provo in the fall and living with Jeff and Kurt. The singles ward meets right before us in the new building, so we get to see a lot of your friends each week now.
I love the song words you've chosen for your plaque. That's the most powerful song. I may have to edit it a bit to be within the word limit. Will that be ok, or do you have another choice? I'm going to check and see how many words are allowed. I think it should be ok and i'll let you know.
You asked for Kirk's mailing address. Here it is:
the easiest way right now is to send it through the pouch through SLC and it's just for letters. If you want to send something other than a letter, let me know and I can get the pkg address for you.
Elder Kirk Thompson
Dominican Republic Santiago Mission
PO Box 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150
We all thought about you on your birthday and even put up the sign. You're always in our prayers and most of all you're always in my heart. Work hard, the Lord will bless you with extra strength to accomplish more than you ever thought you could, but remember to always acknowledge His hand in your work.
If there's anything you need, let me know. I hope you have a great week. I'm so glad you're part of a great district and that the work is fun. Enjoy.
love you,
30 Sep 2007
Sept. 30, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,
Well, what a whirlwind of a couple of weeks we've had. Today was Kirk's homecoming and he did a great job. It was fun to hear him speak for so long and with an accent. He even threw in a couple of Spanish words without knowing it which a lot of people commented to him later about. He spoke of the things he learned on his mission. Alex Erickson also spoke and did a good job. Such different missions but it sounds like they learned very similar lessons in life.
We got home late Wed night and were greeted by grandma and grandpa Thompson with the 3 little girls at the airport. I hurried off the plane first so I could video the event. We were all so tired when we got home that we basically just went to bed. The next day we took Kirk out shopping for new clothes because when he went to get dressed he realized he'd lost so much weight that nothing fit him at home. He lost around 30 pounds and looks great. We also realized that his license expired in August so we had to make a stop at the DMV to renew. So now he's good to go. I feel like I'm teaching 2 kids to drive now, he and Alex since Kirk really hasn't driven since before his mission. The driving was so crazy in the DR that I'm glad he didn't have to drive there.
On Friday we went to the airport (after stopping at a car lot to look at some new cars) to pick up g & g Trumbo. We had about an hour to kill so we went to another car lot with them, then headed back to the airport to pick up Charmaine. The bunch of us went to lunch and headed home. Friday night Steve and Carolina and Giovanni and Dakota and Kassie came in. So that was our group for the weekend. We had a lot of fun with everyone. It was fun hearing the Trumbo's speak Spanish with Kirk. They said he was a fast speaker but really good. Saturday we went to the movies and let Kirk catch up on at least one movie he had missed out on, Bourne Ultimatum. That night we had a big dinner with stuffed shells and Mexican rice. Kirk is really craving rice since he's been home, so I'm trying to oblige.
Steve and his family left after Sacrament and have made plans to be back for Thanksgiving this year.
Uncle Bill came over the other night and asked Kirk if he would help him drive cars for car wars this week. I told Kirk that was a sweet deal and to try to get to drive the Mustang they have on their lot right now. Kirk was really eyeing that car when we stopped by for a visit. It's a 2007 with a few custom items on it.
We got your handwritten letter this week along with the DVD's. I loved your letter and so did the family. You definitely have a writing gift, so use it and develop it. As for the DVD's. They both work, but the Transformers is missing the bottom half of the screen, so we laughed at that. Is it a pirate copy or something? CArolina said Isaac brought some home too and they laughed at them because they could see people walking in the middle of the movie with popcorn in their arms and they could hear people laughing during different parts of it. We'll let Nikki watch hers next week.
Sounds like you have some nice fun food to eat there. Take it easy on the dulce de leche, it sounds rich and lucious, and fattening. I can remember reading something about it when you were preparing for your mission and how some elders really get hooked on it and put it on everything like you were talking about. Grandpa Trumbo is reading your letter right now as I write you.
I like your new folletos. They're so nice. Gio said he had one like that on his mission except it was showing how the Book of Mormon and the Bible were connected.
We're definitely having a change of seasons here. It was so cold this weekend and so windy. Kirk has been freezing here. I don't know how he's going to make it in Rexburg this winter. There was even snow on Bogus yesterday morning. We hear it snowed an inch in Provo too.
How has your week been? I have such a better feel for what you're doing now that I've been on the streets with Kirk in the DR and meeting some of the families he worked with and been in their homes. It was an unforgettable experience for dad and Alex and I. Are you working with any families right now? How is your ward? I haven't had time to look for church guitar music yet, but really all you have to do is look at the chords of any hymn and you should be able to play it that way. Are you learning chords or picking or what? That would help me to know how you're learning. Where do you have a guitar to practice on?
It was fun having Carolina here to play piano duets with. I got into some of those ones I had purchased with high hopes of playing with you ( a little dig there)...and Carolina played them with me. It's so much fun to play duets with her. We both really enjoy it.
We had an excellent lesson in RS today about procrastination. It was from Elder Eyring's talk from last conference. Sis. Leifson taught it and she said with prayer and scriptures each day, we should be able to receive inspiration for each day to know how to spend our time that day, what things should take priority. Sometimes we have so many things to choose from in a day that it becomes overwhelming and difficult to make decisions on what to do, but Heavenly Father knows where our priorities should be and where we can do His will most effectively during the day. So we need to stay in tune to know the direction to take.
I hope you're enjoying the work. Remember man is that he might have joy. Stay on the straight course and obey with exactness so that the angels can be with you on your errands.
I love you Sean and always pray for you. Everyone here says to send their love to you....
Dear Elder Sean,
Well, what a whirlwind of a couple of weeks we've had. Today was Kirk's homecoming and he did a great job. It was fun to hear him speak for so long and with an accent. He even threw in a couple of Spanish words without knowing it which a lot of people commented to him later about. He spoke of the things he learned on his mission. Alex Erickson also spoke and did a good job. Such different missions but it sounds like they learned very similar lessons in life.
We got home late Wed night and were greeted by grandma and grandpa Thompson with the 3 little girls at the airport. I hurried off the plane first so I could video the event. We were all so tired when we got home that we basically just went to bed. The next day we took Kirk out shopping for new clothes because when he went to get dressed he realized he'd lost so much weight that nothing fit him at home. He lost around 30 pounds and looks great. We also realized that his license expired in August so we had to make a stop at the DMV to renew. So now he's good to go. I feel like I'm teaching 2 kids to drive now, he and Alex since Kirk really hasn't driven since before his mission. The driving was so crazy in the DR that I'm glad he didn't have to drive there.
On Friday we went to the airport (after stopping at a car lot to look at some new cars) to pick up g & g Trumbo. We had about an hour to kill so we went to another car lot with them, then headed back to the airport to pick up Charmaine. The bunch of us went to lunch and headed home. Friday night Steve and Carolina and Giovanni and Dakota and Kassie came in. So that was our group for the weekend. We had a lot of fun with everyone. It was fun hearing the Trumbo's speak Spanish with Kirk. They said he was a fast speaker but really good. Saturday we went to the movies and let Kirk catch up on at least one movie he had missed out on, Bourne Ultimatum. That night we had a big dinner with stuffed shells and Mexican rice. Kirk is really craving rice since he's been home, so I'm trying to oblige.
Steve and his family left after Sacrament and have made plans to be back for Thanksgiving this year.
Uncle Bill came over the other night and asked Kirk if he would help him drive cars for car wars this week. I told Kirk that was a sweet deal and to try to get to drive the Mustang they have on their lot right now. Kirk was really eyeing that car when we stopped by for a visit. It's a 2007 with a few custom items on it.
We got your handwritten letter this week along with the DVD's. I loved your letter and so did the family. You definitely have a writing gift, so use it and develop it. As for the DVD's. They both work, but the Transformers is missing the bottom half of the screen, so we laughed at that. Is it a pirate copy or something? CArolina said Isaac brought some home too and they laughed at them because they could see people walking in the middle of the movie with popcorn in their arms and they could hear people laughing during different parts of it. We'll let Nikki watch hers next week.
Sounds like you have some nice fun food to eat there. Take it easy on the dulce de leche, it sounds rich and lucious, and fattening. I can remember reading something about it when you were preparing for your mission and how some elders really get hooked on it and put it on everything like you were talking about. Grandpa Trumbo is reading your letter right now as I write you.
I like your new folletos. They're so nice. Gio said he had one like that on his mission except it was showing how the Book of Mormon and the Bible were connected.
We're definitely having a change of seasons here. It was so cold this weekend and so windy. Kirk has been freezing here. I don't know how he's going to make it in Rexburg this winter. There was even snow on Bogus yesterday morning. We hear it snowed an inch in Provo too.
How has your week been? I have such a better feel for what you're doing now that I've been on the streets with Kirk in the DR and meeting some of the families he worked with and been in their homes. It was an unforgettable experience for dad and Alex and I. Are you working with any families right now? How is your ward? I haven't had time to look for church guitar music yet, but really all you have to do is look at the chords of any hymn and you should be able to play it that way. Are you learning chords or picking or what? That would help me to know how you're learning. Where do you have a guitar to practice on?
It was fun having Carolina here to play piano duets with. I got into some of those ones I had purchased with high hopes of playing with you ( a little dig there)...and Carolina played them with me. It's so much fun to play duets with her. We both really enjoy it.
We had an excellent lesson in RS today about procrastination. It was from Elder Eyring's talk from last conference. Sis. Leifson taught it and she said with prayer and scriptures each day, we should be able to receive inspiration for each day to know how to spend our time that day, what things should take priority. Sometimes we have so many things to choose from in a day that it becomes overwhelming and difficult to make decisions on what to do, but Heavenly Father knows where our priorities should be and where we can do His will most effectively during the day. So we need to stay in tune to know the direction to take.
I hope you're enjoying the work. Remember man is that he might have joy. Stay on the straight course and obey with exactness so that the angels can be with you on your errands.
I love you Sean and always pray for you. Everyone here says to send their love to you....
28 Sep 2008
Sept. 28, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
I thought I'd actually write you a little early today since I have a few quiet moments. I just finished having a cub meeting here and we've planned the next few months. Alex went to Mitch Bruneel's farewell after church today and when he got home he turned around and went to BYC and now he's over at Dallas's hoping to find a meal since we aren't eating for another hour or two. Dallas had lunch over here. They say they are trying to fatten up Dallas so he will be more appealing to the college football recruiters. I told Alex to watch it though since he'll probably fatten up faster than Dallas will.
On that note-EHS won again over Mountain View. BYU and BSU didn't play this week. Sorry I don't keep up with the pros.
At the EHS game Alex and his friends had a lifesize cardboard stand of Barrack Obama, the Democratic candidate, and they put an EHS shirt on him and ran through the stands. The students loved it, the parents tolerated it. One parent even threw a Sprite can at Obama. Several people came up and wanted their pictures taken with him. Here's a picture from the Statesman and you can see Alex in the bottom corner.
The political arena should heat up this next month, lots of good mudslinging coming our way I'm sure. I hate that part of politics. Let me know if you want an absentee ballot.
I went to the Eagle 2nd ward this morning to hear Madison Flake give his homecoming report. He looked great, a little on the thin side ( lots of walking I guess) and he sounded much wiser from all his experiences of the last two years. His testimony was strong and he shared many experiences. He also told about the things he learned from his investigators. I think we can always learn lessons from the people we come in contact with. It's just figuring out what that lesson is that might be the hard part. Madison said to say hi and wanted to know what you were up to. His mom has been the one who has coordinated the Eagle missionary newsletter, but now Mitch's mom is going to take over. She's going to try to include pictures too. So if you ever have any pictures you'd like me to put into the newsletter, just let me know. At the sacrament mtg, I saw Anderson's parents, McKell's, Frames, Jared Gooch, Goodwins and Shaws. There were quite a few young ladies there (of course). Wish I knew their names. The only ones I knew were Megan Guersten and Tiffany Shaw.
How was your week? Sounds like your zone is really doing well. The numbers that you cited last week, are those from one week's work or one month? Either way, they were impressive numbers. Sounds like the companionships are working well together. Did Juan Barrosa end up getting married and baptized? I hope you're taking plenty of pictures even though we don't see many from you.
It's great to hear that Elder Nelson is coming to your mission. Always a treat. We had General Women's Conference last night and it was wonderful. Elder Uchtdorf spoke and he was funny and so relevant. He talked to the women about being creative and how that is our gift. He said creating was just making something good where it didn't exist previously. Even something as simple as making someone smile who hadn't been smiling previously is creating something. He was very motivating and I was equally impressed with Sis. Beck's talk as well as Sis. Thompson's talk. Even though I was in my room watching it on KBYU all by myself, I felt the spirit so strongly. It never ceases to amaze me how many times the spirit will bear witness to me of Christ's divinity and the great majesty of His church here on the earth. It's truly a tender mercy of the Lord to be able to have those feelings so often throughout life if we are in the right place at the right time with the right people.
This past week we celebrated Nikki's birthday yet another time. This time actually on her birthday-Sept. 24th. She opened the presents from us when she got home from school. I sent brownies in to her class which she said they just loved and wanted more.
Alex is hounding us to put a radio in the Mustang. It needs to be drip proofed first. We need to get it ready for winter driving, so I may get it fixed so water doesn't drip into the car, then we can put a radio in it.
Kristina is turning into a teenager right before my eyes. She loves middle school, socializing, organizing parties here at our house, and I can tell she even has crushes on some of the young men. I'm not sure I like this, but I know it has to happen. But she's still so good about playing with the little girls. Right now they are playing with the walkie talkies (I just thought of Brian Regan's joke about those ha ha). I hope she never feels too old to play with Leah and Nikki. They just love her and she's a wonderful role model for them.
Leah is doing better in school. I still work with her at least an hour a day 4 days a week with this Learning Technics program. I can actually see some differences in her abilities so I'm happy about that. She's not so crazy about piano lessons (already!) but I hope she'll stick with it. Right now it's a bit of a battle. She loves art and is in an after school class each week which she loves. Her school teacher Mrs. Wheadon is absolutely wonderful, quite an amazing teacher and I'm so happy Leah has her.
Nikki is growing taller by the minute. I think within a year or two she will be taller than Leah. People get the two of them mixed up all the time (can't quite see why, but they don't live with them). Nikki's developed quite a vibrato when she sings now and it's fun to sit by her in church. She's still so funny and has some quick comebacks. She still has very tender feelings which can produce crocodile tears that melt me. She loves talking about spiritual things and has some very insightful observations. I'm constantly amazed at what she understands about the gospel. I think this is knowledge she came to earth with.
Well, I better get making dinner. We're having taco salad. I need to use as many tomatoes as I can since our garden is overflowing with them. I'm still making fresh salsa every 3 days. If I could send you a peach from our peach tree, I would. They are sooooo delicious and we've been giving dozens away. Last family night we peeled and cut them into slices and froze them so I can make jam later on.
The family is all well. Axel should be getting his release date soon. Grandpa Trumbo is still inventing things. He made a stage that rises from the floor for Steve's business (Noah's) and will be coming up to Utah next week to work out some kinks.
We are going to Rexburg this Thursday for the weekend and will be going to Yellowstone for a day too with Kirk and Rachel and also Mary. We will watch general conference in Rexburg. I hope you get to see a lot of the sessions. I'm looking forward to it.
Alex and Dallas just showed up and they are still hungry. I guess they only had muffins at the Yorgason's, so they are now really looking forward to taco salad. Have a great week, Sean. I think of you all the time and I'm so grateful we get to hear from you each week.
Be true.
Love you,
Dear Elder Sean,
I thought I'd actually write you a little early today since I have a few quiet moments. I just finished having a cub meeting here and we've planned the next few months. Alex went to Mitch Bruneel's farewell after church today and when he got home he turned around and went to BYC and now he's over at Dallas's hoping to find a meal since we aren't eating for another hour or two. Dallas had lunch over here. They say they are trying to fatten up Dallas so he will be more appealing to the college football recruiters. I told Alex to watch it though since he'll probably fatten up faster than Dallas will.
On that note-EHS won again over Mountain View. BYU and BSU didn't play this week. Sorry I don't keep up with the pros.
At the EHS game Alex and his friends had a lifesize cardboard stand of Barrack Obama, the Democratic candidate, and they put an EHS shirt on him and ran through the stands. The students loved it, the parents tolerated it. One parent even threw a Sprite can at Obama. Several people came up and wanted their pictures taken with him. Here's a picture from the Statesman and you can see Alex in the bottom corner.
The political arena should heat up this next month, lots of good mudslinging coming our way I'm sure. I hate that part of politics. Let me know if you want an absentee ballot.
I went to the Eagle 2nd ward this morning to hear Madison Flake give his homecoming report. He looked great, a little on the thin side ( lots of walking I guess) and he sounded much wiser from all his experiences of the last two years. His testimony was strong and he shared many experiences. He also told about the things he learned from his investigators. I think we can always learn lessons from the people we come in contact with. It's just figuring out what that lesson is that might be the hard part. Madison said to say hi and wanted to know what you were up to. His mom has been the one who has coordinated the Eagle missionary newsletter, but now Mitch's mom is going to take over. She's going to try to include pictures too. So if you ever have any pictures you'd like me to put into the newsletter, just let me know. At the sacrament mtg, I saw Anderson's parents, McKell's, Frames, Jared Gooch, Goodwins and Shaws. There were quite a few young ladies there (of course). Wish I knew their names. The only ones I knew were Megan Guersten and Tiffany Shaw.
How was your week? Sounds like your zone is really doing well. The numbers that you cited last week, are those from one week's work or one month? Either way, they were impressive numbers. Sounds like the companionships are working well together. Did Juan Barrosa end up getting married and baptized? I hope you're taking plenty of pictures even though we don't see many from you.
It's great to hear that Elder Nelson is coming to your mission. Always a treat. We had General Women's Conference last night and it was wonderful. Elder Uchtdorf spoke and he was funny and so relevant. He talked to the women about being creative and how that is our gift. He said creating was just making something good where it didn't exist previously. Even something as simple as making someone smile who hadn't been smiling previously is creating something. He was very motivating and I was equally impressed with Sis. Beck's talk as well as Sis. Thompson's talk. Even though I was in my room watching it on KBYU all by myself, I felt the spirit so strongly. It never ceases to amaze me how many times the spirit will bear witness to me of Christ's divinity and the great majesty of His church here on the earth. It's truly a tender mercy of the Lord to be able to have those feelings so often throughout life if we are in the right place at the right time with the right people.
This past week we celebrated Nikki's birthday yet another time. This time actually on her birthday-Sept. 24th. She opened the presents from us when she got home from school. I sent brownies in to her class which she said they just loved and wanted more.
Alex is hounding us to put a radio in the Mustang. It needs to be drip proofed first. We need to get it ready for winter driving, so I may get it fixed so water doesn't drip into the car, then we can put a radio in it.
Kristina is turning into a teenager right before my eyes. She loves middle school, socializing, organizing parties here at our house, and I can tell she even has crushes on some of the young men. I'm not sure I like this, but I know it has to happen. But she's still so good about playing with the little girls. Right now they are playing with the walkie talkies (I just thought of Brian Regan's joke about those ha ha). I hope she never feels too old to play with Leah and Nikki. They just love her and she's a wonderful role model for them.
Leah is doing better in school. I still work with her at least an hour a day 4 days a week with this Learning Technics program. I can actually see some differences in her abilities so I'm happy about that. She's not so crazy about piano lessons (already!) but I hope she'll stick with it. Right now it's a bit of a battle. She loves art and is in an after school class each week which she loves. Her school teacher Mrs. Wheadon is absolutely wonderful, quite an amazing teacher and I'm so happy Leah has her.
Nikki is growing taller by the minute. I think within a year or two she will be taller than Leah. People get the two of them mixed up all the time (can't quite see why, but they don't live with them). Nikki's developed quite a vibrato when she sings now and it's fun to sit by her in church. She's still so funny and has some quick comebacks. She still has very tender feelings which can produce crocodile tears that melt me. She loves talking about spiritual things and has some very insightful observations. I'm constantly amazed at what she understands about the gospel. I think this is knowledge she came to earth with.
Well, I better get making dinner. We're having taco salad. I need to use as many tomatoes as I can since our garden is overflowing with them. I'm still making fresh salsa every 3 days. If I could send you a peach from our peach tree, I would. They are sooooo delicious and we've been giving dozens away. Last family night we peeled and cut them into slices and froze them so I can make jam later on.
The family is all well. Axel should be getting his release date soon. Grandpa Trumbo is still inventing things. He made a stage that rises from the floor for Steve's business (Noah's) and will be coming up to Utah next week to work out some kinks.
We are going to Rexburg this Thursday for the weekend and will be going to Yellowstone for a day too with Kirk and Rachel and also Mary. We will watch general conference in Rexburg. I hope you get to see a lot of the sessions. I'm looking forward to it.
Alex and Dallas just showed up and they are still hungry. I guess they only had muffins at the Yorgason's, so they are now really looking forward to taco salad. Have a great week, Sean. I think of you all the time and I'm so grateful we get to hear from you each week.
Be true.
Love you,
21 Sep 2008
Sept. 21, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
Well, we survived Nikki's 7th birthday party (her actual birthday is Sept. 24th). She ended up with 5 friends here. It poured rain the whole night before and into the morning of the party, so we had to change our plans of going to a park and we just ended up having it here at the house. Our basement, of course, has a plethora of activities so it worked out just fine and everyone had fun. Nikki said she could hardly sleep the night before. I made a chocolate bundt cake and we had pizza. Our new favorite pizza is the bbq ranch chicken pizza from Winco. So that's the one Nikki wanted and Alex was our pizza delivery guy. It's so nice having him driving. We played some games, but mostly the girls just played with the dress up stuff and we took their pictures. I'll send a few after I finish writing.
How are things going in your zone? Did you meet your standard of excellence? Being out in the mission field again compared to being in the office must be a bit of a culture shock. You said you were working on obedience as a zone. Is that a problem there? You can see why they had to "raise the bar", but I know there's still problems. How's Pres. Olsen doing these days. You mentioned earlier that he had a lot on his plate and could use some prayers. Faithful and obedient elders are probably some of his best answers to prayers.
Money wise-I'm trying to check on your account regularly so that you have enough and more for any needs you might have or package debts, so don't worry. You've been very frugal on your mission and I really appreciate that.
Kirk called earlier this evening and is doing well. He and Rachel are still doing well and dating. The story could change every week, but for now that's the standing. He says he really feels good about taking it slowly and I know he's praying about it. These are big decisions after your mission and I can remember feeling the weight of the decisions, but it's also a very fun time of life, choosing your vocation, choosing your mate, etc. He's a coach for one of the volleyball teams there now and is looking forward to the season. He's also gotten back into swimming trying to stay in shape.
Alex is over at Yorgason's studying the scriptures and also planning for Homecoming. His date answered him by announcing it over the morning announcements at school. One plan he's thinking about is having a dinner here on our back porch, so we'll see what they come up with.
Dad said in his stake meeting this morning they announced they were going to be doing Dance Festival next May for the youth. I wish Kristina was old enough. Maybe they'll do it again when she's in Young Women. She just misses the deadline. But Alex should have fun with it. He loves dancing and going to dances.
We've been keeping up with the Wright's from our ward on their mission to South Africa. Remember they're on a church security mission and their mission encompasses the whole southeastern coast of Africa. They have a blog and so it's easy to access and see pictures and stories from their mission. I love modern technology. They sound great despite Sis. Wright having to eat strange and exotic foods which she has a real aversion to.
I didn't realize that Elder Christofferson had served a mission in your area. That's amazing that you've met people he taught. Some day a young elder will meet people you have taught too.
We had the sister missionaries over for dinner last night. The sister from Samoa, Sister Aleki, was funny when I asked her if there was anything she didn't like. She said tomatoes. Then I asked her if there was something she would like and she immediately said, chicken, fried chicken. I asked her if she ate the entire chicken including the bones and she said yes, we always eat the bones in Samoa. (Remember when Leah did that-quite a shocker!) The girls absolutely love her and cling to her wherever she is. She taught them some Samoan words and then she said the prayer in Samoan. Her village is very, very close to their village (in fact their village is part of her ward) and it's been so interesting to hear her stories. I probably love it more than the girls. Sister Aleki said she would like to keep in contact and that when she gets ready to leave her mission she's going to call me and I'll get her email address so we can keep in contact. She said when we go to Samoa that she would like to be there with us. I would love having her there since she speaks both English and Samoan. She keeps saying how lucky the little girls are to be here and she's always telling them to go on a mission like her. She said when she opened her mission letter she laughed because she didn't even know where Boise Idaho was in the world and her mom was sad that she wasn't staying in Samoa for her mission. But her brother had served in California and he told her where Idaho was and told her it would be great and that she would be eating potatoes all the time. She was worried about that. She says she never hears from her family because they don't have computers and don't even write letters. But she emails her brother who now is married and living in California. She took a picture of herself with the girls and is going to send it back home. I don't know what's going to happen here with this new contact in Samoa but I feel very calm about it and feel almost like Sister Aleki is family and I love it.
The girls just finished watching Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat with Donny Osmond. They liked it so much the first time, that they watched it again tonight. We used to have it on VHS but got rid of it, so I saw it the other day on DVD and bought it. I remember how much you guys liked it when you were young and thought the girls would like it. They'll be singing the songs all week now. Dad just put them to bed. He sends his love.
Here are some missionary tips from my little book before I close:
1. Have district/zone breakfasts on P-day.
2. Encourage young people to serve missions.
3. Encourage older couples to serve missions.
4. When you have one year left, serve like you have only one month left. When you have one month left, live it like you still have a year.
5. Read Nephi's Psalm in 2 Nephi 4:15-35
6. Write your family weekly, not weakly. (you don't have a problem with that one :)
7. Have new members write a letter to your family.
8. Play "Name That tune with church hymns in district meetings.
9. Make dinner for an investigator using foods and recipes from home.
10. Make use of every restroom opportunity. You never know when you'll find another one.
Have a week of hope and joy and charity. Remember each morning that I've prayed for you that day.
I love you,
ps we still can't see any map that shows the names of where you are. We can't see a Parque Capital on any map. Just give a general area within Cordoba-North,South, East or West, etc.
Dear Elder Sean,
Well, we survived Nikki's 7th birthday party (her actual birthday is Sept. 24th). She ended up with 5 friends here. It poured rain the whole night before and into the morning of the party, so we had to change our plans of going to a park and we just ended up having it here at the house. Our basement, of course, has a plethora of activities so it worked out just fine and everyone had fun. Nikki said she could hardly sleep the night before. I made a chocolate bundt cake and we had pizza. Our new favorite pizza is the bbq ranch chicken pizza from Winco. So that's the one Nikki wanted and Alex was our pizza delivery guy. It's so nice having him driving. We played some games, but mostly the girls just played with the dress up stuff and we took their pictures. I'll send a few after I finish writing.
How are things going in your zone? Did you meet your standard of excellence? Being out in the mission field again compared to being in the office must be a bit of a culture shock. You said you were working on obedience as a zone. Is that a problem there? You can see why they had to "raise the bar", but I know there's still problems. How's Pres. Olsen doing these days. You mentioned earlier that he had a lot on his plate and could use some prayers. Faithful and obedient elders are probably some of his best answers to prayers.
Money wise-I'm trying to check on your account regularly so that you have enough and more for any needs you might have or package debts, so don't worry. You've been very frugal on your mission and I really appreciate that.
Kirk called earlier this evening and is doing well. He and Rachel are still doing well and dating. The story could change every week, but for now that's the standing. He says he really feels good about taking it slowly and I know he's praying about it. These are big decisions after your mission and I can remember feeling the weight of the decisions, but it's also a very fun time of life, choosing your vocation, choosing your mate, etc. He's a coach for one of the volleyball teams there now and is looking forward to the season. He's also gotten back into swimming trying to stay in shape.
Alex is over at Yorgason's studying the scriptures and also planning for Homecoming. His date answered him by announcing it over the morning announcements at school. One plan he's thinking about is having a dinner here on our back porch, so we'll see what they come up with.
Dad said in his stake meeting this morning they announced they were going to be doing Dance Festival next May for the youth. I wish Kristina was old enough. Maybe they'll do it again when she's in Young Women. She just misses the deadline. But Alex should have fun with it. He loves dancing and going to dances.
We've been keeping up with the Wright's from our ward on their mission to South Africa. Remember they're on a church security mission and their mission encompasses the whole southeastern coast of Africa. They have a blog and so it's easy to access and see pictures and stories from their mission. I love modern technology. They sound great despite Sis. Wright having to eat strange and exotic foods which she has a real aversion to.
I didn't realize that Elder Christofferson had served a mission in your area. That's amazing that you've met people he taught. Some day a young elder will meet people you have taught too.
We had the sister missionaries over for dinner last night. The sister from Samoa, Sister Aleki, was funny when I asked her if there was anything she didn't like. She said tomatoes. Then I asked her if there was something she would like and she immediately said, chicken, fried chicken. I asked her if she ate the entire chicken including the bones and she said yes, we always eat the bones in Samoa. (Remember when Leah did that-quite a shocker!) The girls absolutely love her and cling to her wherever she is. She taught them some Samoan words and then she said the prayer in Samoan. Her village is very, very close to their village (in fact their village is part of her ward) and it's been so interesting to hear her stories. I probably love it more than the girls. Sister Aleki said she would like to keep in contact and that when she gets ready to leave her mission she's going to call me and I'll get her email address so we can keep in contact. She said when we go to Samoa that she would like to be there with us. I would love having her there since she speaks both English and Samoan. She keeps saying how lucky the little girls are to be here and she's always telling them to go on a mission like her. She said when she opened her mission letter she laughed because she didn't even know where Boise Idaho was in the world and her mom was sad that she wasn't staying in Samoa for her mission. But her brother had served in California and he told her where Idaho was and told her it would be great and that she would be eating potatoes all the time. She was worried about that. She says she never hears from her family because they don't have computers and don't even write letters. But she emails her brother who now is married and living in California. She took a picture of herself with the girls and is going to send it back home. I don't know what's going to happen here with this new contact in Samoa but I feel very calm about it and feel almost like Sister Aleki is family and I love it.
The girls just finished watching Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat with Donny Osmond. They liked it so much the first time, that they watched it again tonight. We used to have it on VHS but got rid of it, so I saw it the other day on DVD and bought it. I remember how much you guys liked it when you were young and thought the girls would like it. They'll be singing the songs all week now. Dad just put them to bed. He sends his love.
Here are some missionary tips from my little book before I close:
1. Have district/zone breakfasts on P-day.
2. Encourage young people to serve missions.
3. Encourage older couples to serve missions.
4. When you have one year left, serve like you have only one month left. When you have one month left, live it like you still have a year.
5. Read Nephi's Psalm in 2 Nephi 4:15-35
6. Write your family weekly, not weakly. (you don't have a problem with that one :)
7. Have new members write a letter to your family.
8. Play "Name That tune with church hymns in district meetings.
9. Make dinner for an investigator using foods and recipes from home.
10. Make use of every restroom opportunity. You never know when you'll find another one.
Have a week of hope and joy and charity. Remember each morning that I've prayed for you that day.
I love you,
ps we still can't see any map that shows the names of where you are. We can't see a Parque Capital on any map. Just give a general area within Cordoba-North,South, East or West, etc.
16 Sep 2007
Sept 16, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,
The days are going by both quickly and slowly as we approach our time to go and pick up Kirk. I feel like there's so much to get done around the house, getting ready not only for Kirk, but for those who will be staying here at the house while we're gone and for those who will be coming to see Kirk when we get back. Excitement is in the air and it's also very bittersweet having him return. I love having my boys out on missions. The feelings and the blessings are incredible. I love your letters each week and my anticipation for them never diminishes. Kirk's mission I'm sure is different in many ways from yours, a different set of challenges, but all in all it's similar since you are both hunters and fishers of men whom the Lord has prepared. You and Kirk are very different, yet the knowledge you both have of the truthfulness of the gospel is the same and you have the same eternal goals in life. It's the same thing that I feel and know and it means everything to me. Keep up the this Thompson tradition.
Last Monday was Grandpa Trumbo's 78th birthday. He said they threw him a party at Susan's and actually placed all 78 lit candles on the cake. He said it was a bonfire. I'm looking forward to them coming here next week.
The girls and I were busy tonight making tons of zucchini bread. Since we planted our garden so late this year, we are just now getting the zucchini and when it comes on, there's usually plenty. So we took loaves around to some people in our neighborhood and ward. Then when we got home we found out the Kent's had dropped off some banana bread as a thank you to dad for getting this little plastic thing out of Chandler's ear. They actually had to go to dad's ER just to get it out because it was so wedged in there. So now we have sweet breads a-plenty.
Church was good. Nikki gave a talk in Primary and did an excellent job. She had almost the whole thing memorized. She's a little whippersnapper (to use some ancient vernacular). The other day she declared to us in the car that since it was the month of her birthday that she ought to be able to choose wherever we go out to eat. She knows how to work the system.
Saturday Alex had his MEN all day choir practice with a concert at the end. It was good. You can tell Mr. McMullen has fun with his MEN's group. Tonight Alex registered for the ACT. I warned him about how many questions you have to answer just to get to register. He wasn't happy about that but managed to make it all the way through.
The night before dad and I went to a primary board mtg/party at the Pinder's. Randy is the game master. In fact, he has a website I never even knew that. Google pays him each month. I wish I'd thought of that. l love games. Anyway, he tried out a lot of games on us and I loved them. You would have been so proud of dad and I. We got split into groups of 4 for a Name That Tune game. Randy had a playlist on his iPod that he used for the game. They were for the most part popular songs, 70's, 80's and a little 90's. Every time dad and I would shout out an answer, everyone would say, Bishop, I can't believe you know that song. In the end we both shouted out the correct answer to the final question and got the win for our team. Randy played only about 2 notes from a song and I immediately shouted out The Monkeys and dad then shouted out the name of their song. No one could believe we knew it with only 2 notes. I had a lot of fun playing the games, you know how I am about games. Love em.
It's crazy to hear you talk about how hot it is now. Seems like you skipped a season there. We're in the 70's and low 80's now. My favorite time of year. I can't believe you guys don't have AC. How do you do it? I guess you must have to acclimate. Do you guys use cell phones there? Just wondering how you communicate with your ZL's and Pres, etc.
Have you gotten our latest pkg? Hopefully you got a few of the things you were hoping for. Let me know. You haven't mentioned how your Spanish is coming along--how are you doing with it? Are you feeling pretty comfortable or still struggling now and then?
Dad just called from work, his last shift before our trip. He's put in so many shifts already this month in order to take off time. I know he's going to love being off for a while. He said to tell you he loves you and will be writing you from the DR. We're taking the laptop on the trip so we can keep in touch with everyone. So next week we'll be writing from Puerta Plata on the northern coast of the DR.
How has your teaching been this week? About how many lesson appointments do you have on average a week? I know you've really stepped up your contacts with people, but I was just curious about how many of those contacts turn into lessons in the home. I know it feels frustrating to have people letting their commitments slip through, but that's even a problem in the states. Even when people are baptized, they still don't always follow through with word into action. They accept callings but somehow don't ever feel a strong level of commitment to what they've just accepted. I don't know how you instill that in a person, but I know I got it from watching my own parents, so example is a powerful teacher. I still find myself learning so much from other's examples. So it's all in who you surround yourself with. Testimony and commitment beget testimony and commitment. I truly commend the pioneers in any nation who start the trend. It's a tough beginning road. Just love the people for who they are now and help them become surrounded by people whose examples will naturally lift them up one rung at a time.
Alex said that Tyler called tonight (since Alex has your old phone) and was going to drop by, but he didn't ever show up. It would be nice to visit with him again so I hope he stops by soon. I'll write him and at least tell him when Kirk's homecoming is so maybe he'll come to that.
I hope you are doing well and enjoying the work. It must be about transfer time again since Kirk is having his last transfer this week. Have a great week.
Que tengas un bien día!!
Love you,
Dear Elder Sean,
The days are going by both quickly and slowly as we approach our time to go and pick up Kirk. I feel like there's so much to get done around the house, getting ready not only for Kirk, but for those who will be staying here at the house while we're gone and for those who will be coming to see Kirk when we get back. Excitement is in the air and it's also very bittersweet having him return. I love having my boys out on missions. The feelings and the blessings are incredible. I love your letters each week and my anticipation for them never diminishes. Kirk's mission I'm sure is different in many ways from yours, a different set of challenges, but all in all it's similar since you are both hunters and fishers of men whom the Lord has prepared. You and Kirk are very different, yet the knowledge you both have of the truthfulness of the gospel is the same and you have the same eternal goals in life. It's the same thing that I feel and know and it means everything to me. Keep up the this Thompson tradition.
Last Monday was Grandpa Trumbo's 78th birthday. He said they threw him a party at Susan's and actually placed all 78 lit candles on the cake. He said it was a bonfire. I'm looking forward to them coming here next week.
The girls and I were busy tonight making tons of zucchini bread. Since we planted our garden so late this year, we are just now getting the zucchini and when it comes on, there's usually plenty. So we took loaves around to some people in our neighborhood and ward. Then when we got home we found out the Kent's had dropped off some banana bread as a thank you to dad for getting this little plastic thing out of Chandler's ear. They actually had to go to dad's ER just to get it out because it was so wedged in there. So now we have sweet breads a-plenty.
Church was good. Nikki gave a talk in Primary and did an excellent job. She had almost the whole thing memorized. She's a little whippersnapper (to use some ancient vernacular). The other day she declared to us in the car that since it was the month of her birthday that she ought to be able to choose wherever we go out to eat. She knows how to work the system.
Saturday Alex had his MEN all day choir practice with a concert at the end. It was good. You can tell Mr. McMullen has fun with his MEN's group. Tonight Alex registered for the ACT. I warned him about how many questions you have to answer just to get to register. He wasn't happy about that but managed to make it all the way through.
The night before dad and I went to a primary board mtg/party at the Pinder's. Randy is the game master. In fact, he has a website I never even knew that. Google pays him each month. I wish I'd thought of that. l love games. Anyway, he tried out a lot of games on us and I loved them. You would have been so proud of dad and I. We got split into groups of 4 for a Name That Tune game. Randy had a playlist on his iPod that he used for the game. They were for the most part popular songs, 70's, 80's and a little 90's. Every time dad and I would shout out an answer, everyone would say, Bishop, I can't believe you know that song. In the end we both shouted out the correct answer to the final question and got the win for our team. Randy played only about 2 notes from a song and I immediately shouted out The Monkeys and dad then shouted out the name of their song. No one could believe we knew it with only 2 notes. I had a lot of fun playing the games, you know how I am about games. Love em.
It's crazy to hear you talk about how hot it is now. Seems like you skipped a season there. We're in the 70's and low 80's now. My favorite time of year. I can't believe you guys don't have AC. How do you do it? I guess you must have to acclimate. Do you guys use cell phones there? Just wondering how you communicate with your ZL's and Pres, etc.
Have you gotten our latest pkg? Hopefully you got a few of the things you were hoping for. Let me know. You haven't mentioned how your Spanish is coming along--how are you doing with it? Are you feeling pretty comfortable or still struggling now and then?
Dad just called from work, his last shift before our trip. He's put in so many shifts already this month in order to take off time. I know he's going to love being off for a while. He said to tell you he loves you and will be writing you from the DR. We're taking the laptop on the trip so we can keep in touch with everyone. So next week we'll be writing from Puerta Plata on the northern coast of the DR.
How has your teaching been this week? About how many lesson appointments do you have on average a week? I know you've really stepped up your contacts with people, but I was just curious about how many of those contacts turn into lessons in the home. I know it feels frustrating to have people letting their commitments slip through, but that's even a problem in the states. Even when people are baptized, they still don't always follow through with word into action. They accept callings but somehow don't ever feel a strong level of commitment to what they've just accepted. I don't know how you instill that in a person, but I know I got it from watching my own parents, so example is a powerful teacher. I still find myself learning so much from other's examples. So it's all in who you surround yourself with. Testimony and commitment beget testimony and commitment. I truly commend the pioneers in any nation who start the trend. It's a tough beginning road. Just love the people for who they are now and help them become surrounded by people whose examples will naturally lift them up one rung at a time.
Alex said that Tyler called tonight (since Alex has your old phone) and was going to drop by, but he didn't ever show up. It would be nice to visit with him again so I hope he stops by soon. I'll write him and at least tell him when Kirk's homecoming is so maybe he'll come to that.
I hope you are doing well and enjoying the work. It must be about transfer time again since Kirk is having his last transfer this week. Have a great week.
Que tengas un bien día!!
Love you,
14 Sep 2008
Sept. 14, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
How are you doing this week? I hope you are acclimating well to your new area and enjoying your new responsibilities. We've tried to find your area on our map, but with no success so any other landmarks would be helpful. Are you still in Cordoba proper? Maybe that's where we're getting confused.
I've had a few correspondences back and forth with Hma Lucas this week. I'm totally enjoying being able to write in English and express myself in a more comfortable manner. I sent her a pdf of a choral arrangement for Be Still My Soul. I also got another arrangement (6 copies) that I put into your last box. If you can get it to her, that's great. If not, don't worry about it. She said she wasn't sure if they were still going to perform it since you got transferred. So are you out of their stake now too? she spoke very fondly of you and they miss you very much.
Big news from the family this week. Tyler got his mission call and is reporting to the Santiago West Chile mission on Nov. 16th. He's very excited and Allen can hardly contain his emotions. Allen is so proud of Tyler and his accomplishments and can't wait for him to experience the mission. Trevor has become very ambivalent about a mission and it's been very sad to see. He has a girlfriend (actually a very nice member girl) and can't seem to see straight right now.
Once again tonight I've enjoyed reaping what we've sewn in the garden this year. I've been making batches of fresh salsa just about every 3 days. It tastes soooo good. My new thing this year is to add black beans to it which makes it even better.
We had a great day at church. Travis Hugentobler's talk was wonderful, humble and very enlightening. He spoke of his personal experiences, trials and challenges, on a mission and what he learned personally. He very humbly spoke of how although he was obedient his entire mission, his attitude and therefore motivation for the work suffered much of the time. He felt he wasn't very effective as a zone leader because he was just enjoying the perks of the calling instead of getting immersed in the spirit of the calling. He didn't learn his greatest lessons until he was placed with a companion who was very unwillingly serving his mission. You can tell it was a great trial for Travis to be with him, but at one meeting he attended where a general authority spoke about having the right attitude for the work that was being done and how only then could the Lord work most effectively through them, that he had an epiphany and decided to change right there and then. Unbeknownst to him his comp made the same decision and that very night when they went out to work, he said they had the most effective, successful night of his entire mission. He said he was a changed elder from that point on. The lesson he learned was so powerful that he had to share what he had learned to all of us. I was really moved by his words and his spirit.
After church the Hugentobler's invited us over to their house for dinner. Jodie said we are like their family here in Idaho and wanted us to be with them. We had bread bowls of soup and it was delicious. It was fun being there with them and sharing in this fun reunion. Travis is thinking of working where Kirk did after he got home from his mission for Bro. Jensen. Then he's going to BYU-I in January. It's hard to believe that it will be one year since we went to pick up Kirk.
Speaking of Kirk. He called today and said he'd had a fun weekend. Sounds like he had another talk with Rachel and they're going to keep on dating but just take it much slower. I'm not sure what that means. Some kind of dating lingo. I can tell Kirk really likes her so I hope it turns out to be a good experience for him.
We went to the air show at Mountain Home yesterday and I loved it. I guess I'm kind of an air show groupee. I just love going and hearing the roar of the F-4's and watching the stunt pilots.
Football reports from the weekend: BYU 59 UCLA 0 (this was UCLA's biggest loss since 1929!!) BSU 20 Bowling Green 7, EHS 32 Meridian 21. We went to the EHS game and watched the BSU game on TV. EHS has yet another new band director. So far the kids say they like him, but the band size is truly suffering for whatever happened last year. Unclear on that story.
Leah is plugging along with her piano lessons. When I hear kids just starting out on the piano, it's hard to imagine them ever playing like you one day! It's almost painful listening to the practicing. But she likes me to play the little duets that come along with her lessons. Hey, maybe she'll be the one who will actually play a duet with me one day ;)
Nikki's fever pitch is rising as her birthday gets closer. She's having a friend birthday this year and can't wait. She gets to invite seven 7 year olds.
Kristina is in Middle School heaven, loving every day and even going to their football games. I've got more projects on my to-do list than I can count, but that's the way I love it. Stickies dot the cupboard walls with all my to-do's and my quilt room now includes all kind of mandolin music on my counters.
Dad managed to take out a dead tree this week (the big one in front of my quilt room window), dug a new hole, dragged a huge new tree behind the truck, and with the help of Alex, Devon (Alex's new friend from Georgia), our new neighbor Jeff Adcock and myself, we got the tree into the ground in the right position. This is a huge feat. It's a Sweet Gum tree and should have nice color for the fall.
How is your new ward? Is it big or little? What are the ward's strengths and weaknesses? Can't wait to hear your stories.
I hope you are finding those who have been prepared to hear what you have to share. They are out there and the Lord won't let them down. Stay in tune with the spirit, be humble and teachable and love these new brothers and sisters the way you loved in the past. People will always respect sincerity.
You're in my prayers and in my heart.
Love you,
Dear Elder Sean,
How are you doing this week? I hope you are acclimating well to your new area and enjoying your new responsibilities. We've tried to find your area on our map, but with no success so any other landmarks would be helpful. Are you still in Cordoba proper? Maybe that's where we're getting confused.
I've had a few correspondences back and forth with Hma Lucas this week. I'm totally enjoying being able to write in English and express myself in a more comfortable manner. I sent her a pdf of a choral arrangement for Be Still My Soul. I also got another arrangement (6 copies) that I put into your last box. If you can get it to her, that's great. If not, don't worry about it. She said she wasn't sure if they were still going to perform it since you got transferred. So are you out of their stake now too? she spoke very fondly of you and they miss you very much.
Big news from the family this week. Tyler got his mission call and is reporting to the Santiago West Chile mission on Nov. 16th. He's very excited and Allen can hardly contain his emotions. Allen is so proud of Tyler and his accomplishments and can't wait for him to experience the mission. Trevor has become very ambivalent about a mission and it's been very sad to see. He has a girlfriend (actually a very nice member girl) and can't seem to see straight right now.
Once again tonight I've enjoyed reaping what we've sewn in the garden this year. I've been making batches of fresh salsa just about every 3 days. It tastes soooo good. My new thing this year is to add black beans to it which makes it even better.
We had a great day at church. Travis Hugentobler's talk was wonderful, humble and very enlightening. He spoke of his personal experiences, trials and challenges, on a mission and what he learned personally. He very humbly spoke of how although he was obedient his entire mission, his attitude and therefore motivation for the work suffered much of the time. He felt he wasn't very effective as a zone leader because he was just enjoying the perks of the calling instead of getting immersed in the spirit of the calling. He didn't learn his greatest lessons until he was placed with a companion who was very unwillingly serving his mission. You can tell it was a great trial for Travis to be with him, but at one meeting he attended where a general authority spoke about having the right attitude for the work that was being done and how only then could the Lord work most effectively through them, that he had an epiphany and decided to change right there and then. Unbeknownst to him his comp made the same decision and that very night when they went out to work, he said they had the most effective, successful night of his entire mission. He said he was a changed elder from that point on. The lesson he learned was so powerful that he had to share what he had learned to all of us. I was really moved by his words and his spirit.
After church the Hugentobler's invited us over to their house for dinner. Jodie said we are like their family here in Idaho and wanted us to be with them. We had bread bowls of soup and it was delicious. It was fun being there with them and sharing in this fun reunion. Travis is thinking of working where Kirk did after he got home from his mission for Bro. Jensen. Then he's going to BYU-I in January. It's hard to believe that it will be one year since we went to pick up Kirk.
Speaking of Kirk. He called today and said he'd had a fun weekend. Sounds like he had another talk with Rachel and they're going to keep on dating but just take it much slower. I'm not sure what that means. Some kind of dating lingo. I can tell Kirk really likes her so I hope it turns out to be a good experience for him.
We went to the air show at Mountain Home yesterday and I loved it. I guess I'm kind of an air show groupee. I just love going and hearing the roar of the F-4's and watching the stunt pilots.
Football reports from the weekend: BYU 59 UCLA 0 (this was UCLA's biggest loss since 1929!!) BSU 20 Bowling Green 7, EHS 32 Meridian 21. We went to the EHS game and watched the BSU game on TV. EHS has yet another new band director. So far the kids say they like him, but the band size is truly suffering for whatever happened last year. Unclear on that story.
Leah is plugging along with her piano lessons. When I hear kids just starting out on the piano, it's hard to imagine them ever playing like you one day! It's almost painful listening to the practicing. But she likes me to play the little duets that come along with her lessons. Hey, maybe she'll be the one who will actually play a duet with me one day ;)
Nikki's fever pitch is rising as her birthday gets closer. She's having a friend birthday this year and can't wait. She gets to invite seven 7 year olds.
Kristina is in Middle School heaven, loving every day and even going to their football games. I've got more projects on my to-do list than I can count, but that's the way I love it. Stickies dot the cupboard walls with all my to-do's and my quilt room now includes all kind of mandolin music on my counters.
Dad managed to take out a dead tree this week (the big one in front of my quilt room window), dug a new hole, dragged a huge new tree behind the truck, and with the help of Alex, Devon (Alex's new friend from Georgia), our new neighbor Jeff Adcock and myself, we got the tree into the ground in the right position. This is a huge feat. It's a Sweet Gum tree and should have nice color for the fall.
How is your new ward? Is it big or little? What are the ward's strengths and weaknesses? Can't wait to hear your stories.
I hope you are finding those who have been prepared to hear what you have to share. They are out there and the Lord won't let them down. Stay in tune with the spirit, be humble and teachable and love these new brothers and sisters the way you loved in the past. People will always respect sincerity.
You're in my prayers and in my heart.
Love you,
9 Sep 2007
Sept 9, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,
How are you? We've had a nice week. Tried to get lots of things done while the kids were in school and it's felt like our home has been more organized. We're into a little schedule now. Kristina probably has one of the busiest this year. She's got piano on Mon, ballet on Tues and Wed, activity day on every other Wed, after she turns 12 she'll then have mutual every Wed, a High School Musical dance/singing class on Thurs afternoon and garage band every Thurs night. She's pretty excited about her schedule. I told her she just needs to keep her grades up.
Alex is busy but it's a bit more sporadic. He's still taking voice lessons with Jeff Baker on Tues and mutual on Wed. But it seems like something comes up just about every day that he has to do and of course he still loves doing his homework with his buddies. Over the weekend, Bro Shaw put on a Laurel/Priest date night for the stake-a nice dinner and an etiquette course and a dance.
Nikki had her first spelling test last week and she aced it including the two bonus words. She says she doesn't get in trouble in class but the teacher has to keep telling her to not put her head on the desk. You know how she is-if she's not moving she tends to fall asleep, so I wouldn't be surprised if she fell asleep at least one time this year.
Leah is doing well so far. She has a good attitude and really likes her teacher so she will listen to every word he says and follow what he says.
Dad had the young women here tonight with their mothers for a standards fireside. He did a great job. Kristina got to go to it this year since she's so close to going into young women's. She can hardly wait to get in there. She sang in Sacrament mtg today with the activity day girls and as I watched her she just looked so beautiful up there, she's really changing right before my eyes into a young woman.
At Sacrament today we had quite the surprise. Pres. McCauley walked in right before it was going to start with a man who went right up to the stand. He was introduced to dad and his counselors, they promptly all made room for him right next to dad and then the meeting started. Turns out it was Elder Natchez (sp?) from the 70. He was here visiting Pres. McCauley and wanted to attend some sacrament meetings. He and Pres. McCauley both spoke at the end of the meeting. He spoke mainly about getting to meet with Pres. Faust right before he passed away and how Pres. Faust talked to them about teaching the next generation and sharing our testimonies with them so that they will be strong and share that same testimony with their posterity. It was good. The Cameron's were our regular speakers, and Sis Cameron said she was so nervous on the stand when they announced who he was, but in my mind it couldn't have been a better family speaking. It was a wonderful meeting.
Last week I took my Bear group to the Houssian's to pass of some swimming requirements. It was a good day for it, great weather. The boys had fun trying to master the different requirements too. They're very full of energy and didn't mind swimming lap after lap.
Fri night dad and I went to the EHS game-they lost rather miserably. The band is over 100 kids now. I didn't care for the music. It was all from the opera Carmen. I usually like the third movement El Toreador, but I didn't really like this rendition. Kelly Dykman is one of the drum majors, I didn't know the other two. They didn't do anything dramatic or noteworthy, lacked the flair of you and Bonnie.
BSU also lost, so it wasn't a good football weekend for the fans. First loss since Travis opened his store.
We are down to the last week before we take off to pick up Kirk. It's so hard to believe yet I look back and so much has gone on in his two years. I hope he can transition well. We're so excited to see him face to face and to meet some of the people he's worked with over the years.
We got your snail mail letter last week too. Thank you so much. It was great. I loved it. I wrote you right back, so hopefully you'll get something soon. I don't really know how long it takes to travel by pouch. Have you gotten our latest package that we sent?
Did you hit your 300 goal? What are escogidos? What did you decide about the families Chazampi and Melo? As a mom, I'm so grateful that you are blessed to have such a wonderful mission president who is so in tune and cares so much. He sounds great.
Charmaine called me last night and said she and Lanny had broken up. She was feeling very devastated. They have been together for 11 years. It must feel like a divorce a little bit. We called her again tonight to check on her, she's having a hard time. I'm hoping this will open some other doors for her, doors that will lead to a fuller, more gospel centered life, to more joy and commitment. I know it's hard now, but I told her this will be a blessing in disguise once some time goes by. I told her to immerse herself in activities, work and a full schedule so she won't have too much time to dwell on sad thoughts. Anyway, it's very sad for her, but I am hopeful also.
That's about it here. I will try and send some pix also.
Here are a couple tips from my little missionary book:
1. Invite companions, converts and others to write short notes in your journal.
2. Always eat a good breakfast.
3. When your companion gets transferred, make sure you claim the apartment's best mattress and blankets.
4. Get the home address of each companion and your mission presidents. They'll expect to receive wedding invitations.
5. The Lord blesses the families of missionaries. (I can attest to that one!)
Well, it's late as usual. Hope you have a fun day. Learn how to let the spirit guide you each day. The Lord knows where His elect are and those He's prepared. My thoughts, my prayers and my heart are always with you.
Love you much,
Dear Elder Sean,
How are you? We've had a nice week. Tried to get lots of things done while the kids were in school and it's felt like our home has been more organized. We're into a little schedule now. Kristina probably has one of the busiest this year. She's got piano on Mon, ballet on Tues and Wed, activity day on every other Wed, after she turns 12 she'll then have mutual every Wed, a High School Musical dance/singing class on Thurs afternoon and garage band every Thurs night. She's pretty excited about her schedule. I told her she just needs to keep her grades up.
Alex is busy but it's a bit more sporadic. He's still taking voice lessons with Jeff Baker on Tues and mutual on Wed. But it seems like something comes up just about every day that he has to do and of course he still loves doing his homework with his buddies. Over the weekend, Bro Shaw put on a Laurel/Priest date night for the stake-a nice dinner and an etiquette course and a dance.
Nikki had her first spelling test last week and she aced it including the two bonus words. She says she doesn't get in trouble in class but the teacher has to keep telling her to not put her head on the desk. You know how she is-if she's not moving she tends to fall asleep, so I wouldn't be surprised if she fell asleep at least one time this year.
Leah is doing well so far. She has a good attitude and really likes her teacher so she will listen to every word he says and follow what he says.
Dad had the young women here tonight with their mothers for a standards fireside. He did a great job. Kristina got to go to it this year since she's so close to going into young women's. She can hardly wait to get in there. She sang in Sacrament mtg today with the activity day girls and as I watched her she just looked so beautiful up there, she's really changing right before my eyes into a young woman.
At Sacrament today we had quite the surprise. Pres. McCauley walked in right before it was going to start with a man who went right up to the stand. He was introduced to dad and his counselors, they promptly all made room for him right next to dad and then the meeting started. Turns out it was Elder Natchez (sp?) from the 70. He was here visiting Pres. McCauley and wanted to attend some sacrament meetings. He and Pres. McCauley both spoke at the end of the meeting. He spoke mainly about getting to meet with Pres. Faust right before he passed away and how Pres. Faust talked to them about teaching the next generation and sharing our testimonies with them so that they will be strong and share that same testimony with their posterity. It was good. The Cameron's were our regular speakers, and Sis Cameron said she was so nervous on the stand when they announced who he was, but in my mind it couldn't have been a better family speaking. It was a wonderful meeting.
Last week I took my Bear group to the Houssian's to pass of some swimming requirements. It was a good day for it, great weather. The boys had fun trying to master the different requirements too. They're very full of energy and didn't mind swimming lap after lap.
Fri night dad and I went to the EHS game-they lost rather miserably. The band is over 100 kids now. I didn't care for the music. It was all from the opera Carmen. I usually like the third movement El Toreador, but I didn't really like this rendition. Kelly Dykman is one of the drum majors, I didn't know the other two. They didn't do anything dramatic or noteworthy, lacked the flair of you and Bonnie.
BSU also lost, so it wasn't a good football weekend for the fans. First loss since Travis opened his store.
We are down to the last week before we take off to pick up Kirk. It's so hard to believe yet I look back and so much has gone on in his two years. I hope he can transition well. We're so excited to see him face to face and to meet some of the people he's worked with over the years.
We got your snail mail letter last week too. Thank you so much. It was great. I loved it. I wrote you right back, so hopefully you'll get something soon. I don't really know how long it takes to travel by pouch. Have you gotten our latest package that we sent?
Did you hit your 300 goal? What are escogidos? What did you decide about the families Chazampi and Melo? As a mom, I'm so grateful that you are blessed to have such a wonderful mission president who is so in tune and cares so much. He sounds great.
Charmaine called me last night and said she and Lanny had broken up. She was feeling very devastated. They have been together for 11 years. It must feel like a divorce a little bit. We called her again tonight to check on her, she's having a hard time. I'm hoping this will open some other doors for her, doors that will lead to a fuller, more gospel centered life, to more joy and commitment. I know it's hard now, but I told her this will be a blessing in disguise once some time goes by. I told her to immerse herself in activities, work and a full schedule so she won't have too much time to dwell on sad thoughts. Anyway, it's very sad for her, but I am hopeful also.
That's about it here. I will try and send some pix also.
Here are a couple tips from my little missionary book:
1. Invite companions, converts and others to write short notes in your journal.
2. Always eat a good breakfast.
3. When your companion gets transferred, make sure you claim the apartment's best mattress and blankets.
4. Get the home address of each companion and your mission presidents. They'll expect to receive wedding invitations.
5. The Lord blesses the families of missionaries. (I can attest to that one!)
Well, it's late as usual. Hope you have a fun day. Learn how to let the spirit guide you each day. The Lord knows where His elect are and those He's prepared. My thoughts, my prayers and my heart are always with you.
Love you much,
7 Sep 2008
Sept. 7, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
We are just cleaning up from a youth fireside here tonight. We had it on the back porch because the weather is so nice. It was dad's yearly standards fireside. He talked about being temple worthy and had the kids take a quiz with questions that are similar to the temple recommend questions. There was a good turnout and there's only Alex and his buddies here now.
Bro. Pinder was here and took a look at my new mandolin. He played it for a while and he showed he a few good tips. He's going to have a jam session every month and wants me to come. I'm trying to get Alex and some of his friends to come too. The mandolin is coming along a lot easier than the banjo, probably because the strings are exactly the same as a violin and surprisingly all the notes came back to me from when I played the violin in middle school.
At church today there was a huge list of releasings and callings, so that was fun. There's a new Relief Society presidency. Sis Gill is the new president, Sis. Yorgason is the 1st counselor, Sis. Campbell is the 2nd counselor and Sis. Hugentobler is the secretary. They'll be great and it brought back sweet memories of when I was called and released.
Yesterday was the STOMP breakfast for the ward. Remember our program for reading the Book of Mormon. There was quite a handfull of us who finished reading the whole book during the summer. I'm proud to be part of that group. Actually I liked reading it quickly like that so much that I'm going to start it over again. Monday I'm going to Deseret Book to pick up some extra BOM's for our family and at family night we will be putting our testimonies in them as part of your program.
How was your week? Did you transfer to your new area? I can't wait to hear how things are going for you out in the real world. I read Jared's letters each week and it sure sounds like he's walking a lot. Remember to keep your knee strengthened.
Your experience in the office was priceless, what a treasure. I'm sure you learned so much and I'm also sure you were such a great asset to the president.
The kids had off school on Monday for Labor Day. Dad had to work but we went to the Leifson's for a bbq and volleyball game. We really had a fun time especially playing volleyball. The Cameron's and Kents came too. I forgot how fun volleyball can be. Then on Tuesday, Rachel and her roommate Laura came. They spent the night and we got the inflatable slip and slide and had a bbq. Kirk took off with them to BYU-I on Wednesday after a farewell lunch at Costa Vida.
Kirk called over the weekend and said he and Rachel have cooled things off for now. He says he's okay with it and they are still friends (if that is actually possible). So today he called and there's all new girls in his ward and he and his roommate had to go to each apartment tonight and visit all the girls. His roommate was called as FHE coordinator and his bishop asked him to select one young lady to work with him, thus the visits. Kirk was looking forward to going along with him, so he sounds like he's in good spirits and not too down about the break up. He was also going over to Tiffany Shaw's apartment later on for a visit. He starts school tomorrow and because I got his track changed at the last minute, he didn't have any classes and has had to try and add them slowly. He still needs one or two more and will have to add them this week. He's still going for a Biology major.
Dad saw Jared Gooch at the single's ward today and he said to tell you hello. He's going to BYU-I in the winter. I'm going to try to get to Madison's homecoming later this month. I missed going to Leah VanWagenen's and I really wish I had remembered. It would be fun to hear a report from Argentina.
Alex is taking Government with Odale, English with Mrs. Eaton-Burkle, Health with Mrs. Case, Seminary with Bishop Tanner and 2 choir classes. He says it's a pretty easy year. He's going to apply early for BYU and will get his papers in this month. He was debating taking the ACT again to get a higher score, but we'll see if he can fit it into his schedule.
It was great seeing the missionary from Samoa again. The girls went up to her and gave her a big hug and she just hugs them back and walks arm in arm with them through the halls. She comes from a family of 12 kids and her father died 13 years ago and had set up some kind of account that made sure every kid could have money to serve a mission. I'll get more particulars from her when they come for dinner because it sounds like such an incredible story.
I'm still searching for Be Still My Soul for Hma Lucas. I will write her this week either way.
We will also go hunting for the shirts and socks you need and get those off to you.
I hope you are well, happy and still full of the zeal for the gospel that you've had each week in every letter you've written. I love your enthusiasm for the work, it's contagious. Every Monday I live to hear your words, your stories, your testimony.
My prayers and love are always with you.
love you,
Dear Elder Sean,
We are just cleaning up from a youth fireside here tonight. We had it on the back porch because the weather is so nice. It was dad's yearly standards fireside. He talked about being temple worthy and had the kids take a quiz with questions that are similar to the temple recommend questions. There was a good turnout and there's only Alex and his buddies here now.
Bro. Pinder was here and took a look at my new mandolin. He played it for a while and he showed he a few good tips. He's going to have a jam session every month and wants me to come. I'm trying to get Alex and some of his friends to come too. The mandolin is coming along a lot easier than the banjo, probably because the strings are exactly the same as a violin and surprisingly all the notes came back to me from when I played the violin in middle school.
At church today there was a huge list of releasings and callings, so that was fun. There's a new Relief Society presidency. Sis Gill is the new president, Sis. Yorgason is the 1st counselor, Sis. Campbell is the 2nd counselor and Sis. Hugentobler is the secretary. They'll be great and it brought back sweet memories of when I was called and released.
Yesterday was the STOMP breakfast for the ward. Remember our program for reading the Book of Mormon. There was quite a handfull of us who finished reading the whole book during the summer. I'm proud to be part of that group. Actually I liked reading it quickly like that so much that I'm going to start it over again. Monday I'm going to Deseret Book to pick up some extra BOM's for our family and at family night we will be putting our testimonies in them as part of your program.
How was your week? Did you transfer to your new area? I can't wait to hear how things are going for you out in the real world. I read Jared's letters each week and it sure sounds like he's walking a lot. Remember to keep your knee strengthened.
Your experience in the office was priceless, what a treasure. I'm sure you learned so much and I'm also sure you were such a great asset to the president.
The kids had off school on Monday for Labor Day. Dad had to work but we went to the Leifson's for a bbq and volleyball game. We really had a fun time especially playing volleyball. The Cameron's and Kents came too. I forgot how fun volleyball can be. Then on Tuesday, Rachel and her roommate Laura came. They spent the night and we got the inflatable slip and slide and had a bbq. Kirk took off with them to BYU-I on Wednesday after a farewell lunch at Costa Vida.
Kirk called over the weekend and said he and Rachel have cooled things off for now. He says he's okay with it and they are still friends (if that is actually possible). So today he called and there's all new girls in his ward and he and his roommate had to go to each apartment tonight and visit all the girls. His roommate was called as FHE coordinator and his bishop asked him to select one young lady to work with him, thus the visits. Kirk was looking forward to going along with him, so he sounds like he's in good spirits and not too down about the break up. He was also going over to Tiffany Shaw's apartment later on for a visit. He starts school tomorrow and because I got his track changed at the last minute, he didn't have any classes and has had to try and add them slowly. He still needs one or two more and will have to add them this week. He's still going for a Biology major.
Dad saw Jared Gooch at the single's ward today and he said to tell you hello. He's going to BYU-I in the winter. I'm going to try to get to Madison's homecoming later this month. I missed going to Leah VanWagenen's and I really wish I had remembered. It would be fun to hear a report from Argentina.
Alex is taking Government with Odale, English with Mrs. Eaton-Burkle, Health with Mrs. Case, Seminary with Bishop Tanner and 2 choir classes. He says it's a pretty easy year. He's going to apply early for BYU and will get his papers in this month. He was debating taking the ACT again to get a higher score, but we'll see if he can fit it into his schedule.
It was great seeing the missionary from Samoa again. The girls went up to her and gave her a big hug and she just hugs them back and walks arm in arm with them through the halls. She comes from a family of 12 kids and her father died 13 years ago and had set up some kind of account that made sure every kid could have money to serve a mission. I'll get more particulars from her when they come for dinner because it sounds like such an incredible story.
I'm still searching for Be Still My Soul for Hma Lucas. I will write her this week either way.
We will also go hunting for the shirts and socks you need and get those off to you.
I hope you are well, happy and still full of the zeal for the gospel that you've had each week in every letter you've written. I love your enthusiasm for the work, it's contagious. Every Monday I live to hear your words, your stories, your testimony.
My prayers and love are always with you.
love you,
30 Sep 2007
Sept. 30, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,
Well, what a whirlwind of a couple of weeks we've had. Today was Kirk's homecoming and he did a great job. It was fun to hear him speak for so long and with an accent. He even threw in a couple of Spanish words without knowing it which a lot of people commented to him later about. He spoke of the things he learned on his mission. Alex Erickson also spoke and did a good job. Such different missions but it sounds like they learned very similar lessons in life.
We got home late Wed night and were greeted by grandma and grandpa Thompson with the 3 little girls at the airport. I hurried off the plane first so I could video the event. We were all so tired when we got home that we basically just went to bed. The next day we took Kirk out shopping for new clothes because when he went to get dressed he realized he'd lost so much weight that nothing fit him at home. He lost around 30 pounds and looks great. We also realized that his license expired in August so we had to make a stop at the DMV to renew. So now he's good to go. I feel like I'm teaching 2 kids to drive now, he and Alex since Kirk really hasn't driven since before his mission. The driving was so crazy in the DR that I'm glad he didn't have to drive there.
On Friday we went to the airport (after stopping at a car lot to look at some new cars) to pick up g & g Trumbo. We had about an hour to kill so we went to another car lot with them, then headed back to the airport to pick up Charmaine. The bunch of us went to lunch and headed home. Friday night Steve and Carolina and Giovanni and Dakota and Kassie came in. So that was our group for the weekend. We had a lot of fun with everyone. It was fun hearing the Trumbo's speak Spanish with Kirk. They said he was a fast speaker but really good. Saturday we went to the movies and let Kirk catch up on at least one movie he had missed out on, Bourne Ultimatum. That night we had a big dinner with stuffed shells and Mexican rice. Kirk is really craving rice since he's been home, so I'm trying to oblige.
Steve and his family left after Sacrament and have made plans to be back for Thanksgiving this year.
Uncle Bill came over the other night and asked Kirk if he would help him drive cars for car wars this week. I told Kirk that was a sweet deal and to try to get to drive the Mustang they have on their lot right now. Kirk was really eyeing that car when we stopped by for a visit. It's a 2007 with a few custom items on it.
We got your handwritten letter this week along with the DVD's. I loved your letter and so did the family. You definitely have a writing gift, so use it and develop it. As for the DVD's. They both work, but the Transformers is missing the bottom half of the screen, so we laughed at that. Is it a pirate copy or something? CArolina said Isaac brought some home too and they laughed at them because they could see people walking in the middle of the movie with popcorn in their arms and they could hear people laughing during different parts of it. We'll let Nikki watch hers next week.
Sounds like you have some nice fun food to eat there. Take it easy on the dulce de leche, it sounds rich and lucious, and fattening. I can remember reading something about it when you were preparing for your mission and how some elders really get hooked on it and put it on everything like you were talking about. Grandpa Trumbo is reading your letter right now as I write you.
I like your new folletos. They're so nice. Gio said he had one like that on his mission except it was showing how the Book of Mormon and the Bible were connected.
We're definitely having a change of seasons here. It was so cold this weekend and so windy. Kirk has been freezing here. I don't know how he's going to make it in Rexburg this winter. There was even snow on Bogus yesterday morning. We hear it snowed an inch in Provo too.
How has your week been? I have such a better feel for what you're doing now that I've been on the streets with Kirk in the DR and meeting some of the families he worked with and been in their homes. It was an unforgettable experience for dad and Alex and I. Are you working with any families right now? How is your ward? I haven't had time to look for church guitar music yet, but really all you have to do is look at the chords of any hymn and you should be able to play it that way. Are you learning chords or picking or what? That would help me to know how you're learning. Where do you have a guitar to practice on?
It was fun having Carolina here to play piano duets with. I got into some of those ones I had purchased with high hopes of playing with you ( a little dig there)...and Carolina played them with me. It's so much fun to play duets with her. We both really enjoy it.
We had an excellent lesson in RS today about procrastination. It was from Elder Eyring's talk from last conference. Sis. Leifson taught it and she said with prayer and scriptures each day, we should be able to receive inspiration for each day to know how to spend our time that day, what things should take priority. Sometimes we have so many things to choose from in a day that it becomes overwhelming and difficult to make decisions on what to do, but Heavenly Father knows where our priorities should be and where we can do His will most effectively during the day. So we need to stay in tune to know the direction to take.
I hope you're enjoying the work. Remember man is that he might have joy. Stay on the straight course and obey with exactness so that the angels can be with you on your errands.
I love you Sean and always pray for you. Everyone here says to send their love to you....
Dear Elder Sean,
Well, what a whirlwind of a couple of weeks we've had. Today was Kirk's homecoming and he did a great job. It was fun to hear him speak for so long and with an accent. He even threw in a couple of Spanish words without knowing it which a lot of people commented to him later about. He spoke of the things he learned on his mission. Alex Erickson also spoke and did a good job. Such different missions but it sounds like they learned very similar lessons in life.
We got home late Wed night and were greeted by grandma and grandpa Thompson with the 3 little girls at the airport. I hurried off the plane first so I could video the event. We were all so tired when we got home that we basically just went to bed. The next day we took Kirk out shopping for new clothes because when he went to get dressed he realized he'd lost so much weight that nothing fit him at home. He lost around 30 pounds and looks great. We also realized that his license expired in August so we had to make a stop at the DMV to renew. So now he's good to go. I feel like I'm teaching 2 kids to drive now, he and Alex since Kirk really hasn't driven since before his mission. The driving was so crazy in the DR that I'm glad he didn't have to drive there.
On Friday we went to the airport (after stopping at a car lot to look at some new cars) to pick up g & g Trumbo. We had about an hour to kill so we went to another car lot with them, then headed back to the airport to pick up Charmaine. The bunch of us went to lunch and headed home. Friday night Steve and Carolina and Giovanni and Dakota and Kassie came in. So that was our group for the weekend. We had a lot of fun with everyone. It was fun hearing the Trumbo's speak Spanish with Kirk. They said he was a fast speaker but really good. Saturday we went to the movies and let Kirk catch up on at least one movie he had missed out on, Bourne Ultimatum. That night we had a big dinner with stuffed shells and Mexican rice. Kirk is really craving rice since he's been home, so I'm trying to oblige.
Steve and his family left after Sacrament and have made plans to be back for Thanksgiving this year.
Uncle Bill came over the other night and asked Kirk if he would help him drive cars for car wars this week. I told Kirk that was a sweet deal and to try to get to drive the Mustang they have on their lot right now. Kirk was really eyeing that car when we stopped by for a visit. It's a 2007 with a few custom items on it.
We got your handwritten letter this week along with the DVD's. I loved your letter and so did the family. You definitely have a writing gift, so use it and develop it. As for the DVD's. They both work, but the Transformers is missing the bottom half of the screen, so we laughed at that. Is it a pirate copy or something? CArolina said Isaac brought some home too and they laughed at them because they could see people walking in the middle of the movie with popcorn in their arms and they could hear people laughing during different parts of it. We'll let Nikki watch hers next week.
Sounds like you have some nice fun food to eat there. Take it easy on the dulce de leche, it sounds rich and lucious, and fattening. I can remember reading something about it when you were preparing for your mission and how some elders really get hooked on it and put it on everything like you were talking about. Grandpa Trumbo is reading your letter right now as I write you.
I like your new folletos. They're so nice. Gio said he had one like that on his mission except it was showing how the Book of Mormon and the Bible were connected.
We're definitely having a change of seasons here. It was so cold this weekend and so windy. Kirk has been freezing here. I don't know how he's going to make it in Rexburg this winter. There was even snow on Bogus yesterday morning. We hear it snowed an inch in Provo too.
How has your week been? I have such a better feel for what you're doing now that I've been on the streets with Kirk in the DR and meeting some of the families he worked with and been in their homes. It was an unforgettable experience for dad and Alex and I. Are you working with any families right now? How is your ward? I haven't had time to look for church guitar music yet, but really all you have to do is look at the chords of any hymn and you should be able to play it that way. Are you learning chords or picking or what? That would help me to know how you're learning. Where do you have a guitar to practice on?
It was fun having Carolina here to play piano duets with. I got into some of those ones I had purchased with high hopes of playing with you ( a little dig there)...and Carolina played them with me. It's so much fun to play duets with her. We both really enjoy it.
We had an excellent lesson in RS today about procrastination. It was from Elder Eyring's talk from last conference. Sis. Leifson taught it and she said with prayer and scriptures each day, we should be able to receive inspiration for each day to know how to spend our time that day, what things should take priority. Sometimes we have so many things to choose from in a day that it becomes overwhelming and difficult to make decisions on what to do, but Heavenly Father knows where our priorities should be and where we can do His will most effectively during the day. So we need to stay in tune to know the direction to take.
I hope you're enjoying the work. Remember man is that he might have joy. Stay on the straight course and obey with exactness so that the angels can be with you on your errands.
I love you Sean and always pray for you. Everyone here says to send their love to you....
23 Sep 2007
Sept. 23, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,
I'm sitting here in the internet caffe in Puerto Plata in our little resort on the beach. It's beautiful here and the water is so blue/green and clear. Although we aren't spending much time in the water since Kirk is still a missionary.
Today we went to church to one of Kirk's old wards. I loved it even though I couldn't understand very much of it. In RS when the sisters started singing As Sisters in Zion in Spanish I started crying. I just felt such a bond with these women because of the gospel and because Kirk had been with them. We went around to some old neighborhoods also with Kirk in the afternoon. It was such a poor section of town and the streets were so narrow that we had to get there only by walking. We felt a little like how missionaries feel for a couple hours today. We took lots of candy so we could give it to the kids we would see. We became very popular very fast. The families were all so welcoming offering us drinks (which meant they would leave the house and run to the nearest Colmado to make a purchase) or else they made a fruit/milk type smoothie for us out of papaya. I got the feeling that they would literally give you anything yet they had so little. And everywhere we went they would should Thompson, with the accent on the end, because they were so excited to see Kirk again. It was great to see. He has made some wonderful friends here and i"m glad we got to be a little part of it.
Yesterday we took a tram up to a mountain, yes, I even went up despite my crazy fear of heights, but it didn't bother me at all and it was a great view of the entire city. Also it was about 20 degrees cooler up there, so it was well worth it. It is so hot and humid here. I am sweating everywhere we go.
How has your week been? It was great getting your letters while we were in Santiago. We're so much closer to you now. How is Cordoba treating you? Do you feel at home there yet? What are some of the differences? Can't wait to hear how things have gone for you this week.
I think all is well at home. Kristina just wrote me and said she was so sad without me that she's been crying tonight, so that doesn't make me feel great, but i tried to reassure her that we'd be home in just a few days. Grandma and Grandpa Thompson are now in charge. Jan and JEff left tonight to go home. I'm sad that I won't even be able to see Jan. She came after we left and has now left before we get home.
Hearing Kirk speak Spanish so fluently is great. We went one whole day without him and it was miserable. Even with Alex proclaiming that he was a spanish expert, it sure didn't show up when we needed it. Dad can't understand anything and I know it's hard on him. Alex and I can understand much better than we can speak, so it really doesn't help much. So when we got Kirk, life was much better. He really knows his way around everywhere we've been. It's pretty amazing. There's no rhyme or reason to most of the towns, but he seems to always know right where we are. How is your Spanish coming along? Do you feel somewhat fluent at this point?
Well, i'm actually on a timed computer, so i don't have much time left. I'll check in again tomorrow so we can hear how you're doing. Is there anything you want from the DR? We'll be out tourist shopping tomorrow. We'll probably send you something from here.
Here's Kirk:
que lo que, hermano, pues yo tengo 6 minutos para hablar, entonces. como esta la mision? ya, yo tengo que irme, ahora no hay mas tiempo. cuidate mucho. elder t
Hope you have a great week and remember how much we all love you. Still 2 elder thompsons for 3 more days......
Love you,
Dear Elder Sean,
I'm sitting here in the internet caffe in Puerto Plata in our little resort on the beach. It's beautiful here and the water is so blue/green and clear. Although we aren't spending much time in the water since Kirk is still a missionary.
Today we went to church to one of Kirk's old wards. I loved it even though I couldn't understand very much of it. In RS when the sisters started singing As Sisters in Zion in Spanish I started crying. I just felt such a bond with these women because of the gospel and because Kirk had been with them. We went around to some old neighborhoods also with Kirk in the afternoon. It was such a poor section of town and the streets were so narrow that we had to get there only by walking. We felt a little like how missionaries feel for a couple hours today. We took lots of candy so we could give it to the kids we would see. We became very popular very fast. The families were all so welcoming offering us drinks (which meant they would leave the house and run to the nearest Colmado to make a purchase) or else they made a fruit/milk type smoothie for us out of papaya. I got the feeling that they would literally give you anything yet they had so little. And everywhere we went they would should Thompson, with the accent on the end, because they were so excited to see Kirk again. It was great to see. He has made some wonderful friends here and i"m glad we got to be a little part of it.
Yesterday we took a tram up to a mountain, yes, I even went up despite my crazy fear of heights, but it didn't bother me at all and it was a great view of the entire city. Also it was about 20 degrees cooler up there, so it was well worth it. It is so hot and humid here. I am sweating everywhere we go.
How has your week been? It was great getting your letters while we were in Santiago. We're so much closer to you now. How is Cordoba treating you? Do you feel at home there yet? What are some of the differences? Can't wait to hear how things have gone for you this week.
I think all is well at home. Kristina just wrote me and said she was so sad without me that she's been crying tonight, so that doesn't make me feel great, but i tried to reassure her that we'd be home in just a few days. Grandma and Grandpa Thompson are now in charge. Jan and JEff left tonight to go home. I'm sad that I won't even be able to see Jan. She came after we left and has now left before we get home.
Hearing Kirk speak Spanish so fluently is great. We went one whole day without him and it was miserable. Even with Alex proclaiming that he was a spanish expert, it sure didn't show up when we needed it. Dad can't understand anything and I know it's hard on him. Alex and I can understand much better than we can speak, so it really doesn't help much. So when we got Kirk, life was much better. He really knows his way around everywhere we've been. It's pretty amazing. There's no rhyme or reason to most of the towns, but he seems to always know right where we are. How is your Spanish coming along? Do you feel somewhat fluent at this point?
Well, i'm actually on a timed computer, so i don't have much time left. I'll check in again tomorrow so we can hear how you're doing. Is there anything you want from the DR? We'll be out tourist shopping tomorrow. We'll probably send you something from here.
Here's Kirk:
que lo que, hermano, pues yo tengo 6 minutos para hablar, entonces. como esta la mision? ya, yo tengo que irme, ahora no hay mas tiempo. cuidate mucho. elder t
Hope you have a great week and remember how much we all love you. Still 2 elder thompsons for 3 more days......
Love you,
9 Mar 2008
March 9, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
Hi, how was your week? We had a wonderful Sunday. Today was Ashton Beagley's farewell and many Beagleys were here. Last night we went to his non-open house. It was like a ward party at the Beagley home. He spoke on faith and looks very ready to go and serve. He said he's going to Disneyland. He'll be very needed speaking Spanish in southern Cal. We also had David and Shirley Clegg report their mission. Dad and I went over earlier in the week to visit them and they said their hearts are still in Nauvoo. What a great experience they had there. They were not able to proselyte, but conducting the tours at various sites in Nauvoo including Carthage jail was so spiritual. They also took part in the pageant, worked at the temple and put on plays, so they were extremely busy the entire time. Bro. Clegg talked about his relationship with his wife after 50 years and how wonderful it was. Then their children and grandchildren sang the closing song. It was an amazing sight and it made me want that same thing with dad by my side in another 20-25 years. I'm looking forward to hearing from them at a fireside.
This past week I ran into Tyler D. and told him to stop by our house, so this afternoon he showed up and it was just in time for a nice roast beef/mashed potatoes/broccoli with cheese sauce dinner. He stayed until just a little while ago. He said he was anxious to hear from you, so send him a letter sometime. If you just send it to us, I can forward it to him. He read scriptures with us, played the dice game with us, ate gooey orange rolls for dessert with us, helped shoot down helium balloons from the family room with nerf darts, etc. He's doing well. He's going to BSU finishing up his GE and trying to decide what to go into. He's torn between pre-med and computers. Right now he works full time with an outsourcing firm that Apple has hired for tech support. He says he thinks about working for Apple. I'm going to forward all the Eagle Elders' newsletters to him so he can read a little from all of you.
Alex got his wisdom teeth out on Friday and he's still trying to milk it, but on the night he got them out he actually went to a friend's house and ate a hamburger, so I can't imagine that he's suffering too badly. We had Dr. Brad Robertson from the 8th ward take them out. He was very fast and very affordable. Just did it in his office. I don't think you could have had that option though with all those extra wisdom teeth you had. Also Dr. Robertson mentioned that his parents were on a mission in Samoa, so I asked if I could email him some pictures and a letter and have him forward it to his parents and see if they could deliver it to the girls' birthmom. It would be great to actually hear from someone that she received news from us. I'll let you know if I hear anything back.
A couple of mission calls this week-Cory Campbell is going to Monterey East, Mexico mission and Phil Gulbrandsen is going to Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Your emails using the myldsmail is kind of goofy. Sometimes when you write 2 letters, we get one in the afternoon, then we get the second one late at night but on the email it says that you wrote them around the same time. I think we get them all, but it's been kind of weird on the arrival times.
Kirk called today. It's still cold in Rexburg (what else is new?). He's trying to keep up with the school work and the social life. I think the habits you establish on your mission can really help you in all aspects of your life. The girls are all doing well. I'm busy with plenty of things. Still typing Patriarchal blessings. We have at least 2 every week. In a couple of months I'll have typed over 300 blessings. I consider it such a privilege and a blessing to be able to do this. I'm also studying the Old Testament using the BYU channel where they have 4 religion professors discussing the OT. I love it. I did it all the way through with the BOM too and I learned so much. Now I'm getting incredible insights into the Old Testament from the best of the best.
Dad just got back from helping give a blessing to a sister in the ward. We had a rough start this morning. We set our clocks ahead last night, but since dad has clocks that automatically set themselves, he didn't do anything different last night. I woke up and looked at my clock and it said 7:30am and dad was still in bed next to me. That's the time his Bishopric mtg started, so I woke him and he couldn't believe neither of his clocks changed but mine had. So he really scrambled to get to church. I'm going to love having it stay lighter later. I love the sunlight. It lifts my spirits. Do you guys change your clocks there?
You sound so good in your letters. Being anxiously engaged is a great feeling. Always remember how you feel now when you are busy in the Lord's work. You are focused on other people and that's what will always bring you true joy in life. Your mission president is an inspired spiritual man. Continue to heed his counsel.
Here are some missionary tips for the week:
1. Write in your journal every day, preferably at night.
2. Read all the standard works at least once during your mission.
3. Make bookmarks for investigators by writing a favorite scripture, thought, or hymn on a card.
4. Get a good night's rest.
5. Don't be afraid to say "I don't know."
Well, I'm going to say good-bye and dad is going to add a little note. We'll send you a couple pix too. If you have any, send them our way. I love you very much. Keep up the good work.
Dear Elder Sean,
Hi, how was your week? We had a wonderful Sunday. Today was Ashton Beagley's farewell and many Beagleys were here. Last night we went to his non-open house. It was like a ward party at the Beagley home. He spoke on faith and looks very ready to go and serve. He said he's going to Disneyland. He'll be very needed speaking Spanish in southern Cal. We also had David and Shirley Clegg report their mission. Dad and I went over earlier in the week to visit them and they said their hearts are still in Nauvoo. What a great experience they had there. They were not able to proselyte, but conducting the tours at various sites in Nauvoo including Carthage jail was so spiritual. They also took part in the pageant, worked at the temple and put on plays, so they were extremely busy the entire time. Bro. Clegg talked about his relationship with his wife after 50 years and how wonderful it was. Then their children and grandchildren sang the closing song. It was an amazing sight and it made me want that same thing with dad by my side in another 20-25 years. I'm looking forward to hearing from them at a fireside.
This past week I ran into Tyler D. and told him to stop by our house, so this afternoon he showed up and it was just in time for a nice roast beef/mashed potatoes/broccoli with cheese sauce dinner. He stayed until just a little while ago. He said he was anxious to hear from you, so send him a letter sometime. If you just send it to us, I can forward it to him. He read scriptures with us, played the dice game with us, ate gooey orange rolls for dessert with us, helped shoot down helium balloons from the family room with nerf darts, etc. He's doing well. He's going to BSU finishing up his GE and trying to decide what to go into. He's torn between pre-med and computers. Right now he works full time with an outsourcing firm that Apple has hired for tech support. He says he thinks about working for Apple. I'm going to forward all the Eagle Elders' newsletters to him so he can read a little from all of you.
Alex got his wisdom teeth out on Friday and he's still trying to milk it, but on the night he got them out he actually went to a friend's house and ate a hamburger, so I can't imagine that he's suffering too badly. We had Dr. Brad Robertson from the 8th ward take them out. He was very fast and very affordable. Just did it in his office. I don't think you could have had that option though with all those extra wisdom teeth you had. Also Dr. Robertson mentioned that his parents were on a mission in Samoa, so I asked if I could email him some pictures and a letter and have him forward it to his parents and see if they could deliver it to the girls' birthmom. It would be great to actually hear from someone that she received news from us. I'll let you know if I hear anything back.
A couple of mission calls this week-Cory Campbell is going to Monterey East, Mexico mission and Phil Gulbrandsen is going to Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Your emails using the myldsmail is kind of goofy. Sometimes when you write 2 letters, we get one in the afternoon, then we get the second one late at night but on the email it says that you wrote them around the same time. I think we get them all, but it's been kind of weird on the arrival times.
Kirk called today. It's still cold in Rexburg (what else is new?). He's trying to keep up with the school work and the social life. I think the habits you establish on your mission can really help you in all aspects of your life. The girls are all doing well. I'm busy with plenty of things. Still typing Patriarchal blessings. We have at least 2 every week. In a couple of months I'll have typed over 300 blessings. I consider it such a privilege and a blessing to be able to do this. I'm also studying the Old Testament using the BYU channel where they have 4 religion professors discussing the OT. I love it. I did it all the way through with the BOM too and I learned so much. Now I'm getting incredible insights into the Old Testament from the best of the best.
Dad just got back from helping give a blessing to a sister in the ward. We had a rough start this morning. We set our clocks ahead last night, but since dad has clocks that automatically set themselves, he didn't do anything different last night. I woke up and looked at my clock and it said 7:30am and dad was still in bed next to me. That's the time his Bishopric mtg started, so I woke him and he couldn't believe neither of his clocks changed but mine had. So he really scrambled to get to church. I'm going to love having it stay lighter later. I love the sunlight. It lifts my spirits. Do you guys change your clocks there?
You sound so good in your letters. Being anxiously engaged is a great feeling. Always remember how you feel now when you are busy in the Lord's work. You are focused on other people and that's what will always bring you true joy in life. Your mission president is an inspired spiritual man. Continue to heed his counsel.
Here are some missionary tips for the week:
1. Write in your journal every day, preferably at night.
2. Read all the standard works at least once during your mission.
3. Make bookmarks for investigators by writing a favorite scripture, thought, or hymn on a card.
4. Get a good night's rest.
5. Don't be afraid to say "I don't know."
Well, I'm going to say good-bye and dad is going to add a little note. We'll send you a couple pix too. If you have any, send them our way. I love you very much. Keep up the good work.
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