Dear Elder Alex,
I just got back from attending a standards fireside for the youth of the stake. I went with Kristina and the Stake Center was packed. It was nice to see. Of course, Pres. Stafford and Pres. Shaw did an excellent job. They know how to say things bluntly, but never seem to hurt feelings. I hope they do something like this every year at least until Nikki gets through Young Women. The new Stake Young Woman President also spoke-Dana Bibberston from the Eagle 7th ward. She's going to be wonderful with the girls.
The past few days here have been pretty busy. I hope you have had a productive week too. Today was Spencer Shumway's farewell. It was a wonderful mtg. Bro. Sorensen was the other speaker and he was great. He taught us that it's our own decision in life to be happy. His dry humor was a hit and he quoted everyone from Aristotle to Monson. Spencer became very emotional during his talk and spoke about making his decision to go on a mission when he was 6 years old and he never looked back from there. He's so anxious to get out on his mission.
I started the day off with an early morning Stake Welfare mtg. This time I took muffins from Costco to the High Council and Stake Presidency. I think my presidency will take turns each mtg and bring a little something to eat. I enjoy being a little part of the inner workings of the stake. It's interesting to me to see so many people working together, each doing their own particular area and how it all comes together when everyone does their part. We are all needed and when one person lets the ball down, it affects more than you know.
Last night the Poulson's had an open house, so we enjoyed very delicious food there for dinner. Kristina went to a stake dance later on-it was nerd night. She is totally enjoying the dances and has quite the reputation for her dancing. I don't know what crazy gene you two got!
Also yesterday we took the girls to the Humanitarian Center by the DI for a tour. They were having a little open house. It's always so motivating to go there and see how much they are doing and making for people in our area. There are over 300 homeless kids in the Meridian school district this year and the Center has made coats for all of them, not to mention the school kits, quilts, baby blankets, etc.
Friday night we all went to the Eagle High game against Rocky Mountain. Dad wrote you a letter with more details about the game, but basically we lost pretty badly especially after the QB broke his collarbone in the first quarter. By the way, dad is wondering if you've been getting any letters from him. He's been sending his snail mail, but he wants to know if they come to your place or if you're getting them forwarded from the mission home. He's been sending duplicate letters each time just in case.
Thursday night I went to a regional training meeting in Boise where 2 members of the General RS board from SLC came and talked to the Stake RS presidencies. It was a good meeting and especially great to be able to hear from the General Board and what they have to say. It was very motivating. Kind of like a zone conference or something.
Nikki has started her Cantus choir with Erika McCauley. So far, so good. She has all her music on some software called Smart Music and each week she practices singing into the computer until it's close to perfection, then she submits her work to Erika. It really forces her to practice and memorize her songs. This first song is in Russian so I struggle to even help her pronounce the words. Luckily we can hear it on the Cantus website. Very sophisticated little choir group!
Sean played in a lacrosse game over the weekend. He played on a club team and they played UVU's varsity team and Sean's team won. Sean's friend Brooke(who plays for BYU) asked him to play on the team. Sean was actually the youngest on the team, but he said he had a great time playing. He played defense.
Kirk called tonight and things are going well scholastically. He only has about 2 more semesters after this one. Laura is still up and down and Kirk's starting to tire of it. The saga continues.
Also Nikki's birthday is in 2 weeks and it's pretty much the topic of conversation with her every day. So I'll try to remind you next week to send birthday wishes to Nikki. We are now in the party planning stages.
Leah lost yet another tooth tonight. I think she must have more teeth than anyone or she's just pulling them out to make money. Here's a picture of their new room that she and Kristina share now.
So how has your work been going? I couldn't believe it when you said that you 2 are the only missionaries in your mission in Illinois. How is Sis. Drummond coming along? Did you ever get a letter out to Glenn Beck? I think he'd actually write you back.
You probably already know this, but stay close to the ward mission leaders and Bishops. If you ask Bishops and RS presidents for names of people in their wards that you can help with, you will get a huge list. Do you ever do splits with people there?
And yes, it was hard not getting a letter last Monday. I knew it was Labor Day, but I was hoping you'd find some other place to write your letters. There's just something so comforting to hear from you each week. Your mission is so new and it's all very foreign to us, so getting your insight about everything is so helpful.
I know there are people out there who have been prepared by the Lord. Learn to recognize the spirit easily and if you can do that, you'll be prepared throughout life. Each night as I pray for you, I pray that you might have the power of discernment about you. I hope you know how much you are loved. I also know that there are lots of hard days on missions, but when you do the hard things, and press forward with faith, the blessings will come.
Let me know if there's anything you need. You know I'm always here for you. I love you very much.
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