Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fat Black Crows

Aug. 29, 2010
Dear Elder Alex,
Thought I better send off a quick note in case my other letter from last week didn't make it for some reason. So I'll just catch you up on the news from the week.
First-we'd love to have a mailing address where you're living. So send us that if you can.
Today church was great. The Simpson's spoke and Dustin did a fantastic job. He has a gift for speaking and I really enjoyed his words. He talked about music and his favorite musical of all time, Les Mis. Then he told the story behind Les Mis and tied it into his talk.
I talked with Sean tonight. He's all settled into his new apartment. School starts tomorrow and he has all his classes, etc. He said his new ward looks like it will be fun and it's about 70% girls, so I told him to get busy and date. He's decided his major will be print journalism, but he will also be taking all the pre-med classes and apply to medical schools.
Kirk is still here and working and texting Laura. Last night it got so cold here and he was working at the fair. He said everyone came inside the buildings because of the cold and the Blue and Orange store did $8,000 worth of business (mostly sweatshirt sales). The BSU fever is starting to spike around here. In fact there are so many people going to the first game next week in Virginia, that I have to teach the RS lesson in the Eagle 2nd ward. Very strange!
Kristina is still driving with her permit. The little girls think she drives too slow, but I think she's doing a great job. She's excited for school to start but a little nervous about going to high school. I know she's going to love it, but I'm sure it's a hard thing to start a new school. She said she got all the bad teachers according to everyone who looks at her schedule.
Leah and Nikki are just glad that they are getting to go to Eagle Elementary. Leah is happy with her teacher, Nikki is not so happy. The big thing for Leah this year is she gets to stay up til 8:30pm and Nikki has to go to bed at 8pm. So far, that is not going over well.
We spent the last few days painting the little girls' room. Kristina and Leah are going to sleep in there, so it's lime green with black and white accents. Nikki will be sleeping in Kristina's old room(of course, Nikki feels that's a punishment). Leah and Nikki will trade rooms every 6 months which seems to appease them for now. I'll send you some pictures once we get the room completely done.

I've got a presidency mtg in the morning and we've got a lot of things to go over. The next 2 months are going to be very busy for us.
Dad is busy with work and is trying to get credentialled so he can work in Ontario, OR. Right now I think he's thinking of ways to retaliate against the black crows who swooped in and ate every one of our purple grapes off the vines. They are the sweetest, best grapes and now we just have a bunch of fat crows flying around the yard mocking us. If you have any retaliation ideas, we're very open to them.

I heard from Cameron's mom tonight. She showed me a website called where families can post letters, pictures, updates, etc about their missionaries and family and friends all have access to it. We can link it from your Facebook page. She had a couple pictures of you and Cameron in the MTC on his page. I've asked Kirk and Sean to take a look at it and see what they think. I don't know that you'd want me to print every one of your letters on that site, but maybe you do. I can always do some editing of the letters if you want. Let me know what you think. It's not something you can ever look at, but your family and friends could.

Austin goes in this Wednesday. In fact, Sean might be picking him up from the airport and taking him to the MTC. Cameron is worried about getting his visa on time since there are so many other elders there that are not getting theirs.

That's my news for this week. Did you get the package we sent you in Nashville? Whenever you get packages, etc let us know so we know that they got there. We got a nice letter from the mission home letting us know that you arrived safely, had interviews and were having some training meetings then shipped off to your first area. It was nice to hear that.

We can't wait to hear where you are, who your companion is and how things are going for you. I hope you are well and happy. Remember to write in your journal. These are unique experiences that will become a blur to you later on, so think about the lessons you're learning each day and record your thoughts.

Love you,

Monday, August 23, 2010

4 Nov 2007

Nov. 4, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,
So we're here experiencing our first full day of daylight savings. We set the clocks back last night and now it's pitch black and the girls were ready to go to bed around 7p, but I resisted the urge to trick them and let them go to bed early. I know they'll be up pretty early in the morning though.
Alex is getting ready for his choir trip to Washington tomorrow morning. Actually, he's decided to go over to Dallas's and have a cookie baking party (they got the idea from your Sunday night cookie parties).

We had sad news this week in our ward. Mary Jane Ramsey passed away from some complications of her appendicitis surgery. We are all so sad because you know what a sweet woman she was and how loving and complimentary she was. Dad will have to conduct his first funeral tomorrow morning. The Ramsey's have a large family so there should be quite a large group there. The happiness in this is knowing she is finally back with her husband who died several years ago and also with her 2 daughters who died before her. I will really miss seeing her at church and feeling her warm hugs.

We are all well here. Just plodding along with our daily routines. Kirk got his first paycheck and was pretty happy about that. Kristina tried out for the High School Musical play here and is waiting to hear the results later this week. She feels good about how she did. Leah is getting VERY excited about her upcoming birthday this Fri. I'm trying very hard to at least have her quilt top put together before her birthday. She doesn't get baptized until the next stake baptism which is on Dec 1st and so far she still wants Alex to baptize her. I know Alex will be nervous about that but it will be great. Right now Leah wants to go to Chucky Cheese. We're all going to try to talk her into some place better. Wish us luck. Nikki has been enjoying me volunteering in her classroom every Monday. I enjoy going in also. I spend my time reading with the kids and helping them learn how to take AR tests on the computer. It's a lot of fun. I also helped out with her Halloween party. Nikki was the only one in the class too scared to put her hands into bowls of unknown goop which they were supposed to try to identify. So I had to put my hands in and pull it out so she could see it. Nikki is all talk and no bite.

Dad has most this week off which will be nice. We're hoping to get some things done around the house to get it ready for the winter. It's quite cold now in the mornings. Kirk takes the Mustang to work each day and it's been working great despite the cold weather. Now he's kind of pushing for that paint job. It's just so far down on our priority list of spending right now.

How are you doing? I'm anxious to hear about that family of 10 that you found. Does 10 mean that there are 2 parents and 8 children or are there some extended family members? Has Tonio finished his testing yet? I was happy to hear that the Bishop and his wife are so actively involved with the missionaries. How is Rafael doing? I will be sending Hma. Carranza another letter this week with some pictures too. Speaking of pictures, do you like the Halloween pix I sent? How are you doing with your camera? Will you need any more SD cards?

News updates for you: BYU won CSU and BSU won easily over San Jose. The fires in Calif which have been the worst they've ever seen, have gotten under control now. So many people evacuated throughout the state-almost 500,000. San Diego got hit the hardest but they're rebuilding now. Do you get the Church News? If you don't, we can always send back issues to you in our packages. It's a nice way to keep in touch with what the church is doing around the world. We've been keeping them all, so just let me know.

I should be getting your elder's newsletter this week and I'll get it sent off to you. I may send it through and see how that works. Let me know when you get it so I can find out if that's the way to go from now on. I hear Jared is doing well but I'll try and get something more specific to get to you.

Next week is our stake conference and since I'll be speaking at the Sat evening mtg, I will have that on my mind most the week. Once I get my talk written, I'll feel much more relaxed. I'm excited about the topic, "This, the greatest dispensation" and I hope to do it justice. I want to be able to put into words how I really feel which is always the trick. I'm praying for the spirit to be with me each day as I give it thought and I've been jotting down lots of ideas and notes as they come to me. I'll let you know how it goes and I'll be very happy when I'm finished and can relax and just listen to the stake presidency speak.

That's about it for around here. I'm looking forward to hearing from you as usual. Hope you're happy and well. Our prayers are always with you and the people you are contacting. Remember that a smile is a powerful tool. Use your sweet smile and happy countenance to break down barriers and open doors. It can soften many hearts too.

I love you and know that you are where the Lord wants you to be. I know that He lives and loves each of us and is mindful of our needs and knows us each by name. What comfort that is.

29 Jun 2008

June 29, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
How was your week? Hope the protests have all settled down. Here in Eagle we don't get much of that kind of action. I'm ok with that. The only place you have to wait in line for gas here is at Costco because they tend to have prices that are about 10cents lower than anywhere else. We're at about $4.07 a gallon here. That's about $75 to fill up the car. Suburbans take about $130 to fill. We definitely think twice before taking the car out anywhere.

I should be getting the Eagle missionary newsletter this week, so I'll get that out to you. The Flakes finally sold their house after 18 months and are moving to SLC next week. So Madison will be coming home to a brand new area and house.

I loved your ice cream story with Alexi. Very funny.

I hope this doesn't make you jealous, but take a look below:

(pictures of ticket stubs for Brian Regan)
Dad and I went to see him last night. We went with the Beagleys and the Hugentoblers. The Pinders sat right in front of us. It was soooo funny. It was all new material and his warm up act was just as funny. It was great seeing him live. All his funny body movements and walking back and forth across the stage as he talks. For his encore people just shouted out routines from the audience and he did them. So he did the UPS (weight and girth please) and the elevator. Most of us had tears in our eyes from laughing so hard. We'll try to have his new CD here when you come home.

Today in church they read a letter from our Stake Presidency asking all of us to turn off our TV's for 4 weeks starting July 6th. Most of us just sat there in shock. Bro. Cameron was so funny about it. He was one of the speakers for today. He kept saying that he was going to look for a legal loophole to get out of it. After Sunday School, he said he may have to upgrade his Tivo so it can hold more shows. He was making us all laugh. Anyway, this should be interesting. We don't watch too much TV here now, just at night. So I don't think it will be too hard, but I will have to switch up my bedtime routine. Boring TV helps me to fall asleep, so I'll have to come up with something else. They also asked us to read 500,000 pages as a stake from any good books. We'll keep you posted on how things are going with that.

This week we're getting ready for the Lutz's to come to town. Jeff's dad has prostate cancer, so they want to make as many visits as they can. I'm happy they are staying with us. Kirk and Mary will come home this Thursday also and stay for the 4th of July weekend. I can't believe it's already the 4th again. Seems like I was just writing you about going to the Jones's for fireworks last year. Sometimes time really does fly by and other times, it just creeps.

I've been keeping up with my Book of Mormon challenge, STOMP. I absolutely love reading 1st and 2nd Nephi. If I didn't have any other scripture in the world, those 2 books would fill my soul. I'm sure many converts receive their witnesses of it's truthfulness just from those first 2 books.

Friday dad and I went to Jordan and Sandy's wedding, then their reception that night at our building. Sandy was very funny. She made a deal with her mom that she could take her wedding dress off at 8pm and change into jeans. Sure enough, that's what she did. So for the last hour of the reception, she was just in t-shirt and jeans. At the reception I saw Linda Robertson, who looks great and is engaged to a man who got baptized just yesterday. She's very happy. Monica was there with her new 2 week old baby and Eric was there with his wife and their little 1 yr old. Monte Moore and his wife and baby were also there. It was great talking with them.

We just finished an evening of family games. Nikki and Leah were so funny playing pictionary junior. They both had an all play, so they took the card and went of the room, came back in and then they drew their best rendition of candy. They both drew a piece of candy that looked great. The only problem was that the word was actually Canada. We laughed so hard. I love playing games. I think you already know that about me.

Well, better sign off, so dad can write a little bit. I love you, Sean, and know each thing you are asked to do there will prepare you for greater things in the future. Learn as much as you can from everything you are asked to do, even if it seems mundane. Learn to hear and act on the promptings you receive. That will be a gift in your life.

We are well here and as always, you are in our prayers constantly.
Much love,

26 Jun 2007

June 26, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,
A quick note to you in case your p-day comes up quickly. It was so fun getting to talk with you again yesterday at the airport. I can't believe how much I miss just being able to hit your number on my cell phone and call you any time. You sounded great and very ready to start the next phase of your mission.

Mitch just called here wanting your address. He didn't know you were already down in Argentina. For other people, the time always goes by really fast. Madison's mom called me yesterday and we're going to start a newsletter for you guys. I'll cut and paste a few things from some of your letters home, then send them to Sis. Flake. She'll then compile all the letters together and send it back to me. I'll print it out and send you a hard copy, so at least once a month you can hear from most your friends around the world and what they're up to. Mitch's mom just emailed me also and wants to have all the moms over for a lunch in a couple weeks. Thanks to you, I have lots of new friends. :)

A little business--So I guess don't worry that your email will be mailed out to the world unless you want to write more personally to us in a handwritten letter(I always will love getting a handwritten letter from you). If you don't, then just let your emails be for us and I'll cut and paste and forward. If you could let me know who wants to hear from you each week besides our family, cousins, grandparents, that would help me. If you need any addresses, let me know too. I have quite a list that I've been forwarding to while you were in the MTC, but these might be people you will be handwriting, I don't know. So let me know.

How was the plane flight? I hope you were able to sleep a little. I know that's super hard for me to do, but maybe you were able to. Anyway, I hope your first day was light and enjoyable and full of little catnaps. I think you guys are 3 hours ahead of us, and Kirk is 2 hours ahead of us. Kind of helps me when I'm thinking about you during the day.

I've got to run and get my haircut. I'll write again later, but wanted to get something to you just in case. I'll send a picture too. Let me know if you can open it.

Enjoy your first few weeks and speak Spanish as much as you can whenever you get a chance.
I love you....

26 Jun 2007

June 26, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,
A quick note to you in case your p-day comes up quickly. It was so fun getting to talk with you again yesterday at the airport. I can't believe how much I miss just being able to hit your number on my cell phone and call you any time. You sounded great and very ready to start the next phase of your mission.

Mitch just called here wanting your address. He didn't know you were already down in Argentina. For other people, the time always goes by really fast. Madison's mom called me yesterday and we're going to start a newsletter for you guys. I'll cut and paste a few things from some of your letters home, then send them to Sis. Flake. She'll then compile all the letters together and send it back to me. I'll print it out and send you a hard copy, so at least once a month you can hear from most your friends around the world and what they're up to. Mitch's mom just emailed me also and wants to have all the moms over for a lunch in a couple weeks. Thanks to you, I have lots of new friends. :)

A little business--So I guess don't worry that your email will be mailed out to the world unless you want to write more personally to us in a handwritten letter(I always will love getting a handwritten letter from you). If you don't, then just let your emails be for us and I'll cut and paste and forward. If you could let me know who wants to hear from you each week besides our family, cousins, grandparents, that would help me. If you need any addresses, let me know too. I have quite a list that I've been forwarding to while you were in the MTC, but these might be people you will be handwriting, I don't know. So let me know.

How was the plane flight? I hope you were able to sleep a little. I know that's super hard for me to do, but maybe you were able to. Anyway, I hope your first day was light and enjoyable and full of little catnaps. I think you guys are 3 hours ahead of us, and Kirk is 2 hours ahead of us. Kind of helps me when I'm thinking about you during the day.

I've got to run and get my haircut. I'll write again later, but wanted to get something to you just in case. I'll send a picture too. Let me know if you can open it.

Enjoy your first few weeks and speak Spanish as much as you can whenever you get a chance.
I love you....

22 Jun 2008

June 22, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
How are you this week? Your letters have been wonderful, full of great stories and many miracles. Great to hear! We are in full swing summer now, not only with the weather, but with all the activities as well.

We went from 65 degrees to 95 degrees in a blink of the eye. We're pulling hundreds of weeds that seemed to just crop up out of nowhere and taunt us every day. The garden is growing, the strawberries are prolific and tasty, Alex and Kristina seem like they are constantly mowing the lawn and we even managed to get 5 cherries from the cherry tree before the birds got the rest. Those 5 were tasty though. The peach tree is loaded this year and I'm hoping that placing the fake snake in the tree will fool a few of the birds and keep them away.

Alex had a great week at EFY. He flew down Monday morning and returned Sat evening. They had a really small group-only about 300 kids since their group was a last minute add on. But they joined with another session for the dances, etc. He's still on a high from it and he's going to teach Family night tomorrow night about what he learned there. Sounds like he made lots of new friends as usual. Also sounds like he has a crush on one of his counselors, a 19 year old. All in all a very fun and spiritual week for him. It's good to have him home. He heads back to work tomorrow morning.

Nikki finished her chef's class and Kristina is just getting started with hers. Nikki is loving being in the kitchen and asks to cook everything now. It's so fun to see how strongly she feels about cooking. Kristina was very excited about her first class because they made Argentine empanadas. You both will have to compare recipes.

Church was wonderful. Our talks were on service and home teaching/visit teaching. A point that was made that I really liked was that we should invite our home teachers to our noteworthy family events such as baptisms, weddings, ceremonies, activities. That way we help our home teachers become closer to us.

This was the last week for the Hemmelgarn's. They are moving to Lehi. Sis. Hemmelgarn has been struggling with cancer for the last couple months. She is going through chemo, has lost tons of weight and all her hair. She and her family have been amazing though through all of this. Their faith is strong and they have served all of us probably more than any of us have been able to serve them. She will be in good hands in Utah as she continues treatments at the Huntsman Cancer Center, but we will all miss them.

The Jensen's and the Yorgason's have both sold their homes. Jensen's will rent the Hemmelgarn's old house while their new home is being built. They will stay in our ward until August and then attend the 8th ward. The Yorgason's are moving to a home between Star and Middleton until they decide where they go next. Royce and Brian are still actively working on their new project-their shaved ice business in Las Vegas. It will be a shock to have both those families gone from our ward and especially to have the Yorgason's gone from our neighborhood.

BTW, I delivered your letter to Andrea on her birthday. She called later in the week. She said turning 21 felt kind of strange. I reminded her how very young that still is. She said she's still up in the air about a mission. She was meeting again with her Bishop today. That's a difficult decision for a girl. It's very personal and just because a mission is a good thing doesn't mean it's always a good choice for every girl. I know her struggle, because I was faced with the same thing. My Bishop helped me a lot and it sounds like she has a wonderful Bishop too.

Kirk called this evening when dad and Alex and I were on our way out of the hospital where we had just visited Bro. Lamm. He's having some intestinal problems and should be ok in a few days. Kirk's enjoying school--well, actually the social part of it. He's been dating the same girl these past couple weeks. They've been having fun together. I'm glad he's having some good dating experiences. I just hope he can balance grades and girls. Dad's grades totally went down when he started dating me ; >

Kristina's band is meeting at our house now, so we have a drum set down in the basement. It's actually fun to hear them practicing down there. That reminds me-do you remember what you did with your amp? We could use another one and can't find yours. Kristina's teacher said she'd teach me the Mandolin and/or banjo right after band practice each week. I'm really loving the sound of the Octave Mandolin and it has the same chording as the violin which I'm totally used to. The banjo has been difficult for me to learn on my own, so I definitely need a teacher's help. She's going to bring a mandolin this week for me to try out. I'm pretty excited.

Well, that's about it for around here. I can't wait to hear that you've gotten our latest packages. I also hope grandpa's letter finally gets to you. He's worried it got lost en route. Do you still have baptisms set up for the 7th? I'm very excited for your investigators. As I read the Book of Mormon again, I just think to myself, how can anyone who reads these words not know and feel that these prophets of old are real, have shared their personal testimonies with us and that they were led by a loving Heavenly Father so that their records could be preserved for us to have in this day. It truly is a marvelous work and a wonder.

Have a great week. My prayers are with you each day!
Love you,

15 Jun 2008

June 15, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
How was your week? You sound so happy in your letters and it's fun to hear how immersed you are in the work and how much joy it's bringing you. Sounds like you are teaching quite a few people and we are praying for Romina and others.

Do you still have quite a few commitments for baptism on July 5th? I struggled a little this week about knowing for myself that committing investigators so quickly to baptism was the best thing to do. I prayed each day to know and it's mainly because my heart goes out to those who fall away so quickly. I care about each soul and want each one who has come unto Christ and desired to be baptized to stay with Christ. I prayed each day and very unexpectedly received my answer today during Gospel Doctrine. I was looking down at my scriptures thinking of something completely different when the teacher all of a sudden started talking about committing investigators to baptism on the first or second meeting. It was almost a story out of the blue and didn't have much to do with the lesson at hand. But it was a story for me and I knew at once it was my answer. I knew for sure that the mission of missionaries was to invite all to come unto Christ and those who are willing to progress and ask to know the truth should repent and be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. If they are not willing or have no desire to know the truth, then they are not ready at that time. Perhaps another time and place for them. Then it is up to the members to welcome all newly baptized into the flock. I thanked Heavenly Father for my answer and that He took the time to answer my concerns. Answers always come, we don't always know when or where, but it sure helps to be in the right place at the right time. If I had chosen not to go to Sunday School today, I don't know when or if I would have received my answer.

We had a nice Father's Day mtg today. Kristina gave her first Sacrament mtg talk and did a good job. She said she got so nervous on the stand that her mouth got super dry and she couldn't even swallow the bread and had to wait for the water to try and wash it down. When she told me that, I had a good laugh. I definitely know that feeling of being nervous before a talk. But Kristina sounded very confident up there and I'm sure will be a good speaker in life. She says to say hi to you. The Hugentobler's were the main speakers and they did such a good job. The Young Men and their leaders sang Ye Elders of Israel which really added to the spirit of the meeting.

Dad didn't have any meetings afterwards so we had a dinner for him. Grilled some steaks outside and I made Dorothy's salad to go with it. Dad got some nice present-Home Depot gift certificates, cans of nuts, air rockets, placemat with Nikki's hand prints, mug made by Leah, new cologne (David Beckham cologne).

Yesterday was our 23rd anniversary. The years are just flying by. When I think about it, it seems like just last month that we were dating and planning our wedding.

We sent off a couple packages last week, let us know when you get them. I still haven't heard back from Hma. Paez. I hope she hasn't lost her email address again.

Also yesterday was Eagle Fun Days, so I took the kids downtown for the big parade. Not much changes in that parade, but this year they decided to start it down at the police station and end it at the State Street building. So we sat at the end of the parade which was very sad for the little girls since most people were out of candy by the time they got to us. However, the wet zone was great and everyone got soaked! We sat with the Beagley's and next to the Lamm's, so it was lots of fun. And the weather was perfect, a little on the warm side.

Last Friday I went to Cub Scout camp. It was pretty fun and the boys loved it. I went with a sister in the ward who isn't active, and I loved getting to know her. Her son is in my den, so it will be great to see her more often.

Alex made it through his first week of work and is really enjoying it, so I think he'll make it through the summer and should end up making good money. He and Austin Westerburg get along really well and Alex loves spending time at their house.

I'm really enjoying the sun staying up later. It's 10:30pm here and the sun is just going down. I love it. Dad and I sit out on the back porch and enjoy the cool evenings together. Not tonight thought, because he had to go in to work. He's doing kind of a crazy shift-5pm to 2am. When he gets home, I'll be just getting up so I can take Alex to the airport to catch a flight to Provo for EFY. I'm hoping my alarm works. At least there won't be much traffic at 4:30am.

How is the Gonzalez family doing? I loved your story about Alexi's prayers. He sounds like quite an outgoing young man. How about Romina and Matias? Always let us know who we can pray for each week.

This week, we still have swim lessons, EFY, a ward party, Nikki's Chef Academy. We're also in full swing with the weed pulling season-not fun. Other than that, we are all well and happy. We had the elders over for dinner the other night and they wanted to do their own program with us, so I was only able to tell them about what you mentioned a few letters ago. They brought such a strong spirit into our home. Dad had to work, so he wasn't there, but we had dinner then met out on the back porch for a lesson and they did a great job with the lesson. Lots of interactive stuff that kept Nikki and Leah listening. We practiced giving Books of Mormon to our friends, did some role playing, and learned about listening to the spirit as we share our testimonies with others. Then they left us with a copy to give out. We each are to pray about someone to give the BOM to.

Have a wonderful week. Stay warm and if you have any new pics, send them my way.
Love you,

8 Jun 2008

June 8, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
It looks like we might actually have a whole week of spring weather for once. This has been the weirdest winter and spring I've seen since we've lived here-7 years. Aunt Nancy even said she's never seen anything like this. I can't complain that we're into June and having cool weather only in the 60's and occasionally 70's because it's been nice to have that kind of weather to go outside and work in. I've been looking at your weather too.
Speaking of weather, we're sending off a box tomorrow and in it there will be a package for Sis. Paez and also some winter clothes for Karina and Vanessa's babies. I hope they can use them. We got most of them from Other Mother's and Jodie Hugentobler (who works there) donated some of them too.

I wrote to Susana Paez, but haven't heard anything back yet. I guess I can just email you the letter and you can print it out too. Hopefully, she got my email.

It was great hearing you had such a wonderful week last week. Where is Elder Hansen going? I'm happy to hear that you are excited with your new calling in the office. I know exactly why Pres. Olsen wants to keep you in the office. It must be wonderful for him to have someone who is capable, willing, and humble enough to be teachable. Keep up the good work.

How are Romina and Matias doing? I hope they have gone to church. So much of retention starts before the baptism. If they feel at home with the members, not like an outsider, they will continue to grow once they are members. It's just like how the prophets have told us that we will feel very comfortable in the degree of the kingdom we have been assigned to in our next estate. How can we possibly feel comfortable living in the highest degree of the Celestial kingdom if we have never even lived our lives anything close to that. The new member must live and act as a member long before they become a member. They cannot feel like an outsider and the best way to overcome that feeling is to feel the fellowship of the members, participate in the programs, and even hold callings. I have known several people who attended church first, held callings, etc long before they were baptized. I realize that's not the usual case, but you can sure see the easy transition when it is done that way. There is no doubt that many people feel the spirit very strongly when hearing the good news of the gospel for the first time, but we also know the natural man will still give strong pulls to the old life, the comfortable life and it's not an easy battle even for the very strong. The people who jump right in and change their lives completely are true miracles to me. The new members must learn how to use the precious gift of the Holy Ghost that they have been given to help guide them.

How is Hernan progressing? I love how the Lord works miracles when you and your companion are willing. Has he taken any further lessons?

Alex had a great time at Academies this week. His movie was well received, and their quorum got first place in quorum building experiences (no taste testing, again). Not to brag but dad says he's undefeated since he's been Bishop. (we'll send some pix)
Alex says he wants to know where your amplifier is. Tyler brought back your guitar before he left on his mission, but now Alex is looking for your amp. Alex starts his job tomorrow morning. He's excited to be a full time worker...we'll see how long that lasts.

Alex, Kristina and dad are at a fireside tonight where our ward is kicking off a new summer program called, STOMP, students trying out Moroni's promise. I told you about it last week. I'm excited about it and really look forward to it because the last time I read the BOM fairly quickly was with Pres. Hinckley's challenge and I had such a marvelous experience, so I'm ready again.

Everyone's well here. I talked with Aunt Nancy for a long time yesterday. It was fun catching up with her. We're going to plan a double date. They're going down to Calif. next month and getting a beach house and inviting grandma and grandpa to stay with them. Bill is having a hard time seeing my mom suffer through her memory loss. It is hard to see, but the fact that she can't remember that she can't remember is actually a blessing. So I'm glad they are going down and my mom loves the beach, so it will be fun for them all.

The seniors spoke in church today. We had 2 sets of twins, the Purnells and the Taylors and also Derrick Hansen. They all did a great job. I haven't heard of any new mission calls lately. Aunt Susan ran into Elder Beagley last week. The ward he's assigned to meets in their building. His companion was introducing him to everyone since he's new. When Brig walked into the room, he said, hey, I know you. Since Brig went to High Adventure last year, he met Ashton there. Diane Beagley is so happy that he's there with my family. I told her they'd keep an eye on him for her. Grandpa said he'll look in on him too. Small world.

Well, better run. Everyone's home from the fireside. I want to hear the particulars. Dad said they had 5 people talk about their experiences reading the BOM. Trevin Rasmussen talked and brought all the BOM's he's ever read except one that got stolen. He even had his first one from when he was 8 years old and he had even written things in the book. How fun to have something like that. I have mine from when I was 14 with all my notes. I don't think I read the BOM when I was 8. I was just jumping rope and roller skating every day.

Have a miraculous week. I am praying for Romina and Matias. Say hello to my friend, Hma. Paez.
I love you.

1 Jun 2008

June 1, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
I sit down to write you with the sound of the Osmond's in the background (Kristina is watching a biography on them). Nothing like hearing little Donny sing.

So how are you? How was your new week at the new desk? Are you still training the new elder taking over your spot? What exactly are you going to be doing now? Are you happy with this transfer?

Did Ariel come to church again? How about Fernando? We are still praying for him. I hope he knows how much he is needed in his ward.

We are well here. Dad actually had to work today and didn't get to go to church. It's a rare thing these days for him to miss church because of work. Remember when you were young and dad only went to church with us about every other week. So I'm pretty used to sitting in church without him. I missed seeing him on the stand though.

Alex finished his movie he made for Moroni Academy and showed it to Bro. Shaw tonight. This week is the last week of school and then Moroni. Alex and the guys are excited to go. Can't wait to hear their stories. Tell Alex if you have any words of advice for him before he goes.

I forgot to tell you that we went to the end-of-the-year concert a couple weeks ago. Mr. Mc was pretty sad because this group of seniors was his first group of freshman when he started to teach at EHS. They were all very emotional. The choirs have gotten huge but they're all so good. It's pretty amazing to see how far they've come. Alex tried out and made Premium Blend which is the small jazz group for next year. He's still in sonous too. With gas prices so high, I doubt if there will be very many road trips next year. Gas is now between $3.80 and $3.99 a gallon here. It makes more sense half the time to fly to where you want to go.

Kristina is finishing up her years at an elementary school and couldn't be happier. She's so excited to go to girls camp for the first time this year too. Her friend Bailey from school who isn't a member is going to go to camp with her also. Bailey loved going to mutual with Kristina too so we're hoping she'll go with her all summer. A program that our youth are going to do this summer is called STOMP and it asks for everyone to read the Book of Mormon in its entirety during the summer. I'm going to do it too. I love reading the Book of Mormon in a short period of time. I've had such incredible experiences with it when I've done it that way as opposed to reading a little here and a little there. So I'm excited about this program and will really encourage Alex and Kristina with it.

Leah and Nikki are having their usual field days, craft days, etc as their last days of school, so they're loving getting up every morning and going to school. I've signed them up for swim lessons this summer and Nikki will be taking a chef's class for kids which she's totally excited about. Leah might be doing soccer again.

I played the piano in Primary today and Sally Larsen led the music, so we had a fun time together. She had them singing all the fun Primary standards. This past week wasn't very eventful, just kind of caught up on things since I've been away so much lately. We doubled with the Hugentobler's on Friday night and saw the new Indiana Jones movie. Not as good as the first one, but entertaining. We can't believe that Travis will be home this Sept.

I hope all is going well with you and your staff. Are you able to get out of the office on time these days so you can do some teaching?

I'm gathering some things to send to you to have you deliver to my new Argentina friends. Hope you don't mind.

Dad just got home so I better sign off so we can chat. I need to report about church today. Tyler Y. went into the MTC this past week and Phil and Corey are going in this Wednesday. Ashton is in California now and he's in his first area-Tustin. He's actually in the Tustin 5th ward which is full of lots of people who used to be in the Orange 3rd ward when I was young. It's so fun knowing he's there. I'll send someone to say hi to him.

I want you to know that I know we have a living prophet who communes with God. It gives me the greatest sense of peace to know we are not alone here on earth and that Christ stands at the head of our church and that He loves us more than we know, and He knows us better than we can ever understand. I have felt His tender mercies in my life so many times that I can never deny what I have felt, seen, and heard. I also know that every person on the earth is blessed because of the great power of the Priesthood. I also know that there is much suffering in the world today and that each of us have a mission to care for the one, to find those who are lost and lift their hands just as Christ did. I love living the gospel because it has made me grow and stretch in ways I never would have chosen on my own. I feel blessed and my greatest blessing is knowing where my blessings come from.
I love hearing your stories of caring for the one in Argentina and how your love for the people around you has grown as you have served them.
Stay true to your covenants.
Have a great week.
I love you very much,

22 Jul 2007

July 22, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,

We just got back home from Jared's house where his family was having an open house for him. He spoke this morning in his ward too and I went. He did a great job. He was the concluding speaker and the other speaker was a young man also leaving on his mission the same day as Jared. His family had recently moved into Jared's ward. You could tell the Bishop was very fond of Jared, he got emotional just announcing that he was speaking and told about him a little. I knew that his parents would have a hard time. His mom (like someone else we know) was a mess after he spoke. Very emotional day for them. Jared's emotions are very tender too. At his house tonight I talked with his mom about doing a newsletter like the one we're doing with your roommates. She thought that would be a great idea and to include Houston in it too. So you'll probably be getting 2 newsletters a month once I get this second one going. I also told his parents we'd have them over for a game night of Golf.

Jared gave me 3 CD's he made for you, so I'm going to stick them in the mail this week along with some church post card pictures that I picked up in Provo that might be good for the leather scriptures. Dad mailed you a test pkg last Thurs (July 19th) so let's see how long that takes and let us know how it looks when it gets to you and if everything's still in the box. What exactly do you have to do for the mission choir?

I had a fun time in Provo last week. I stayed at Steve's and the first day I met Darla Weigel for lunch and we went shopping. It was great seeing her again. She's feeling at home now in Riverton. She's worried about Tyler, but said there's not much she can do now that he's 20. I saw Tyler at Jared's farewell, gave him a hug. He asked about you and said he didn't have many friends around any more. Must be a weird feeling to be left behind.

I met another friend I'd known in Calif. for lunch the next day at Zupa's with Carolina. Then Carolina and I went to Draper shopping. Dakota and Kassie and 2 friends tried to sneak into the EFY dance, made their own EFY wristbands and everything. They managed to get in but then one of the girls in Parker Starr's group ratted them out and they were thrown out. I guess the girls in Parker's group were jealous and mad that they were hogging Parker's time. The girls were mad they got kicked out, but we just laughed at them. Alex said he had a great time this year, said the dances and the speakers were the best.

I called Charmaine when I got into town and told her I would stop by and pick up the box you mailed, but she said she hadn't received anything. The next day I went to the MTC to track it down. The guy in the mail room knew about the place in Provo that "mailed things to Provo for free". So I went to that postal place and there was your box sitting in a pile of a bunch of other boxes. I asked if they just hadn't mailed it yet and she said they never mail those boxes. They just sit there and the person in Provo is supposed to pick it up--that's why it's free. I was just happy that I had tracked it down. So I gave Alex his poster. He likes it and will put it up in his room. I'm going to try to take a picture of it then send a digital copy to you, but we'll have to see how that turns out.

It's still super hot here and in Utah. We're all very tired of it now. It's still up over 100 every single day and doesn't cool down much at night. Our electric bill is going to be so high this month. This is a large house to try to cool down. I hope you're keeping warm there. Send me a little of that cool air in your email please.

So we've got Brig here now at our house. He and Alex are going to go bike riding tomorrow to get ready for their High Adventure later this week. They leave on Wednesday and will be back Saturday.

So how have you been feeling this week? I'm so sorry that you came down with the flu last week, or was it something you ate. Sounds like it kind of hit you hard whatever it was. I've been anxious to hear from you this week to see how you're feeling now. I hope you've been able to have a great week.

So how was the Dia del Poncho? Can't wait to hear about it.

Have you got any good investigators right now? Any interesting visits... How's your Spanish coming along?
I hope you're feeling pretty comfortable now with the mission routine. We are busy as ever here, always something going on. Our hot water went out this morning. Dad took a cold shower, but I couldn't take it, so I borrowed the Poulsen's while they were out of town. I didn't like walking across the street to shower. Don't think I'll do that again. They're supposed to come tomorrow to fix it. Luckily dad's working tonight, so he can either shower at the hospital or wait until later tomorrow to shower again. I boiled water for Leah and Nikki's shower. Any way, it was a trauma for a few of us not having hot water. I don't know how Kirk does it not having hot water in some of the places he's lived. Do you have running hot water there? I realize how blessed we are with all these little luxuries in life and how spoiled we can become when we're not grateful for them.

Well, I better be off to bed now. Have a great week.

Love you,

20 Jul 2008

July 20, 2008

Dear Elder Sean,

We got your test letter yesterday, so it took 8 days exactly to get to us. Have you gotten anything yet from us. I'm hoping these dearelder letters get there weekly. It was very fun to hear from you even though it was just a short test letter. We are all back together again here. This past week has been quite the whirlwind for us. Kristina left early Monday morning for her first girls camp. Hey Sean Grandpa called Mom so I'm taking over her letter and she will write another letter later tonight. I wrote you a letter when we were up at Deadwood this last week so I'll try and get it mail tomorrow with some goodies from the family. We had a busy but successful week last week. I left Tuesday afternoon for Girl's camp and spent that night with the YW of the ward. They went to a camp just above Garden Valley along the South Fork of the Payette. IT was a nice old style church camp and I had fun with your sister Kristina and the YW of the ward. They are a great group and Kristina fits in well with them. Wednesday around noon, I left their camp and went up Scott Mountain Road to Deadwood to get a camping spot for the YM. The old blue truck looked like the Beverly Hillbillies with all of the gear I packed in but it purred right up all of the steep climbs. When I got to Deadwood all of our old camp sites were taken so we went to the first campground called Riverside and took up 4 spots at the end of the campground so we were pretty alone. We did our standard food fest with a little twist; I did a low country boil for them Thursday night and cooked a whole pot full of food and then dumped it out on the table, southern style and they all ate it. I had to show most of the YM how to peel shrimp but they all seemed to enjoy it. We cleared out the west side trail around the lake and then the YM and Trevin rode it on their mountain bikes the next day. It took us 6 hours to hike the trail and do our trail repairs we did ( cut trees out from across the trail and built log bridges across all of the creeks except for one that was too large and too deep) but it only took them 2.5 hours to ride the trail on mountain bikes. Trevin said the ride was worth the trip up the mountain. Brig Starr came up again this year and he took your bike for the trip. This year your bike did not send him flying over the handle bars so Brig does not have any bad road rash to heal up. Mom is back so I'll let her finish up her note and I'll send you a snail mail letter this week. I love you and miss you but I know you are having the high adventure of your life! LOve Dad. Hi Sean, I'm back from talking with grandpa. He said to say hi and figures if you haven't gotten his letter by now, it must be lost. So he said he'll write another one. I hope he does. Anyway, Brig flew in here on Tuesday and we had a birthday lunch with him on his work break at Costa Vida. Then dad took off for girls camp. I helped Alex and Brig get ready for high adventure and they took off on Wed. Dad just met them there. On Thurs, Kristina came home and after her band practice, us girls all took off for Idaho Falls. We had fun touring the temple there, the mall, meeting Mary at her quilt store where she works in Rigby and then meeting with Kirk and Rachel (yes, he's still dating her and it's getting a bit more serious). On Saturday, Kirk checked out of his apt and said his goodbyes with Rachel as they went out to breakfast, then Kirk met us in Idaho Falls and we caravaned home. Rachel is getting her knee operated on this Wed and will stay in Rexburg the whole break so she can recuperate. Kirk is going to try and go for a weekend to see her. How has your week been? It's weird asking that now and realizing I won't be getting an answer to that real soon. I haven't heard anything from Hma Paez. I hope she's doing well. How are the Gonzalez family? Are you teaching any new families/people? The stake is still having a TV fast and its going well. We are quite the game playing family now. Tonight we had the Westerberg's over. We played games and had ice cream. We sat on the back porch and had a nice talk with them afterwards. It was fun having them here. They send us Jared's emails each Monday so at least we have something to read. They're a wonderful family. Jonathan Loosle reported his mission today. He looks great and sounds like he learned a lot from his missionary experiences. He asked about you. I can't remember if I told you that the Flakes have moved to Utah. They finally sold their house, so Madison will be coming home to a new home. We'll try not to move before you come home. If we do, it's because we got an offer we couldn't refuse. Dad has lots of fun pictures from high adventure, so we'll have to send them the old fashioned way. Their t-shirts this year were really cool. The Purnells drew them and hopefully dad has enough that we can send you one or at least save one for you. This weekend the stake is having its Pioneer Day festivities. You probably don't do much celebrating of that in Argentina-then again maybe they do. I think dressing up like pioneers can be done in any country and their heritage is a part of us all no matter where we live. I better get this sent. It's got a deadline and I'm only allowed so many characters. Can't wait to finally hear from you. I've been thinking a lot about you as I've been reading in Alma about the sons of Mosiah and their missions. Sometimes there was hardly a soul that would listen to them, but they knew their message had to be shared whether it was accepted or not. I don't know if you feel that the people you are trying to teach are a bloodthirsty and stiffnecked people (maybe some days they seem that way), but I know you share the zeal and confirmation of the spirit that the sons of Mosiah did and know that what you are doing is part of the Lord's plan and that it must be done in order to bring about the fulfillment of His promises and that it will ultimately help usher in the coming of the Savior in all His glory. My prayers and thoughts of course are always with you. Keep the faith, share the hope and spread the charity. I love you, momxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoox

13 Jul 2008

July 13, 2008

Dear Elder Sean,
I let dad type first, so now it's into the wee hours of the night since his method of typing takes 10x as long as mine. As he mentioned, we are busy this week. I hate having the family so spread out, but all for good causes. I'll be manning the fort until Thursday, then off to Rexburg. We're actually staying in Idaho Falls since there's no room in the inns in Rexburg. I'll take the girls to the Idaho Falls temple so it will be nice. We're also going to the new Rexburg temple. Kirk says it's high on a hill and you can see it from all over the valley.

The talks in sacrament mtg were really good today. I've noticed a trend. When I'm spiritually in tune, all talks sound great to me and I get something out of each one. The girls are doing much better in sacrament meeting now, so it's less hectic and I'm truly enjoying it. I think young moms need to know that their spiritual moments probably won't come while at church. They have to have them in those few and rare precious moments of quiet at home.

In Sunday School they asked me to relate a story from one of your missionary experiences that was powerful or had important lessons learned, so I told of your inspiration you received about finding an entire family that would be ready to hear the gospel and be baptized and how we prayed often and hard on our end also for you to find them. I started crying when I told them how even Nikki remembered everyone's names and prayed for them at each prayer.

Also in Sunday School we got a great quote about why we do missionary work, "I want them to know what I know. I want them to feel what I feel. I want them to do what I've done." I think it was a quote from Pres. Eyring, but I may have to check up on that.

We had a fun time with Alex celebrating his 17th birthday tonight. I made his favorite meal-chicken parmesan, roasted potatoes, corn, garlic bread and for his cake, I made the one that is chocolate with cool whip, heath bars and caramel throughout. It was very tasty, if I might say so myself. Spencer, from across the street, asked me for the recipe. Alex's friends finished off the whole cake. That will be good for me and dad, we're trying to drop some weight together.

It was so wonderful to hear that Wilky went to the temple and got so excited about it. How are the other investigators doing that you were working with? Some of them had committed to baptism. Are they still working towards that?

Well, I better get this off or it won't reach you for another week. I love you. I miss your emails and it isn't even Monday yet. I may go into some kind of withdrawals over this, but I'll be tough and hang in there. Stay true to your covenants, always be worthy to use your priesthood and you will be in good hands.
Love you much,

8 Jun 2007

June 8, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,

It was so good to hear from you last week, but also bittersweet since I felt horrible that I didn't have a letter in your email waiting for you. You sound great and it sounds like you have a wonderful first companion.

Have the sisters you took to church with you last week shown any progress or any more interest in the church? Carlito's story is all to familiar. There are lots of children out there who would love to be members of the church and love coming to church, but usually one parent has it in his mind to try and sound authoritative yet open minded by saying the child can only make those decisions when he is 18. It's a very sad loss of a wonderful youth. Hopefully Carlito can at least attend church and any activities.

I just got off the phone with my dad. He sounds good. He's worried AT&T is going to take over the entire phone market again and ruin things. He must have really gotten burned by them at some point. I can remember our phone bills at home when I was growing up being quite high and those are the days my dad's talking about. I told him I thought there was too much good competition out there for AT&T to monopolize things again, but he's begs to differ with me. We'll have to keep our eyes on that. Maybe we should invest in AT&T just in case....

In case you haven't already heard, Nigel got his call. He's going to the Phillipines and leaves the same day as Mitch. Scott McCauley is pretty happy about that news and says he's going to have Nigel over for a family night and share his mission info with him.

This past week I went to Mitch's house to have lunch with his mom and Denise Frame. Mitch's mom had a lot of questions about getting ready for a mission. Mitch is having a hard time having to wait so long.
When Sis. Hortin opened the door I realized I had never met her before. I have only emailed with her back and forth, so she looked totally different than I had pictured. It was kind of weird. She's very nice. And I met his dad too. They told me about his business I checked it out, but so far I can't seem to get anything to work on our machine. Maybe it's not apple friendly.

Sis. Frame said Garrett is in a mission with no internet privileges. So it's all hand written for them. I talked with Sis. Teuscher today and she said there had really been a problem with some elders in that mission concerning the internet, something about companions not staying right next to each other when they were using the internet. She said it was something big, so the mission president pulled the plug on emailing.

I think I told you how us moms are going to get the word to each of you through a newsletter. About once a month you should get a big long letter that I'll send you with news from each of your friends who are on missions. I'll cut and paste from the letters you send us. The emails you send to us I'm just going to forward to family members now, so if you need home addresses for anyone just let me know. If anyone sends an email to us for you, I'll add them to the end of my letters.

Our 4th of July was fun. When dad got home from work, we went over to the Jones's. The only people we knew there were the Westerberg's and Tyler D. But Andrea's dad cooked up a mean bbq. He really worked hard on it. He had 3 types of smoked meat-pork, brisket and ribs with all kinds of bbq sauces, and tons of salads. I made "carrots" at Andrea's request. I had to put a little twist on them since I made a mistake, which mistake I have made before. Remember when you make the crust, you're only supposed to put 1/2 of the cake mixture on the bottom and put the other half on top. Well, of course I put the whole mixture on the bottom, then realized I had no more cake mix to put on top. So I got a brownie mix and added evaporated milk and butter to it, then put it on top. Wow, I think I created something even better than the original carrots. I made carrots extreme. They were really good if I may say so myself.

Anyway, we had nice visits with a lot of people there. I had a very interesting conversation with Andrea's aunt, her dad's youngest sister, who had just moved to Boise. We have so much in common it was almost scary. She went to court reporting school at the same place I went to in CA. Then she worked as a court reporter in Orange County like I did. She has a son who left on a mission this past April. She's adopted. She found her birth mother when she was 23, the exact same age I found my birth mother. Her birth mother had trouble getting pregnant again once she got married just like my birth mother. She has brown hair and brown eyes and freckles across her nose like me. Anyway, our whole conversation was so weird. Terri Westerberg was sitting with us and her mouth was just open the whole time cuz she was so shocked about our stories. I asked her if she liked to quilt, and she said she doesn't quilt but she has always wanted to. So I think I need to stay in contact with her. Her son on a mission is deaf and is on a sign language mission in Arizona and doing well. They get to use cell phones there so they can text deaf members and contacts. It was interesting to hear how he's doing there.

Alex has had some real life driving experiences now with Chad Arnell. He's doing well. Chad says he needs to work on coming to stops smoother (sound familiar?) But Alex is loving it.

Tomorrow Leah and Nikki start swim lessons at Rocky Mtn. Leah's excited, but Nikki is asking about water depth, etc. Here we go again. I hope she does well this time so she can relax in the water. Nikki came home very excited from church today telling me all about this missionary named Ammon and how the bad robbers got their arms chopped off and how the shepherds would get killed if just one sheep was lost. She kept asking me, "mom, have you heard about that? Do you know that story?" The teacher must have done quite a good job graphically describing the story. When she says her prayers, it's amazing to hear how well she understands gospel basics, especially when it appears she's not really listening to anything I say. Whenever she goes somewhere with dad, she always comes in to me and asks if I'll be ok being alone and then she says, "but remember Jesus is always with you."

I'm hoping this week will be a lot cooler. 107 for three days in a row was too much. Dad took the Mustang to church and of course came home looking very hot. I may have to look into getting some AC for it.

I hope all is going well for you. Try out your debit card sometime to see that it works there, etc and let me know if you were able to see the pix I sent. We are all well here. I look forward to your letters and try to picture where you are, where you are living, the people you are teaching, etc. Send us pictures of your pension and the city. If there's anything you need, let us know. You and your companion are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay true.

I love you,

6 Jul 2008

July 6, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
Well, we just finished a rousing couple of hours of games here. Jan and David tried to leave this evening, but their plane got delayed which would have caused them to miss their next plane, so they are now back with us. Jeff and Katie are still here too because they aren't leaving until Tues. So now Jan and David will leave first thing in the morning. Kirk just called and he got home safe and sound.

Speaking of Kirk--he brought a girl home with him for the weekend!! He told me he had been dating this girl named Rachel for a few weeks, but I was pretty surprised when he said he was bringing her home for the weekend along with Mary. Mary said she felt like a third wheel, but hopefully it wasn't that bad. Rachel was really nice and got along well with the whole family. She came on crutches because she wrecked her knee playing basketball. She plays competitive basketball and volleyball at BYUI. She's going to have surgery during the break in August. Meanwhile, Kirk takes her to school each day and to her doctor's appointments and shopping. Yes, he likes her. But we'll have to see where it goes from here. I just think it's good for Kirk to have the experience of having a girlfriend. Nikki and Leah teased them the whole time they were here about getting married, so she's already been put through the fire and seemed to pass through just fine. We'll keep you updated on this story.

For the 4th, we went to Jeff's sister's house in Middleton and had a bbq. We left after the bbq and went home to do our fireworks. Dad found some sweet fireworks this year and we put on quite a show. On Saturday, the whole group including lots of Lutz cousins went floating down the Boise. We couldn't find any rafts to go down the Payette. They were all rented out for the weekend. But they were able to rent rafts for the Boise and had a fun time. I took Jan around town to different quilt stores and antique stores. She was very happy. We all met up at Costa Vida for lunch.

We had a fun time with everyone this weekend. From the Lutz family, we had Jan, Jeff, Mary, Katie and David.

You should have seen how small church attendance was today. We looked like a branch but it was a great fast and testimony meeting. Today we started our fast from TV. So far so good. Lots of games going on. Jodie called me tonight to chat (since we have lots of free time now). They had just finished playing a night full of games too. We're going to exchange game ideas. If you have any fun ideas or games you've learned there, please let us know. We'll be desperate for them in a few weeks.

Val McCauley and her children came over tonight and visited. It was so fun to see them again. She's not loving living in Las Vegas and the business that Royce and Brian are trying to start there is not going well, so they are suffering. Lots of tough times economically all around us. It's very humbling. Anyway, she asked about you and wanted to know how things were going.

I just sent off another set of Eagle missionary letters to you. It's fun to read them. In a few weeks Jonathan Loosle will be coming home and then Jared Gooch. Seems like we were just going to all the farewells. Haven't heard of any more mission calls lately.

How was your week?? I loved, loved, loved seeing the pictures of Hna Paez getting her package and wearing her apron. I have an apron for Sis. Olsen that I'll be sending in the next package. Jan's seamstress made it, but Jan gave it to me and I'm sending it off for Sis. Olsen. I think it will be perfect for her. We loved putting together the package of winter clothes for the kids and I'm glad they were able to use them. Any time you need something like that, please let me know.

How's Fernando doing this week? I think about him a lot. Such a struggle to change, but I'm very hopeful for him and our prayers are still with him. How is his family?

It's wonderful to hear your testimony and how much it's grown through your experiences. That's what life's all about. Either you can let your experiences strengthen your testimony or you can let them bring you down or you can pay no heed. Your relationship with your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is what will make the difference. If you can see people and events through their eyes, you will become more and more like them.

I miss you, your music, your smile...but knowing you are sharing yourself and your talents with the people around you makes me happy. Keep up the great work and the teachable attitude.

Love you,
mom xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

3 Jul 2007

July 3, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,

I thought I better write you just in case you happen to check the mail before next Monday. I feel so bad that you didn't have a letter waiting for you when you wrote us today. You had said your pday was on Wed, so I was waiting until Tues evening to write.

You sound great for your first week. Sounds like you're just taking everything in stride, which is great. And you have a wonderful attitude about it all. Attitude is everything. Just keep the faith about learning the language. Know that it will come as you continue to work hard and use what you already know. Just like learning a new song on the piano. Soon enough you won't be thinking about where each finger needs to go, it will just go from your eyes to your fingers and how sweet that will be.

So it sounds like dad is pretty capo after all. He must have known all along that the Ford Ranger was hot, that's why he's keeping it so long. We have the white van on the lot at Bill's, but haven't heard anything about it selling yet. Dad can actually park his truck in the garage now. woohoo And with the shed finished, we have all kinds of room.

It's very hot here now. Supposed to be in the 100's this week. Not looking forward to that, so I'm going to call Aunt Nancy and see about using the pool a few days or else we're going to melt. I'm jealous of your cooler weather.

Were you able to open up the pictures I sent you through email? Just wondering what works and what doesn't. In a couple weeks, we'll send out a test package. Sounds like we're some kind of military operation here.

So Jared and his window washing crew were here the other day. They actually did an amazing job and I can't get over how clean the windows look. I think some of our windows haven't been cleaned since we moved in. Jared's boss, who came also, went to the DR on his mission, in fact he went to Kirk's mission and he told us all about the different cities where Kirk has served. We showed him some of Kirk's pictures and really enjoyed talking with him. I'm also hoping that Alex will start working with them when Jared leaves on his mission. I think it would be a good job for Alex.

Alex is now taking drivers ed officially at Excel. He's really enjoying it and the teachers are entertaining as you remember. He starts driving this Friday with Quinn. Quinn's such a good driver already (having stolen the family car and driven himself to school) that Alex is sure it's going to make him look bad. So he wants to go to a parking lot and practice, so I'll take him out tomorrow for a spin...

Kristina has started babysitting quite a bit now for the Kent's. She loves it and is starting to rack up the big bucks. Leah and Nikki manage to keep busy every day. First they destroy the basement by spreading toys from one end to the other, then they defrost the freezer unbeknownst to me by leaving it open after getting 43 otter pops out during the day, then they dress up and leaves high heels on the stairs, then they have 14 string cheeses and ask about lunch all before 9:30am. Fun, fun, fun.

We're looking forward to our bbq at the Jones's. I'm bringing the drinks, and of course dad went out today and bought all kinds of fun fireworks.

I truly enjoy your letters. I'll keep this one short, since I'll write again Sunday evening.
Love you much,

27 Jan 2008

Jan. 27, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,

Hopefully you've already heard by now that Pres. Hinckley passed away this evening around 7pm MST. He had his close family all around him at the time. I'm so sad to hear of his leaving this earth, but couldn't be happier about his joyous reunion on the other side. In our last Stake Conf, Pres. Monson spoke to us and we really got to know him well from his talk. I'm looking forward to hearing more from him.

How are you doing this week? Randy Pinder was here tonight for the fireside dad had for the 11 yr old boys-Priesthood Preview and he was looking at your mission map and having some fond memories of his areas. He said Pres. Kimball passed away while he was on his mission and he said he was serving in Rio Gallegos in the southern tip of ARgentina and he said he was pretty sure he was the last person on the earth to hear the news of his passing because he was so far away from anything else. Hopefully you won't be the last one to hear this news.

Kirk called this evening and reported about his dinner he made for a girls' apt. He called over the weekend to get help in making cordon bleu(sp?) but when it came time to make it today, he found out that his oven doesn't work. So he quickly made some hamburger helper, Sunday salad and stove top stuffing. He said it was good and no one complained, so I guess it was ok after all. He's sticking to his word about having a date every weekend. He went out with a girl named Amy this weekend. He took her to a restaurant and went to some Latin dancing class. He said he wants to ask her out again.

This was our first day in a long time that we went above freezing and it only took about 1 hour for most the snow to melt. The girls have really been loving having all this snow around. Kristina and Alex have been using the ATV to take them hookie-bobbing in the back yard. I'll send a picture or two of our lovely snow. Unfortunately, it's supposed to snow 3 more days this week, so I guess we'll leave the sleds hooked up.

Friday night we went to the Nampa Civic Ctr as a family and watched one of their shows. It was a comedian/magician. He geared a lot of things to young children but it was pretty entertaining overall. He sure kept the little girls' attention well.

Today I subbed for Sis. McCauley in Primary and did the chorister job. We played games and sang lots of songs. Most of them are so high for me, it actually hurts my voice a bit. I don't think the kids would appreciate me singing the alto part to their favorite tunes.

So tell me about some of the people/families you are teaching now. Did you keep your same companion with the last transfer? I'm glad it wasn't any problem for you to translate my letter to Sis. Paez. I would love to hear from her.

Alex is starting into a new semester now. I helped him answer his sweetheart's date this week. We weren't very sure about the address and the phone number he had was no longer in service, so we took a chance and it worked out. He spread peanuts all over the front porch with a sign that said, "I would be nuts not to say yes after I've made this big mess." He found out later from her that it was her house and that her family was enjoying eating the peanuts now.

Kristina is getting ready for a piano festival. She has 2 songs that she'll be performing and getting judged with. She's getting good on the piano and enjoys playing, but I still have to push her to practice each day.

Leah got to go to the Tanner's house (Benson Tanner) to go ice skating on their back yard pond the other day. She thinks it's so cool to be able to go to a friend's house. She's still getting tested at school for her learning disability and they said they want to meet with me in two weeks to discuss the results of her testing. Math is still a big black hole to her.

Nikki got the Respect award at her school this month. She's very proud of it. She told me the other day that all the girls in her class have crushes. Leah asked me what a crush was, so I told her it was when someone liked someone else. So then Leah said she had a crush on someone. I asked her who, and she said "You mom". Just when you think they're gaining an older, wiser perspective on life, they say something that shows me just how young they still are, young and innocent (which I love).

Barkley is still just laying around and pretending that he's deaf. He has selective hearing. It works when I've got any food in my hand.

Dad has really had some busy weeks at work. They're down a couple people there and it's taking a toll on his schedule. He managed to get a chunk of time off for spring break, so we're hoping to go somewhere fun.

I'm so grateful for your letters each week. So many lessons you learn have become wonderful lessons for me also as you share them with me. My Bear scouts two weeks ago were horrible. They bad mouthed everything we did and were so rude. It was kind of hard to believe. They had been so bad for their wolf leader that she actually asked to be released, so I thought about it all week and the thought came to me to try something positive. So I gathered lots of items from the dollar store and at the beginning of our mtg last week, I explained what behavior was indicative of a good scout and that for every ten minutes they would act accordingly, I would reward them with a token. Once they had 4 tokens, they could pick any item from my basket to take home. We had a good discussion on proper, respectful behavior and it was like a miracle. The boys were so courteous and kind to not only me and Leslie, but also to each other. I told them how great it was to see them acting this way and they were so excited about getting tokens. And even though I had talked pretty seriously in the beginning with them, our rapport was definitely different and so much better afterward. My point in this is I remembered what you mentioned about prayer in your last letter and I immediately after the mtg thanked Heavenly Father for the inspiration and the help in what seemed like an impossible situation just a couple weeks earlier. I know He's there and willing to help if we just ask and listen and act.

I hope you are well and happy and sharing your testimony often. Share it through your actions and your words. You have a great attitude and many gifts. Use them in building the kingdom and remember always how much we love you and pray for you.

I love you,

13 Jan 2008

Jan. 13, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
How you doing, my son? We are well, still cold, but well. Kirk is off having completed his first week back at college. He sounds good and we've even been able to chat with him on our iChat video, so we get to actually see him and his room etc. Maybe someday you'll be able to do the same with your own children on their missions. Although actually when I think about it, seeing each other might make everyone more homesick, so maybe not such a great idea.

I loved reading about your mission conference. The talks sounded great. I seem to be on the same wave length with the Book of Mormon right now. Of course, in SS that's what we're studying and also I'm re-reading one of my favorite books by Jeffrey R. Holland "Christ and the New Covenant". The new covenant of course being the Book of Mormon (D&C 84:57). The whole book talks about the Book of Mormon and ...well, I'll just quote a couple of his sentences. "The principal and commanding figure in the Book of Mormon, from first chapter to last, is the Lord Jesus Christ. In its unparalleled focus on the Messianic message of the Savior of the world, the Book of Mormon is rightly referred to as God's "new covenant with the house of Israel. It is literally a new testament or (to avoid confusion) "another testament" of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon has many purposes, but this one transcends all others. Written by prophets and preserved by angels, it was written for the fundamental and eternally essential purpose of "convincing...the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations."

The book really opened my eyes to a lot of things about the Book of Mormon and its main purpose for us in these latter days. If you ever get a chance to read it, I highly recommend it.

Leah gave the scripture today in Primary and did it all by herself and did a fine job. She's getting so grown up. Nikki only threw a little fit in sacrament, so we're making some progress there too. The joy that Kristina is feeling with being in YW now is so fun to see. She just exudes happiness after each meeting, lesson or activity. Alex had his first ward conference today. One of the Star wards. Bro. Shaw called on him to bear his testimony first. He said he kind of knew it would be him. He had a big group of friends over yesterday to play Wii games, so he said he was feeling a bit guilty speaking about becoming addicted to video games, but that he knows how to set limits. I told him tomorrow night we're having a family night lesson on balance in one's life which might help him with some of his future thoughts for ward conferences. He's also been trying to hang out with Austin Westerberg more since they both have no brothers at home any more. Austin was here last night. Have you been able to write Jared or hear from him? Alex also has finals this week. He feels like he's done well this semester.

It's good to hear that you're having fun with the president too. When he wants to take you all on in a game of basketball, are you able to play yet? Have you been able to have any down time for your knee's sake?

Sports updates-BYU won UCLA 17-16 (rumor has it that one of the 3 Nephites jumped up and blocked UCLA's last-second attempt at a winning field goal! LSU beat Ohio State in a very anti-climatic season ending game. AFC championship will be undefeated Patriots against SD Chargers and NFC it will be GB Packers vs. Giants. Eagle is 11-2 so far in their basketball season. Alex claims that when he wears his lime green blazer they always win.

Thanks for the pictures you sent. You mentioned a video too, but there wasn't a video attached. That would be fun to see too. You look good in the pictures you sent. Are you able to get out of the office much and do any teaching? I hope so. We always pray that you'll be led to people that the Lord has already prepared for you.

A couple mission calls that I've heard of here- the Martin boy (sorry, don't know his first name) in the Star ward is going to Madrid. Kurt Van Wagenen is going to the Russia Samara mission. The DeSpain boy(again no first name) is going to Jacksonville, Mississippi.

Also we have Alex Erickson's girlfriend's baptism on Saturday. She is very excited and very nervous. Her parents are not for this at all which has made it even more difficult, but she is determined.

Sorry I've kind of rambled here today. My mind is a little mush. Dad is working on his ward conference talk. We have ward conference next Sunday. He's speaking on family prayer. He says to send his love. If you have any good stories on prayer, he'd love to hear them. You know that our prayers are always with you and we always ask Heavenly FAther to send our love to you. I'm going to work on a letter for Hermana Paez. I may have it by the time you read this, but maybe not. I have to send it to Kirk to get it translated and I don't know how much time it will take him. Does she by any chance speak English?

Here are some missionary tips from my little book for the week:
1.Eat frozen vegies instead of canned vegies. They're better for you.
2. Put fun stickers on the back of your name tag-children love that.
3. Make sure you and your companion each carry a set of keys for the apartment and car.
4. Prepare a 2 1/2 minute talk on Mosiah 15:1-4.

Have a wonderful week. Obey with exactness and be grateful in all things. Thinking of all the things you are grateful for and giving thanks will always bring a smile to your face.

I love you very much.

6 Jan 2008

Jan. 6, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
So we're back home from Utah and trying to get back into the swing of things here. Kirk is getting ready to leave tomorrow for BYU-I. He's taking Jason Campbell's girlfriend with him and will be caravanning with Megan Weaver also. He'll be taking dad's truck to school. It snowed quite a bit this morning, so we're hoping the roads will be clearer tomorrow for him. The truck's not exactly a snow vehicle.

We had a fun time in Utah this past week. We stayed most the time with G & G Thompson and one night with Steve and Carolina. The night we stayed with the Trumbo's we went to a basketball game. It was fun. Steve got 4 really good tickets and the rest were scattered about. They were all pretty good seats though. So dad and I sat with Steve and Carolina on the front row center. We had Pres. Samuelson's seats and he sat down the way from us. We sat by the general Relief Society president and her husband. They were sweet seats, to say the least. BYU won easily against Loyola Marymount. I'm sending you a little souvenir from the game too.

Our trip was too short. Dad took the kids sledding. Utah has a lot more snow than Idaho. We went out to dinner for Grandpa's 80th b-day at Texas Roadhouse grill, went shopping at tons of places, visited Charmaine's cats, went shopping some more, even got to go to the big new IKEA store in Draper. We also visited with a family who adopted a little boy from Samoa who happens to be the girls' cousin. Leah and Nikki had such a fun time with him. His name is Tani and he's 4. He's a big and strong boy, very much like Nikki and Leah. They were so similar, it was almost uncanny. We had a great time talking with the parents and comparing notes. They said Tani could live all day on breads and meats and they made him run laps in their backyard to run off energy. Sound familiar. We will definitely keep in touch with them. It's fun having new cousins and expanding our family a little. They have 3 other children, but Tani is their only adopted child. We managed to pick up some wireless coverage at grandma and grandpa's with Kirk's laptop, so we were able to get your email and read it to them there. Then the day we came home, there was a big storm passing through, but it was mainly in SLC and Provo, so once we got out of there, the roads were clear.

Our new mtg time is 9am, and surprisingly we had lots of people at church on time. Nikki spiked a fever and Kirk had to take her home after sacrament mtg. She was sad to go home since I was subbing in her class this week. I missed her being in there. She slept most the afternoon so now she's having a hard time going to sleep. So she just watched Singles 2nd Ward with us. It's pretty funny. sounds like they're going to make a third one too, something along the lines of The Family Ward.

Sounds like you had a fun Christmas season. I can't wait to hear about some of the things you did, the conferences, etc. Do you get a chance to teach or proselyte at all now? How's your knee these days? Keep giving us updates.

Joe Kjar came over last night. He came home just 2 days ago and left today for BYU. He looked good and it was fun talking with him about the different areas he served in Virginia.

I'm going to send you some pix from our trip. Grandma and grandpa had some more things for you, so you should be getting a pkg in a couple weeks from them and us.

We feel very blessed in our family and we looked back on our 2007 and can't believe the wonderful things that happened in our family-you went on your mission, we picked up Kirk, Kristina entered YW, Leah got baptized and we had fun family vacations and outings along the way. Dad mentioned all this in his testimony today and it was a good reminder to all of us that as we look back, the wonderful things really stand out. But somehow on a day to day basis, we get bogged down by the trivial difficult things. I know that's one of the important reasons we pray each night. It gives us time to reflect on our day and we just naturally look for the blessings of the day for which to thank Heavenly Father. There was much wisdom in the advice we've been given concerning daily prayer, nothing to ever take lightly.

I hope you have a productive and enjoyable day and week. You sound great in your letters and I'm still vitalized from our Christmas day conversation. Can't wait to hear how the new year is treating you.

My prayers are always with you.
Love you,

15 Jul 2007

Hey Sean, I'm beginning this letter and I'll let Mom finish it. We are rapping up Alex's 16th birthday day. The Hugentoblers just went home and Mom is talking to Jill Erickson in the back yard. We ditched Alex at the airport about 4 pm and he flew down to Utah, was going to have dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Thompson and Aunt Charmaine then go to the Trumbo's to spend the night before going to EFY tomorrow. He will be with Brig Star, Jake Jensen, Jay Smack and an assorted group of other Eagle kids. Mom is leaving Wednesday to go get him and bring the whole group back home. Brig is going to go on our high adventure next week before we all go back to CA for Aunt Maria's wedding on 8/3. We rented the slip and slide yesterday and we all out in the sun soaking the whole neighborhood all day yesterday. We are all sunburned...well except Nikki and Leah( genetics are a good thing sometimes). It has been so hot here with average highs above 100 degrees so it was fun to get wet. We had all of the little kids in the neighborhood playing all morning, took a lunch break and then the older kids came including Alex's 16th birthday party crowd. About 16 kid came over, mostly choir kids in Alex's age group and we played, then Mom and I cooked hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill, we ate dinner and opened presents. Alex got a check from us, an album of pictures about his life from his Mom, some kid toys from the girls and we also got him a golf hat and then had Phil Mickelson autograph it( the Heidens in the ward went to school with Phil's wife- turns out she's a mormon girl). He seemed happy with the gifts and the response to his party. The party goers all left around 8 pm to go get ready for the stake dance. It was a fun day but boy I'm tired today as I've been attending meeting since 5:30 this am. Here's Mom Sean...she types faster than I do so it always makes more sense for her to write. Take care of your self, we love you and miss you but know you are going that which is most important for you and the Lord. We are still trying to get some packages out to you so tomorrow I'll mail them and then send you the details so next p-day you should have the details and hopefully they will get there by then end of the month. I love you and hope you know how proud we are of you. Brother Shaw said to say hi this morning when I ran into him at our bishop's meetings. He enjoyed the MTC pictures you sent him. I love you, Dad

July 15, 2007
Hi Elder Sean,

How are you this week? I keep thinking about your cooler winter weather and wish you could send us some. We are melting here. We kind of hibernate during the day and then come out around 8pm and hang out in the shade on our porch til late. Tonight while we were hanging out with the Hugentoblers on the back porch, the Teuscher's showed up all of a sudden with homemade ice cream. How fun was that! They're such a great couple.

As you heard from dad's letter, Alex's bash was a lot of fun. We rented a snow cone machine for the weekend which has been a hit with everyone. It feels so good to munch on ice in the heat. It was fun having Alex's friends here. I don't know a lot of the girls yet and even a couple of the boys were unfamiliar. I'm sure as they get more mobile with cars, etc, I'll be seeing a lot more of all of them. They seem like a really nice group of friends.

Speaking of friends, dad and I ran into Matt Nolan at the movies the other night. He looked good, looks like he's lost a little weight. He said Tyler D. was going to be moving back in with him. Tyler's really been quite a nomad this summer going from home to home. Hasn't made it to our home yet. I hope he finds what he's looking for. I'm going to try and visit his mom when I go down to Utah this week. I also saw Houston today at church. He was at the singles ward eating at their linger longer. He gave Alex and I some watermelon on our way out. He leaves the end of August and sounds excited to get going, said he's anxious to be in your neck of the neighborhood.

It's weird having just the girls here, but it's not any quieter, in fact it might even be louder. Leah and Nikki have more energy than anyone I know. I hope they have that same enthusiasm for the gospel as they get older. They really love life.

So how are your investigators? It's interesting what you said about people's conversations about the Virgin. I see the statues and idols here of the Virgin, but I guess I didn't realize how much of it was a worship of the Virgin herself. I think some people just feel good because they have something they believe strongly in and that's all that matters.

I'm glad to hear that you're playing the piano a bit there. I had to laugh about your blues prelude music. I can remember doing that same thing myself except I started playing an Elton John piece very reverently and slowly. No one even looked up. I guess they don't really listen after all, but they sure notice if there's no music or if it stops. :)

I sent a couple pictures I found on the internet that you had asked about, but I'm also going to look while I'm down in Provo this week so I can just send them in the mail or even scan them and attach them. Does the guy that makes the scriptures just look at the picture and try to copy it? Are you able to print out letters and pictures from our emails? Just trying to figure out how this all works. The one picture I can't picture in my mind is the first vision with Joseph in the background. Do you know who painted it or where you saw it?

A few questions--So what's your typical day like? What's your pension like also? Do you have a maid? Do you guys cook a lot of your own meals or do you have a lot of dinner appointments? Are there just 2 of you in your pension?

I hope you're feeling well and that the language is coming along. I think of you so often and if there's anything I can do to help you on your mission, please let me know. I love being a part of it. It's a cause I believe very strongly in and the gospel gives me a lot of energy. I love the work. Remember to keep a good balance in your missionary work. Take care of yourself both physically and spiritually daily. If you are willing and able, the spirit will work through you.

Say hi to your comp for me. I still appreciate those first few words he typed to us. It meant a lot to hear from him. Remember that when you are a trainer one day.

Have a wonderful week.
Love you,

10 Feb 2008

Feb. 10, 2008
Dear Elder Sean,
We just said goodbye to our last house guests this evening and put the girls down to bed. I invited all the new people who have moved into the ward to our home tonight to get to know them better and also for them to get to know other people. It was a really fun group. Their kids all hung out downstairs (plenty to do down there for all ages) and the adults talked and ate in the family room. It's fun hearing everyone's story-where they're from, their children, their hobbies, how they met, etc. I tried some new recipes for fun too. I had Alex make some monkey bread with a twist and I made a lemon poppy seed cake with a crumb topping and a lemon curd/cream cheese middle. Kristina made some brownies just in case the others were a bomb, but everything seemed to get eaten.

We had a nice Sabbath day. I'm anxious to hear from Kirk. He got to go to the dedication for the Rexburg temple today. It will be Pres. Monson's first official task as prophet. I went to the World Wide broadcast yesterday. Do you guys get to see those? I loved it. I thought they covered so many of the essentials of family life and had great insights. If you didn't get to see it, let me know and I"ll try to find the hard copy for you and send it.

Dad just finished a very tough week at work. He worked every day except one and he's so happy it's over. He has very few shifts left in this month now. It will be great. We're going to get some projects done around the house.

How's your work going? Do you keep really busy in the office still now that the Christmas season is over? I couldn't tell by your letters if you've gotten our last package. It's the one that had snow in it. We have a pile of things ready to go this week too, so let us know if you have any needs or wants.

We are all still praying for you to find that family that the Lord has prepared. They are probably friends with someone already in your ward.

Thanks for sharing the talk from Elder Holland. It was wonderful. Jan and Jeff said they already used it for a family night. So thank you again. Jeffrey is back living in Calif after a brief period of living in Paris. Kirk contacts him every so often to see how he's doing. Heidi and Cameron are living in his parent's house until he finds out where he'll be going to law school in the fall. Mary will be returning to BYU-I in April. David has graduated from HS early and is attending a local college and living at home. Katie is still planning on getting married this summer, although some of us wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't go through. Her fiance keeps dropping out of school and had a hard time keeping a job.

Talked with my dad the other day. He said the Winn is really doing a lot of business lately. He's gotten so many orders, etc. He said it's like it was years ago. So he's been too busy with that lately. Grandma's hanging in there and they still go out for fun dates 2-3 times a week. G & G Thompson are also doing well. I think GRandpa will be a lot happier when winter is over. I think true gardeners get very restless in the winter. Charmaine has been doing better and better since her break up with Lanny. She's really turned to the church more and has found a fun new interest in genealogy. She also wrote me and said she was taking a beginning quilt class, so I expect to have a fellow quilter soon.

I actually finished Kristina's baptism quilt!!! This is a major accomplishment in my book. I had so many dilemmas with it and it feels so good to have solved and mastered the so-called problems I was having. Now I'm working on Leah's baptism quilt. I'm also designing a quilt pattern that I'll use to make several quilts that I give to the domestic courtrooms in Calif. My group that I meet with, the Material Girls, also makes quilts and gives them to me to mail. Our quilts are given to kids who have been taken away from their parents through the legal system, so I always want them to be fun, joyful quilts.

Other than all this, we are beginning to thaw out finally, but I'm sure that doesn't mean it's the end of snow here. The girls have been out roller blading and wearing their shorts just because we've been in the high 40's here.

Tell me about some of the people you meet there, families in your ward, someone you've had a conversation with about the church. I love the details so I can picture what you're doing. Speaking of pictures, we'd love to see some. Have a great week. Lose yourself in the work and you'll find yourself standing side by side with the Lord.

I love you always.