Monday, August 23, 2010

4 Jun 2007

June 4, 2007
Dear Elder Sean,
Got your letter today, so I have a moment and thought I'd drop you a note. Glad to hear you got the music. I hope some of it will work out for you. Wish I could be there to actually hear it.

Yesterday was a big day in our ward. Bro. Houssian got released and Bro. Crosgrove is now dad's new counselor. Steve Campbell was also released as exec. secty and called to be scoutmaster. Bro. Adcock is the new exec. secty. Bro. Houssian was very emotional the whole day about it. He is such a good man. I love having conversations with him. He's very passionate about the gospel and can easily express his thoughts into words. That's a gift. His wife will be very happy to have him back with the family more. Bro. Crosgrove bore his testimony and sounded like he was just meant to be the new counselor. It's great how that happens. When someone new is called and they first bear their testimony, the spirit confirms their calling to all who will listen.

Last night we had the seniors and their parents here for our senior fireside. I love hearing the parents talk about their sons/daughters and also hearing the seniors talk about their parents. Dad and I put together framed pictures of the Savior for their gifts. We had a really enjoyable time with them.

Erin Slaughter sang in our Relief Society yesterday. I turned the pages for her mom. She sang beautifully. She wants to get your emails too, hope that's fine. She was very complimentary of you saying that you are always such a gentleman and a great cook. She said to say hello.

I hope you are finding ways to nourish your strength. I know that you are giving your all, you always do, but I also know how depleting that can be. As a ZL, learn now the great lesson of delegating, don't carry the whole load, that's not the Lord's way, and it's just plain lonely doing it that way. I know from personal experience. I can only imagine the amount of work you all are doing there in the MTC. But let this quote by Thomas Monson give you strength -"Whom the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies." You've been called and the Lord will qualify you. Remember there's no race in life, sometimes we just need to "be still and know that I am God." You're a wonderful missionary, Sean, and I know that because I've been given that assurance through sweet whisperings of the spirit. Keep up the good work.

I will be writing again later this week. I just want you to know that I was thinking about you and that I'll have a prayer in my heart for you as you give the invocation at the devotional. Can't wait to how the meeting goes.

Love you much,

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